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Cowgirl Crazy (Bad Girls Book 2)

Page 7

by Jennifer Labelle

  “I have, haven’t I?” he said and smiled. “Can’t help myself.”

  “Aw, look at you.” She laughed merrily. “I never thought I’d see the day. Brody Mace has met his match.”

  “She just told me she loved me,” he confessed. “This afternoon on the phone, I was just about to say it and then chickened out. She must have figured it out because she just came out and said, ‘I love you too, Tattoos.’ And, then she hung up.”

  “I always liked that girl,” Sawyer remarked. “So, do you?”

  “Do I what?”

  “Do you love her back?” she clarified.

  “I’m pretty sure I do.” He mumbled, “Think I’ll tell her tonight.”

  “Oh yay!” Sawyer clapped and then gave him a huge hug. “I am so happy for you. You deserve greatness, Mace. After all you’ve been through, this is nice to see, and Becca’s amazing. Beginning to think of her as a sister and now she will be thanks to you.” She playfully punched him in the shoulder and smiled big.

  “Thanks, squirt. It means a lot,” he said, and looked at his watch again. “Hey, what time you got?”

  Sawyer checked the time on her cell. “It’s almost seven-thirty. Why?”

  “That’s what I thought,” Mace replied. He stood up to look out the storefront window. “Becca was supposed to be here at seven. It’s not like her to be late.”

  “So, give her a call,” she suggested. “Maybe she got stuck in traffic.”

  “Doubtful, but anything’s possible,” he said, dialing her number. It rang several times before an automated operator came on to say she was unavailable now. Sawyer watched Mace pace in front of the window, and he got more anxious as the time approached eight o’clock. Becca was always on time, and very organized. This wasn’t like her at all and something in his gut didn’t feel right. He kept calling her and she wasn’t answering.

  “You think she went home? Maybe she thought she was supposed to meet you at your place?” Sawyer asked.

  “Not sure, but I can’t sit around here and twiddle my thumbs. I’ve gotta find her, Sawyer,” he pleaded. “Think you can stick around and call Jag to pick you up? Becca drove me in, so I’ll need to borrow your car.”

  “She’s all yours.” Sawyer dangled her keys for him to take them and sighed. “I know you’re worried but try to think positive okay. The last thing anyone needs is for you to drive recklessly because you’re worried and then you could hurt yourself or somebody else along the way. It’s probably all a misunderstanding, so give Becca my love and tell her we need to make some plans to hang out soon, okay?”

  “Okay,” he said, and then he took a deep breath. “I’ll call when I know something.” Sawyer nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “If she shows here between now and the time Jagger gets here. I’ll give you a call.”

  Mace was out the door and done with wasting any more time. It was time to find Becca, so he could tell her he loved her too.

  He drove to her house, checked his place out, stopped by her office, and drove around the various spaces she owned and leased. He’d also knocked on the old lady’s door, Becca’s last known location with no luck. He then called Sawyer back to see if she’d heard anything. Hours had passed by with still no sign of her. His stomach sank with dread because there was no mistaking his initial gut instinct that something was very wrong here. His next stop was the police station, and afterwards he was going to round up everyone he knew to help him look, and he didn’t plan on stopping until she was found safe and in his arms again.

  “I love you, Becca, and I promise, baby, I will find you.”



  Her head ached, and her body felt heavy. Her cheek was pressed against a cold damp surface and she whimpered. Where am I? She went to put her hand to her forehead and met resistance. “What’s happening to me?”

  “It’s nice to see you’re finally awake,” Baxter said, and the whole nightmare came crashing back. “But I had to tie you up to ensure you wouldn’t try to leave me.”

  “Why?” she cried.

  “Because you’re mine.” He growled. “I’ve been infatuated with you for years, but you never took notice. I even tried to enlist my grandmother to set us up knowing how much you respected her. But no, that didn’t work so I bided my time. I then became interested in someone else. Oh, don’t worry you still held my interest, but this new mysterious woman was every man’s fantasy. A dream come true, so I was patient. You see, just like you, she was a hard-working woman who loved her family as she gave subtle but caring little hints about them in the stories she’d share. So, there was no doubt she was caring. But she was also a naughty girl, in the best way possible.” He snickered. “What’s that saying? A lady in the streets, but a whore between the sheets.”

  Baxter moaned when he said it and began to rub the front of his pants. There was no denying the outline of his hard cock there, and it made her cry harder not knowing what he was going to do next. Would he hurt her, rape her? She was at his mercy and scared shitless.

  “Please, Bax. Don’t do this,” she begged. “Think of your Grams. She’d be so devastated to know you did this to me.”

  “I’m not finished!” he yelled. “So, listen up. You asked why, I’m telling you. Now, where was I? Oh, that’s it, whore in the sheets. I fantasized as I read every word, stroked myself like this…” he said as he demonstrated for her, and she gagged in response. This man masturbating in front of her was a monster. She felt so violated already but he ignored her reaction and continued to explain as she now sat on the cold stone floor. “But it wasn’t until I came across the Curious Minds post that I figured it out. You see, the woman I was fascinated with, who I fantasized about, was also the very same woman I was always infatuated with. She’s you, my Becca, or should I call you Cowgirl Crazy’s E?” He tapped his chin as if in thought. “Why is it you sign off with an ‘E’ every time? Is it for Everett? Your last name.”

  “No!” She shook her head in denial and she began to shake. This man was pure madness defined. She had to figure out a way to escape before anything worse happened to her. Keep him talking, Becca. Bide your time. Mace must be looking for you. He knew where you were going.

  “Don’t deny it.” Baxter cackled. “I love it when they play hard to get.”

  She chose to ignore that. “Where am I? What did you give me?” Her lips were cracked, her throat was dry, and her head was pounding.

  “We’re in the basement.” He sneered, “It was broad daylight and I didn’t want to risk anyone seeing me lugging around an unconscious body. Thankfully this place is old and solid enough that it’s soundproof from above. The best part, nobody will find you, there aren’t many houses in Kerrville with a basement like mine.”

  “I bet they’re looking. It’s not too late to let me go. I could tell everyone it was all a misunderstanding. The last thing I want, or need, is to hurt your grandmother. Please, Bax, untie me.”

  “Shut up, just shut up!” he hollered and grabbed a chunk of her hair to yank her up from the ground. Her cuffs strained against her wrists and she hissed in pain when he yanked her forward. Spittle flew from his mouth and he got right into her face. “I told you you’re mine. Mine to do whatever I please with, and you’re going to stay here until I figure out our next move.”

  He cocked a fist and her head flew backward as he hit her in the face. Becca cried out and collapsed to the floor in a heap.

  “You see what you did? Maybe next time you’ll think twice about getting me angry. You’ll learn to obey. Do what you’re told. You wanted answers, I gave you some. Get used to this.” His cell phone beeped, and he reached in his pocket to turn off the timer he’d set. “It’s time for more of Gram’s meds. I’ll be back for you as soon as I can.”

  Baxter Bane Coulter left to go up the stairs to medicate his grandmother when she finally gained enough courage to answer him. She also wanted to test his theory of sound and whether anyone would be able to hear her
. “I will never give in, Baxter. Mace is looking for me. He’ll be coming, you hear me? You won’t get away with this!” she screamed. “You won’t!”

  “Oh, but I already have.” He stood by the only door and chuckled. “I’ll be back to deal with you soon enough, and I’ll show you what it’s like to be with a real man.” He grabbed at his junk lewdly and slammed the door behind him.

  Becca shrank herself into a ball and sobbed. Her faith was dwindling. Baxter seemed confident, and all she could do was pray to God she’d be found before it was too late.

  Chapter Seven


  Sawyer was one step ahead of him, and he didn’t know what he’d do without her. By the time he went to meet her at her place after going to the police station, she’d assembled the masses. It had only been a few hours since Becca went missing so there wasn’t much the police could do but keep an eye out. If she wasn’t back by morning then he planned to go back until something was done, but they had suggested he gather some people to help him look in the meantime if he was that worried.

  Of course, he had been.

  He knew Becca enough now to know she just wouldn’t take off without a word. They’d made plans. She told him she loved him, for Christ’s sake.

  He believed her.

  After thanking everyone for coming to his aid, Sawyer especially, he took a deep breath and gained control. Sawyer, Ava, and Lena were going to Becca’s house in case she showed up there until further notice. Jagger and Alex were going back to Mad Ink to search the perimeter, and Liam volunteered to accompany him back to the Coulter’s.

  “Thanks for helping out. I’d be a wreck without you guys,” Mace admitted. “I know we’re on the right track. I just feel like I’m missing something.”

  “We’ll find her, man. Now buckle up.” Liam had insisted on driving there, and he was too worked up to argue. He counted down the seconds until their arrival to pass the time. Within minutes they’d arrived, and there was still no sign of Becca or her car. His heart plummeted again, but he forged on.

  “Looks like they might be sleeping.” Liam observed. All the windows were dark, and it was quiet except for the crickets outside.

  “I noticed,” he replied. “We came all this way and still no sign of her. I say it’s time for a wakeup call. She was on her way here last time I talked to her, said she was pulling in before she hung up. Somebody’s gotta know something.”

  “You’re right about that,” Liam said as he jumped the stairs two at a time to the front porch. “We’ll bang until somebody answers or calls the cops. Either way we’ll be talkin’ to somebody before the night is through. I got your back however this goes.”

  “We’re going to find my girl,” Mace declared, and he said it to motivate himself. Here goes nothing.”

  The first time Liam knocked it was quiet. The second loud knock must have startled somebody inside because they heard something crash. It went quiet again and still nobody answered.

  “You hear that?” Liam put his ear to the door. “We’ve either scared them, or someone doesn’t want our company so they’re not answering.”

  “Does the old lady live alone? I’d bet scared is the reason if that’s the case,” Mace said, and he looked to his friend for an answer.

  “Pretty sure the grandson moved in to help her out, so it could be the latter,” he replied.


  Mace pounded on the door this time. “The hell you say? He came by Becca’s couple of weeks ago, didn’t get a good vibe. Guy has a thing for her, but she’s not interested.” He knocked more persistently. “I’m sick of waiting. I understand if you want to back off and leave me to it, but I’m kicking this door in and getting some answers. She has to be in there, and if not, I bet that fucker knows where she is.”

  He didn’t wait for an answer and kept kicking until the door gave away. Liam was right behind him as he entered. “Said I’d help. I’m not leavin’ you here to deal with this alone.”

  Mace nodded, as they looked around and noticed a few of the knickknacks overturned. Some of them had even shattered. “Looks like there was a struggle at some point.” He tilted his head towards the mess. “You check down here and I’ll investigate upstairs. Holler if you find anything.”

  Liam was already gone into another room by the time he made it to the stairs. His heart beat frantically and he began to sweat. Once he made it up, he tiptoed quietly to each room to look inside, his back to the wall. All was clear so far, he’d checked three rooms and one bathroom. There were only two left. He opened the next and found the old lady unconscious but breathing. He tried nudging her awake but there was no use. She wasn’t responding. Just then the closet burst open and a man ran out down the hall. Mace was immediately in pursuit.

  He was fast, but not fast enough. As they hit the stairs Mace took a giant leap and knocked the guy down. It was that fucker Baxter, the grandson.

  “Where is she?” he demanded. The shithead just grinned at him.

  “Who?” he replied, playing dumb.

  “Becca was here. I was talking to her when she got here. Now she’s missing. I repeat, where is she? You don’t answer, and I’ll have to beat some answers out of you,” Mace growled, and shook him a little to rattle him.

  Dude must have been off his rocker because he just laughed in his face and whispered, “I’ll never tell.”

  “Liam?” Mace barked.

  “Yeah, bro, I’m here.” Baxter squirmed when Mace looked up to see his friend leaning against the wall across from him. “You seemed to have the situation under control, so I left you to it.”

  “Any luck?” he asked, sounding hopeful. He glanced at Baxter and scowled. “Fucker’s not talking.”

  “Didn’t have a chance to check everywhere before I heard the scuffle over here, came to check it out.” Liam stood. “What do you want to do with him?”

  Mace answered with a punch, and Baxter howled in pain.


  “Do you hear that? Hold him for me will ya?”

  Liam complied. They could hear sirens in the background now getting closer, but Mace didn’t care. The noise was faint, but he’d heard it. Right before he punched the guy in the face.

  Baxter squirmed as if he was nervous. “You hear nothing but the police, you moron. You triggered the silent alarm when you broke in. I’m pressing charges and Becca will forget all about you once they throw your ass in jail.”

  “Shut up, man,” Liam grumbled, putting him into a choke hold. “That should hold him.”

  He heard it again when Baxter finally quieted. It was coming from the wall, so he pressed his ear to it.

  Help me, somebody please!

  It was her. He was sure of it. “Where’s the door?” he yelled, punching his way across the wall. Something clicked inside, and he found the camouflaged doorway leading down stairs.


  “Mace?” she cried, “Mace, I’m here. Please I’m over here.” She sobbed while he ran down and it brought him to his knees.

  He finally found her, thank God, but not unscathed. Her hands were bound to the wall, her wrists red and raw as if she was trying to escape unsuccessfully, her eyes were puffy from crying and one was almost swelled completely shut. “He hit you?”

  Becca nodded. “He would’ve done much worse if you hadn’t come. Please find the key to unlock me before he comes back.”

  “He won’t be coming near you. Trust me?” he asked, and she nodded through her tears.

  “Yes, yes, I do.” Her hands shook as she tried to reach out to him, and the chain rattled. He had just enough time to cup the sides of her face and press a gentle kiss to her head before the police came charging down to save the day.

  Becca and Mrs. Coulter were both transported to the hospital, while Mace and Liam were held back to give statements. He couldn’t wait to get out of there to be with her. He was able to call Sawyer to relay what happened and she headed straight there to be with Becca, so he was glad she was
n’t alone. Mrs. Coulter was still out of it by the time EMT’s arrived, she’d been drugged but would thankfully make a full recovery eventually. Becca was understandably shaken up but he admired her strength considering the circumstances. They were both safe now, that was all that mattered.

  Baxter on the other hand was arrested, and with any luck they’d throw the book at him. It’d be a cold day in hell before he got out of jail and the bastard deserved every bad thing coming his way.

  The hours felt like days before he was able to see her. They were keeping her for the day under observation. He walked in the door and Sawyer immediately got up to give him a hug. “She’s sleeping,” she whispered. “I’m heading out to get some sleep. Let me know if anything changes, will you?”

  “Yeah,” he agreed. He couldn’t take his eyes off Becca’s still form and he gulped down some of the emotion overwhelming him. He sat at her bedside and held her hand.

  “Mace?” Somebody was shaking him, and he opened his eyes groggily.


  “They’re discharging me soon, honey, wake up.” Becca shook him again, and everything came rushing back. He jumped to his feet and gently gathered her inside his arms.

  “Scared the shit outta me, Becca. I went crazy with worry.” He whispered, “I never want to let you go.”

  “It scared the shit out of me too.” She wiped a tear. “But you found me. I can never thank you enough for not giving up.”

  “I couldn’t. I should have said so yesterday but I pussied out.” He cupped her face again and looked her directly in the eye. “I love you, Becca, so fuckin’ much baby. I need you to know it.”

  She began to cry harder at his admission and she inelegantly wiped her nose on her sleeve before she could reply. “I love you too, Mace.”

  Luckily, besides the trauma of the whole ordeal, Becca was finally able to leave the hospital with only a few bumps and bruises. Mace took it easy on her for a couple of weeks and doted on her hand and foot until Becca had enough.


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