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Love's Dance

Page 21

by Karen Deen

  His touch, his smell.

  This is home. This is my place of calm.

  “Baby, I’m here. Shh. It will be okay. I’m here.”


  “Yeah, baby. I’m here. I told you, if you needed me I will always come. No matter what.”

  My body trembles in his arms.

  “But I didn’t call you, how did you know?”

  “Because you are my girl. I will always know.”

  “I can’t sleep…I can’t relax…I can’t dance…I can’t function… and I can’t breathe without you.”

  “I know, baby. Let me help. Let me make it better. Just for one night. Let me take you home. You need me to get you through this.”

  His pause makes me shiver.

  “Zara, I fucking need you too.”

  “Just one night? No regrets?”

  “No, baby, no regrets.”

  “I just need to sleep in your arms. You calm me. You calm my soul.”

  “Trust me, Zara, I will take care of you. You are mine. I will never let you down. I will always be here when you need me.”

  He stalks towards my bag and keys. I grab them with my free hand, the other wrapped into his shirt, hanging on and not letting you.

  Grant lets me go only when we reach the car and he tucks me safely into the passenger seat. I know this is only going to make this harder in the long run, but I don’t care anymore. I need this. I need him.

  The car ride is silent, the air electric and full of anticipation, and confusion. What am I doing? Tomorrow is the biggest day of my life and here I am, with the man who has me twisted in knots. It’s like I’m living a dream.

  I’ve spent every night trying to get him out of my head so I can focus. Now, the night before my audition, I’m hanging on to him like my world won’t exist without him. Part of me doesn’t exist without him. That part is getting bigger and bigger every day we are apart.

  I don’t even notice we’ve parked in an unfamiliar garage of a building which must be Grant’s.

  “Why are we here? I thought you were taking me home.”

  “I did. Let me take care of you tonight. Come on. Let’s get you upstairs so I can feed you and run you a relaxing bath. Just stop thinking, baby. It’s making it worse. Just go with it. It will be okay, I promise.” He stands next me at the car door, hand outstretched. I have to make a decision.

  I should ask him to take me home to my flat. I am in control of what will happen. I am not even sure what we are doing here.

  If I get out of the car, there’s no going back. If I take his hand, then he takes control. Grant takes me to his apartment and I stop having to think. He wants to make me happy and look after me. I certainly don’t deserve anything from him, but I want it all. I’m such a selfish bitch.

  “I’m scared, Grant. I shouldn’t be here. I can’t do this to you.”

  Taking my hand, he pulls me into his arms. “Tonight, you don’t get to make the decisions, Zara. You don’t get to think. Just take everything that’s given. Tomorrow you will thank me. Now, move your feet.” His voice is low and controlling, but not forceful. Although he’s taking control, he’s still giving me that small window to back out.

  Fuck it. I need to let go. I just can’t do this anymore.

  “Okay,” I whisper. “I can’t make you any promises past tomorrow.”

  “Nothing has changed. No pressure.”

  The lift doors slide closed. I feel my chest tightening and my hand tingles from his tight grasp. Both of us are breathing heavy, the anticipation real.

  His thumb strokes my hand. “Grant,” I murmur, looking into his eyes.

  That’s the final straw. He snaps.

  His hard body pins me against the wall of the mirrors. Our mouths slam together and are devouring each other. I can’t stop. I want every part of him. No barriers. Raw and exposed.

  My feet leave the floor as he grabs my ass and wraps my legs around him. I feel his cock, hard as a rock, pushing into my center with every kiss, feeling him right where I need him. He has me struggling to hold in my moans of pleasure. The lift slows but I don’t want him to stop. I want this and more. I want every part of Grant, not just his body. Tonight, I want his heart and soul. He already has mine.

  “Don’t fucking stop,” he growls as he carries me into his apartment. I feel my ass hit the bench as he lays me out.

  “The most beautiful feast I’ve ever spread out in my kitchen. One I intend to devour, over and over again.” Running his hands up the inside of my legs, he finds my pussy already wet for him has soaked through my pants. “Last chance, baby. I plan on feasting on you and then fucking you until you can’t keep your eyes open one second longer. If you can’t do this, tell me. I can’t have you here, in my home without fucking you.”

  “I can’t… I can’t walk away from you. You know that. I need this, Grant. I need you. All of you. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop. Take it all away, the hurt, the noise, the heartache. Fuck it away, please.”

  “I’ve told you before, you will never have to beg. Lay back, baby. Close your eyes and breathe.”

  There’s one thing I know for certain. He won’t be gentle, and I can’t wait.

  My pants are ripped and fall to the floor. Grant’s big, strong hands pry my legs apart. My feet are on the bench, knees bent. I’m splayed open for him. With my eyes closed, it makes it so much more sensual. I can’t see where he is, but I can feel him.

  His hands grip my thighs as he slides me to the edge of the bench, my ass just balancing on the edge. His breath blows on my pussy.

  I moan.

  He growls.

  “Fuuuck!” is all I hear moments before his tongue is on me. He licks with force through my folds and makes me writhe against his face. I’m so strung out it feels like I’m hanging on by a thread. He knows it isn’t going to take much for my orgasm to shatter me.

  “Don’t hold back. I want every drop of you, all over my face, right now. Every fucking drop, baby.”

  Oh. My. God

  My shirt feels too restrictive. Struggling, I pull it and my sports bra over my head. I’m not dressed in anything sexy, but I’m positive he hasn’t even noticed.

  His tongue drags my juices up all over my clit, sucking it into his mouth like he’s never been fed. My head thrashes back and forth with the intense feelings that build through my body.

  “I can’t take it, I can’t…”

  Just when I think I’m at a point I can’t take anymore, Grant’s arm slides up my waist and grabs my breast. He wants my body on fire. Simultaneously, he pinches and twists my nipple that is already so tender. He sucks hard on my clit, dragging it through his teeth while he fucks me hard with his fingers.

  My body erupts into what feels like the deepest orgasm I’ve ever felt. It resonates right to my inner core. Screaming and still thrashing with my eyes closed, I hear Grant’s faint voice.

  “That’s it, come for me. Come all over my bench. Every meal, I’ll get to smell you and taste you. The vision of my girl spread out in all her glory.”

  His hands still stoke my pussy and tits. I slow my heart down and let my body float back to him. Grant leans down kissing my stomach and slowly makes a trail up my body.

  “Open up your eyes. Let me see you. I need to see if I’m bringing my girl back.”

  My body feels like jelly. It’s like Grant’s drawing every bit of tension from my muscles. I slowly open my eyes and Grant’s in front of me, staring at me with the most panty-dropping smile.

  “Hey,” I whisper.

  “There she is, my gorgeous girl.” Our foreheads touch and we stay that way for a few beats, just taking in each other. We’re reconnecting our battered souls.

  “As much as I don’t want to break this moment, are you going to feed me? I have a feeling I might need some energy tonight before a big day tomorrow.”

  He looks at me and belly laughs. It made my tummy go weak.

  “You should do that more often, you know. You
have a very beautiful laugh.”

  “Not sure that’s the most important thing I want you to think is great about me, though.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry, it will never rate higher than your cock. That part of your body is pretty amazing.”

  Helping me to my feet, he balances me as I lean into his body. I’m completely naked with him fully-clothed and I don’t feel one bit vulnerable. The way he holds me and strokes me, makes me feel treasured.

  “I think we’re a little one-sided in the naked department. Perhaps I need to borrow some clothes.”

  “No,” he replies firmly.

  I’m taken aback and unsure what he means.

  “I will even it up because I want you naked in my bed, where I can worship and care for you. You need to feel as free as you can tonight. Clothes will just get in the way. I don’t plan on being very far away from you.”

  “Well, you better get your sweet naked ass in there and get me some food, so I have the strength to explore your body just like you plan to explore mine. This is not just about you, Mr. Control Freak.”

  “Mr. what did you say?”

  “You heard me, Mr. Control Freak. You can’t deny it, can you?”

  “Perhaps not, but you’re about to find just how controlling I can be. I suggest you start running. The bedroom is down the hall just in case you’re wondering.” His big right hand swats my ass and leaves a red imprint. It stings like hell but feels a little naughty at the same time.

  “Oh, we like a little naughty, do we? Well, we’ll get there one day soon. In the meantime, you better start running before I tie you up and show you just how controlling I can be.”

  “What if I don’t want to run? I might like to be tied up.”

  “For fuck’s sake, you’re killing me. My cock is already as hard as nails and you tell me that. Let’s get one thing straight right now, I am all for some kink, and things I want to do to your body make me blow my load at night. But I don’t want to run the risk of anything happening before tomorrow. After that, game on, my naughty little vixen.”

  “Grant, don’t do that. Don’t talk about more, just tonight, remember? No pressure.” I drop my head a little.

  That pisses him off, I can tell. “My fucking bed, now. Get comfortable because you won’t be leaving it anytime soon. You better start stretching while you wait for me.” He delivers another smack on the other ass cheek and pushes me towards his room.

  “I will get your food. Now, go.”

  There’s one thing you can always guarantee, you poke the bear with Grant, and the results are going to get hot. Just like his mother said. Let’s see what the sex is like if I take my time swaying my hips, dragging my bear-poking stick behind me.

  The grunt I hear from behind tells me I hit the mark with my exit.



  I don’t think it’s possible for my cock to get any harder. Watching Zara walk naked towards my bedroom, swaying her hot slender hips with my handprints on her ass cheeks, I try to refrain from following. Otherwise, I’ll take her again before she even reaches my bed.

  I stand, gripping the bench for support and take deep slow breaths to regain my control.

  Whenever she’s near me, I have trouble. She disarms me like no one ever has before.

  Zara needs food to keep up her strength for tomorrow. Although I could live without it right now, I need to make sure she’s fed and hydrated.


  Make love to my girl.


  That’s what tonight is about. About getting Zara through tomorrow. Reminding her what she’s missing may also be a little on my mind.

  I didn’t have a lot of options, but a chicken and vegetable omelet will be perfect. Full of protein, light and filling. Also, quick to make so I’m not wasting time away from the goddess who’s laying in my bed.

  I carry our dinner on a tray and smile to myself. I would never usually sit in bed and eat. Tonight, it just sounds like the perfect thing to do.

  Heaven awaits me in my bed. The vision of pureness and love. Zara’s laid out on my crisp white sheets, naked as the day she was born. Her dark hair splays over my pillow. I love that she chose mine. Her eyes are closed, her chest slowly rising and falling.

  The tension of the last few weeks has taken its toll on her. I don’t even remember the last time I slept properly. I can only imagine what it’s been like for her. With all the anxiety of the audition tomorrow and trying to convince herself that we can’t be together, she must be exhausted.

  I can protect her from so much but the one thing I can’t protect her from is herself.

  That’s what kills me.

  My heart is saying, let her sleep, just enjoy watching her at peace.

  My head is saying, you need to wake her, so she can eat and then sleep.

  My cock is saying, take her and make sweet passionate love.

  I’m at war with myself.

  What’s the right thing to do? For Zara, not for me.

  I sit for a while in my high-back, grey chair, just watching. It’s hard enough taking in the vision of her in my home let alone in my bed. I have been dreaming of it for weeks but was never sure it would happen. The excruciatingly hard thought is that this may be the one and only time.

  Will she be strong enough to continue on this path she feels is the right direction? The right thing, she feels, is to give me the freedom to find someone else to love. Doesn’t she understand that will never happen? No matter how long it takes. I will just become that old man who is an absolute asshole to everyone he meets.

  Many people already think that of me, but they have no idea the depth of my misery, if I can’t have my girl right here with me. She brings out the more pleasant side of me, shall we say. I’ll just have to tell her she can’t leave me because the world will suffer, and it will be her fault. Surely that will work.

  I stroke her hair and run my finger across her forehead to move a wisp that fell across her beautiful eyes. She’s so soft and perfect, so agreeable while she sleeps. As much I wish that could remain, I want the sassy, smart-mouthed woman back. The one who gives me shit, tells me exactly what she thinks. Stubborn as hell and won’t give in. That woman owns me. Right to my core.

  Just thinking of her like this makes me adjust myself to relieve the ache that’s building.

  Her eyes start to flutter. Time stands still for a few moments as our eyes meet. I can’t look away. I want to savor this moment.

  “Welcome back, baby. I have food if you’re hungry?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I just…it’s been hard…I just can’t sleep. My head won’t shut off my thoughts.” She dips her head trying to get away from my stare, not wanting to have this conversation.

  Reaching out, I tilt her chin back up so she’s looking at me.

  “Are you hungry?” No pressure, keeping it simple.

  The corners of her mouth rise into a small smile.

  “Starving. I think you woke up my appetite,” she giggles. I know what she means, and it isn’t about food. She licks along her bottom lip and then bites down. Yes, I know exactly what appetite I’ve awoken.

  “Good. Because I’m ravenous and have a huge appetite.” I lean down and kiss her forehead. “Let’s eat.

  “Sit up and grab the sheet. Here’s your dinner. It may be a little cold. I can always heat it up if you need.” Every word coming out of my mouth is telling her two different stories. I’m not trying to, but I love seeing the blush every time.

  “I’m sure it will be fine. Thank you for doing this for me. I don’t deserve it.” She shimmies up the bed, propping herself against the headboard. The sheet covers her up to her waist, with her breasts on perfect display. I’m happy she isn’t one bit embarrassed.

  Her words however, have pissed me off.

  “Stop right there. You don’t have to do anything to deserve to be looked after by me, except be yourself. Besides, you haven’t done anything wrong. Now, eat. Yo
u need your strength.”

  Needing to calm down, I head back to the kitchen to get some water and juice. Wine isn’t an option for Zara tonight, so I pour water for myself, also. Returning, I walk in to see her devouring her dinner. It makes me feel more settled that I’ve managed to get a meal into her, so she’ll have strength tomorrow. On the other hand, I’m struggling to eat with all the emotions. I need to remain strong for her.

  “You weren’t joking about being hungry, were you? I’m glad you survived my cooking.”

  “This tastes amazing. I didn’t pick you for a cook, Mr. Cocky CEO.”

  “Oh, I think you would be surprised at my many hidden talents, my little one. There’s more to this body than meets the eye. Not that you seem to have any problems with the parts of the body you’ve met.”

  Her hand punches me in the shoulder while she tries not to choke on her last mouthful of omelet.

  “Like I said, you are so cocky Mr. CEO. How do you even live with that ego?”

  Now this is the woman I love. The one who’s not afraid to say what she thinks, who pushes me to the point of wanting her, and who triggers my frustration.

  “No problem at all, really. My ego and I live a very happy existence with a mutual respect for each other. I feed the ego and he keeps growing big and strong.”

  Zara bursts out, clutching her sides as she struggles for air.

  “Wow, just wow, Grant. A sense of humor. Another hidden trait. You really are pulling out all the stops to impress me tonight, aren’t you?”

  If only it would make a difference if I did. I want to impress, that’s for sure, but not with my humor.

  “Have you finished eating?” I need to clear the bed. I have plans for Zara. Time to let her know how much I miss her.

  “You haven’t even touched yours yet, though. I thought you were starving.”

  “I am. I’m starving for you.” With the plates on the floor and out of my way, I grab the sheet and pull it off her. Wrapping my hands around her ankles, I drag her down the bed until she’s lying flat.

  “Time for my dinner, baby,” I growl as she sucks in a breath.

  “That’s right, Zara. No more talking or thinking about tomorrow. You just need to concentrate on me and feeling everything. Tomorrow, you can go back to your life but tonight you’re mine and I intend to make sure you enjoy every minute of it. Understand?” She nods her head.


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