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Phoenix Rising Rock Band: The Series

Page 94

by Kathryn C. Kelly

  I give him the side-eye. “In other words, you and dickhead talked Sloane into coughing up most of the money for the band’s plane but you needed everyone to contribute for you to enjoy it.”

  “You don’t know all the facts.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about these facts. You want to expose all the dirty, little secrets, then I sure as hell will eat up all the juicy gossip.”

  “Maybe, I’ve underestimated you. You might run to the tabloids with this. You’d make a load of money…” His voice trails off and he flushes.

  Guilt, if ever I fucking saw it.

  “Oh, ho-ho.” Smirking, I rock on my heels. “Let me guess? You know because you’ve dropped details to the Rags here and there.”

  He neither denies nor confirms it.

  “Don’t judge me by what you do, traitor. Sloane’s employer. You shouldn’t have sold him out for any amount of money.”

  “I wasn’t the only one!”

  “I’m sure Kiln was right there with you.” He’s an asshole like that. I raise my hand. “Your treachery has nothing to do with me. Don’t pull me into your garbage.”

  “You’re not listening to me.”

  “I hear you perfectly well. If there’s something you need me to know, tell me. Don’t take a fucking walk in the park to reach your destination. It’s a fucking game and you know it. I’ll hear you when you speak plainly.”

  “I would give you money to leave, but Kiln needs you here. Dad has made Sloane heir to his fortune. But there’s papers to sign, Raine. Papers that state we can have a small portion if Sloane takes some of Dad’s money while Dad’s still alive.” He squeezes the bridge of his nose. “There’s so much to this document. Dad is once again putting our destiny in Sloane’s hands. You’ve got to help me with Kiln.” He holds up his hands in supplication. “I don’t want him to destroy his life because Dad makes us feel not good enough. It has affected Kiln. Shaped the man he’s become.”

  It’s my turn to squeeze my temples. His explanation puts a lot into perspective about Kiln and my heart goes out to the sexy motherfucker. “Jaeger, as much as I’d like to help, I’m on thin ice with Kiln.”

  “He just has a bad temper. When he cools off, he’s fine.”

  “I’d prefer not to be subjected to a madman with a split personality. He might do something to me.”

  “Kiln would never hurt a woman.”

  The desperate note in Jaeger’s voice makes my insides clench. Kiln has helped me several times. I can do no less for him. That might mean abandoning the no-sex rule. However, I can totally use another one of his orgasms. On the other hand…

  “You do know I don’t have a magic pussy, right? I can sling it at him as much as he needs it. If he’s intent on destroying his life, he’s going to do it, even if I fuck his brains out five times a day.”

  “Kiln likes you,” Jaeger grits, his exasperation clear. “Keep him pre-occupied, until I can straighten this out. I’m flying to Houston to see Dad and his attorney.” He goes to his brief case and opens it, producing a check book. “I’ll give you a thousand dollars to do whatever you do on the streets. Or whatever you did to Kiln to get him to want to continue to fuck you. You’re a whore. You know how to use your pussy.”

  “Put your checkbook away,” I snap. Damn it. Am I already going soft? No, it’s more that I’m so bothered by Jaeger’s revelations about Kiln. “Kiln has already promised to pay me. I don’t need you thinking you can make me do whatever the fuck you want me to, just cuz you’ve given me a lousy grand.”

  He drops the checkbook back into the briefcase. “So you’ll do it?”

  “For him, not you.”

  “If you say so. We both know if it was really for him, he wouldn’t have to pay you. You’re doing this because that’s your job and you’re looking out for yourself.”

  He passes his judgment with matter-of-fact calmness.

  “Excuse me for my self-preservation,” I bite out.

  “Whatever, Raine. My concern isn’t for you. It’s for Kiln.”

  “You’ve made that quite clear.”

  “Don’t worry. When he’s tired of you, he’ll set you up so you’ll never have to be on the street again. You can make it as a high-priced call girl.” He shrugs. “Who knows? I might decide to be one of your clients.”

  “Think again. I wouldn’t fuck you if my life depended on it.”

  “That’s fine. Just thought I’d offer.”

  “How kind of you. Shove that offer up your dickhole.”

  “You can’t be so contentious with Kiln. If you want him gentle, you have to concede to whatever he wants.”

  “Not. Either Kiln takes me for who I am or he can fuck himself on top of a mountain. If I don’t agree with something he says or does, he’ll know it. I’m not a puppet to dance to his tune.”

  He closes his briefcase and then grabs it. “That’s up to you, but you’re at his mercy, not the other way around. He’ll get rid of you sooner than he intends, if you’re too bitchy. Remember that.”

  With a last look at me, he strolls out of the room, leaving me to stew in anger and unease.

  Chapter Eighteen

  After meeting with Jaeger, a brutal workout session with my personal trainer, and then going to the gun range for target practice, I made it to my mother’s house to eat, shower, and shave. As we talked about the upcoming meeting to plan Sloane’s death, I saw the anticipation lighting her eyes. If it didn’t dawn on her that we’re about to let thugs and murderers into her apartment, it dawned on me.

  The best I can do is pick up Sean and Montana at another location, then zigzag through streets and intersections to try and confuse the fuck out of them. But they’re smart. Well, Sean is. The ass beating I gave him and the tattoos he allowed on his head, has fucked with Montana’s good sense.

  I take my time dressing, striving for a professional look, with two hidden holsters, each filled with my personal weapons.

  When I wonder how Raine is doing, I realize I have no way to contact her. She doesn’t have a cell phone, something I’m going to have to remedy as soon as possible. I left right before the sun rose. Part of it was just plain-old pussery. Escaping before she awakened and found herself in my bed, minus me. Somewhere, in the deepest recesses of my heart, my capitulation to her request for no sex and me taking her from the couch, feels as if I’m a weak foolish fuckhead. But I just can’t seem to help myself with her. She tries to be so tough, when she’s all soft curves and beautiful face.

  And the fucking challenge of a lifetime. If I say right, she’ll go left. At least, she capitulated and agreed to consider fucking me again.

  Yeah, sweetheart, challenge accepted.

  The beauty of this is I don’t have to chase her. I just have to be me, and she’ll open her legs to me, sooner rather than later. I intend to win this battle of wills.

  Mother’s doorbell rings and I ignore it. She has more than her share of visitors, most of whom I don’t like and don’t care to bother myself with. When I’m ready to leave, I’ll escort her guest out, too. Can’t afford anyone seeing the men I’m bringing into my mother’s house. It’s easier to hide my association and cover my tracks, that way.

  Pacing the carpeted guest room, I pause at the window. The shadow of the sun reflect on the burgundy curtains. Voices reach me through the partially ajarred door. One voice, in particular, captures my attention. I haven’t heard it in years. I’ve tried to erase it from my memory, but I can’t. It’s embedded in my mind.

  I swallow, my heart pounding in my chest. As if my legs have a mind of their own, they move. If my life depended on it, I couldn’t stop myself from walking into my mother’s living room and seeing…Dietrech. Her face is lovely, animated, as she sits in a chair, across from where Mother reclines on the couch.

  A sound escapes my throat. Growl. Grunt. Curse. I don’t know. I hear it, and so does she. Her head snaps in my direction. The smile on her face falters. In my mind’s eye, images of her full lips wrapped
around Sloane’s cock rise up. The feeling of shock and humiliation—resentment and pure, unadulterated hatred—is a living entity inside of me. It leaves a putrid taste in my mouth now, just as it did then, as I stood in my bedroom door, watching her go from sucking another man’s dick to falling back on our bed, spreading her wretched legs, and allowing Sloane to sink into her.

  “Get out,” I snarl, my voice almost unrecognizable.

  “Kiln?” The sound of my mother calling my name draws my attention. She smiles brightly.

  I stare at Dietrech. I hate her. No, I fucking detest her. The finger I point to the door, shakes. My entire fucking body is trembling. “Get the fuck out of here.”

  She stands, elegant in a white jumpsuit, her golden hair scraped back from her head in a high ponytail. She’s a big, beautiful woman, and her generous figure always awed me.

  “Hello, Kiln,” she says softly.

  “Get out of here, Dietrech.”

  This is the third time I’ve invited her out, and the third time she doesn’t listen. She rushes toward me, but I back up and hold my hands out.

  “Don’t fucking touch me. I might shake the fuck out of you.”

  “I’m so sorry, Kiln. Please, forgive me. I shouldn’t have fallen for Sloane’s bullshit and ruined us. You were the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  My hands fall to my side. “You’re married with a kid. Obviously, I wasn’t the best thing.”

  “We’re getting a divorce.” Tears rush to her eyes. “Charlie was awarded full custody of my child. I’m so lost. I don’t—”

  “That’s such bullshit. I’m not interested in hearing about your sad, little life. I don’t give a fuck.”

  “You do,” she insists. “You swore if it was in your power to help me, no matter the circumstances, you would.”

  “That was before you fucked Sloane.”

  “Move,” I order. “You’re not living so close to my mother, playing on her weaknesses.”

  Guilt crosses Dietrech’s face.

  “Still the lying, scheming bitch,” I say bitterly, catching sight of the huge clock on Mother’s wall. If I don’t leave now, I’m going to be late. “I’ll be back in twenty minutes. By then, I expect you to be out of this apartment.”

  Storming to the door, I shove my hand in my pocket, checking for my car keys. Relieved to feel them, I turn the deadbolt and knob locks.

  “You won’t be able to rest until you and I talk,” Dietrech calls.

  In answer, I slam the door closed.


  When I arrive back at my mother’s apartment with Sean and Montana in tow, Dietrech is gone. I don’t want to hear anything she has to say. Ever. During this life and into the next one.

  I won’t be able to get rid of her easily. I have a bone or two to pick with my mother, but that has to wait until another time. As soon as I finish my meeting, I’m leaving to check on Raine.

  My mother is putting the finishing touches on a beautifully set table. She smiles in my direction. I glare at her and she purses her lips.

  Instead of listening to whatever she has to say, I step aside and allow the two fuckheads to enter, then slam the door shut. Tension knots my entire body.

  Mother walks to us. “Are these the men?”

  I nod, and she claps her hands.

  “This is Montana.” I point to the tattoo-headed, bruised fuckface. “That’s Sean.”

  She beams at them, then offers me the same happy face. “When will it be done?”

  “Sloane’s not in town,” I remind her. Although, in my current mood, I wish he was. So much resentment stirs my blood. I want to see him beaten and broken.

  I want to kill him myself.

  Mother indicates the couch and chairs. “Please, gentlemen. Have a seat. The sooner we’re done, the sooner we can eat.”

  Montana brushes by, leaning heavily on a cane. But the fucker’s not dead, so Raine’s grief is misplaced. Which reminds me. Sean needs to be put in his place.

  Rage infuses me, combining with the lingering anger over Dietrech. Sean’s in here, as if he owns the world. As if he didn’t order Raine’s abuse.

  As if he wasn’t looking to sell her to the highest bidder, like she’s a piece of meat.

  As he starts past me, I grab him by the throat and pull my gun, shoving it between his eyes. He isn’t afraid, but he is pissed.

  “Listen, motherfucker, and listen well,” I begin. “Call your dogs off Raine. She’s with me now. That makes her untouchable. Understand?”

  A muscle ticks in his jaw. “Raine made an agreement with me.”

  “Tough. Deal’s off.”

  “You’re not going to be around much longer,” he reminds me. “I’ll deal with her then.”

  I stuff my gun in my waistband. Punching the fuck out of him, I shove him back. “No, you won’t, motherfucker.”

  “Maybe, I should take it out on you. Pay back for the sucker punch.” He rubs his jaw.

  “Back off. You want my blood, shoot me now. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouth.”

  “Let’s settle it here, Big Man,” Sean bites out. “You and me are both strapped.” He smirks at me. “We draw on each other.”

  This motherfucker thinks he can intimidate me.

  I shrug. “You draw first, you shoot. I draw first, I do whatever the fuck I please to you.”

  My mother releases a little cry.

  Sean smiles. “You sure you want to accept that challenge?”

  Is he serious? “Fuck, yeah.” I holster my gun, so our draw is even.

  “It was nice knowing you.” Sean looks at Montana. “Do the count.”

  “Are you two really dueling in the middle of this lady’s living room?” Raine’s brother asks in disbelief.

  “Count the fuck off,” I order, itching to pitch both of them out the window.

  “Shit.” Montana limps to where we are. “One.” He pauses. “Two.” Another pause. “Three.”

  Sean’s so fucking fast, it surprises me.

  I’m faster. By the time my semi-automatic is aimed at his head, his hand is just yanking his gun from where he has it hidden under his jacket. He raises his arm in defeat. For the first time, I see unease entering his expression.

  “I won’t be too happy if I have to broach this subject again,” I say. “Understand?”

  He offers a slow nod.

  “Raine isn’t working for you and she is no longer on your hit list.”

  Asshole sidles a glance at Montana.

  “Not,” I bark. “Although this asshole deserves a fucking bullet, you’re leaving him alone, too. Raine and Montana are under my protection. If they’re hurt, I’m hurt, and I love myself too much to feel pain over a dickweed with a little bit of power.”

  “This isn’t the way to do business with me,” Sean says. “I don’t take kindly to threats.”

  “I don’t give a fuck.” Still, I lower my heat. “I don’t fuck with pimps and assholes who beat women.”

  “Only murderers, drug dealers, and gun runners,” he sneers.

  He’s talking about the Death Dwellers. “Tell me something, dickbrain. How would Outlaw feel if he knew you were making such implications to a man you barely know?”

  He smiles at me. “That’s a tired ass question. Know why? Because he’d feel the same way about me as he would about you calling Ghost to hire me. Further explanation unnecessary.”

  “It’s clear we don’t trust one another,” I say coldly. “Deal’s off. Get the fuck out.”

  “Deal’s off, huh? I’ve gone through a lot of time and effort on your behalf. You back out now, the least I’ll do is cut this motherfucker into pieces.” He points a finger to Montana. “The most I’ll do is slit Raine’s throat.” He shrugs. “Maybe, I’ll throw your pretty little sister-in-law in there as a bonus. Hmm…let’s see. Cut her in half?”

  “Can you?” my mother breathes in awe.

  “No!” I yell. “Fuck, no! Leave Georgiana out of this. She has nothing t
o do with the players in this drama.”

  “Except she does,” Sean says. “Remember? You want her husband dead.” He grins. “Ready to reconsider firing me.”

  I walk to him, until my nose is touching his. “I wouldn’t fucking hire you if my fucking life depended on it. But to get you the fuck off my back, out of Raine’s life, as well as Georgiana’s and Montana’s, I’ll pay you the fee I promised. If you accept it, that’s it. We’re done! Don’t show your face to me again, wanting more. Don’t open your fucking mouth. Don’t fucking cross me.”

  I’ve managed to get myself in a goddamn hole, although I refuse to allow Sean to know he has the upperhand. I bluster through. “In the scheme of things, you’re nothing but a small-time thug.”

  “And you’re nothing but a bodyguard. A lackey. A flunky.”

  “With money and connections at my disposal. Who do you think will survive if the motorcycle club discovers our activities?” Probably neither of us. Outlaw’s a madman.

  “Deliver the money tomorrow and you have a deal,” Sean tells me. “I’ll call you with the exact time. Drop off at the diner where you met Raine.”

  “Done. Now, get the fuck out.”

  He heads to the door. “I’d love to see the big reunion between Raine and Montana.” Snickering, he leaves.

  “Who is Raine?” Mother asks.

  Sweat drips from Montana’s face and he hops to the nearest chair. I see a pool of blood. Mother grimaces when she spots it.

  “You’re bleeding?” I ask in outrage.

  “Chambers shot me. Instead of going to the ER, I let Gloria tend to me.”

  “Gloria? Sean’s woman?”


  “Who’s taking care of Sloane now?” Mother screeches and punches my chest. “You screwed this deal up on purpose! I should’ve handled it myself. Despite everything he’s done to you and me, you’re still trying to protect him.”

  “Mother, please, shut your damn mouth. I’m not trying to protect anyone.” Except Raine. Protecting her is a given. But Sloane? Outside of what he pays me to do, am I sub-consciously searching for ways to save his life?


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