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The Prophecy

Page 21

by Amanda DeShane

  The only reason she was trying to hold back was that she was never into the dog on girl type theme. Even though she was a wolf too, he stuck his long tongue into her pussy, and she found her hands partially shifting nails growing as she clutched the sheets.

  Eli’s bones cracked as he changed into human form and staring her in the eyes continued licking her. All hesitation was gone; she lifted her hips, and he removed his head, replacing it with his fingers as he pumped her pussy.

  “Oh, you smell so good and taste like honey.” He growled softly as he replaced his mouth where his fingers had been. Impatient now, he flipped her onto her stomach and started toying with her ass. She moaned, panting as her wolf came to the surface and pushed her ass towards him. She howled fur partially sprouting from her skin. He had waited too long for his wolf, and he was going nuts. His answering howl joined hers as he put lube in her ass with a finger as he pushed his cock into her pussy, holding her thighs up like you would a wheelbarrow. Pounding into her pussy, he growled. “I want to fill all your holes and claim you fully as mine.” Aurora groaned and moaned, whimpering softly in pleasure as she wanted more of him. Putting her thighs down, he lifted her up into a spread wide kneeling position as he bowed her back to encircle her with his arms as he pumped deeper into her pussy. Kissing her neck, he lathered a spot letting his teeth grow. His wolf at the surface mad with wanting after weeks of being denied.

  Reaching his long arms down, he rubbed her clit as he pumped her harder. As she came undone, he bit her neck lightly, marking her as his. Then he licked it to help it heal faster. She whimpered like a wolf, and he rubbed her clit harder, causing moans and sounds of pleasure. Pulling out of her pussy, he pulled her to the side of the hanging bed and leaned her over the edge, her knees hanging a few feet above the ground. Circling her clit, he teased her until she begged. “Please, oh! My.” She moaned.

  Thrusting hard, he claimed her ass and rubbed her clit, feeling her drip as he slammed into her as she moaned, feeling orgasmic clenching as he swung the bed back and forth. Entering and leaving suddenly, his cock grew, and she bucked against him, overwhelmed with the feeling and needing more frantically. Hitting her G spot, he felt her clench as she came all over his hand that had been fingering her pussy. Wanting to finish in her pussy, he entered her and pushed as deep as he could get as he rubbed her clit.

  “Cum for me all over again, baby, oh, cum with me. Your mine, and I’m yours.” Said Eli as he felt her clench every inch of him, and she came unglued. They lay in bed, cuddled up for a while. “Are you okay? My wolf went crazy.” Asked Eli. Aurora catching her breath, replied. “Better than okay, although at first, I thought your wolf was going to try getting it on while I was in human form. A bit odd.” She admitted blushing a deep red. “I don’t know why I held back so long wanting to take things slow, because that was amazing. I was being a fool because I didn’t want to share you. I love you fully and completely.” He Said before he kissed her shoulder blade as he spooned her against his body. Content to cuddle in his embrace, she burrowed her head into his shoulders as he wrapped an arm around her.

  Aurora, upon finding a full bookshelf of journals a few weeks ago, had slowly been working her way through reading them. She had found the journals due to a big note stuck to the shelf that read -READ ME! Deciding that she had better sit down and continue reading things her past self-wanted her to, she sat in her personal library on the couch near the warmth of the fireplace. School had been hectic since it started back up. And she was starting to feel a bit less helpless as she learned more skills. So, she sat in a black sundress on the couch, with a very aged journal in her hands. Her long blue hair braided into a braid on each side of her head.

  My Dear Self, I am number 30 Aurora. Today my dear friend Rosia my roommate was killed in her bed. The assassin thought her to be me and stabbed her to death. It seems like for every step we take, he takes five more. So today I decided enough is enough! We need an advantage in this war, and so I have had my mates, and I work on creating a hideaway. Somewhere that is safe, a command center of sorts. If we can live long enough, then we have a chance to learn how to control and use our powers. Fenrir puts a mark on his people and demons that join his cause. It’s the mark of a rabid wolf with red eyes holding a door knocker in his drooling mouth. This mark is not a tattoo as it appears to be; it is put on their wrists using a special type of magic called magi. I figured out that with magic, you can track magi, and in doing so, you can track Fenrir’s demons, assassins, giants, and anyone else that has received his mark. I found someone who understands the technology and is a complete genius many years ahead of our time. And I have brought him onto the team to build a program to track all Fenrir’s men and himself magically! Yes, you read that right. Everyone thought that Fenrir was still locked up in some unknown cave the Gods encased him in. But he is alive and well, although pissed that he is not ruling the nine realms.

  I urge you my future selves to each contribute to this legacy. Add on to this hideaway, keep the magical wards placed on it safe. Add to the technology and use it well. Survive long enough to learn and contribute towards this goal of setting our people free from this ongoing war.

  Dear self, today, one of my mates was killed. I wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t for my other three mates teleporting me to our safe house. I feel defeated. I miss my dragon mate; my dragon is in mourning and has retreated within me. There are so many things I want from life, and yet I can’t have them while this war rages. I have concluded that we can’t fight this war on our own.

  Prophecy or no prophecy takes a village, and we only are five people. Yet our people put us on such pedestals. So, I urge you my future self, keep your mates close. Cherish every moment and fight to be brave. Fight for a day when we won’t have to fight. Fight for the chance to have children with our mates. Fight to stop our people from being terrorized by Fenrir’s demons, giants, and the stupid, naive people and sects that serve him not seeing him as the snake he is. There’s a part of me that wants to give up and hide away forever now that the dragon I loved is no more.

  Dear self, today I found out some vital information. For a while now we myself and past selves. Have suspected that someone or someone’s in our society have been betraying us. Feeding Fenrir information about where to find us and when to strike, do not trust the Vola; she seems to mean well, but we suspect she is feeding intel to Fenrir why we don’t know.

  What we did find out for sure is that there is a sect called Renoir Group, and they have infiltrated our political system and society. Do not trust easily. Check wrists and use truth spells to check if one is loyal. As much as I hate the idea, I would even go so far as to place a do no harm order on all individuals who know of the safe house and any other information that could get you or your loved ones killed.

  Dear self, skip school if things get too dangerous, you can always learn in the hideaway. Is learning really worth your life? Don’t get me wrong; the lessons are valuable. So, I have started taking notes and saving anything and everything useful to learn. You will find them in a stone box behind the 4th stone on the left side of the fireplace near our beloved past time. One of the things we as dragons collect because we value their adventures so much. Stay safe, dear self.

  Putting the journal down, Aurora got up and went to the fireplace. Kneeling down, she reached out and wiggled the fourth stone pulling it loose. It came loose as she pulled it out and placed it on the hearth. Reaching her small hands into the hole, she pulled out a stone box and brought it to the couch where she blew the dust off — causing it to spray out into the air in clumps. Lifting the stone lid, she found a small pocketbook. Lifting it out, she thumbed through the yellowing pages. There were so many pages of information on how to teleport, use magic, herbs and uses, covens and history, demons, and their powers, information about herself and her own past selves’ powers. Footsteps sounded coming up the stone spiral stairs. Deacon walked into the library room a few moments later, upon seeing her, he w
alked towards her where she sat on the couch — wearing a pair of black shorts and a muscle shirt that was wet with sweat from working out. He wore black and white runners on his big feet. If Aurora wasn’t careful, she could easily find herself drooling; he looked hot oh so yummy. He spoke, and Aurora realized she had been starring.

  “You disappeared, and no one knew exactly where you went so, I figured you would probably be here in your favorite place.” Said Deacon as he placed an arm around her shoulders.

  “Yeah, I figured I should read some more of these journals; there’s some really important information in them that might be able to help us.” Said Aurora as she leaned into him. “I found this notebook with lots of information on how to learn things that school here would teach me. Things got too dangerous eventually for my past self to continue going to classes, and she had to hide away here. So, she made this book in case her future self-needed to hideaway too and learned.” She explained eagerly as she set the notebook on the side table beside the couch.

  “Okay, well, that will come in handy if things get too dangerous for you to attend school. We could always teach you more what we know, as well.” Said Deacon. Reaching out, Deacon pulled her into his lap. She straddled his lap; he rubbed his hands up and down her back. Leaning in, she kissed him and escaped into the bliss of his tongue, making love to her mouth. Pulling away for a second, he looked at her and smiled at her slight pout. “You my firefly, are tempting me beyond measure. It’s not often that I don’t have to share you with everyone else.” Said Deacon as he traced her mouth with his finger. Feeling sassy, she replied by taking said finger into her mouth and sucking it while boldly looking into his green eyes. “You little minx, sassy today, aren’t you?"

  Asked Deacon. In reply, Aurora just threw her head back and laughed.

  “I’m not the one that came in here looking for me and pulled a certain someone onto their lap Valkyrie.” Knowing a challenge when he heard one, he reached up under her dress and pinched her ass. “Owe! my ass.” Screeched Aurora.

  “You aren’t wearing any underwear. Naughty girl going commando.” Said Deacon huskily. Getting up off his lap, she stuck out her tongue at him, then grabbed the stone box and surprised him by winking at him then teleporting out of the room.

  “Not fair, I call foul play!” Her giggle could faintly be heard on a lower floor of their safe house.

  Aurora wearing a pair of leather pants and a grey and blue abstract t-shirt sat at the tall, dark wood desk of bar height. Sitting on black stools while tapping her black combat boots against the desk legs in impatience. Rain outside pelted against the windowpanes of the classroom. The day was starting to get rather ugly. Grey clouds floating in blocking out the sun.

  Plant and Herb Witchery Class was located on the ground floor of the school. The teacher Mr. Cray who some of the students called Mr. Cray, Cray, behind his back, stood in the middle of the room, droning on and on about how the common apple blossom has been considered sacred.

  He was nicknamed Cray, cray because his grey wavy hair stuck out every which way in a sort of mad scientist way. And his glasses thick and black rimed would every once in awhile slide down his nose until he put them to rights once again on his face. He wore green dress pants and a long black dress shirt. As he paced the room, giving the student his daily lecture, his dress shoe clickity clicked against the marble floor.

  “An apple blossom is a symbol of immortality by the ancients. In some cultures, it has been seen as the food for the dead, and that is why Samhain is sometimes referred to as the feast of apples. The ancient Celtic and Norse peoples on Midgard believed the myth that an apple branch bearing grown fruit, flowers, and unopened bud were a magical key to getting into the land of the underworld known as the Hel Realm, now, although that is not the whole truth since we know that only a demon with demon fire can get into the Hel realm. But it isn’t untrue that apple blossoms are a handy ingredient in other types of magic and brewing. Although only Midgard referred to Hel as in Hell with two L’s, the apple can be used in love magic, memory spells, and in increasing fertility magic.” Said Mr. Cray. Feeling odd with nothing to occupy her hands since her AI Frayen is transcribing all her notes for her, Aurora just sat and listened.

  Walking to the island counter that served as their experiment table in the middle of the room, he called out.

  “Watch what happens when we mix a handful of apple blossoms with three drops of feverfew and a cup of mug wart herbs,” Said Mr. Cray. Dumping the ingredients into the cauldron that sat on the countertop, he quickly drew back his hands as a great big mushroom cloud erupted from the cauldron.

  “See that when you do make this memory tincture that you remove your hands and what not quickly or you will end up with steam burns.” Advised Mr. Cray. Aurora glanced towards the hallway door, where she knew Deacon would be waiting for her. This being her third class of the day, the school day was almost over. Only half an hour more to go, she told herself as she sat trying to pay attention and failing miserably at it. The problem was not that it was boring because it wasn’t. The issue lay in the fact that her mind was on overload with all the extra non-school hours of study and training on top of keeping up pretenses of attending school. A witch named Olaris, who had long red curly hair, sat to the front of the classroom. She clearly was bored, though, considering the paper airplane that levitated right above Mr. Cray's head. A few of the other students laughed which earned a frown from Mr. Cray. He glanced above him, and upon seeing the paper airplane pointed his finger at it whispered a few words until it combusted into flame.

  “Mayday, mayday! airplane down!” yelled one student with a good sense of humor, which just caused more laughter to erupt. This class was Plant and Herb Witchery, so it was mostly witches and warlocks in this one. Once in a while, a student of a different species would be put in the class if they had shown a gift for magic or potion-making.

  Suddenly the outer wall of the building exploded inward. Instinctively Aurora called on her dragon and let her initiate the change shredding clothing in an instant she became a big purple dragon, who had a better chance at handling the debris from the wall and could in turn shelter and protect her classmates that screaming ran towards the hallway as fast as they could.

  Deacon ran into the room, squeezing past the students fleeing for their lives. Once in the room, he let his Valkyrie wings swoop out in a flourish and grabbed his ax from over his shoulder. Mr. Cray threw up a forcefield of magic as he attempted to force whatever or whoever had attacked the school out. Aurora made her dragon look down and around her for anyone that might need help. That’s when she saw Olaris and her red hair under bricks and debris not moving. Her dragon stepped forward and using her snout flung the debris off her still body. Then picking her up by her shirt, hoping the material would hold, she turned towards the hall carrying her to anyone who would take her once at the door.

  The principal Mrs. Madam Rosemary appeared at the door and took the girl from her dragon’s grasp. She must have past her off to someone else because she ran into the room next with wand drawn and ten other teachers behind her. One of the teachers shifted into a large brown wolf. Another was an elemental or witch she couldn’t tell, but the teacher could control the wind and made hurricane gusts of wind shoot towards the now failing forcefield.

  “Hey Eli, Teagan, Karis gets here to Auroras plant and herb class now! Come armed!” Yelled Deacon into their telepathic link. The forcefield was being battered to hell by a large giant who looked like he was wearing overalls. The giant held a gigantic war hammer the size of a freakin’ car!

  “How did he get through the city wards?” Yelled Mrs. Madam Rosemary as she raised her wand at the ready. Someone replied.

  “I don’t know someone must have let them in. There is no other way.” Ten more witches and a few warlocks ran into the room from the hall door and stood beside Madam Rosemary, drawing out their wands too. The forcefield shattered like glass, and the wind pushed the giant for a moment. Dea
con stepped in front of Aurora and ran at the giant’s other friends that had just shown up behind him. One had a morning star stick with a spiky ball on the end that he was twirling around as he ran towards Aurora and Deacon. Deacon ran at him and at the last second, bent under his arms and aimed his sharp wings to cut the guy in half. He then barrelled into the next enemy, a demon with red eyes and orange skin that was headed towards him with fire drawn weapon.

  “Deacon, get out of my dragon’s way now! She wants to fry him! I can withstand demon flame you can’t.” Yelled Aurora into their link. Deacon dashed to the side just in time as Aurora’s dragon being protective stepped over the top of him protectively. And roaring let loose bright blue flames frying their enemy’s ass to ash. Two more demons came running at her, and she let more blue flames fly, melting them to nothing.

  Eli, Teagan, and Karis teleported into the room and quickly ran into the chaos. Eli shifted, his clothing flying in shreds as his body morphed into a large black wolf with a white star on its head. He growled at the threat to his woman, ready to take someone’s head off. Karis hulked out his clothing, ripping as he bulked up instantly and withdrew a hammer of his own. Teagan morphed into his red dragon and then charged in front of Aurora, sending flames at the enemy. Tired and spent from inexperience and being the first time, she had used her dragon in battle. It was the first time she had used her dragon flame; she found herself retreating to the back of the room. Once she was behind the witches, she shifted back to her human form totally forgetting about one modest issue.

  Realizing she was completely naked in front of everyone, she blushed and moved her arms to cover herself. One of the witches moved forward and gave her a cloak to wrap herself in. Murmuring a thank you she wrapped herself up and walked towards Mrs. Madam Rosemary ignoring the debris cutting the bottoms of her feet. “How do we get them out of Asgard? Is there a way to push them out?” Asked Aurora. Mrs. Madam Rosemary gave her a sideways look before moving her eyes back towards the threat.


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