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The Prophecy

Page 22

by Amanda DeShane

  “We could push them out, banishing them, but it would take more magic than we have. How have you been doing at practicing banishment spells and theory?” Asked Madam Rosemary hopefully.

  “I can try. I think I was doing well at the banishment spells my objects never came back. Do we have a place in mind to send them too where they can’t get out?” Asked Aurora. Mrs. Madam Rosemary nodded her head while still keeping the threat insight. “We can send them to the void dimension; it’s a place we don’t talk about often; it is like an in-between space in time.” Said Mr. Madam Rosemary.

  “Let me quickly find my wand; it should be over here with my clothing.” Said Aurora as she riffled through the debris and her torn clothing, hoping that the wand had not broken. Finding it, she grabbed it with one hand still clenching the cloak around her naked body. Giving a nod to Mrs. Madam Rosemary that she was ready; she took in a deep breath.

  “I’m just going to tell my mates to get out of the way. “Said Aurora. Opening up their link, she spoke telepathically.

  “Hey, guys, witches are going to send these guys on vacation, so get out of the way.” Yelled Aurora into the connection.

  “Okay, witches and warlocks raise your wands; on three, we are sending them to the void. 1,2,3!” yelled Mrs. Madam Rosemary as all the witches and warlocks and Aurora raised their wands. Pieces of paper flew to each witch who folded it three times then set it afire. Blue magic erupted in streams from every wand present except Auroras. Her magic was different; it was a stream of bright blue, teal, and red twining around each other, then mixing with the blue streams of the other witches. All of them joined forces hitting the full group of demons, the giant, and assassins. Lassoing them all, it held them levitated in the air. A great wind blew strongly around the witches and warlocks. Hair flying and on end, they held their ground, keeping their aim. The clouds had covered the sun, and the day became dark. Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed. Yelling they chanted together.

  “Your bad behavior is going to cease, any thoughts of continuing you will release. You have no stronghold here; our wards are like stone. We command you to begone to the void and leave Asgard alone! To the void, you go! To the void, you go!” Just behind the giants, a gigantic blue shimmering tear in the essence of time itself opened up like a gaping mouth. It sucked the demons, giant, and assassins into its blackness, then closed as if it had never been there.

  “We did it!” Yelled one of the witches as she hugged her friend beside her. “Yes, we did. Good job witches and warlocks and everyone else that helped against this threat today.” Said Mrs. Madam Rosemary as she turned to a warlock beside her.

  “Calvin, can you please get healers here for those that are injured. And someone with magic to repair our wards and the school wall, please.” Then she turned to Aurora and reaching for her hands, she grasped them and said.

  “You have no idea how powerful you truly are, without you helping us today, we would have all perished. If that spell had failed, the backlash would have been us falling into that void.” Said Mrs. Madam Rosemary.

  “They only came here because of me. Other people were hurt today because of me. I only did what I could to help keep everyone safe.” Said Aurora. Mrs. Madam Rosemary looked sadly at Aurora then spoke again.

  “My dear, they have attacked us here in Asgard for thousands of years. Even when you are not here and in-between lives, they attack with more force now only because you, my dear, have what it takes to eradicate them, and they know it. You have Fenrir and his cronies shaking in their boots. Don’t sell your self short, dear. It would be wise to hideaway for a couple of weeks though do keep up with your studies, though.” Said Mrs. Madam Rosemary before she turned to walk out into the hall and tend to the aftereffects of this attack. Turning to her men, she let them embrace her.

  “Take me home, please.” She said. It looked like she would have the next few weeks off school. Smiling, she realized she could sleep in and practice skills with her men. Training didn’t stop just because the school did.

  Chapter Nine: Breakthrough

  Sneaking out was going to be infinitely easier now that Aurora had learned to teleport on her own. Gently removing Teagan’s and Eli’s heavy arms from around her stomach, she slipped out of bed, avoiding the other two males curled up sleeping. Padding on bare feet to the bathroom where she had clothing stashed, she locked the bathroom door behind her. Having learned a lot of new tricks over the last few months, she felt confident enough to adventure out on her own for a short period. Quickly getting dressed, she pulled on jeans and a blue t-shirt then fit her feet into her combat boots.

  Grabbing a cloak, she put it on pulling the hood up to hide her blue hair. Staring at herself in the mirror, she concentrated hard like she had practiced for the last few weeks. Slowly her face and head morphed into a woman with blond hair and blue eyes. That’s perfect, thought Aurora no one will recognize me now. With that, she closed her eyes and portalled out of the safe house reappearing in the courtyard near the world tree. The old man Cormen sat on his stool, looking up at the stars in the sky amongst the world trees glowing leaves.

  “Cormen, can I speak with you, please.” Said Aurora softly.

  “Sure, what can I help you with? Do I know you.” Asked Cormen as he stared at her face. Aurora whispered

  “You told a blue-haired gal that she could seek you out if she ever needed advice or information. This is her doing that.” Said Aurora as held her hood over her head to conceal herself, she shapeshifted into herself for a small moment then back to the blond and blue-eyed woman.

  “Oh, my Goddess! You honor me so. What can I help you with?” Whispered Cormen as he asked.

  “I have reason to believe that the Vola is corrupt and has been feeding information to Fenrir and his demons and giants. What can you tell me about the Vola?” Asked Aurora as she watched the older man stroke his beard in thought.

  “I can ask around and see what I can find. Seek me out in two days, my child.” Said Cormen.

  “Thank you for your help Cormen, be careful, and don’t tell anyone your asking for me.” Whispered Aurora.

  Then she turned and strolled up the cobblestone road towards Asgard Academy. Suddenly a group of five men in cloaks blocked her path. Holding out her hands, she called flames to her palms and telepathically connected to her mates.

  “Hey guys, I’m sorry I snuck out; you can give me shit later. I’m on the road to the courtyard, and five guys are ambushing me.”

  Deacon was the first to answer back. “What do these guys look like, and what area are you near?” “Are you okay?” Asked Teagan.

  Aurora huffed air out her mouth as her body heated up power, filling her every limb. Grabbing her ax from over her shoulders, she brought it down to her side, ready to use. She stood there with flame in one hand and an ax in the other.

  “Red eyes and x tattoos on their foreheads. Outside the bakery shop just up from the courtyard.” Said Aurora into the link.

  One of the men moved towards her with a silver knife. He couldn’t possibly know who she was as she still was in her shapeshifted form.

  “Hey, guys, can you hear me?” Aurora yelled into the link.

  The silence was the only answer she got. The cloaked red-eyed man walked towards her, and she threw a fireball at him. He dodged it easily. Running at the man, Aurora slashed at him with her ax, which he met with a force field. Before she could realize it, one of the other men threw a net over her. Falling to the ground, she realized there was nothing she could do; the net snuffed out her powers and made it, so she was paralyzed. She was helpless as her ax lay on the ground, and she couldn’t call her fire. It was almost as if her power had been snuffed out. She kept trying to reach out to her mates, but for some reason, they couldn’t hear her, and she could no longer hear them.

  “What is it you want with me?” She asked her kidnappers as they lifted her up in the net and carried her down the road and into the shadows.

  “You will fetch a go
od price, an attractive lady for the traffickers in Midgard.” Said the man that had distracted her by fighting until his buddies could sneak up on her. What the ever-loving fuck! They were talking about human trafficking, weren’t they, thought Aurora as she tried to grasp how it was possible for human trafficking to exist here in Asgard. A bit mind was blown, she asked.

  “What are you planning to do with me then?” Aurora asked as she tried with all her might to wiggle her body. Her effort only produced a twitch from a finger. Deciding to save her strength, she lay awkwardly on the net.

  “We will be taking you to Midgard to sell. They pay extra for ones with powers and the tech to make them helpless like a dog.” Laughed the hateful man who, upon closer inspection, she noticed had a scar that slashed down from eyebrow to bellow the eye as if someone tried to take his eye out. The bastard probably deserved it, thought Aurora, as she wished she could fry his ass. They walked carrying her as she tried calling out for help.

  “Help! Help me! Someone help me!” Screamed Aurora madly.

  Suddenly she was roughly punched in the side; the air knocked out of her. Gasping for air, she heard one of the men say to another. “Can’t we play with this one, she is very cute and thin.”

  “No, you can't defile or sample all the merchandise stop thinking with your cock giant. Hey you! Warlock listen to me; I don’t want any problems, so you had better put up sound barriers and make sure that all telepathic connections are blocked. Remember what happened with another one we took who had a connection with a mate. We can't afford for that to happen all over again.” He then led the way through the streets towards the ice bridge that led to no man's land. Aurora cried and screamed out some more. Until the giant that wanted to defile her smacked her across the ass. “Keep screaming, and I might give you a reason to scream tramp.” Said the horrid giant that stunk like he hadn’t had a shower in months. No man's land was a dry desert place where nothing could live very long. Aurora laid there and bid her time as she tried to breathe through her mouth rather than smell the stink and vomit.

  Back at the safe house, the guys frantically jumped out of bed, tripping over each other in the process. They got dressed in record time. “Where did she say she was?” growled Eli. “Somewhere near the courtyard, I couldn’t get through to her to find out more before; the link went dead.” Said Deacon. Karis pissed off now pushed Eli and Deacon roughly. “You fuckin’ idiots, how could you let her just sneak out of bed without noticing?” Bellowed Karis. “You had your arms around her why didn’t you feel her leave?” Yelled Deacon as he punched Karis in the face. Teagan jumped in and punched Eli in the stomach.

  “How could you with all your sensitive wolf senses not smell or hear her get up?” Yelled Teagan as puffs of smoke started rising from his mouth in anger. Loki fuming flew down onto the floor between them and started kicking his little raven feet and madly flapping his wings.

  “Enough, you fucking idiots!” Yelled Loki. Everyone froze in mid-flight, still grasping each other with fists drawn and ready.

  “This fighting has to stop now! This is what got her killed in her last life. This division amongst yourselves is not going to get her back! Now pull up your big boy panties, and let’s find our girl! I like this version of her and her blue hair!” Squawked Loki loudly as he finished flapping his wings madly. They guiltily looked at each other and lowered their fists.

  “The birds right, let us go find our girl. Eli, can you get her tigress? Maybe she can help. Teagan, can you ask Paisley to man the command center and look for video feeds with Aurora in them. And let’s meet in the courtyard.” Said Deacon. Everyone nodded at each other and went to complete their tasks.

  Meeting in the courtyard ten minutes later, Deacon waited for the others. As he paced with Loki on his shoulder as he continually tried to get through to Aurora via the telepathic link. In frustration, he punched the wall beside him, sending debris flying everywhere. Loki ruffled his wings out and squawked.

  “Cool your tootsie’s; the last thing we need is for you to start molting!” Deacon looked at the bird on his shoulder and scowled at him.

  Eli and Aurora’s tiger came through a portal and appeared beside him. Tigress rubbed up against him, trying to comfort him. Teagan and Karis popped into existence and joined the group.

  “I still can’t connect via the link, can you?” Asked Teagan as he kicked the rubble Deacon had punched out of the stone.

  “No, its dead air.” Said Karis scowling. “Can anyone get a fix on a trace of her magic?” Asked Deacon as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “Yes, it leads up this way.” Said Karis as he pointed towards the road leading to the bakery. They all ran up the road following Karis, then stopped.

  “What’s wrong? Why have we stopped,” asked Deacon? Karis shook his head madly.

  “It does not make sense! The trail ends here, and now there is nothing!” He said in annoyance as he walked to a building wall and leaned his head against it.

  “So, we have nothing, then?” Asked Deacon in disbelief. “Eli, can your wolf pick up her scent?” Asked Deacon hopefully. Eli took his shirt, shoes, and pants off and handed them to Karis. Standing in his boxers and bare feet, he shifted as bones crunched and popped, reforming him into a big black wolf. He sniffed the ground and ambled up the road a bit, going from side to side around people that walked by. Then he shifted back from his wolf form. Naked, he walked over to Karis and grabbed his pants as he pulled them on as he growled. “There’s nothing! It's like she just disappeared.” The tiger started pacing and sniffing the air. Coming back to them, she grabbed Deacon's hand in her mouth and pulled him forward. Then letting go walked a few steps and looked behind her as if to say, come on, follow me.

  Loki fluttered his feathers. “Bird brained idiots! The giant freakin’ cat wants you to follow her!” He squawked as he flapped his wings in Deacons' face while moving up and down Deacon's arm.

  “Okay, everyone, it looks like she wants us to go across the ice bridge. Let’s follow Tigress; she seems to have picked something up. Loki, can you go back to Paisley and tell her to look for video feed in no man's land, please.” Said Deacon.

  “Sure, send the bird as your messenger! So original!” Says Loki as he flies off complaining.

  “Okay, everyone, let’s get going.” Said Karis as he followed Tigress as she started walking across the huge ice bridge that spanned the very deep chasm, as the sea crashed into the rocks far, far below.

  What felt like hours went by with only the sound of whispers and feet clomping against the cobblestones until even their feet made no sound on the barren desert floor. Pretending to be passed out, she lay still as they set up camp. Someone came over and took the net off her. She tried to call her power but couldn’t yet. They roughly tied her hands in front of her with coarse rope. The men sat around a fire while Aurora and a group of five other women sat huddled together for warmth. A few of them wore short sundresses and or a few clothes as if they had been pulled right from their beds. One of the women looked up at Aurora and offered a small fleeting grin in greeting.

  “What are your names?” Whispered Aurora as she stared at the men sitting and laughing around the fire as if they were nothing but chattel.

  “My names are Carrie; this here is Marita, Nami, Salona, and Phoenix.” Whispered the braver of the girls. She had bruises all over her body, and it looked like someone had hacked her blond hair off. Mud splattered one side of her face. Her hair shot out in little tuffs and sat at different lengths. Her brown eyes expressed worry and sorrow.

  “We will find a way out of here. I promise you all that.” Said Aurora to the women. Carrie shook her head.

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep; they won’t let us go.” Whispered Carrie as tears silently fell down her cheeks, and she looked into her lap. They fell into silence as they listened to the men and their conversations around the fire. A few of the men were short and stocky one wore an eye patch over his left eye. The other talked wit
h a lisp when he spoke. The one with a scar through his eyelid and socket was boasting about his battle prowess. He gestured wildly with his hands moving in the air as he told about how he had fought in the last war against the Goddess Aurora and her guards. Straining to hear him, she used her wolf senses and zeroed in on his voice.

  “I fell a great giant, and I cut the dragons head off while I let the Goddess watch as I slaughtered her guards. I then slashed my sword across her wolf's belly and let his entrails soak into the fuckin’ ground. I cut down and skinned her tiger, but her stupid mouthy raven got away as he flew too high in the sky for us to shoot. Her Valkyrie came flying at me, and my guys dragged him down to the ground as I cut his fuckin’ wings right off his back. Then I had my guys hold down the Goddess while I defiled her and cut her breast off before I slit her throat. Fenrir paid me an assassin’s dream wage for it too.” Boasted the man who had first attacked her in the street today.

  The other men whatever species they were she didn’t know, all laughed as they listened to his boastful stories about how he had killed her and her mates. At first, she felt sick; this man had defiled her past self and slaughtered her mates. Then a cold dark fury kindled deep within her. A fire was so hot it was blue danced beneath her skin. It raged as she stood up and holding her bound wrists in front of her she walked towards the men. Keeping her shapeshifted form in place as she got ready to drop it. Unbeknownst to her, her huge tiger had led her mates to her; they had just walked through a portal. They came armed to the teeth, ready to do battle to protect her.

  Arriving, they found that she was in complete control of the situation. They watched on the ready to intervene if needed.

  Her footsteps silent on the think sand as she walked towards the fire. “What do you think you're doing, girly?” Asked one of the men with a sneer. When she didn’t answer him, the man who was their leader and who had been boasting of killing her came forward.


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