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The Prophecy

Page 23

by Amanda DeShane

  “The man asked you a question, go sit down before one of my men get the idea to test drive you, darling.” He said with a laugh. She took her chance and broke the rope around her wrists, grabbing onto both their arms. “I think this one wants to play.” The other man started to say but was cut off when Aurora dropped her shapeshifting guise.

  “YOU!” Gasped the man who had killed her in her past life. Aurora let her fury burn through her skin to the surface, igniting her whole body with a bright blue flame. Both men stared at her in complete horror as she yelled.

  “Burn in hell for all eternity!”

  Their other men watched helplessly as their bodies from their heads downwards, slowly burned to ash as her flame consumed them as they screamed. Aurora turned and shot fire at the other four and watched in satisfaction as the fire devoured them, turning them to ash on the desert ground. Eli, Deacon, Karis, and Teagan all watched in complete shock and fascination at the living blue flame she had become. The fire didn’t just come forth from her skin. It danced and swayed as if she was a torch. The hottest torch possible. Every inch of her was on fire; her clothing was no more; it had burnt away in seconds. She turned around slowly with her palms held upwards away from her body. Her blue hair seemed to dance with the flames that danced from her head. Seeing her mates safe and alive calmed her. So, she let her flames seep back into her skin like a backdraft the fire sucked itself back into her. She walked over to Deacon, Eli, Teagan, and Karis and said.

  “Took you guys long enough! What took you so long?” She smiled as she teased them.

  “We couldn’t get a read on you telepathically, and your tiger is the only one that could sniff you out.” Explained Eli as he ran a hand through his short blond hair.

  “Yeah, I know they had a warlock with them that blocked our connection and made a sound barrier around us when they took me, and they had a net that snuffed out my powers.” Explained Aurora. Teagan stepped towards her. She put her hand up and said.

  “Stop. I would hug the crap out of you all, but I think I’m still smoldering, and my skin is too hot. Can you guys get the girls unbound? Id likes to bring them back to the palace and let them get cleaned up, dress, and get sleep and medical attention. It’s the least I can do after everything those ass holes put them through. They were going to sell us all into human trafficking in Midgard.”

  Walking over to the girls, she kneeled down, ignoring the fact she was naked and said.

  “I am the Goddess Aurora; you are safe now; these are my mates and my tigress. They will not harm you. I’d like to take you to the palace where you can bath, get a few good meals, clean new clothing, a room to sleep in, and a chance to get any medical needs you have looked after. You are free at any time to go your own way, but know that you are welcome to take a few days freely, nothing asked in return. The only thing I ask is that you try to heal and take care of you before you try to go home and explain or not explain what happened to you. If you are not from Asgard, talk to me and let me know. You are safe.”

  The women huddled together, hugging each other, and openly cried tears of relief.

  “Hold your hands out and let my mates cut you free I run too hot still to touch anyone, so I am going to back away for a few minutes.” Explained Aurora as she stepped back, watching as the young women held out their bound hands, and Deacon and Teagan cut the bounds off.

  Ten minutes later, Teagan tore his shirt off his back and pulled it over her head as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I am so relieved and glad that you are okay. Please. Please tell me you won't ever sneak off again?” Said Teagan as he pulled her into a hug. Before she knew it, the other three had joined in hugging her tight. “Firefly, you gave us a heart attack if anything ever happened to you...” Said Deacon as he teared up. “We love you, honey, and life without you is unfathomable.” Said Karis as he kissed her forehead too.

  “We can’t exist without you, Aurora. You’re like the star our universe exists around.” Said Eli as he hugged her tighter. “Okay, guys, you're going to start making me ball my eyes out; let’s skip the tears.” Said Aurora as she wiped a tear from her eyes and breathed deeply.

  “What matters is we are alive, and we live to fight another day. I learned some stuff tonight Ill share later. First, let’s get these women to the palace and set up in rooms.” Said Aurora as she turned around walking towards the young women, she had set free. She offered her hand and a few tearful hugs.

  “Okay, listen up; we are going to all teleport to the palace. Everyone comes in close and hold hands. Don’t let go when teleporting okay. Hold tight. They all crowded together and held hands tightly. To teleport such a large group, it would take at least four of them to teleport at the same time. One, two, three! They all thought with their intention on the palace as they disappeared in a blink of an eye. They appeared in the palace entryway. Aurora walked forwards down the hall. “Amber! Amber!” Yelled Aurora. Amber came running down the stairs and into the hall.

  “Welcome home, Aurora. How can I be of service?” Said Amber. Aurora reached forward and hugged her.

  “Please set these young women up in nice rooms with fresh clothing and access to a bath and robes. Some evil bastards took them, and they need time to heal. A large, cooked meal in their rooms and movies if they wish. Tea to soothe them and call a healer to look at their wounds, please. They are my guests.” Said Aurora. Amber smiled a big grin and teared up a bit. “You! my dear, are coming into your own.” Said Amber as she hugged Aurora once again.

  “Come, ladies, you are guests of the goddess lets get you taken care of. A bath, some clean clothing, and a nice bedroom each and warm food for your bellies will do you all good.” Amber said, looking over her shoulder as she started to lead the women up the stairs. One of them, Carrie, stopped and turned back to Aurora.

  “You have my gratitude and my sword, my goddess. I would like to serve you as your right-hand lady if you would permit me. I am an elemental, and I could be of great use once I have healed. I also have information about your mother. I heard the men talking a few nights before they showed up with you. They said medusa took your mother and turned her to stone. What they don’t know is that there are ways to un stone her and bring her back.” Said Carrie as she kneeled at Auroras' feet, looking down at the ground. Shocked Aurora looked at her men, unsure of what to do. They smiled at her and nodded. Bending down, Aurora gently put her fingers under Carrie's chin and made her look at her.

  “Stand tall, please. I am honored that you would like to be my right hand in battle. Thank you for the information on my mother. You owe me nothing, though. Shhh... Don’t disagree. Your freedom is a gift given freely. I will not take payment for it. It was never meant to be taken from you, to begin with. And so, it is still and will always be yours. I ask that you heal and take a few days. If you find that you have a fire inside you to fight this war, then you may join me. And I will invite you into my inner circle.” Said Aurora as she hugged the poor girl.

  Carrie, who stood almost as tall as Aurora had mud all over her, bruises dotted all over her body blue and black. Her hair had been butchered, and who knows what else had transpired. Aurora hugged her back as a few tears slipped down Carrie’s cheek. Then she turned and joined the group of girls waiting on the stairway. Aurora watched as they walked up the stairs; she knew they were in good hands.

  “Let’s go to the command center.” Said Aurora. They all nodded, and the group hugged as they poofed out of existence. Then reappeared in the blink of an eye inside their safe house. Walking fast, Aurora led the way down the stairs towards their command center. Rushing into the room, she found Paisley sitting in front of the wall of monitors that all showed different realms. Upon seeing her best friend, Paisley squealed and jumped up, hugging Aurora tight.

  “Oh my god, I am never going to let you go! You scared the fur off me, girl!” Said Paisley.

  They both turned and looked at all the monitors. The dots on the screens in different colors tracked the
movements of Fenrir, who was free and no longer bound in a cave-like people had previously thought. Other red dots usually traveling in groups were demons, and the green ones were giants that served Fenrir. Fenrir was a big yellow dot, and his family were small yellow dots. Orange was another type of species serving him. Right now, the demons were mostly in the hell realm, on Midgard, and a small group was in Asgard looking for Aurora. Who knew how many assassins Fenrir had sent out to find and kill her? The wolf shifter was a coward that had to get others to do his dirty work for him. But shit had just got real. Aurora walked to the hologram and turning it on saw her past self appear in front of them minus the blue hair.

  “Number 41, please search out video feeds for medusa and all traces of our mother.” Asked Aurora.

  “Bringing up video feeds now.” Said the hologram that sounded like herself. Hearing her own voice had taken a while to get used to. The screens on the walls started showing medusa’s cave layer. Many people were stoned frozen forever or so many thoughts. Maybe there was hope for her mother. The video angle changed, and Karis gasped “That’s your mom!” Seeing her mother alive and well. Confused, she asked the hologram.

  “When was this video feed last taken?” The hologram answered.

  “Five days ago.” Aurora bit her lip. “Show me the most current video feed.” The hologram brought up the most current feed, and there stood her mother stoned as still as a statute. Aurora walked up to the monitor and traced her mother's face with her finger. This was the first time she had ever seen her mother's face. Tears streamed down her face. Then stuffing the sadness down, she blurted out.

  “Please show me statistics on if it's possible to get a soul back from the land of fire.” The hologram searched and then read the data to them.

  “It is possible only for a God or Goddess to rescue a soul from the land of fire. In your case, you can gift your mates and anyone you choose with your demon fire gift, which will make them immune to the fires of hell and harder to kill. You will need to find the person’s soul, get their soul out of hell, and then breath a living flame onto their soul to rekindle their life.” Said the hologram.

  “How does one defeat medusa? And get someone un stoned?” Asked Aurora. The hologram looked up the data then spoke.

  “You can’t look directly at Medusa, so you need mirror glasses, I believe your hoard of treasure might have a few mirror glasses from a past life. Have a witch spell them to reflect her snakes back at her. Seeing her own snakes, she will turn to stone. As for un stoning your mother, you will need the help of an elemental. They have the power to un stone someone.” Said the hologram.

  Aurora turned around to look at her mates. She was so upset that blue flames erupted from her hands. She held them palm up as they burned. She was such a sight. Blue hair wild and only wearing a white shirt that stopped at her knees, with her hands aflame with blue fire.

  “Fenrir had an assassin kill you all in our past life. I watched. I mean, my past self watched as this assassin skinned my tigress, cut your wings off, gutted you, and then held me down defiled me and slit my throat! They have taken my mother in this life and given her to medusa to stone. I won’t take this lying down! This Aurora fights back! This new me will fight and bite back! Let them see my blue hair! Let’s send them the message that I am deadly! Let’s show them I am as poisonous as a blue dart frog on Midgard!” Said Aurora as she took a deep breath, and everyone cheered. Tigress rubbed up against her legs in agreement then sat at her feet. Loki flew into the room and landed on her shoulder.

  “My first plan is to learn as much as I can in the next few weeks — twenty-four-seven training. The second goal as soon as the elemental is healed, I will take her help if she offers it. I will portal to medusa’s cave and rescue my mother. If that means taking medusa down, so be it! Once my mother is rescued, we will rescue Eli’s teacher and other souls Fenrir took there and forced into the land of fire.”

  “And I will try to bring him and the others back to life. Then we are going to take the traitor of a Vola off her high horse! We will fight small battles towards winning this war. I refuse to just hide away all the time to fight another day or another lifetime! I will burn bright blue and burn them to ashes! Who is with me?” Said Aurora as she opened a portal bigger than any she had ever opened before. It glowed bright blue like her fire in her hands and reflected against the wall.

  “You don’t even have to ask! You have my wolf and me. Your apart of my pack Aurora, your family.” Said Paisley.

  “I love you firefly I will always stand with you.” Said Deacon.

  “Honey, it's not even up for debate I say let’s squash them!” Said Karis.

  “My Love, you have my dragon and me for eternity. Let’s fry their asses.” Said Teagan.

  “You have my heart and my wolf forever and always. We are all with you no matter what comes.” Said Eli.

  “Then let’s get started!” Said Aurora as she jumped through the portal, and they all followed.

  Note from Author:

  I hope you have enjoyed this fantasy world based loosely on Norse legends and my imagination. Thanks for coming along on the journey with Aurora, her mates, and her familiars. I hope that you have come to love these characters as I have. You have watched her grow and come into her power. Join her on her next adventure as she fights the war against Fenrir and rescues friends and family. Will she fight and succeed? Is a future for her and her men without war a possibility? Or will she repeat another life to fight another day? Keep your eyes out for the second book Asgard Academy Book two: The Clash.

  I am a new author from Hope B.C. and am an Artist and Writer. I combine both my skill sets into every book I write and publish.

  I can be found on Facebook Amanda DeShane Author page. So please, if you liked this book leave a review on my Amazon Author Page or a customer review on Amazon where you purchased the e-book or paperback.




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