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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

Page 18

by Brie Paisley

  She gives me a small smile, before tucking my hair behind my ear. The action makes me remember all of the times, when I was a child, and my mother would do the same thing to me. Even if I can’t remember her face, I know it was her. I can even smell her sweet perfume, and just how it felt to be cared for.

  “One only gets forgiveness, if they are willing to forgive themselves.”

  Unsure of what she means, I shake my head, and then say, “What’ll happen, if I decide to let it all go?” Her eyebrows furrow, as if she doesn’t fully understand what I’m saying, so I add, “If I die, where would I go?”

  “I cannot tell you that, my child.”

  “What if I go back?”

  “Is that what you want?” She asks somberly, and I clench my jaw tightly, as I find the words to answer her. “Don’t think about the bad, Melena. You are so special, and I know the world will suffer, if you don’t return.”

  Closing my eyes, I let out a heavy sigh, knowing what she means. “It’s true then. I am the only one that can stop this darkness from claiming everyone in its path.”

  “I’m afraid so,” the woman states, and I wish it weren’t true.

  Out of all the people in the world, why is it me? How am I any different than the other witches out there? Surely, there’s someone else that can fill this role that’s beginning to weigh heavily on me.

  “Melena, this is your destiny, as it’s been written way before your time.”

  Frowning, I ask, “So, all of this, is predestined to come true?”

  “Yes, child. I know it’s a lot to take in, but I have faith in you. Your mate has faith in you, as well as his pack.”

  Turning around, I face her, and then ask, “How do you know all of this?”

  As she gives me a wide smile, she says, “Once you wake, speak to Luna. She will tell you all you want to know about me.”

  Glancing away, I utter, “That means, I’ll remember all of this and this place.”

  The ghostly figure doesn’t respond, but she doesn’t give me any indication that she’s going anywhere. For a long while, she stays by my side, until I can come to a decision on what to do. It’s a huge choice to make, and I realize it would be easy to anyone else. However, this life that I’ve lived has been full of misery, pain, and utter disappointment.

  The only wonderful thing to happen to me, is the moment I met my mate.


  The first time that I saw him, I thought he was my enemy. Turns out, he was only trying to save and protect me. We’ve come a long way from that moment, and from the time I saved him at the cabin, to him giving me hope that I’m exactly where I need to be.

  I think about all of the times he and I were together, and how great of a team we made. Every single emotion he made me experience is something out of this world, because I’ve never felt anything close to what he makes me feel, before I met him. He’s a special man with special abilities that made me fall hard and fast for him.

  But then, I wonder what life would be like without him. It doesn’t take me long at all to realize that I can’t go through life without Malik. I can’t even imagine never meeting him, and I honestly count myself lucky that I did.

  Even now that I’m so close to death, I sense our bond, deep inside of me, trying its hardest to grow stronger than ever before. The sensation of warmth and true love makes me smile, because I know it’s Malik, forcing his own life and magic into me. He’s fighting so hard to keep me here, and to show me how much he needs me, too.

  A single tear begins to roll down my cheek, as I finally make my decision.

  Turning towards my guide, I swallow hard, before stating, “I’m ready now.” She gazes at me with love and a bit of regret, as I ask, “Can you tell me how I can get back to my mate?”

  She nods, and then places a hand over my chest, while saying, “The bond you and your mate share is one of the strongest that I’ve ever felt before. It’s pure in nature, and I sense how much your mate longs for you.”

  Another tear falls, as I hear her speaking about Malik and our bond. It’s truly an amazing experience to have found my mate, and to be able to share a life with him.

  “I want you to think of your bond now, child. Believe in it, hold onto that sensation, and then, you’ll find yourself back in his arms.”

  Frowning, I ask, “Is it really that simple?”

  “Yes.” She claims, and then adds, “It’s as easy as breathing. Especially, for you, Melena.”

  Once she removes her hand off my chest, I quickly ask, “Will you tell me why I’m the savior?”

  “All will be revealed, when it’s time,” she cryptically says, and then, I realize she’s disappearing. My stomach drops, thinking that I’ll be left here all alone, and she must sense my worry, as she softly utters, “Worry not, child. You’ll see your mate very soon.”

  Right as she vanishes completely, I mutter, “Thank you.”

  When I feel a soft caress on my face, I smile, knowing the woman heard me. Whoever she is, I just have a feeling she’s one of the purest souls that I’ve ever met. It’s just a shame that I don’t know who she is, or what she is. Remembering what she said about Luna, I make a mental note to speak to her.

  With a renewed sense on life, I take a deep breath, as I take in this strange, but yet, peaceful place. For a moment, I almost decide to stay here, where I’m safe, and I don’t have to worry about anyone’s judgement, or their own hate. There’s no evil force coming for me here, and there’s no reason to fight.

  But then, I realize that it’s cowardly to stay here. Not only that, but it’s selfish to even think of staying. If I’m destined to stop this evil from consuming the world, then I’ll be the one to do it. Even if I don’t fully believe in myself, I do know that I have my wicked wolf, waiting for me to make me see it.

  Closing my eyes, I think of him now, and then, I sense our bond once more. Holding onto every single sensation that flows through me, I take in one final breath, hoping that this actually works.

  It would be one hell of a joke, if it doesn’t.


  The entire pack has stayed by my side, since the moment I returned back to the den with Melena.

  While I appreciate their support, I also know that they’re mainly here to make sure that I don’t turn Rogue. Sameria is quick to stop me each and every time I even consider it. Thankfully, the wolf hasn’t offered me the choice again, and it’s like he knows everything will work out.

  I wish I had the same optimism.

  It’s been days, since we left The Facility, burning in our wake, and I’m starting to think it was all for nothing. What’s the point in saving everyone else, if I drown in my own pain and misery? I’ve always prided myself for doing the right thing, and I always put my pack’s needs first.

  But what about what I want and need most of all? Without my mate, I just can’t seem to find a reason why it all matters anymore.

  As the wolf whines low in my head, I frown, because I sense he’s trying to gain my attention. Closing my eyes, I see him, standing before me deep inside of my mind. Bending down, I open my arms, once he steps closer to me. As he lays his head on my shoulder, I realize this is his way of trying to comfort me, while we wait for Melena to wake up.

  A part of me doesn’t want to hope that she will, because it’ll hurt less, if she doesn’t wake. But then, the other part reminds me of what Luna went through, when she was trapped in a vision. I hold onto her words more than ever now, because she claimed the mating bond saved her.

  Surely, it’ll work for Melena and me, too.

  Petting the wolf, I search for our bond, noticing it’s growing stronger than ever before. Sensing it, I smile, because I can feel my mate. It’s a bit strange, since it’s like only half of her is here with me, but I know it’s only because she’s so close to death’s door. I just wish that I could be there with her, so that I could help her stand against whatever she’s facing right now.

  I’m not sure how long I stay
here, leaning on my companion for strength. He just sits still, as his head rests on my shoulder, while I continue to run my hands through his dark coat. I’m not even sure if he realizes how much I needed this, and the fact that he’s willingly staying here next to me, shows me that we’ve come such a long way already. I know our relationship will only continue to grow from here, and the thought of him forgiving me for what I did to him, actually seems possible.

  However, I know that I have to return soon. I don’t want to miss the second Melena wakes up, and then, there’s the fact that my entire pack is probably wondering what I’m doing. To them, it’ll look like I’m meditating, or like I’m asleep.

  So, as much as I want to avoid the reality of my life, I lean back, and then gaze at the wolf, before I say, “Thank you.” I smirk, when he licks my cheek, and then he huffs, like he’s telling me to hurry up.

  Letting out a chuckle, I stand, giving him one last pet, before I let myself return to the real world. The moment that I open my eyes, I instantly check on Melena. She still looks exactly the same way she did, when I saw her at The Facility, and it makes my stomach clench with fear. How much longer will she be in this state?

  Hearing someone approaching by the bed, I glance over, seeing Sameria with a somber look on her face. But then, she lays a hand over Melena’s chest, and then claims, “It won’t be much longer now.”

  “What are you sensing?” I ask, because surely, I would know if something had changed. While I sense our bond, it’s still in the growing stage, which means Melena must need a push or something to wake up.

  “She’s getting stronger, yes, but I think you need to help her.” Narrowing my eyes, I have no idea what she means. “You need to give her a reason to return, Malik. Yes, she’s fighting to stay in this realm, but she also needs a reason to live.”

  “So, you’re saying that even though I sense our bond and how strong it is, it won’t matter, if she doesn’t want to come back?”

  The moment Sameria meets my gaze, my entire body freezes, because the look in her eyes tells me all that I need to know. Even if I know the answer, I still wait for her to tell me. “I’m sorry, Malik, but if she doesn’t want to live, then neither one of us can stop that. It’s ultimately up to her, not us.”

  Jerking my gaze towards my mate, I clench my jaw, as the wolf lets out a whine, and then a howl at our new obstacle. I almost lose myself with my own fear of never seeing my mate again, and the thought that she would just give up spikes my anger. I’ve obviously failed my own mate, if she’s even considering letting go.

  Jumping up, I lean over her still body, and then, I grab both of her shoulders, as I roughly state, “Don’t you fucking do this to me, Melena. Please, fight harder for me, because I need you. I can’t do this without you by my side.” I have to stop, as my own grief and guilt begin to consume me.

  She wouldn’t be in this position, if I hadn’t given her to The Facility.

  If I could, I would take it back, and then find another way inside. I never wanted to hurt her, and I truly thought she would understand why I did what I did. Which makes me see just how much I’ve failed her.

  As I try to work through my own hurdle, the wolf begins to show me what I need to do. Listening to him closely, I frown, when I understand what he’s trying to tell me. The sensations and his intentions clearly tell me to push my own magic and life force through our mating bond, so I waste no time in doing so.

  If it’ll save her, then I’ll do whatever I need, too.

  Reaching up, I caress her cheek tenderly, and then with the wolf’s help, I begin to strengthen our bond even more than I thought possible. I sense how much it’s grown, since I met Melena, but now, it’s unbreakable. Now, our bond is at its strongest, and there’s nothing in this world, not even magic, that could alter it.

  I never knew that mating bonds could literally save a life, and I wonder if anyone else realizes this, too.

  After a few moments pass, I suddenly feel my entire body beginning to weaken. Not willing to give up, I push even harder, and the wolf is right there with me, fighting to bring our mate back to us. I’m not ready to give up, and I don’t think I ever will, unless I die, trying to save her.

  She’s what matters, not me.

  She’s the savior, so she has to live, even if it’s to just save everyone else.

  Right as I sag forward, I feel hands grabbing me, and I have to blink away the black dots that dance in my vision. Seeing Reid beside me, I reach over, and then lay my hand over his, silently thanking him.

  The second that I glance back to my mate, time seems to come to a complete stop. It happens so quickly, that for just a moment, I wonder if I imagined it. But then, I glance over to Sameria, then to Ryker and Luna, noticing they’ve yet to even blink.

  Before I fully understand what’s going on, my entire body is suddenly replenished, and then, Melena gasps out loud, as she sits straight up in the bed. With wide eyes, I can’t seem to move, because I fear that I’m just imagining that this is happening.

  But then, time picks up right back to where it stopped, and everyone in the room lets out a cry in relief.

  As Melena clutches a hand to her chest, I grin widely, realizing that all of this is real. Wasting no time at all, I rush forward, and then pull her into my arms. She quickly wraps her arms around me, holding me tightly, and I’m grateful for it. I need to feel her all around me, and even though, I know she’s alive and she’s here, I still crave her warmth.

  “I’m here, wicked wolf,” she softly claims, and I let out a laugh, because I never thought I would hear her call me that again.

  Pulling back, I run my hands through her hair, and then cup her cheeks, as I huskily state, “Regina meis, you nearly destroyed me.”

  She grins widely, as she says, “You started it.”

  Unable to stop my laugh from escaping, I welcome the rush of her own emotions, flowing into me. I embrace each and every one, as if I’m retuning home for the first time. Honestly, that’s what she is to me.

  She’s my home.

  Without her, there’s nothing else in this world that matters.

  As everyone in the room begins to cheer, I continue to gaze at my beautiful mate, hoping that she realizes how much she means to me. “I know,” she utters with a sly grin, and I can’t resist leaning in to claim her mouth.

  Forgetting all about our pack mates, I devour her, until she’s left breathless, and her arousal spikes to the point of no return. My hands roam her body, and it’s like I can’t seem to get enough. Every single cell inside of me, screams to touch her, kiss her, and then, the wolf growls at me to mark her. However, I know that we have an audience, so I make a deal with the wolf to hold off for now.

  Once she breaks our kiss, I lean my forehead on hers, and then say, “I’m so fucking glad you’re back.”

  “I am, too.” When her hand touches my face, she guides me to look into her eyes, as she adds, “I love you, Malik, but if you ever betray me again, I’ll kill you.”

  Seeing the humor in her gaze, I chuckle, as the entire room bursts out in laughter. “Trust me, regina meis, I’ll never do anything like that ever again. I swear to you, that I’ll find a way to make it up.”

  Before she gets a chance to respond, Sameria interrupts us by grabbing Melena by the arm, and then pulls her in for a hug. “Don’t you ever do that to me again.”

  Watching them, I sense how much Melena is glad she has Sameria as a friend. Actually, it’s more than that, and as I look deeper, I realize my mate considers Sameria as a sister. Not to mention, as everyone else takes their turns welcoming her home, I know that Melena has finally found her place in this world.

  Every time a new pack mate hugs her, and then tells her how glad they are that she’s back, I feel her faith in herself growing. This is all that I’ve ever wanted for her, and I’m finally witnessing it for myself.

  Even Reid expresses his own gratefulness that she’s back, which shocks not only me, but Melena as well. Wa
tching him now, as he stands close by Sameria, I wonder if he’s finally seeing the truth for himself. There may be hope for him yet.

  However, after everyone has their turn, welcoming my mate back, I stand, and then claim, “Alright, it’s my turn.” Most of them leave right away, but a few give me a cheeky grin, before following behind the others.

  Once everyone is gone, I glance to my beautiful mate, gazing right at me with a wide grin. Smirking, I make my way over to her, and then climb in the bed, so that I can have her close to me.

  Pulling her in close, I hold her as tight as I can without hurting her. For a long while, I keep her right here, unable to find the words that I want to say. The wolf and I are beyond thrilled that we have our mate back where she belongs, but the fear that we could’ve lost her still hangs in the air.

  As she runs her delicate fingers up and down my chest, I take a deep breath, relishing how good it feels to have this once more. It feels different now though, since I came so close to never experiencing these wonderful sensations again. It makes me have a different perspective now, and I promise, that I’ll never take a single moment for granted.

  When I begin to run my fingers through her hair, I softly ask, “Will you tell me where you were exactly?”

  “I’m not sure, if I can explain it like it deserves, but I’ll try,” she responds, and I frown, sensing nothing but a wave of peace, flowing through her.

  But then, she shows me through our special bond where she was.

  The wolf instantly lets out a content sigh, as he sees what she’s showing us, too. It’s no wonder why she didn’t immediately return, because where she was, it’s the most calming place that I’ve ever witnessed before. There’s no pain, worry, or sorrow, and the only sensations I feel are love and tranquility.

  Pride and utter devotion instantly race through me, because my mate left this so that she could return to me.

  “It wasn’t that hard of a choice,” she jokes, and I can’t stop my own chuckle from escaping.

  “Thank you for showing me, but I’m still wondering where you were.”


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