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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

Page 19

by Brie Paisley

  As she leans up, she gazes at me, and then states, “I saw a woman there, and she said it was like a pit stop, before making the choice to travel to the afterlife.”

  Frowning, I ask, “Someone was there with you?”

  “Yes, she seemed to be there to help me understand everything,” she says with a smile. “I’m not sure who she was, but I’m starting to remember what I’m supposed to do now that I’m back.”

  “You mean, other than saving the entire world?”

  She instantly lets out a loud laugh, and I can’t help myself from reaching over, and then caressing her cheek. I’ve missed seeing her smiling and just living her life. As she leans into my touch, I close my eyes, feeling how much she loves me.

  Holding her gaze, I make damn sure she can feel just how much I’m grateful to have her back in my arms. I open myself up completely, bearing my soul just so that she understands just how deep my love for her goes. It’s not just about the mating bond, bringing us together. It’s deeper than that, so I vow to remind her every single day how much she means to me.

  One day, she’ll fully understand just how much I love her, and until then, I’ll do everything in my power to prove it.


  Three days later…

  So much has changed, since I returned back to my life with Malik.

  I have no doubt that I made the right choice returning, but it also seems that being mated to The Alpha doesn’t give us much time to recover. There’s been a lot of adjustments needed, since the survivors from The Facility were brought here.

  Malik and I decided to offer them a safe haven here with our pack, if they so choose. To us, our pack isn’t just for wolves anymore, but it’s for everyone that needs a home. A lot of them have opted to stay, but some, wanted to go back to their families.

  Ruby, unfortunately, was one of the ones that opted to leave, once she was freed of her bracelet. Sameria told me that the second Ruby was free, she up and disappeared without a trace. While I know Ruby can take care of herself, I still worry about her. However, I’ve decided to give her space for a few more days, before I use my magic to find out where she is.

  Not to mention, Ivy is still nowhere to be found. I remember Ruby telling me that she was off with her source, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get a beat on her. I worry a lot for Ivy, because of what she is, and how important she is to me. I can only hold onto hope that she’s alright, and that she’ll let me know soon that she’s okay.

  Thankfully, everyone was on board with our plan, and I’m proud of our pack mates for opening their arms, and even their rooms to our new members. Not to mention, with Malik appointing Thrasher as the new Beta, it’s only given the pack more faith in him.

  It only proves that they all see just how much we need each other.

  Everything would be wonderful, if it wasn’t for my strange dreams. They started the very night that I woke up from my time in Limbo, and they don’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. I’m not even sure why I’m having these dreams, so I’ve decided to speak with Luna. She and I have talked a few times already, and I’m glad she was able to shed some light on the woman that I saw, while I was in Limbo.

  I would’ve never figured it out without Luna’s help, and it seems Katherine, one of the first original witches, is staying around to guide us, even though, she’s been gone for some time now. Luna claims that Katherine guides her, when she’s having a vision, and that’s how she was able to find me, when I was captured.

  My hope is that Luna will be able to ask Katherine why I’m reliving the moment that I first saw the powerful witch at The Facility. It’s almost as if my mind is trying to tell me something, but I honestly have no idea what it could be.

  Honestly, these dreams are starting to scare me, because I’ve noticed that my magic feels different. I don’t know for sure, but seeing that witch, and then visiting Limbo, has changed something deep inside of me.

  Malik is quick to remind me that I’m just recovering, but I have my doubts.

  As I make my way through the cave, I try to clear my mind, because overthinking and dwelling over my current situation isn’t going to help anyone. Right as I turn down a hall, I sense Malik, and then I smile, once I feel his happiness.

  He’s off in wolf form, so I know he’s having a blast. Things seem to be getting so much better between the two, and I have high hopes that their relationship will only grow stronger. The wolf and the man have come such a long way, since I first met them, and I know they’ll be just fine.

  Turning left, I instantly stop in my tracks, as I hear someone arguing. Frowning, as I get closer to the noise, I shake my head, realizing it’s Sameria and Reid. Unfortunately, once I get closer, they both spot me, and then, Sameria uses the chance to walk away.

  I don’t claim to know what’s going on between them, but I do know Sameria looked utterly devastated, before she left. Watching her, as she makes her way back to where I just was, I slowly turn my gaze towards Reid. For a moment, he doesn’t meet my gaze, but when he does, my frown deepens. I can clearly see his regret and pain, staring back at me, but what I don’t understand is why he keeps pushing his own mate away.

  Before I can ask him, he sighs, and then says, “She’ll be fine.”

  Shrugging, I decide it’s not really any of my business. Sameria is a powerful witch, so if Reid keeps hurting her, then she’ll take care of him. I’m honestly still unsure of Reid’s true intentions, because of how he acted with Alrick. I still don’t trust him either, but he’s a part of this pack, whether I like it or not.

  Having nothing to say to him, I begin to walk away. However, I don’t get to take one step, before he grazes my arm to gain my attention. Glancing down at his hand on me, I remind myself not to hurt him. I know he’s struggling with his own demons, so I’ll give him one pass.

  The moment I look up, he instantly removes his hand. I guess, he’s smarter than he looks. “Did you need something?” I ask, because he seems like he wants to speak.

  As he nods, I wait for him to spit it out already. He must know how I feel about him, because he’s starting to look worried. “I just wanted to give you this,” he finally utters, as he pulls out a folded piece of paper.

  Taking it from him, I ask, “What’s this?”

  “It’s the locations of some of the other Facilities.”

  “How did you get this?”

  He sighs, and then glances away, as he claims, “I stayed behind, after Malik left The Facility, when he thought you were dead. I wasn’t sure if anyone else remembered to get this information, and I’m glad I thought of it.”

  Swallowing down the sudden lump in my throat, I really don’t want to remember Malik in that state. He still thinks about it sometimes, and I hate when he does. When he thought I had died, he almost lost himself. His grief and misery ate at him so much so that he wanted to die, too.

  It’s something that’ll stay with me for a long time.

  “Why are you giving this to me and not Malik?”

  He refuses to look me in the eyes, as he says, “I thought this would be better.”

  Nodding, I do get why he’d rather go through me. Malik and Reid were close growing up, and I’m not sure if Malik will ever forgive him for what he did. “Thank you for getting this. We’ll save so many others with this information.”

  With a single nod, he turns around, and then I watch, as he walks away. Shaking my head, I wish I understood what’s going through his head. He’s clearly torn about something, but I haven’t the slightest idea what that could be.

  Once he’s out of sight, I slide the paper into my back pocket, and then, I continue to search for Luna. However, once I make it to the door of her room, I instantly realize that she and Ryker are otherwise preoccupied. Smirking, I know they’ll be busy for a while.

  I instantly think about Sameria, wondering if she needs someone to confide in. Just as I begin to go look for her, I notice Nick, coming down the hall. However, I realize
that something is seriously going on with him. I know he’s been acting strange lately, but this, this is actually very concerning.

  He’s looking to his right, and he’s speaking, as if he’s talking to someone. The thing is, no one is beside him. I’m the only other person that’s here, so who is he talking, too? Before I get a chance to go to him, he goes inside of a room, and then, I sense something pulling me in the other direction.

  Following the pull, I blindly let it lead me, until I stop in front of the door that goes down to the holding cells. For a long while, I wonder why this force is telling me to walk through the door, and then go down towards the cells. The door even slightly opens, as if it’s beckoning me to move forward.

  Reaching up for the door handle, I start to listen to the force, until I feel Malik once more. This time, he’s letting me know that he’s coming back, so I make sure to slam the door shut, tuning it out completely. Turning around, I force the strange and unfamiliar pull to the back of my mind.

  Following the trail Malik leaves behind for me, I grin widely, as I walk inside of our bedroom. The second I shut the door, and then glance up, I instantly frown, seeing Sameria and Malik, sitting at the small table.

  Making my way over to them, I get the feeling her visit isn’t a happy one. My stomach clenches, once I notice her red eyes from crying. Not only that, but the heartbroken look on her face, tells me all I need to know.

  This has to be about Reid.

  Once I reach them, I stand beside Malik, and he quickly wraps his arm around me, as I ask, “What’s going on?”


  I have to take in a deep breath the moment my mate utters the name, and I knew to trust my instincts about him. I’m assuming this has to do with, not only the fight I sort of witnessed, but how Reid still refuses to accept Sameria as his mate.

  “Sameria is asking to leave the pack,” Malik somberly states, and even I know how hard that is for her. It seems all pointless really. Sameria has done so much for Malik and me, and she’s done nothing, but help us every step of the way.

  But then, she meets her mate, the one person that’s literally made to make you feel whole, only to realize that he won’t accept her.

  “Don’t give him the satisfaction, Sam. We all need you here, so please reconsider,” I try, hoping that she’ll take my advice.

  “It’s not just because of him,” she sadly states, and I frown, unsure of what she means. “I see the way people stare at me, and I know exactly what they think about me.” Before I can tell her to forget about those assholes, she adds, “I don’t care what they think, but I’ll always be just a hybrid. It won’t matter what I do to save this pack, because they’ll always see me as a freak.”

  She lets out a small laugh, as she claims, “It’s why he won’t mate with me. I’m too different for him.”

  Malik instantly drops his hold on my waist, as I go to Sameria. Pulling her into my arms, I whisper, “I understand.” As she lets out a sorrowful cry, I hold her tighter, knowing and feeling exactly what she is.

  I’ve seen firsthand what those stares look like. It’s how most of the pack still look at me, when I walk down the halls, or try to be around them. I know it’s not entirely their fault, since every wolf was taught that anything different was a threat. However, times are changing, so everyone must change their own opinions, so that we all may live a peaceful life.

  “If leaving will give you what you need, then I give my blessing,” Malik says softly, knowing she needs to hear the words.

  Sameria may be blood of his blood, but that’s not why she’s so loyal to him. It’s because she admires him and his strength. She’s seen for years, even when they were pups, that Malik is not only a good soul, but his heart is with his people.

  Placing my hands on her shoulder, she leans back, and then quickly wipes away her tears. “Thank you to the both of you.”

  “You’re welcome to come back anytime that you want. This is your home, Sameria,” I state firmly, because I want her to know that if she ever wants to return, she can freely.

  As she begins to stand, I move back beside Malik. Laying my hands on his shoulders, I sense how much this pains him. I do my best to comfort him, but his pain runs deep. He’s always felt a sense of responsibility for Sam, and that goes beyond him being The Alpha.

  Watching her, as she leans down to grab her bag, I hope that she finds what she’s looking for. I hate that she feels the need to go at it all alone, but this is her choice. Who am I to stand in her way?

  “Before I go,” Sam says, as she faces us. “I thought you should have this,” she offers, as she hands over the yellow, glowing potion to Malik.

  “You kept it?” I ask, shocked and surprised that it’s still here.

  “It’s too powerful and unique to get rid of. Who knows.” She says with a shrug, “Someone might need it one day.”

  “I’ll make sure it stays safe. It’ll never leave my sight,” Malik vows, and I smirk, knowing just what to do.

  Using my magic, I create a special necklace, just for Malik. Once it’s created, I make it slowly fall back into my mate’s hand. When his confused gaze lands on me, I claim, “It belongs to you now, so it’s protected. It’ll also change with you, when your wolf wants to come out.”

  “Regina meis, you’re utterly magnificent.”

  Smiling, I take his complement to heart. Leaning down, I place a tender kiss on his lips, making sure he knows just how much I love him.

  As I pull away, before things get too heated, I glance up, and instantly realize that Sameria left without saying goodbye. For a moment, I want to breakdown and cry, because I thought of her more than just a friend. She quickly became like a sister to me, and I’m saddened that she would leave without telling me goodbye.

  “She’ll be back, regina meis,” Malik says, and I realize that maybe she didn’t want to say goodbye, because it isn’t an actual goodbye. Even knowing this, I still hate that she’s gone.

  “Why don’t we visit our spot,” he offers, and he knows that I can’t resist going back to our place.

  Nodding excitedly, I let out a squeal, as he jumps up, and then shifts. As the black wolf shakes out his coat, I grin, when he notices me. “Hey, big guy.”

  His response is a playful bark, which in turn, makes me laugh. Beckoning him to follow me, we head out of the den, and then to our spot.

  Laying in Malik’s arms, I gaze up at the bright sky, enjoying this moment. The wolf and I had a blast, as we made our way to our destination, but I couldn’t resist at all, when the wolf instantly changed back into a very naked Malik.

  After I conjured a bed for us, he showed me more than once that I made the right choice coming here with him. This place is special to the both of us, because this is where the wolf started his journey of forgiveness.

  Thinking back, I honestly thought that I would never see Malik again. The wolf seemed so content in keeping him locked away, but thankfully, Malik was able to make him see reason. It’s still amazing to see them co-existing in perfect harmony now.

  Reaching up, I begin to play with his new keepsake. It’s smart to keep it safe, because with what’s coming for us, it may be of use. Malik holds me tighter, as he senses my distress, and it instantly makes me feel safer.

  Now that I’m thinking clearly again, I realize that I forgot to give Malik the list of other Facility locations. Rolling over in the bed, I sense his confusion, as I lean over the bed, and then grab my jeans. Pulling them into my lap, he kisses my shoulder, as I pull out the piece of paper.

  Handing it to him, I claim, “It’s the locations of some of the other Facilities. This is what will help us save everyone.”

  As he takes it from me, I smile, as I feel his pride, flowing through him. “How did you get this?”

  “Reid gave it to me,” I state with a smirk.

  “There just may be hope for him yet,” he says, and I know he hopes that he’s right. “This is good, because now, we can combine forces with
the sister packs, so that we can form a plan.”

  Nodding, I state, “It’s a start.” However, no matter how much I agree with my mate, I also know that our fight is far from over.

  When I feel his worry, I claim, “The witch behind the torture is a much bigger threat than I thought.” Pushing out a breath, I remember just how she kicked my ass, and how I nearly died, going up against her. “Her power is unlike anything that I’ve sensed before, and it worries me that I might not be the savior.”

  “I know that Luna saw me being the one to save everyone, and I know that Katherine also confirmed it, too.” Shaking my head, all of my doubts suddenly rise up inside of me. “She took me down with one hit, Malik. Just one. Mine barely put a scratch on her, so I don’t know how I’m supposed to save anyone.”

  His hand is instantly cupping my cheek, and then, he guides me to look at him. His hand never moves, as he states, “I believe in you, Melena. I’ve seen and felt the power inside of you, and I know that the fight ahead seems impossible to beat.” He quickly licks his lips, as he adds, “But you have to believe in yourself, too.”

  “I know that you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for, and that’ll be the defining factor. You’re willing to put everyone else before yourself, so that they may live, so tell me, why wouldn’t someone with such a good heart and soul, defeat this evil?”

  Leaning my forehead on his, I whisper, “You really have that much faith in me?”

  “I do, regina meis, and I’ll remind you every single day that I do, if that’s what you need.”

  Taking in his powerful words, I can’t help but to already feel the effects of it. I know he means every single one of them, too. Not only can I hear it in his words, but I feel it within his soul. Even the wolf howls out his own agreement, which makes me believe it even more.

  “As long as you’re by my side, we’ll face whatever lies ahead of us. No matter how hard or terrible things may become, I’ll stand by you, Melena. You’re my heart and soul, so wherever you go, I’ll be right there with you.”


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