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More Than Him

Page 4

by ChaShiree M.

  “If you hadn't run from me, you would be my damn wife by now. The mother of my kid does not clean anyone’s room.” His comment bringing me back to my indignation.

  “Well apparently, she does. Now if you excuse me.” I push past him as he inhales and exhales, attempting to calm himself down.

  “What time do you get off?”


  “Fine. As soon as you come back, we are going out to talk. This shit ends today.”

  “I have an appointment after work. Won’t be done until later.”

  “What appointment?” His voice raises as the frustration returns. Too bad I don’t intend on answering him. Continuing to head for the door, with my hand on the knob, I turn to him and stun even myself.

  “Have a nice day Mr. Louis.” and walk out. Now take that asshole. Walking into the elevator, I feel... liberated somehow. But the feeling is short lived as I begin to feel childish. I could have simply told him about the appointment with my T.A., but a part of him wanted to know that I don't need him. I don’t need his permission, his money or his... who the hell am I kidding. I need him. Just not things. I need him. So why can’t I stop running and pushing him away?

  Chapter Eleven


  Walking into the room after work, seeing he has left both upsets me and gives me a sense of relief. When he is in the room I can’t think. All I can see to do is feel and right now, that is not good for my psyche. I change my clothes, rushing because the last room I cleaned, was paid for by a bunch of college students and to say it was trashed is an understatement. So, it took me longer than normal to clean it and now, I am going to be late for my session with my science T.A. to work on my hypothesis paper. Dressed and heading back out the door, I still don't see him and I begin to think that maybe I pushed him too far and he left. What do you expect Lani? A man is only going to take so much. Shit. I do not have time for tears.

  I make it to the park with five minutes left to spare and decide to walk over to the coffee cart and grab a decaffeinated caramel Frappuccino. I see Simon sit on the bench and walk over. “Good morning, Miss Moore.”

  “Good morning Simon. Thank you for meeting with me. I appreciate you switching the venue to outdoors. I know it is unusual, but I find I think clearer when surrounded by fresh air.” It’s true. I have always done my homework outside. Even when I was growing up.

  “It is no problem. I have to admit this is nice. I might do all of my meetings outside, weather permitting. Now, what can I help you w…”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Before I can intercede, Dun has Simon by the collar of his shirt, dangling from the ground with his face right on his. Simon, struggling to detach himself, is looking at me wondering what the hell is going on.

  “Dun, put him down right now,” I demand with my hands on my hips.

  “You're so adorable if you think your cute ass is going to stop me from breaking this pissant's face.” Why is this so hot? Get a grip, Lani. Now is not the time to be dripping down your thighs. Too late. Damn it.

  Simon is trying to explain himself, but with no ability to breath it is kind of hard. “Damn it Dun, he is my student instructor for my science class.” I explain.

  “You better not be lying to me, Lani. My lawyer is on speed dial and ready with bail money.” He turns to poor Simon. “Is this true?”

  “Yes,” he whispers, nodding his head vigorously. Dun puts him down and looks in the eye.

  “My apologies. Now get lost.” Simon scurries off and now I am faced with the wrath of doom. “See what happens when you keep secrets? Enough with the damn games. Bring your little ass back to the hotel room and get dressed. We are going to talk and be done with this shit. Understand?” I nod my head. I have never been able to say no to him when he uses that tone of voice.

  Chapter Twelve


  Standing in front of the mirror, I can’t help but admire my curves. When trying to figure out what to wear to dinner, I was nervous at first, not sure what I had to wear that wouldn’t make my belly front and center. I called Phillipa upset, asking her what to do and she laughed at me. Tole me it was just hormones from the baby and to be proud of my belly. She said nothing is more beautiful than a woman growing life. When she put it that way, it made me feel better. The truth is, I really only have like two dresses I can wear anyway. So, I decide on the grey sleeveless dress with a twist between the breasts, which makes them more pronounced. It comes about two inches above my knees and has a slit going up the right thigh. The back is crisscross and shows quite a bit of skin. I finish them off with a grey and white pair of Christian Siriano's that Phillipa bought me for my birthday. Smoky eyes, my hair in a ballerina bun with a few tendrils falling down and a pair of simple diamond earrings. So now, looking at myself, I have to admit I look beautiful. Almost ethereal. I guess there is truth to the pregnancy glow. Knock knock. Well here we go. “Jesus.” he says when I open the door. “What the hell are you trying to do to me?” I smile, feeling even more beautiful with the reaction he just had. “Are you ready?” his voice hoarse as he fights to hold himself back.

  “Yes.” Grabbing my hand, we walk down, get on the elevator and into the car. The ride to the restaurant is quiet but thick and filled with a barely contained need to attack. Pulling up to the restaurant, he parks, getting out to give the keys to valet. Before he can make it around, the valet guy opens my door and holds his hand out to help me, when Dun does his growly thing.

  “If you plan on keeping that hand I advise you to step back and put it in your pocket.” Squish. Well shit. I hope there isn’t a wet spot on the bottom of my dress. “Have to fucking threaten people even with my son in your stomach. Need a goddamn bodyguard.” I hear him grumble to himself. I giggle at how pissed his sexy face is. “You think it's funny baby? You like to see me lose my shit over you, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I respond, suddenly sweaty and achy.

  “Ah ah. Not yet, greedy girl. Got to feed you and then we have to talk. Then...I will fuck you.” Hell. I am going to leave a big ass wet spot on the chair. The date flies by, the conversation light and without the serious stuff. I think we both know it is going to a tense night. Before I know we are waiting for the car to be brought to us. Same valet guy practically throws the keys to Dun, with his head down and sprints inside. I shake my head at the man beside me. So bad. By the time we make it to the room, my panties are practically drooping off of me. “Turn around and face the wall.” I lift my eyebrow at him not wanting to give in so easily even though we both know I am going to. “Don’t make me repeat myself baby. We both know you have pushed me past the point of giving a fuck about your screams and comfortability. So if you don’t want me to drill this ten inch beast inside your intestines, do as I say.” Squish. Crap. Facing the wall, I throw all bullshit to the wind and moan, my legs squeezing together, as I wait for him. I can hear him moving around the room, knowing he is driving me crazy. I hear him as he removes his jacket and unbuttons his pants. The moment he moves behind me I know without a touch. “Smell so sweet, baby. How wet are you?”

  “Dun…” I can’t seem to find any other word.

  “Answer the question. How wet are you?”

  “Too wet.”

  “Stick your hands between your legs and show me.” Shit. Trembling, I bend to do as he says, not much mind you since my stomach doesn’t allow for too much. Remembering, he braces me, one hand on my stomach, the other on my waist. “Rub your hands up your thighs and show me how much has dripped.” oh hell. Feeling how much of my sugar is coating the inside of my legs shocks even me. Moving my hand up and down, I bring it from under my dress and show him. “Fuck. Give me your hand.” he growls, snatching my wrist and licking my whole hand. Holy shit is this so fucking dirty. “God damn it, Lani. Put your hands on the wall and bend over.” needy and pushed to the edge I hold onto the wall needing something to keep me up. Not bothering to remove my panties, he shoves my dress up, moves my sopping excuse for panties t
o the side and slams inside of me roaring like a lion as I yell my elation at being filled with him once again. He leans over my back, whispering in my ear, “don’t fucking move. Any movement will send me deeper and we might hurt my son. Keep your greedy ass still. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Dun. Yes. Please move.” I beg, not sure how long I can follow his orders if he doesn’t move soon.

  “Good girl.” he pulls out slowly, dragging against the walls of my pussy. He’s so thick I can fill him, every inch touching a part of my inside. “Ah fuck.” he groans. When he pushes back in, it isn’t as soft and slow. In and out he shoves and pulls, his hand never leaving my stomach, protecting it, cherishing it as he takes me and sends me back into a fog. I hit my fist over and over against the wall, my moans turning to whines, soon to become screams. “Shit.” only word he says before he grabs my hair and pulls me on and of meeting his thrusts as we both shout into the night, reaching the peak together. “Come baby. Fucking soak me so I can soak you back.” his free hand reaches down between my legs and pinches my clit and I fall a thousand feet from the sky, knowing he is going to catch me before I hit the ground. “So fucking beautiful when you come.” his final words before he pulls out of me and comes all over my ass, rubbing it in. “My ass. My pussy. My baby. My woman. Turn around and kiss me.” knowing I don't have the energy, he picks me up, and kisses me as he walks up to the bed.

  Limp limbs and exhausted, I lie there as he undresses me and lays me on the bed. Seconds. I don't know...minutes later he gets on the bed also naked and pulls me into his arms. “Now talk to me. There is something you are running from that has nothing to do with me. It's deep inside of you. That is why you were so eager to believe the worst in me. What happened?” I really don’t want to talk about this, but maybe he is right. Perhaps my family life is also at play here. If there is any chance for us, I have to open up.

  “When I was five, my father ran off with another woman and started a whole new family and I never saw him again. Shortly after, my mother spiraled out of control. She fell apart. Began drinking, staying out late, drugs, you name it. I studied my ass off, got a half scholarship to college. I worked full time as well. Well, during my sophomore year, I found out that ever since I was 16, she had been racking up gambling debt in my name.” the anger I have spent so many years trying to stifle is coming to the forefront. Due to that, as a result, I was denied for student loans and had to drop out of college. I have spent all of this time, working my ass off, every shift, overtime, second job, anything I can think of to pay it off and fix my credit. I am not entirely done, but I figure if I finish school and make more money, I can do it faster.” phew. Glad that’s over. Taking a deep breath after spilling all of that out, he pulls my chin up to look him in his eyes.

  “I am sorry you had to go through that, baby. I will never walk away from you and our son. Hell from you or any of our children. I love you and this life we made, more than I love myself. You just have to give us a chance.” he says before he kisses me chastely. I have to ask the question.

  “What do you want, Dun?”

  “All of you and I will give you all of me. You are mine, Lani. No matter how much or how long I have to tell you that, I will. You are mine.” he repeats it over and over, slowly pushing inside of me. He doesn’t move. Instead he looks at me. “I will support every dream you have, Lani and do my best to make them all come true. Just come home, baby. Just come home.” now is slow and loving. How can I say no to that?

  Chapter Thirteen


  Two Weeks Later

  I have no idea why I am so nervous to be going home but I can’t seem to stop my legs from moving up and down. “Baby why are you shaking? Are you that scared to start our life together?” his question throws me for a second as I contemplate that. Is that why this is bothering me so much? “Your faith in me is that little?” Why do I feel like an awful person now?

  “It’s not that, Dun. it’s more about the fact that so much has changed. I have changed. What if we get here, you realize I am not the shy, unsure woman you met those months ago. What if that is not what you want?” wow. Saying it out loud makes my stomach cramp. The thought that he could all of a sudden not want me again would kill me.

  “Baby, I realized how much you had changed back at the hotel, and as much as it shocked me, it was also hot as fuck. The knowledge that I could spar with you then fuck you senseless has my cock on alert 24/7.. So please, don’t worry about that. I have been planning for this moment almost since the moment you left. Well, once I got over the panic and misery. I put some things in place with the help of Phillipa and I hope you love it all, as much as I love you. Now calm down. We are almost there.” this man. That is one of the things I love about him. He can put me at ease with words. No one in my life has ever been able to do that to the degree he can. When he speaks, I find I want to believe everything he says and it always makes me feel safe and loved. This is why I fell in love with him.

  I spend the rest of the ride with my hand in his examining the way they fit together, even though his are so much bigger than mine. It just seems so perfect. “We’re here, baby.” Breaking my thoughts, I look up and I have no idea where we are.

  “Where are we? Whose house is this?” I ask, noting he is not answering any of my questions. I do see there are quite a few cars in the driveway. Huh. Maybe he has to make an appearance at an event before we get to his place. Wish he would have told me. I am so not dressed…

  “SURPRISE!!!” I stumble back, shocked and confused by what the hell is happening. “Dun what is going on?” Looking around I see Phillipa and my friends from my old job. Some of Phillipa’s friends I met during the wedding. Inez from my old apartment building. What the hell. Scanning to see who else I recognize, I see a few I don’t know and then I look up and see the sign. “WELCOME HOME LAILANI AND DUNBAR.” Ok, now I am really confused. “Dun?” I question him one more time.

  “I bought this house for us. Phillipa picked it out. I had it sparsely decorated so you could make it into the home you want, but I wanted us to have a home. To have a family.” Oh God. Forgetting about the people around us, I jump into his arms burying my face in his neck as the tears flow down my face. Never mind the fact that my stomach is pushing me away from him and I weigh a thousand pounds. But he is holding me like I weigh nothing. “I take it, I did good.” I can’t stop crying long enough to speak so I simply nod still buried in his shirt.

  “Thank you so much. It’s beautiful.” I kiss him, needing to show him with more than words, how much this means to me.

  “Come on baby. Let’s say hi to everyone.” He makes to put me down but I tighten my hold around his neck not wanting him to let go. He chuckles. “You going to stay like this all night?”


  “You better not. I can’t hug you like this.” I look down and see Phillipa with her hands on her hips. Laughing, Dun lowers me, kisses my head, and lets me go.

  “I’m so happy to see you.” We scream at each other, seconds from jumping up and down. Almost as if they can sense it, Dun and Cord come and wrap their arms around our waists to calm us down.

  “Oh my gosh. Look at your stomach. Phillipa, you look beautiful.” I say rubbing it.

  “Look at yours. So small. You’re lucky. By this time, I was already huge. Four more weeks and this big girl comes out.” She pats her stomach, radiant and happy. What about you? How are you feeling?”

  “A bit overwhelmed at this moment, but happy.” I look at Dun. He smiles looking like the cat that caught the canary.

  “I am so happy to have you back. I have missed having my best friend.” she hugs me harder, crying on my shoulder.

  “Dang it, Phillipa, now I'm crying.” we both sit here, blubbering messes as we hug each other. I missed her too. Dun touches my arm and pulls me back.

  “Lani, baby, we need to make the rest of the rounds. There are a lot of people here for you.” He wipes my tears and ushers me through the room, w
rapping his arms around my waist. He introduces me to Esme, his best female friend apparently, who helped him find this house.

  “It’s so good to meet you, Lailani. So glad you decided to take pity on this one. He was becoming pathetic,” she says laughing. I look at his face and giggle at the expression he is giving her.

  “It’s nice to meet you too. Thank you for helping him find this place. It’s incredible.”

  “I wish I could take the credit, but it was all this one. Well I am not going to hold you up, but you and I need to do lunch.” I like her.

  “Absolutely. Just call me.” She hugs me and walks away. Dun then introduces me to one of his and Cord’s good friends, Dayton, and his wife Sarina. I feel like the introductions are never going to end. Though I have to admit, the atmosphere is fun, light, and exciting. The food is great and everyone is conversing.

  After a while, and talking to god knows how many people, I look around for Dun and can’t find him. Then I hear glass clinking. Turning, I see my love standing in the center of the room beckoning for me to come to him. “Friends, thank you so much for coming as we celebrate our new home. You know, when I bought this home, it was to show my lady, my woman, my heart, that she was everything I ever wanted and that the life we are going to build will be my dream come true because there is nothing I want more than her, except the little baby boy she is keeping safely inside of her until he is ready to come out. The only other thing that would make my point true and more significant, is if I were to prove it with a question.” It is bad enough his speech is making my eyes water, but when he drops to one knee and opens that tiny box, I break down, flooding the floor beneath us. “Lailani, you are the reason I was born. God created you to give me life. Without you, I am a mere shell of a man, walking through life blind to all that is light. So, save me, my love. Keep me alive. Will you marry me?”


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