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Page 21

by Anna White

  “Mum this is Haz.” I presented him to her and she tilted her head.

  “I know you?” She cocked her head to one side after the words left her mouth and I instantly felt uncomfortable.

  “I can’t think from where?” He took her hand in his and kissed it softly and I rolled my eyes. Unbelievable. I shook my head at him and my eyes furrowed.

  “Lena?” There was shock in Jay’s voice and I ushered her further out towards the hallway. “What are you doing here?” His voice steadied as he reached us and glanced down at us both. I clutched her arm in mine and puffed out my chest. Confusion filled me. How the hell did he know my mum!?

  “Avaya invited me around to see who she was staying with. She hasn’t been coming home.” She raised her eyebrows at him in a motherly manner and I scoffed. I watched Jay’s face twist and I was almost certain that he’d gone slightly redder in colour.

  “Oh shit! This is your PA yeah!?” Haz’s throaty laugh was infectious and I frowned as my mum started to giggle with him.

  “That I am.” My mouth struggled to be picked up off the floor, I felt my mum move my long dark hair behind my ear. “You know if you’d have told me you were staying with him I wouldn’t have been worried.” She grinned at me and I felt instantly sick. I shook my head and tilted my head slightly more towards Haz and watched her eyes soften. The lads were laughing about something and I smiled to myself as I watched them. “Good choice.” She muttered softly and I smiled slightly. My mum knew now and I didn’t feel quite as alone as I had done. I blushed a little and watched them both look at us.

  “You look so similar.” Jay almost whispered and I watched as Haz shook his head. He didn’t agree. My mum clearly didn’t hear a word he’d said to her. She was too busy staring into his big muddy brown eyes.

  “I thought I recognised the blonde girl out there. You look similar to her.” He nodded and shifted his weight awkwardly.

  “Chloe? She’s my younger sister.” He smiled, it was forced and I glanced over at Haz. He was already looking at me. He was gazing at my eyes and my heart began to beat a little harder. I loved the way he looked at me. I always had. It was almost as if I was the only person in the room. I glanced at my mum again and she was still smiling. I was confused and had questions.

  “So my mum works for you at the law firm? That’s the meetings you were always in?” I questioned him and he nodded. I felt her grip tightened on my arm. “You know I vowed the day I met her boss I was going to kick him in the bollocks.” My brow furrowed and I watched as his smile turned into a smirk.

  “You can still do that if it’ll make you feel any better.” I rolled my eyes at his snide remark and took my mum's arm in mine.

  “C’mon mum we are going out for a meal shortly but I should be back over the weekend. She smiled and followed me towards the doors away from the elusive brothers. She leaned in and planted a warm kiss against my cheek and pulled me in closer for a hug.

  “Haz was the reason I got to go to your gig that night. He seems like a nice young man.” I almost choked back a giggle. I doubted she would say that if she knew we’d been shagging. I flushed and shook my head. She pulled away from my embrace and made her way out of the house, leaving me completely stunned and confused. I’ve just found out way too much information for one afternoon. I closed my eyes as I rested my head against the front door and when I opened them again the two of them were stood looking at me. I pointed at Jay and he instantly threw his hands up in a defensive stance.

  “Hey in my defense I didn’t know she was your mum and,” he began and I threw my hand his way.

  “Jay you’ve made her cry on so many occasions!” I folded my arms at him and watched as he shook his head.

  “I always say that I’m sorry?” I rolled my eyes and glanced at Haz, who seemed to be finding this whole conversation very amusing and heard a tiny laugh escape his lips. “I dunno why your laughing mate, you’ve gotta explain to your mum who she is tonight.” A wicked grin spread across Jay's face and I shook my head.

  “Back up what?” I spluttered and watched Haz frown deeply.

  “He didn’t tell you that we were going to dinner with his family?” My heart thudded loudly, I heard it in my ears and shook my head again.

  “No he didn’t.” My eyes lowered and I watched his smile fade. I turned away from the both of them and made my way up the stairs. I had no idea where I was about to run and hide too. My subconscious was clapping slightly. If he truly didn’t want anybody to know about us or for any suspicions to rise I wouldn’t be meeting his family. My subconscious backflipped in triumph.

  He followed closely behind. I frowned at him. I couldn’t help but feel pissed by the fact that neither of them had ever told me they worked at my mum's law firm or the fact that I was meeting his family tonight and I had absolutely nothing to wear here. He jogged past me on the stairs and knocked on Chloe’s door. He was stood smirking at me and as she opened it she almost beamed. She was stood in her underwear, it was cherry red in colour and she filled it fucking beautifully. I gulped down my jealousy and couldn’t tear my gaze away from her.

  “Chloe?” She smiled at me. It was wide and her teeth were showing. “Can you find something for Avaya to wear? I don’t want my mother picking her to pieces you know what she’s like.” My stomach flipped as he spoke. My eyes finally left Chlo and her assets and landed on him. He wasn’t even looking at her tits. He was looking at me. I flushed and felt him push me softly towards her.

  “Oh you are going to absolutely love his mother…” Missy popped up from out of Chloe’s bathroom. This had been the first time in a while I’d seen her. Her hair looked like it had just been washed and my face must have said how I felt. Shocked? Confused. I frowned at Chloe and watched as Missy walked back into Chloe’s ensuite. I sat with my hands in my lap and watched Chloe disappear into her wardrobe. She came back out holding a beautiful deep navy blue silk dress. It was rather deep cut in the front, the straps were thin but it fell to what looked just below the knee. I grimaced and watched her laugh.

  “Av, you look lovely in a bag please just try it on?” She flashed me a reassuring smile and I reached for the dress that was hanging from her hand. I rolled my eyes and made my way towards her walk in. I glanced around. It was bigger than I thought it would be, everything was colour co-ordinated just as I’d expected it to be. I ran my hands over some of the dresses in there and glanced in the mirror at my reflection. I felt frumpy. I sighed and pulled my top from over my head and shimmied out of my jeans. I placed the dress over my head and slipped it down over my hips. I stood back from the full length mirror and examined the dress. I was right it was low cut, but in a classy way. It tied in at the waist and was asymmetric. I ran my hands over my hips and exhaled. I shook my head as I looked at my reflection.

  “Can I come and look?” Chlo sounded slightly excited and I watched as she came in anyway, quickly followed by Missy. “You look stunning, that colour suits you.” She was clearly smitten with her choice and I pointed towards where my knicker line was showing and she chuckled. “We can fix that later don't worry.”

  “What do I do with my hair?” I questioned, my voice breaking with nerves and I studied Missy. Her arms were folded across her body.

  “If I were you I’d put it up, you don’t want it looking a mess like it normally does.” She didn’t seem phased at the fact that she’d just insulted me as she walked out. I gestured towards her and watched Chlo frown.

  “Ignore her she’s just jealous that you’re meeting his parents under fairly nice circumstances.” I rolled my eyes and glanced at my reflection again. The dress made my curves look bigger and I gripped my hips in my hands. “Having a figure doesn’t mean you’re fat Av? You need to learn that underneath that you have abs…” She poked my stomach and I smiled. Her words were kind and I reached to hug her. “Also, leave your hair down.” She hugged me slightly tighter. “Haz likes it down.” She pushed my shoulder playfully and I laughed before I pushed her

  “I might just put it up then hey?” I winked at her and made my way towards her ensuite to wash and get ready for dinner with his family.

  I showered and applied soft make up to my face, my hair had air dried by the time I’d finished doing my makeup. I looked at my reflection and placed the dress back over my head, this time without the bra and knickers that left a line and took a deep breath. You can do this Av… I grabbed my nude coloured lippy and made my way back into the bedroom where Chlo was finishing off her makeup with her lipstick. She looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was sleek and flat, her makeup was perfect. Smokey eyes that complimented her cherry red dress. I smiled at her and instantly felt insecure. I watched as she examined me and I flushed.

  “You look lovely Chlo.” I smiled widely at her. She did. She threw a nude clutch bag my way and pointed at some bloody wonderful nude louboutins on the floor and smirked at me.

  “Those are for you too.” I shook my head and felt tears prick in my eyes. I grabbed her and pulled her in close for a hug.

  “Thank you.” I had never known somebody as warm and giving as this woman. I watched her smile and point towards the full length mirror in her room.

  “Fancy a picture?” I flushed and watched her pull her phone out. I stood next to her as she took a few pictures of us. She finally decided on one she liked and posted it on Social Media. I stood by her door and watched her follow me.

  “C’mon let’s go and meet everyone downstairs.”

  They were all stood waiting in the hallway. I watched as both Jay and Haz reached out for mine and Chloe’s hands. My eyes instantly gravitated towards Haz. He was dressed in a navy suit and my heart rate spiked. My stomach flipped and I took Jay’s hand in mine. He smirked at Haz who held Chloe in his grasp.

  “Seems as though Chloe has worked wonders on you too?” I examined his grey suit and nodded. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so immaculate.” I watched as his eyes ran over my face and smiled up at him. I glanced back at Chloe and Haz who were laughing at something. He seemed so comfortable around her, the way he held her wasn’t unfamiliar to me and the jealousy in me spiked. I placed my head on Jays shoulder and heard him stop breathing a little.

  “What’s the deal with Haz and Chlo?” I questioned. My curiosity had finally got the better of me and I heard him release a low chuckle from his mouth.

  “There was history there, but not for a good few years now. They’re more like best friends.” I almost gasped and nodded. So she’s slept with him as well? I shook my head softly and pulled myself away from his grasp. He offered me a small smile and I ruffled his dark hair softly. My eyes ran over Chlo. Her dress was tight and there wasn’t a lump out of place on her. She was perfectly curvy in every place she should be. I watched as she pushed her blonde bob behind her ear as she laughed with Jamane, she was still stood in Haz’s arms and my frown deepened. His eyes met mine and he released her almost instantly. His eyes softened as he looked across at me. My veins filled with jealousy and I began to make my way towards one of the cars on the driveway. His hand made its way into mine and I frowned at him.

  “When were you going to inform me of your past with Miss Conway?” My eyebrows lifted as I questioned him. He looked around before he pulled me across the gravel driveway towards his car. We were no longer in earshot of the others. His hands slammed my hips against his car and my breathing stopped.

  “Why are you jealous?” His demeanor had changed within seconds, he was pinning me against his car and I bit down on my lip. Shit I want him. “Are you jealous Avay?” I struggled to respond to him. “That’s how I feel whenever someone else so much as looks at you,” his words were almost a growl “Jay held you earlier infront of a crowd of people, he held you infront of my brother for fuck sake.” He was angry now, his other hand forced my chin up to look at him, “it fucking kills me that I’m not able to touch you how I want to, that I have to stop myself from kissing you, from not telling every single soul that your mine.” His eyes looked lost and tortured and my heart began to thud.

  “Then don’t.” I whispered against his lips and guided his hand over my hip. I watched as he shook his head slowly.

  “I can’t.” I burned for him. His tortured lost eyes pulled their gaze away from mine and I watched as he planted a kiss against my collar bone and released my hips from his grasp. I placed myself in the front of his car and watched as he climbed in next to me. He started the engine and it roared beneath us. I clicked my seatbelt in and studied his face. He was tense, I could tell by the way his jaw was clenched shut and I began to breathe slowly.

  “Why didn’t you call me last week after you dropped me home?” I probed him. His eyes didn’t move off the road ahead of us.

  “Because I knew I’d end up hurting you and I did.” His eyes traced my face and I placed my hand against his leg before I turned towards him.

  “I’m hurting because I don’t know what’s going on with us, with why we aren’t allowed to just be out in the open and because you keep hiding things from me.” A weight had lifted the second I’d said my piece and I watched as he pulled the car over.

  “Jay knows?” I rolled my eyes and watched as he ran his hand over his head “look Av, I’m trying, I’m trying to just keep you safe.” I growled at him and watched his eyes dart open wide.

  “I don’t want to be kept fucking safe! I wanna know what the hell is going on and why I’m being kept safe!?” His eyes darkened but his expression didn't change. “I know it’s something to do with Rava but I’ve got no idea what the fuck is going on.” Within seconds his hands were holding my face and his lips were on mine. I ran mine around his neck and deepened our kiss.

  “Fuck sake Avaya.” He muttered against my lips and I moaned softly.

  “Just tell me what’s going on?” I was pleading with him and I placed my forehead against his.

  “You’ll see later tonight.” He kissed me slowly before he drove again into the night.

  Chapter Seven

  Holt - Friday

  We pulled up on the car park of the little country pub around half an hour away from Alfie’s house. It was lit up like a Christmas tree, fairy lights hanging from the railings on the outside and even some in the trees that were scattered around the place. It was absolutely beautiful. People were gathered around the outside of the place and I instantly felt nervous. There wasn’t a soul standing outside who wasn’t dressed up.

  “You’ll be okay Av,” I glanced at him and he smiled softly at me “I’m here.” I climbed from his car and followed him with my eyes towards where Jay had parked. Chlo slipped between us and I watched as she smirked a little.

  “Believe me when I say you don’t want to be that close to him when we walk in that pub.” Her eyes danced and I rolled my eyes.

  “I wasn’t even close to him.” She tucked her arm in mine and I followed to wherever she was taking me. My eyes followed him and I shook my head. Chloe pulled the door and I held it open for the people behind us, they smiled and I clutched my bag as I took in my surroundings. The ceilings were low, the oak beams spread through the ceilings as support and there were brick columns scattered throughout the openish room that were obviously support beams. My eyes found their way to a large group gathered around the bar and I smiled nervously at the older lady who raised her eyebrows in the same manner as Haz did. I gulped and turned slightly to look at Chloe. I can’t do this shit.

  “Bro! Long time no see!” There was an almost excited sounding squeal coming from behind where Chlo and I stood. He brushed past us and wrapped his arms around Haz. I scoffed on my air and watched Chloe frown at me. They looked like a carbon copy of one another. That must have been the older brother.

  “Been a while? How was Afgan?” Haz pulled away from his embrace and I watched as his brother straightened his white shirt. He shrugged as a response before he made eyes with Chlo and then with me. “Oh you know, as good as war can be,” he paused as he examined me on Chlo’s arm. I couldn’t
help but blush under his gaze. “Who’s this?” He made his way towards where we were stood and I smiled at him. He wasn’t shy, that was for sure.

  “Avaya. My name’s Avaya.” I answered before anybody could answer for me. The tall army guy smiled at me and ran his hand underneath my chin. His eyes were darker than Harry’s but warm and friendly.

  “It’s lovely to meet you sweetheart.” He smirked as he released my chin and I watched as Chlo placed her lips against his cheek.

  “It’s been a while.” I heard her whisper and rolled my eyes as I moved from next to her and stared at Jay and Haz who both looked like they wanted to thump him in the face.

  “Juve, put her down.” Jay snapped eventually and I watched as Juve moved away from Chlo a little. Chlo seemed pissed when he did as he was told and I suppressed a chuckle. I felt Haz’s hand on my lower back and followed him towards the older lady and gentleman sat at the bar. I smiled at them softly.

  “Mother, father this is,”

  “Avaya, yes I heard her.” I watched as his Adams Apple rose and fell and I shifted uneasily beneath her gaze. “Where did you meet her? One of your drug meetings?” She almost snarled at him and I watched his jaw tense.

  “I’m a friend of Jay’s actually.” I cringed as the words left my mouth. Internally of course. I wasn’t going to let her know any different. My blood was bubbling and I looked towards the older gentleman. Harry was his double, they had the exact same blue eyes and jawline and I froze. The two girls who were sitting next to him had their arms crossed. I felt Haz lean down towards me and point out everyone.

  “That’s Juve,” he pointed towards the guy who had toured in Afgan “that’s Chantelle and Aimee,” he gestured towards the two hard faced girls sat next to their father and then finally towards the other three lads at the other side of their mother “and that’s Warren, Levi and Josh.” I tried my hardest to remember their names but couldn’t quite grasp them all. I watched as Aimee ran over towards Buddy and he gripped her softly in his arms. I smiled sweetly as I watched them. I examined them and they were all different in their own ways though resembled their fathers devilish good looks. His mother was looking good for her age, her black dress fitted her well and she stood to pull Jay into an embrace.


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