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Page 39

by Anna White

  "That's bad for you." I stated. State the fucking obvious Av…

  “There are worse things in the world Avaya.” I nod in agreeance with him and began to snap pictures of the beautiful sea and sun in the background. This place was paradise. "This holiday will do us all the world of good. We all work too hard." He puffed on his cigarette and exhaled. My gut twisted. "I heard off Rava before we left." My stomach instantly dropped. I knew this wouldn't last.

  "What?" I whispered softly and watched his face mimic the tones in my voice. "What did he say?" He leant forward towards where I was sat and doubted his fag out in the ashtray.

  "I'm watching." I frowned as he leant back in his seat. He was too relaxed about this.

  "No idea, don't even know why I've said anything." He shrugged and stood after he looked as though he was looking through me. "Anyway, I'll leave you to it. See you downstairs when your ready." He leant down and pecked my cheek slightly. "Put some more cream on your burns please they look sore." I nodded and lay back on the wicker sofa on our balcony. I closed my eyes and listened to the tide and relaxed slightly. I heard footsteps and I glanced at the table.

  "You left your fags." I muttered before feeling stubble rub against my stomach. I opened my eyes widely and watched as Haz ran his lips over the top of my knicker line.

  "I don't smoke." I giggled and closed my eyes again. "Jay said you'd burnt?" I let his lips linger on my stomach and shrugged.

  "Does Jay not realise that I'm a 21 year old woman who can look after herself?" He laughed his loud laugh, the one which made my insides judder and I smiled as I opened my eyes. He sat up next to me and I straddled him. His breathing changed as he studied our bodies in close proximity. It was lower. He instantly stopped laughing and I placed a light kiss against his mouth. His teeth sunk into my bottom lip and I smiled as I ran my fingers through the back of his hair.

  "I don't doubt you can hold your own Avay." He whispered against my lips as his fingers traced my back. They stopped and danced on the tie straps on my bikini top.

  "I don't want to go out for dinner tonight." I ran my lips over his and placed my hands on his shoulders. The feeling of his fingers on my back made the muscles between my legs clench and I closed my eyes momentarily.

  "Then let's just take a raincheck." There was nothing sexier than his low murmur. "I've had to watch you all day floating around the beach in this," his hands dipped to my arse "it's drove me fucking insane." I tilted my head admiring him. His tanned face was glowing under the orange sunlight.

  "Do I drive you insane?" I flushed and looked towards the sea.

  "Mhm, just a little." He admitted and brushed my hair from my face to behind my ear. "Did he tell you about Rava?" The tone in his voice changed and I nodded. "Think we might have to put the distance back there when we get home." His face twisted and I shook my head "I just wanna keep you safe?" I frowned again, my heart was sinking lower with every word.

  "How does putting distance between us make me any safer?" I watched his face twist and looked away from his eye contact.

  "My public displays of affection haven't gone unnoticed. I know him Av, he's cruel. He'll hurt you to get to me and he won't care." I instantly removed myself from his lap. My heart thudded against my chest

  "I thought there wasn't going to be anymore of this? Constant worrying and watching our every move?" I watched him shake his head. "He hasn't been seen for ages?" I reminded him. I began to rant, he cupped my face in his large hands and made me look at him. His eyes were sad.

  "He's done it for a reason. We've been careless?" I looked towards his chest and sighed before he kissed me slowly. My hand found its way towards the skin on his chest and I sighed deeply as he pulled away.

  "I'm not staying away from you Harry." I climbed off his lap and made my way back into our bedroom. My head spun. How could he say something like that after all the shit we'd been through. I jogged towards the bathroom and punched the shower on. A growl escaped my mouth. I'd chosen him. I was willing to put myself in danger to be with him. I loved him. Not 1 part of me wanted to go out for dinner now, I was too pissed off and annoyed. I placed myself underneath the shower the water was steaming hot and cascaded down my body. I washed quickly and exited the shower. I placed the fluffy Hotel quality towel around my chest and padded my way across the bedroom. The light from the sun was nearly gone and he was nowhere to be seen. I placed my black lace thong on and fluffed up my hair. It was slightly damp and wavy. I sighed as I walked towards my suitcase and searched for something suitable for dinner. I growled as I emptied my case and face flopped on the bed. I pulled out numerous dresses and decided on my black satin dress. I owned way too many satin dresses. I smirked at the thought of his face when he saw me in this dress. It was short. I placed it over my head and pulled it over my body. I made my way towards the floor to ceiling length mirror and flicked on the music player. The familiar sound of Ella Mai played and I sang softly to her sing 'Trippin' as I studied my reflection. After placing mascara and red lippy on I was ready. I huffed and bent down to place my strappy heels on. I glanced up at him studying me and continued to sing. He was watching my every move and he was leant against our door frame, his arms were crossed and I mimicked his body language.

  “Are you still mad?” He questioned. He wasn't looking at my face. I shrugged and went to walk past him. He placed his arm across the doorway and shook his head. "Ahh nah you ent going out there in that." his voice was low and sexy. Full of lust. I smirked to myself.

  "Oh I am." His eyes were burning through me

  "Avay!" He shouted after me, his face was dumbfounded by my defiance and I chuckled as I made my way to the bar area just across the boardwalk. I smiled to myself as the candles were lit up all around the resort. I spotted Chlo and watched her wink at me. It was still hot out here but it was muggy. I looked around the table and cleared my throat as they all looked at me.

  "Where's Nance?" I questioned.

  “She took a raincheck. I think she said she’s got stomach ache?” Missy nodded in my direction and I sat down opposite her and smiled.

  “Ah okay.” I watched as Marley and Jamane looked at me. Buddy was standing behind me and cleared his throat.

  “You look really nice.” Chlo smiled as her compliment left her lips.

  "Yeah the red lips are giving Buddy a hard on." Marley teased and I watched Missy spit out her wine. I smiled and bit my lip softly so that I didn't laugh.

  "Honestly you're never gonna give it up are you?" His voice wobbled and I patted his shoulder when he sat next to me.

  "Never." Marley gave me a small wink and I laughed. The air between us all was nice. It was relaxed and there didn't seem to be any bad blood between any of us. I relaxed a little more as conversation moved away from me. “Have you seen the pictures Jay uploaded earlier?” Chloe laughed and I shook my head. It was true I hadn't looked at my phone all day.

  “I think that’s why Nance has stayed in the hotel room. There’s a cracking one of you pair walking off from them.” I frowned at Chloe's statement and she giggled.

  “Yeah your arse looks cracking.” I laughed to myself and shook my head in response to Marleys comment.

  “He took a really nice one of all of us. We’re like laughing on the boardwalk. Haz uploaded a nice one of us too, but you're looking at him smiling.” I rolled my eyes as Missy leant across to show me the photo. The caption 'My girls.' Made my heart swell slightly on Jay's picture. She showed me the picture Haz had uploaded and I read the caption. 'What did I deserve to have her look at me like this!?' with a heart emoji face. Part of me now felt awful for being in such a mood.

  “Aww the caption!” I smiled and heard Jays laugh.

  “Oh shut up don’t be so soppy!” I grinned up at him. His beautiful mud brown eyes were soft and I flicked him as he walked past me to take a seat by his sister.

  “It’s sweet.” I admitted and he smiled at Chloe. I got my phone out and scrolled down a little further to see a rather pos
y photo of the two elusive brothers and laughed along with Missy who was now looking too.

  “For fuck sake you pair are literally the biggest posers in the entire world.” I chuckled with Missy who was now thoroughly taking the piss.

  “Fuck up.” He laughed as he took the phone from my hand. “Anyway no phones they’ve killed the art of conversation.” His words rang true and I nodded agreeing with him. I watched as Haz made his way towards the table and sat as far away from me as possible. His face was like thunder. I tilted my head to one side and raised my brow at him. He didn't flinch, he simply took his seat next to Jay. Chlo must have sensed the atmosphere between the two of us and I smiled before I shook my head. He was in a strop like a 5 year old would be. I smirked and rolled my eyes. I heard her chuckle slightly. She must have gathered from the look on his face he was in a mood.

  Dinner was wonderful and I was so glad I went, despite the fact that Harry and I didn't even acknowledge that either of us existed. My earlier bad mood didn’t last for long at all. Jay and Chlo shared some cracking stories about the both of them when they were younger. I couldn't imagine them being so young and stupid. Especially not Jay. Buddy had tried desperately to embarrass Haz to no avail. If anything it was the other way around. I sort of felt sorry for Buddy. I was fond of him. I placed my head on his shoulder softly and felt him tense instantly. Chloe cackled at his reaction.

  "Ignore him. Your alright Bud." I felt him nod and watched Harry's eyes light with fire. Chlo stood from the table and pointed towards the sea.

  "Can somebody take a picture of me and the girls please?" I rolled my eyes as Buddy stood up and grabbed her phone.

  "I swear to god Chlo you and pictures." She bobbed her tongue out at him and frowned.

  "I like to keep them for memories." He gave her a small smile and I rose to my feet. We stood by the balcony which overlooked the calm almost still sea behind us. There was no sunlight but the deck was lit softly with small fairy lights. We posed and laughed and laughed a bit more. It felt strange that Nancy and Soph weren't here with me and I glanced across at Haz and Jay having a chat. Jay smiled at me softly and I watched Haz slap his arm. I rolled my eyes and took pictures with Jamane, Marley and Buddy and the girls too. Jay hauled himself up and made his way over. Chloe grinned at him.

  "Please have a picture with me?" He groaned and I laughed. "Oh please I'm your sister!" She put on her sweetest puppy dog eyes and I smiled at them.

  "Your baby sister." I added.

  "God's sake fine." I laughed as I took pictures of them together. They were shockingly similar. Their eyes were replicars of each other. Their bond warmed me. It was one I'd never had. A sibling bond. I frowned at the memory of my father and pushed it to one side.

  "You pair gonna have a picture?" Chloe glanced at Haz who shook his head and smirked. I shrugged and got pulled by Jay.

  "I'll have one with you Av." He grinned over at Haz who rolled his eyes. "If he's gonna be so soft." I watched Harry take a small sip of beer from his mug and smirked. I watched Chloe wink at me and I laughed. Jays hand held my waist and I pressed down his collar that was sticking on end. He glanced towards where I was and I smiled softly at him. His eyes traced my face and I cleared my throat.

  "Are you gonna smile?" I whispered and watched him laugh.

  "Course I am." He turned to face Chloe with the camera and we gave our best smiles.

  Photo fest had finished and the night wore on. I yawned and stood from my seat slowly. I'd had a few cocktails and was feeling a little woozy.

  "I'm gonna head back and check on Nance. I’ll see you all later.” I nodded towards Chlo who waved in my direction. Her and Marley were in debate over something and Buddy and Jamane were having a conversation with Missy about the flat Earth theory. I'd zoned out a while ago. I made my way along the boardwalk back towards the villa, it was his birthday in the morning and we hadn't spoken a word to each other all evening. I entered the villa and I heard Nancy snoring slightly. It rumbled through the rooms. I chuckled to myself as I made my way up the stairs towards our bedroom. Throwing my purse on the bed I exhaled as I bent to untied my heels, the hot and humid weather made my feet swell slightly. The door behind me closed, I heard it and assumed I'd woken Nancy and padded my way across the room towards the dresser where I placed a calming music playlist on low volume and turned to see why she hadn't said anything yet. It was Harry who was standing, leaning against the doorframe and he looked hot. So fucking hot. His facial expression twisted with frustration and another emotion I couldn't put my finger on. I stood still for a while just watching him. He was pissed and I had no idea what to say to him to make him not pissed off. I swallowed hard and trudged towards the bathroom. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. I was so much darker in complexion than I'd realised and Jay was right, my shoulders were a tad red from the overexposure to the foreign sun. I ran my fingers over them and exhaled. My hair was more wild than when I left and I had no doubt it was the humidity. I brushed my teeth quickly, the sound of the music playing low in the background soothed me a little. I hadn't heard the door to our bedroom open or close but I wouldn't be surprised if he'd gone to join the rest of them again. My heart raced in my chest and as I walked back into our room to find him unbuttoning his denim shirt. There was a look that was smouldering in his eyes. My heart rate skipped once more as he made his way towards me, it had been a while since I'd seen him so intense and I'd missed it. I craved it. I was stood frozen at the foot of our bed.

  “Damn it Holt.” He reached out and grabbed my face in his hands, kissing me so hard I whimpered slightly. My body reacted before my thoughts caught up and I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him and clinging to him tightly. Together, we staggered towards the bed. “Do you know how much seeing you in that little black dress has wound me up all night?” His words were struggling to leave his mouth as we fumbled to undress each other. His hand slid over the fabric of my dress and I heard a groan escape his throat. I made light work of discarding his clothes quickly and ran my hands over his broad shoulders and against his chest. He shuddered beneath my touch, his hands found their way around my waist and his head dipped to kiss me. He pressed his hips into mine and as I felt his growing length against my stomach I gripped the back of his hair in my hands before I moaned softly. Need was now burning like an unstoppable fire through my body. His hands felt as though they were everywhere, they left a trail of goosebumps behind them. He leant me back on the bed and glanced down at me. His bright blue eyes sparkled before he leant over me. His fingertips caressed my breasts and then moved slowly down my stomach towards my thighs. I struggled to keep my eyes open as he pressed against my clit and ran his thumb around it in circles, tipping me closer towards the edge. My eyes opened as he pooled his fingers inside me.

  "Fucking hell Av." He groaned against my ear. "You're so wet." I flushed as he spoke. I was drenched and yearned for him. I was scared to speak as I knew my response wouldn't sound so strong. I rolled onto of him and glanced at him beneath me. I couldn't wait any longer. I needed him inside me. I straddled his hips and grasped his shoulder before kissing him again. Our kisses were frantic and full of want and as I sank down on his length, my head tilted backwards.

  “Av,” He whispered reverently. My eyes looked back at the angst on his face. I rolled my hips softly. His pupils were so wide, his eyes were almost black. They were smouldering. I suppressed a moan as we moved together, desperate and hungry. There was no rhythm, only our need for each other, neither of us holding back as we pushed each other closer to the edge. I felt as though I was about to burst at any given moment. A groan escaped my lips as he bit down on it and flipped me so that I was on my back. His huge frame cascaded over me. I felt him press his forehead against mine before parting my arms and holding them above my head. My eyes blinked open and my back arched as he continued to drive into me, pushing me closer and closer to the brink.

  “Harder.” I whimpered. In one swift move he, he did as I demanded. A del
icious feeling of pain mixed with pleasure rippled through my body and my back arched. My mouth dropped open a little as he ran his lips over mine. I tilted my head towards where we were joined and watched as he trusted in and out of my body. Heat pooled in my stomach as I watched our bodies move together. I glanced back up to his eyes, ducking his head he planted a messy open mouthed kiss against my lips. He shifted his hips slightly and hit somewhere he never had before. I gripped his hand that was holding mine above his head which left me calling out his name as I surrendered around him.

  "Avay." He muttered as the thrusts slowed. I watched as the beads of sweat poured from our bodies and he slumped slightly before he pulled us apart.

  We lay in silence, the beating of my heart resonated through my body and into my ears and felt him hold my head close to his chest. My body ached and my limbs were heavy. How could he want this to stop? I glanced up at him and watched as he smirked.

  “Maybe we should just relocate and live here?” He murmured into my hair before he planted a light kiss on my temple. “Forget about Rava and everything else and just start over.” I didn't answer him. I knew he didn't mean it. He couldn't leave it all behind and neither could I, but I wanted too. I let my fingers trace the muscles of his chest and watched him shiver beneath my touch.

  "You know we couldn't do that." I mumbled. My voice was barely a whisper.

  "We can dream?" I shrugged. Just dream. "One day." He sounded so sure of his words. He tucked his finger underneath my chin and stared at me. His expression was one I'd never seen before. He looked pained but his eyes were doughy. I sighed. "You know I'd go to extreme lengths to protect you," he paused "to protect this." My heart began to swell as I ran my hand over his cheek. I watched his eyes trace my chest and raised my brow.

  "This being the passionate sex?" I teased as I tried to make light of the situation. His smirk curled upwards as he leant over me once again and watched as he planted his heart shaped lips around my nippple. He bit down softly and I gasped.


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