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Page 40

by Anna White

  "Ouch!" He grinned against my now tender skin and kissed it softly. "What's got into you tonight?" I paused as his messy hair flopped to one side and I smiled softly at him. "Before we left you were in a mood and then you didn't speak to me all night and then you practically pounced on me when you walked through the bedroom door." He laughed, it was his big hearty laugh that made my heart boom and I grinned.

  "Oh Avay your so oblivious." I frowned at his comment and shrugged. I ran my thumb over where the red lipstick was still on his face and winked at him.

  "Fill me in?" I tilted my head to one side as he lay flat on his back. I sat up slightly and glanced down at him. His face was so innocent. He took my hand in his and ran his lips over it.

  "You were the one who was pissed with me before we left," he began and I rolled my eyes. "Let me finish?" I closed my mouth and frowned as he began to speak again. "I was pissed off because I'd had to endure a day of you in a stringy bikini with my brother and Jamane fucking eye balling you all day," I went to open my mouth to defend myself and he continued "then you went all angry and stroppy and told me no in that little short black silky dress that hugs you everywhere and strappy heels and then to top it all off you were bent over untying your shoes when I walked in here to speak to you…" I bit my lip as I tried to hold in my giggle. Hearing him admit this out loud was hilarious. I rolled my eyes and squeezed his hand that was holding mine. "I just lost my control. I really needed to fuck you." I gulped as he said the words and everything South of my stomach clenched.

  "So it was the dress?” I teased.

  “No. It was the fact that you have no idea how beautiful you are, how much everyone around you sees it and the fact you basically told me to fuck off when I tried to stop you from leaving,” He chuckled a little.

  “Well you’d annoyed me.” I lay next to him now and smiled up at him.

  “No shit.” He smirked as I shrugged and listened to the music that was still flooding the bedroom. “If you wanna know what made me come back to talk to you it was Jay. He said after you left that I was a fucking mug for not following you." I smirked and nodded agreeing with Jay. "He said that even he thought you looked hot tonight and knowing that he'd had his hands on you minutes earlier nearly made me combust." Laughter exploded from my lips as I rolled over to face him.

  "Oh Haz you're so silly." He shook his head.

  "Nah he pissed me off."

  "He always pisses you off." I reminded him and I watched as he held himself up with his arm resting on his head.

  "Nah then Chlo started rubbing it in saying that you'd defended Buddy and that if I wasn't shagging you she'd have 100% snogged you." I choked on my laughter and watched him frown deeply.

  "Your an idiot." I chuckled and watched as he grinned.

  "Your idiot though?" I smiled a genuine smile.

  "Always." I whispered as I traced my fingers over his lips.

  “I hope they heard us.” The look on his face was devilish and young and made me shiver a little.

  “Haz!” I laughed a little and ran my nose over his slowly. He leaned to kiss me again. He was now leaning over me and I was internally alight again. The feeling of his body pressed against mine made my pulse rate spike. "Nancy is trying to sleep." I whispered against his lips between kisses.

  "You're beautiful Holt." I felt myself flushing "I love you." My heart jolted and I held my breath. The words didn't leave his mouth often but they always sounded so sincere.


  The warm breeze was being circulated throughout the room, the smell of the sea clung to the inside of my nose and I reached to wrap myself around my very own Birthday boy. There was no additional familiar warmth that came from his side of the bed. I groaned as I sat up, pulling the sheets across my bare naked body and yawned. A head of full slightly lighter than normal mousey hair poked from out of the bathroom, his smile was wide as he examined me. I unwrapped the sheets from around my body. I stepped over my clothes that were scattered across the bedroom floor and smiled at the memory of our passion filled night before I placed them back in my suitcase. His footsteps echoed behind me on the wooden flooring. Hands that were cold against the warmth of my skin wrapped around my waist and I melted into him as he lay feather light kisses against my shoulder.

  "Good morning beautiful." He muttered into the curve of my neck. My body reacted to his touch. I turned to face him and gave him a shy smile. He was dressed. His t-shirt was a baggy white one, his shorts were swimming ones with a ridiculous palm tree pattern on them and I chuckled to myself as he moved my messy dark hair from off my shoulder. The ends tickled my back. "I love that sound." He muttered as he dipped his head to kiss my lips, his fingers trailed down my spine towards my arse. I pressed myself against him. He was already hard. I suppressed my smirk.

  "Happy Birthday." I whisperer against his lips and I felt him smile.

  "I knew you knew." He kissed me slowly this time and I held him close to me. I wanted to savour every moment of this holiday with him.

  "Why didn't you tell me?" I placed my head against his and felt him pick me up so that I was now naked, wrapped around him with my legs spread. I frowned a little.

  "It's just a birthday." He shrugged.

  "You're a year older."

  "A year closer to 30." I wriggled my brows at him and watched him smirk.

  "Nothing wrong with being a silver fox." I mumbled and I heard him laugh.

  "You've been around Chloe for far too long." He stated. I shook my head and squeezed his neck softly.

  "Maybe I like older men?" He lifted his eyes to meet mine and I caught his bottom lip between mine. His breathing stopped.

  "Avay?" His tone was warning and I watched desire flood him. He tilted his head to one side softly.

  "I love it when you call me that." I admitted. He smiled softly.

  "Why's that?" I shrugged and flushed. I'd never admitted it out loud that it was one of my favourite words out of his mouth.

  "Because only ever you have called it me." He smiled widely, his pearly white teeth shone at me and I stroked his face as he walked me towards the bed again. I raised my brow and watched him shake his head.

  "Remember we have that scuba diving trip in an hour. You should get ready." He placed me down on the bed so that my boobs were at his eye level and watched his lips run over them. I caught my moan and bit down on my lip.

  "You'll be getting an email later." I forced my eyes to open and jumped down off the bed. I ached for him already. Sleepy morning sex would have been brilliant. His eyes followed me as I made my way towards the bathroom again.

  "What?" He questioned, his expression confused.

  "That's your birthday gift." I winked and closed the door behind me. Leaving him with a million questions.

  I got ready in record timing. My hair was still damp from my shower. I decided on a teal coloured bikini and some flip flops. Nancy was stood leaning against the island. She was in a bright yellow bikini and she was chatting with Jay. She was staring at him with large gooey eyes and he was smirking at her. I coughed and warned them I was there. Nancy stood taller, her legs looked so long from where I was standing and I watched Jay wink at me. Almost instantly I knew.

  "Did you have a good evening?" Chlo joined me and nudged my arm as she wiggled her brows.

  "I just went to bed?" I stuttered and stumbled in my response. Buddy and Marley were smirking and Jay laughed a little.

  "That ain't what we heard." He shrugged as he spoke.

  "What'd you mean?" I questioned. Chlo grinned and made her way towards Nance.

  "Damn it Holt?" She winked as she mimicked his voice. I could have died. Right there and then I wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow me up. Harry was leant against the sofa all relaxed and unbothered. I frowned at him.

  "Nah to be fair that's all we heard." Jamane added.

  "Yeah we all legged it down the hallway after that." Marley agreed with Jamane. I was growing redder in colour with every passing se

  "Yeah we knew the second he got in he'd pounce on you. He had that look on his face all night." Chlo added and I heard a laugh explode from Harry's mouth. He was now grinning with intent. He got what he wanted everyone heard.

  "Did you all hear?" I threw my arms up in the air and watched them all pull faces and look away grinning. I frowned at Haz who shrugged.

  "I can't help the fact you're a loud lover Av." My mouth fell open slightly and I shook my head before I slapped his chest. "I'm surprised you can walk this morning to be honest." He winked at me and I scoffed back a laugh. I had no quick witted response to throw back at him. I didn't have an insult to throw at him. He was mind-blowing in the bedroom and he knew it. I folded my arms and shook my head. Buddy clapped his hands together.

  "Right anyway, Happy Birthday!" He leant in to hug Haz and he tapped his back in response. I kept my frown on my face. I had made my way towards Jay and felt him rest his arm over my shoulder.

  "We're winding you up Av. You ent loud." He muttered towards me. I smiled and nodded.

  "Thanks Jay." Nance placed her head on Harry's shoulder after she hugged him and wished him a happy birthday. My skin prickled watching them in such close proximity. I shot him a cold look as he placed his arm over her shoulder. He winked and I shook my head. A feeling of jealousy overwhelmed me. Fuck this is how he must feel whenever I touch Jay. I quickly released myself from his grasp and zone out momentarily from the conversation and flick back to the moment I decided on what I was buying him for his birthday.


  "What the fuck do I buy him?" I moaned and watched as Chlo, Nance and Soph relaxed back on the sofa. Chlo shrugged.

  "No idea he's got everything." She confirmed what I had already known. I sighed and locked my phone. It was no use. Jamane and Buddy made their way in the living room too. It had been where we had stayed for most of the day flicking through shit TV. Jamane threw himself next to Soph who gave him a cheeky wink.

  "What's up? What we missed?" He questioned.

  "She doesn't know what to buy him for his birthday." Nance pointed towards me and I watched Jamane stroke his coarse beard hair that he'd been growing.

  "He's got you that's all he'd want?" I rolled my eyes and heard Soph pretend to throw up. Marley had now entered the room and plonked himself down next to Nance.

  "What about pictures of you? Aren't you having that shoot for your dancing thing in a week or so?" Buddy clicked his fingers.

  "That's such a good idea!" I shook my head.

  "Why on Earth would he want photos of me dancing?" I watched as they all shared a look and watched Soph roll her eyes.

  "Fuck me Av, you know sometimes I wonder if you have a brain in that head." She blurted and I frowned.

  "Then what do you mean?" I was confused and didn't understand what the hell they were talking about.

  "He means some classy nude photos." Chlo laughed and I suddenly felt a little sick. I shook my head.

  "Absolutely not, no way." I crossed my arms and watched her roll her eyes. Marley chuckled and shrugged.

  "I think he'd love it." They all nodded and Missy sat up a little more. I braced myself for the back handed comment to come out of her mouth.

  "He takes sexy photos of you all of the time? Do you not watch his Instagram stories?" She offered me a smile and I shook my head softly.

  "I've never seen any of them?" Nancy laughed at how oblivious I was and Buddy pulled his phone from his pocket. He scrolled through uploads he'd posted and there was one picture out of many where I was half smiling and smirking at him but I’m biting my thumb. I’m sat on his swivel chair in his office and I’m in just his shirt. I couldn’t ever remember this being taken. I felt Marley nudge me as my face dropped. I shook my head a little as I read the caption.

  I’m one lucky son of a gun.

  I didn’t want to look any further. I glanced up at Buddy, his chubby cheeks were now red and he smirked.

  “He’d love it.” He patted my shoulder and I groaned outwards. I’d have to grow some balls and do it.


  Nerves pooled in the pit of my stomach as I recalled the memory. His hands lingered around my waist and his breath tickled my skin. I tilted my head to look at him and smiled nervously.

  “You’ve gone ever so quiet?” I knew he was raising his brow. I shrugged.

  “Is the way I felt when you hugged Nancy the way you feel?” I whispered while everyone else laughed and had their own little conversations.

  “What when other people touch you?” I nodded and he did too.

  “Probably.” He kissed my cheek softly and I frowned. I turned to face him and watched him smirk as I moved my eyes from off his face.

  “C’mon then…” Chlo called from by the entrance to the villa. I’d forgotten that there was a room full of other people who were waiting to go and enjoy their day.

  “Jesus you pair. He’s like a teenage boy with you today.” Jay scoffed and I rolled my eyes as I made my way out of the villa.

  We spent the morning traveling to another island, apparently the fish were better over that side and they weren’t wrong. We spent ages looking for different fish. They were all vibrant colours. I would 100% never see anything that beautiful again in my life. There we hundreds of fish. I hadn’t got a clue how long we’d been exploring the seas and the island but it was late afternoon before we got back on the boat to take us back over to our island. I glanced through pictures on my phone that we’d taken this holiday. They were all such good memories. Nance placed her head against my shoulder and I smiled at her. She was slightly redder in the face than she was this morning.

  “What’s up?” I questioned as I pulled my eyes away from the pictures and focused in on her.

  “I don’t wanna go home Av.” Her eyes looked sad and I glanced towards Jay “I think I really like him and I didn’t realise that until now.” Her voice was hushed and low. Her line of sight followed mine as I looked at the boys. Jay was laughing at something Marley had said and I frowned because he was smoking again.

  “I don’t like his new habit.” I mumbled and noticed that Harry was now watching me gorp at his best friend. I watched him wink and flushed.

  “I’m not joking Av?” I smiled to myself and shrugged a little. I had no idea what to tell her. I didn’t know if Jay would ever be serious enough about her and I didn’t know if he reciprocate her feelings.

  “See how things go when you get back?” I raised my brow at her and she sighed and nodded.

  “Things will go back to being shit again.” I cringed at her comment. They’d go back to being shit because of me. Because of them constantly looking over their shoulders to keep me from getting into trouble. But I couldn’t tell her any of this. I exhaled and pulled down my sunglasses and took in the suns rays for just a little while longer.

  Vens - Thursday

  Birthday’s had never been good for me. I’d always hated them ever since I could remember but as far as Birthday’s went this one had been pretty good. More than good. It had been great. Av was laying studying Jay with Nance. I’d winked at her and she’d flushed. Nance and Jay had rekindled their romance whilst we’d been on this holiday, he’d even shared a bed with her a couple of times which was unheard of for him. I nudged him as I tilted my head towards them.

  “So what’s the vibe?” I questioned and he laughed as he took a puff on his cigarette.

  “Holiday romance.” He shut me down before I could add anymore. I smirked to myself as Av lay down taking in more of the suns rays. She’d gone the most golden brown colour. She didn’t look British any more. Her eyes were still sea green and now they were even greener. Marley took his seat next to me and I put my arm over his shoulder. He was quite possibly the most gayest gay I’d ever met in my entire life. He blushed an
d pushed me away from him.

  “Hey handsome!” He wiggled his brows as he took a seat next to me.

  “Hey Marls, what can I do for you?” I raised my brow and watched him wink at Jay.

  “Well,” he began and I heard Av cough.

  “Don’t Marley.” She warned and laughter erupted on the boat. I joined in too. He flushed red again and swung his body so that he was facing me.

  “Have you checked your emails?” He whispered and I tilted my head. How did he know? I shook my head and pulled my phone from my pocket and read the title.

  Subject: Happy Birthday!

  I opened the email and raised my brow at him. He clapped his hands together and I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m gonna admit it. I’m so confused.” I spoke and watched as he stood and pulled his shorts from his arse.

  “Oh you’re gonna love it.” He smiled and winked before he skipped back across the boat to join the girls. Chlo peaked from behind her glasses and winked at me before she placed her book back up to her face. I opened the attachment and smirked. There was a video linked of her. I shook my head and glanced across at her before I read the email.

  She was a dream to shoot. You’re a very lucky man! I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed shooting them. The video is a moving glimpse of what happened during the shoot. (Don’t show her she’ll murder me)


  I must have watched the video of her a thousand times, they were short clips of her looking all sexy and then her laughing. I smiled with her as I watched it. She was in white lace. I smirked to myself. I tried my hardest to study where an Earth the background bedroom was. The photographer was really good at her job. I opened the attachment and began to scroll through the images that were attached. I closed off them the second I felt my length grow in my shorts and cleared my throat and sat up to readjust slightly.

  “What was in that email bro?” Jay laughed and I smirked.

  “You’re never looking at them.” I winked at him and watched him reach for my phone. I held it in the air and noticed the girls looking towards us. Av was now sat up and smiling at me. She looked embarrassed. She must have known I’d seen them.


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