Book Read Free

For Emery

Page 11

by J. Nathan

“She had a rough go at it. But she survived.”


  He nodded. “It was bad. But she’s a tough woman.”

  “She is,” I said. “And him?” The words dripped from my mouth with as much hatred as I felt.

  “He left her for dead. Our best men are working on it.”

  Vomit roiled up my throat. I was a terrible daughter. A selfish daughter. I’d abandoned my mother for Alabama. For Jordan. “I should’ve been there. I should’ve protected her.”

  “Then you’d be in the bed beside her,” he assured me. “She did a good job fending him off long enough to send an emergency call from her phone. He probably heard our sirens and ran for it.”

  “Can I see her?”

  He nodded. “She’s been in and out of consciousness all day. They have her on heavy pain meds.” He stepped aside so I could continue down the hallway.

  My feet felt like they were submerged in quicksand as I approached her room, each step becoming more difficult. The sterile hospital scent singed the inside of my nose. The shaking in my hands had nothing on the fear I had of seeing her. I dragged in a deep breath and stepped inside the room.

  My mother slept under white sheets with only her face visible. It was good she was asleep because I couldn’t hide my horror. Her face was entirely black and blue and swollen. If I didn’t know it was her, she would’ve been unrecognizable. Vomit again crept up the back of my throat as I took in the sight of my poor battered mother. Tears glazed my eyes. Rage I didn’t know I was capable of feeling spread through me.

  I approached her bed slowly and lowered myself into the empty chair beside her, transfixed on the damage Wayne had done.

  I reached under the sheet and took her cold limp hand into mine. An IV was attached to the back of it, connected to a drip bag at her side. “I’m here, Mama.”

  My mother’s eyes cracked open, and her head fell to the side on her pillow. She tried to smile but winced at the pain it caused her.

  “Don’t say anything. I’m here now. Just rest.”

  “I stood up to him,” she whispered.

  I fought back the tears stinging my eyes and did my best to smile. “I know you did.”

  She closed her eyes, and the even sound of her breathing indicated sleep.

  Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched her sleep. What had she done to deserve a man like that? She’d once told me he swept in to rescue her after my real father died. She must have been so blinded by grief she didn’t see him for the man he was—a drunk with a violent temper. But that description no longer fit him. Finding her in Arizona and attacking her had been premeditated. There was no excuse. He couldn’t blame it on the alcohol. He’d plotted this. That made him a monster.

  But where was he now?

  The longer I sat there clutching my mother’s hand, the angrier I became. My tears subsided and my mind became clouded with revenge. With payback. With the pain I wanted inflicted on him. I was such a hypocrite. I’d shamed Jordan for using his fist on Flip, and now that’s all I wanted someone to do to Wayne. If not more.

  Between the anger and the exhaustion, my eyelids eventually grew heavy.

  An hour passed, and my pursuit to resist sleep failed me. I just needed to rest my head. I just needed to close my eyes for a minute. I lowered my head down on the bed.

  I just needed a minute…



  A hand cupped my shoulder. I jerked up and spun in my chair.

  Jordan stood in the dark hospital room beside me, his eyes on my mother.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, my voice groggy with sleep.

  “Is she okay?” he said, squatting down beside the chair so not to wake her.

  “He found her.”

  His jaw clenched, and the ticking there made his anger palpable. “I should’ve killed him when I had the chance.”


  “No, Em.” He gave me a sidelong glance. “I begged my parents to get him out of your house.”

  “You did?”

  “Of course I did. When the sheriff showed up, your mom told them everything was okay.”

  “She did?”

  I could see the anger brewing in his eyes, and I thought maybe it would break him. “My parents said if he didn’t hurt you—and your mom wanted him there, there was nothing else they could do.”

  I nodded, knowing if he thought for one minute Wayne had ever touched me, he would have killed him.

  “You should’ve called me. I shouldn’t have found out from your roommate.”

  “She shouldn’t have contacted you.”

  “Right. You should have. Best friends are there for each other. You knew that at one time.”

  “Are we really gonna do this here?” I was too exhausted to argue with him. Too exhausted to even be mad at him for what happened with Flip.

  He closed his eyes, shame marring his features. “I’m sorry. I was just so scared when she told me. I was scared you were next.”

  “I’m safe here. There’s a police officer.”

  A long silence passed between us. My mother and I lived a terrible life with Wayne. And even though we’d escaped him, we were constantly looking over our shoulders. Now, that he was out there, we were like sitting ducks and I had no idea what to do about it.

  “Jordan?” my mother whispered.

  Jordan jumped up and grabbed her hand from mine. “I’m right here, Ma’am. Can I get you something?”

  Her words were soft and slow. “Thank you for being here for Emery.”

  He glanced to me sadly before looking back to her. “I’ll always be here for Emery. And you.”

  “Mom, do you need me to get the doctor?” I asked.

  “I just need to sleep,” she said.

  “Then rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  Her eyes closed, and the soft purrs of sleep escaped her once again.

  “She’s on a lot of pain meds,” I explained.

  “Can I get you something?” he asked. “A drink? Some food?”

  I shook my head. “I’m so tired, but I don’t want her to wake up and not have me awake.”

  He ticked his head to the empty bed in the room. “Go sleep. I’ll sit with her.”

  “Are you serious? You’ve been up all night too.”

  “I slept on the plane.”

  Maybe if I slept for a little while longer, I’d be able to coherently speak with the doctors and detectives in the morning. “You sure?”

  “Of course.”

  I pushed myself to my feet. Jordan unexpectedly grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his lips to the crown of my head. “Everything’s gonna be all right.”

  I nodded, hoping more than anything he was right. I let him hold me. But the longer I stayed folded in his arms, the longer I wanted to stay there. The safety he provided, and the way even at my lowest he made me feel as if everything was going to be all right, was what our relationship had been based on. But I couldn’t always let him rescue me. I had to be strong on my own.

  I stepped out of his arms. “I’ll only sleep for a little bit.” I moved to the empty bed on the other side of the room. I was too tired to even pull back the sheets, so I laid on top of them, curling myself into a ball and hugging my knees.

  “Take all the time you need,” Jordan said softly before sleep carried me under once again.


  I sat in the chair and took hold of Emery’s mom’s hand. I wanted her to know someone was with her. Sadly, between the bruising and swelling, you couldn’t see the attractive woman she was.

  There were so many things I wanted to say to her. So many things I should have done to prevent what happened.

  “Jordan.” Her eyes cracked open.


  “She missed you,” she whispered.

  “I know,”
I said, leaning closer so she didn’t have to strain her voice to talk to me.

  “I didn’t let her contact you.”

  “Water under the bridge,” I assured her. “You just need to get better.”

  “Will you take care of her if anything happens to me?”

  Fucking tears pricked my eyes. “Nothing’s gonna happen to you. Just focus on getting better.”

  Her eyes closed as she drifted back off to sleep. Did she really think she might not make it? Were her internal wounds more severe than we knew? And what about Emery? If anything happened to her mom, would she even let me take care of her?

  “How’s she doing?” a voice asked.

  I spun in my chair to find the police officer standing inside the doorway.

  I shrugged. “She’s in and out of sleep.”

  “Terrible thing that happened to her.”

  “He was a monster when we were kids.”

  He nodded, staring at her battered body.

  “What’s being done to catch him?” I asked.

  The officer’s eyes moved back to me. “We’ve got men on it. But the guy could be anywhere by now.”

  “Could he get in here?”

  He shook his head. “His picture’s plastered all over every nurses’ station, bathroom, and entrance in this place.”

  “Doesn’t mean he won’t find a way. He tracked her down in another state.”

  He tapped the gold badge on the front of his shirt. “That’s why I’m here.”

  “But for how long? And what happens when she gets out of here? Who will protect her then?”

  “All valid questions.”

  “Does that mean you don’t have the answers?”


  I nodded. It wasn’t his fault. But I wanted those answers. Who would ensure her safety? And Emery’s?

  The officer walked back out to his post, and I slipped my phone from my pocket, sending my uncle Cal a text. He had a law firm in Montgomery and always came through for me when I needed him. Hence the private jet and pilot he lent me to get to Arizona at a minute’s notice. He asked only that I call when I figured out the situation. Then he could provide legal counsel.



  Sunlight yanked me from a restless sleep. My eyes parted and the bright room around me instantly reminded me where I was and why I was there. I sat up. Jordan sat beside my mom, his hand clasping hers. He watched her while she slept, his eyes heavy with sleep.

  “Did she wake up?” I asked, turning so my legs hung off the side of the bed.

  He looked to me. “A couple times.”

  I nodded, not knowing what to say to him in the light of day. “You didn’t have to come.”

  “Say it again and I’ll…”

  “You’ll what?”

  “I’ll come over there.”

  I scoffed. “Is that supposed to scare me?”

  He placed my mom’s hand down by her side on top of the sheet and stood, his tall body moving toward me.

  I sat still, braced for his attempt at intimidation. “Still not scared.”

  He stopped at the side of my bed and stared down at me. He said nothing, but I could tell he was taking in my puffy eyes and the creases around them—the result of lack of sleep and fear. Fear of Wayne. Fear of the unknown. Fear of losing the people I loved most in the world. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

  I pushed down the tears that sat at the ready as I breathed in his scent, then pulled back from him. “Don’t.”

  His face scrunched. “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t swoop in to save the day like you used to.”

  He stepped back and crossed his arms. “Why the hell not?”

  “Because you can’t be one guy with me and then hurt people when I’m not around.”

  “This is about Flip?”

  “This is about you. This is about you changing and me…well, me thinking you would’ve stayed the same.”

  “You’re not making any sense. I’m the same guy I always was.”

  I cocked my head, challenging his words.

  Anger replaced his sympathy. “So, you don’t want me here?”

  “I don’t know. Why are you here?”

  “Because I’m your best friend. I show up when you need me and punch guys to protect your honor.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  He threw his arms out to his sides, frustration emanating from his body. “What, Em? What do you want from me?”

  I shook my head, not wanting to answer.

  “Tell me. What do you want?”



  I sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Now I’ll ask you again. What do you want?”

  “I want you,” I blurted, the words tumbling out before I could stop them. I clasped my mouth with my hand. Shit.

  His head whipped back. “What?”

  I hated my lack of control with him around. I dropped my hand. “You heard me,” I grumbled like a sullen child.

  “Jesus, Em.”

  “It’s not like you didn’t know.”

  “Of course I didn’t know. I mean, I knew you were crushing on me as a kid, but…”

  “But what?”

  He shrugged, and for the first time ever, he was at a loss for words.

  “Is it that hard to envision?”

  “What? No.” He moved closer, cupping my cheeks with his hands as he looked intensely at me. “You’re the most beautiful girl I know. I just…”

  My gaze dropped from his. This wasn’t how I wanted all this to play out. My emotions were just so out of whack after what happened to my mom, my lack of sleep, and him showing up. “Just forget I said anything.”

  “Forget it?”

  “Emery?” my mother called softly from the bed.

  I flew out of Jordan’s grasp and made my way into the chair beside my mom. “I’m right here, Mama.” I grasped her frail hand. “How are you doing? Can I get you something? Should I get the doctor?”

  “Slow down,” she said.

  “I’ll get the doc,” Jordan said as he moved to the door and disappeared in the hallway.

  “Have they caught Wayne?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “Not that I’ve heard.”

  She closed her swollen eyes, and I could see the pain of what she’d endured. “There was knocking on the door. I should’ve known better than to open it without looking.”

  “Mom, it’s not your fault. He’s a sick man.”

  “When I saw him standing there, I knew it was over. I knew he was going to kill me.”

  Tears pooled in my eyes. “Mama, save your energy. It’s not good to think about it. You survived.”

  “I just need you to know. I just need you to be aware. He could come for you. And the thought is destroying me.” Tears fell freely from her eyes and streamed down her swollen cheeks.

  I cupped her hand in both of mine. “I’ll be fine.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to her,” Jordan assured my mom from the doorway.

  “Thank you,” she said to him.

  “The doctor’s on his way,” Jordan said.

  I was too embarrassed to look over my shoulder at him, though I wondered how much of our conversation he’d heard. “I think the swelling’s going down a little.”

  “You’ve always been a terrible liar,” she said.

  “Yeah,” Jordan added. “Remember when she threw the baseball and broke the vinyl siding on Esther’s house and blamed that kid down the street?”

  My mom smiled, though I could see it hurt her to do it.

  “And how about the time she—” he continued.

  “Okay. We get it,” I said. “I’m a terrible liar.”

  “Marisa?” A doctor in a white coat walked in holding my mom’s chart. “I’m Doctor Vickers. How are you doing?”

bsp; “I’m having some discomfort,” she admitted.

  Jordan left the room to give us privacy.

  “That’s to be expected,” the doctor said. “From what they tell me, you’re lucky you called the police when you did.”

  I squeezed her hand gently.

  “It appears as though there was some internal bleeding due to the ecchymosis on your abdomen.” He glanced to me. “The purple skin tells me there’s bleeding into the skin and soft tissue. We’re using intravenous fluids to prevent any drop in blood pressure.”

  I nodded, trying to keep up. “That’s good, right?”

  “Well, she’s still under observation. She’s scheduled for an ultrasound to check if the bleeding has slowed or, ideally, has corrected itself.” He glanced back to my mom. “Are you having pain anywhere else?”

  “In my side when I move or take a deep breath,” she admitted.

  “Broken ribs,” he asserted. “We’ll do an X-ray to be sure you don’t have pneumothorax.” He glanced to me. “A punctured lung.”

  He looked back to my mom. “Anything else?”

  “My right arm.” She spoke softly. “He slammed me into a wall.”

  Anger coursed through my body. Childhood memories rushed through my mind. The darkness in his eyes. The despair in hers.

  “We have people here you can talk to,” the doctor offered. “The physical wounds will heal. That’s what I’m here for. It’s the ones left inside—the emotional ones—we need to be sure are healing.”

  My mother said nothing, but I could tell she was thinking a thousand things as tears welled in her eyes.

  Tears pricked my own eyes. “Thank you, Doctor,” I answered for my mom, hating to see her so uncomfortable. “Please excuse me for a sec.” I released her hand and stood, walking unsteadily into the hallway to compose myself and give her time alone with the doctor.

  I moved past the new police officer seated in the chair outside the door, making it halfway down the hallway before stopping and leaning against the wall. I closed my eyes and dropped my head back, needing to catch my breath.

  Hearing her say she thought he was going to kill her shook me to the core. Heinous visions of what she must’ve been through raced through my mind. Him slamming her into the wall. Him leaving her for dead? What happened in between? How had she endured internal bleeding? How had her ribs been broken? How could he leave her that way?


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