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Blood & Secrets: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 2

Page 16

by Helen Bright

  Dan nodded and walked me over to the bench. It had a brass plate with an inscription dedicated to someone’s wife from her loving husband. A declaration of love for all to see. They weren’t a local couple, but they had holidayed at the caravan park for years. I knew the couple, but only by sight. The husband had passed away the year after his wife. He couldn’t function without the love of his life, and I knew how that felt. It had been so long ago for me, and I had learned to function again, but lately…

  Dan was still holding my hand, which he turned over and kissed. He didn’t say anything, he just sat patiently and waited for me to speak.

  I began by telling him about finding out that Brandr wasn’t my father, and that it was Sebbi, who had been like a kind of uncle to us, that was actually my biological father. I found out that he was my father at the same time I found out he was a born immortal who had taken the blood and become a vampire, and that Alex and I were also born immortals, although human at the time. I told Dan about our journey to England, and how my mother drowned during the storm that hit us just before we arrived here.

  He said he was sorry to hear that I had lost her while I was still so young. Almost the same age as he and Keeley were when their mother died.

  I described our way of life in the settlement near the village of Staithes, and also how I met and married my husband. I told him about my daughter Brisa, and how Alex, my father, and my Uncle Gamall doted on her. I also told him how my father would put pressure on me to take human blood so I could be fully immortal, and how I didn’t want that because I wanted to grow old with my husband and children.

  Then I bit back the tears and told him about the fire that raged through my home and killed my husband and daughter, and how the devastation caused me to lose my baby boy, who was stillborn when I was a little over five months pregnant. I said that I haemorrhaged due to problems with the birth and that I was dying, a fact I welcomed at the time because I could not live without my family. But my father wanted me to live against my wishes, and he forced me to take both his blood to heal and human blood to make me a born immortal vampire.

  Then I took a few deep breaths and told him how I found out that my father had got someone to start the fire that took my husband and daughter’s life because he thought that my husband was the only one stopping me from becoming fully immortal. My father wasn’t aware my little Brisa would be at home that night as she should have gone to his home with me as she always did.

  I then told Dan how I couldn’t let my father live knowing what he had done to my family, so I plotted to end his life. I looked Dan in the eyes and let him know just how I had killed my father and how I asked my brother to end my life so that I could be with my husband and children.

  “Obviously, Alex refused as I sit here today, and I’m able to tell you my story. And that’s why I got upset this morning when you mentioned me having children. As far as I am aware, a female immortal cannot reproduce. Although, I’m not sure why that would be, as males can father children to human females.”

  Dan didn’t say anything at first, and he couldn’t look at me, either.

  “Dan, do you hate me because I killed my father?” I asked, although not sure what I would do if he said yes.

  “No Freya, I could never hate you. Obviously, I’m not a parent, but I know if anyone, no matter who they were, hurt Daisy, then I would tear them apart with my bare hands. Does that make you hate me?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Well then don’t hate yourself for what you did to your father because that man deserved it as far as I’m concerned. And how he forced you into becoming immortal was awful. You’ve had to live with your grief all this time, Freya. I’m surprised you are as strong a person as you are.”

  “I’m not strong Dan; I’m far from it.”

  “You are strong Freya, and thoughtful, caring, generous, and utterly gorgeous. Oh, and very, very sexy, especially in that bikini, you wore today. Even when you were covered up in my t-shirt, you looked sexy as fuck.”

  I giggled at his dreamy expression, and he raised one eyebrow as he looked at me.

  “Are you laughing at me, Freya?”

  “No, well yes, I suppose I am Dan. I can’t believe you thought I looked sexy in a man’s t-shirt,” I said, my heart rate kicking up a notch as he leaned towards me.

  “Not just any man’s t-shirt Freya, it was my t-shirt. Knowing you wore what had been on my skin made me hard as a fucking rock. In fact, I had been fighting a hard on since we got to the beach. I was going to look up if men could die from having a constant erection, because if that is the case, then I better go home for my own safety. Being around you makes me hard. You don’t have to do or say anything other than just be you. It’s been the same since I was about twelve years old. You were my ultimate fantasy as a teenager, and that hasn’t changed yet.”

  His eyes were a stunning sparkling blue, his lips so kissable and full; I just couldn’t help but lean over the few inches left between us and kiss him. My kiss was soft and tender, but that only lasted a few seconds.

  Dan grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me flush against him as he kissed me passionately, his tongue thrusting into my mouth, flicking against my own. I couldn’t help the small moan that escaped my mouth as I wound my arms around his neck and let him take full control. It felt so good to give in to his demanding kiss, and the way he held me made me feel wanted and protected.

  Why was it Daniel that made me feel this way? Over the years, I had kissed a few men, all born immortal men, not human men, but I had never once felt this much passion and need, not since my husband all those years ago. It shocked me and thrilled me, and gave me hope that I may once again find the other half of my soul.

  We were suddenly interrupted by a springer spaniel that jumped up onto the bench at the side of us, his owner not far behind apologising for disturbing us.

  When we were alone once again, I chanced a look at Daniel and found him gazing at me with a look that told me exactly what he wanted. Could I do this? Would I be able to have sex with him without developing feelings for him? I didn’t think that was possible, because I already felt something for him, although at this moment in time I wasn’t sure what that was. I knew I wanted this blue eyed man who epitomised sexy, but I also enjoyed just spending time with him.

  “Freya, tell me we are going to do more of what we just did when we get back to your place,” he said in a raspy voice.

  “Where do you want it to lead to if we do?” I asked desperate to hear his answer.

  “Well, to start with, I want to undress you slowly, tasting every inch of your skin as it’s revealed. Then when I have you fully naked, I want to tease your perky nipples with my fingers and tongue until they feel hard enough to cut glass. Then I will work my way down your body kissing every inch of you I encounter as I go. Then I am going to part your folds and taste you, lapping at you, until your clit stands proud. Then I’m going to...”

  “Come on then Dan, stop being all talk, take me home and show me some action.”

  With little effort, he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder saying, “Your every wish is my command, sexy Freya.”

  I laughed out loud and kept shouting to him to put me down, which he did when we finally arrived on the road away from the village on the way to my home. Dan pulled me into a covered bus shelter and began kissing me again, this time, he ran his hands all over my fully clothed body as he pressed me up against the wall. He grabbed my hand and placed it over his cock and groaned as I rubbed up and down. Even through his jeans, I could feel how big he was, and it gave me such a thrill to know that I had caused this reaction in him.

  He undid the button and zipper on the jeans I had put on before we left the house, and I secretly wished I still wore my sundress so he could have better access to my sex. But Dan didn’t let my tight jeans stop him as he pulled them down along with my panties to the top of my thighs, then he traced my sex with his fingers teasing me before ki
cking my legs apart as far as they would go and then finding my entrance.

  “I can’t wait till I get my tongue then my cock in here,” he said as he slipped his fingers inside me slowly. Then he pulled his finger out and moved it up towards my clit which he circled rapidly, the wetness from inside me making it easy for him to do so.

  Dan changed the movement to a firm up and down motion as he thrust his tongue inside my mouth, kissing me hard like he was desperate for more. I felt the orgasm start to build. It rose inside me rapidly with the firm rhythmic strokes of his fingers until I cried out my release into his mouth. Dan swallowed the sounds as he kissed me, his fingers slowing gradually until my orgasm was done.

  He was still kissing me as he pulled my pants and jeans back up and fastened them. Dan moved his mouth to my ear and said, “The next time you come we will be on your bed with you on your back, and my face between your legs.”

  Then he took my hand and led me the rest of the way home.

  It seemed to take forever to get to my front door, and when we did Daniel pushed me up against it and nearly kissed the life right out of me. I pulled away from him and turned the handle, the warmth from the hallway a welcome change from the damp night air. Leonard stepped out from the shadows and offered to take our jackets, and I looked for signs that he had spotted our kiss, but he gave nothing away.

  “I’ve just taken a hot cup of cocoa up to Sally, and little Daisy was sleeping soundly when I left the room. Can I get either of you anything?” Leonard asked.

  “I’m fine Leonard,” I said, then I turned to Daniel and asked if there was anything he needed.

  “No, thanks, I’m just tired,” he replied. “I think I just need to go to bed,” he said, giving me a look that told me the last thing he wanted to do was sleep.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you do,” said Leonard as he turned to me and winked.

  Busted. I didn’t know where to look at that moment, but I couldn’t meet Leonard’s eyes at all.

  “Well goodnight then,” said Daniel as he took my hand again and led me up to Daisy’s room.

  I opened the door, and Sally quickly stood, putting down a book and removing her reading glasses. She put her fingers to her lips as we entered the room.

  “She woke up and asked for a drink of water, but she went straight back to sleep. She’s been out like a light for about half an hour now,” Sally whispered as she gathered her things together.

  Daisy’s blond hair spilled out over the pillows, her hands in front of her face. She looked like a little angel and both Daniel, and I kissed the top of her head before we tiptoed out of the room and closed the door.

  “Well goodnight Sally, and thanks for watching her for us,” said Daniel.

  “It was a pleasure; she’s such a joy to be around.”

  Daniel bent down and kissed Sally’s cheek, thanking her again for being such a star. She blushed and fluttered her eyelashes at him before saying goodnight and walking down the stairs.

  Daniel, or Dan as he asked me to call him was such a charmer, no wonder he had women everywhere falling at his feet, me included, and I told him so. His answer to that was to whisper in my ear, “I wouldn’t mind you kneeling at my feet Freya. I’m sure I could think of an activity you could do so you didn’t get bored while you were down there.”

  I feigned shock, but he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder once again, forcing me to keep my voice down so I wouldn’t wake Daisy up. He stood me upright on the floor at the side of my bed and gave me a look that just about melted my knickers off. I looked at the bed and suddenly became nervous, although I wasn’t sure why.

  Daniel was a big strong guy but I was a born immortal, I shouldn’t get scared or nervous around him…but I was.

  “Do you want a drink?” I said moving over to a cabinet that held Frank’s own homemade honey whiskey. That and a fine brandy that Sergei buys me are what I use for a nightcap if I need them.

  “Do you need some Dutch courage Freya? Do I make you nervous, or is what we are about to do making you nervous?”

  “A little of both if I’m honest Daniel,” I said as I handed him a whiskey.

  “You find it hard to call me Dan. Why is that?”

  “Why is it important to you that I shorten your name?”

  “Because I want you to see me as the man I am now and not the lanky teenager I once was,” he said standing in front of me.

  “Oh, I don’t think you have to worry about that. Whether Daniel or Dan, I can certainly see that you are all man.”

  “I hope you are going to tell me we don’t need condoms because I really want to feel you bare.”

  “No condoms needed,” I told him.

  He took my drink from my hand and said, “Strip for me Freya, don’t be shy. Show me what was hidden from me on that beach today.”

  “Only if you do the same for me,” I challenged.

  Daniel smiled and began taking off his long sleeved black t-shirt slowly, and then threw it on the floor. I had seen him shirtless today at the beach but seeing him like this in my bedroom when we were alone was a different matter altogether. I wanted to touch his chest and his abs, first with my fingers, then with my tongue. The sound of his belt unbuckling pulled me out of my thoughts. I watched every one of the buttons on his jeans come undone and my mouth watered. When I looked up, I noticed his eyes watching me intently.

  “Freya I seem to be the only one getting naked here. If I have to strip you bare, I can’t say how your clothes will fare if I remove them.”

  I picked up my glass and took a huge gulp of whiskey before removing my t-shirt. I wore a pale lavender bra that unclipped at the back, but I didn’t remove it. By the time I looked up Daniel was wearing only dark grey jockey shorts, which did nothing to hide the huge erection he was sporting and the damp spot where the top of his cock was positioned.

  He stalked over to me and pulled my body flush against his, the heat from his chest burning into my own. His hand went to the back of my head and with one hand under my bottom, he lifted me up, so he didn’t need to bend down to kiss me. His lips were so soft, yet demanding, and he ran his tongue over my own as our mouths moved together. Daniel’s kisses left me wet and aching to be filled. I felt the bed against the back of my legs as he moved me onto the mattress.

  Nerves hit me again, but when I opened my eyes and looked at him, he took my breath away. I saw want and need and something else that I couldn’t identify, and it chased away any apprehension I had about what was to come next. He removed my jeans and lace knickers in one go; my bra was next, and that left me naked before him. He looked his fill of me from my toes up to my eyes, and by the way, his cock was twitching madly in his jockey’s, I could tell he liked what he’d seen.

  His fingers traced up my feet and legs, around my hips and thighs and over my sex, carrying on until he reached my breasts. Then he did the same with his tongue and if I thought I was wet before I was so wrong, because, by the time his tongue had reached my pointy nipples I could feel the arousal coating the inside of my thighs.

  At this point, I really wished that I had shaved down there. Being blonde I was never going to have that overly bushy look like a seventies porn star, but I wish I would have shaped it into a neater look which seems to be so popular now, like a landing strip or whatever they call it.

  He climbed over me and kissed me on the mouth. It was slow and gentle, and I felt cherished at that moment, but I had a feeling that this was the calm before the storm, and I wasn’t wrong.

  A minute or so later Daniel began kissing my neck and throat, then all the way over my collarbone which he licked and then nibbled enough to the point of near pain.

  I put my arms around the back of his head and shoulders as he worked his way down to my breasts. He sucked the fleshy part all the way around, avoiding my nipples until I was panting and trying to buck my hips towards his. Then he zeroed in on the hard buds using his tongue and teeth to lap and bite, and I swear I nearly orgasmed through that
alone. But then he ventured lower, kissing a line down to my belly button and below. When he traced a line with his tongue from hipbone to hipbone, I just about shot off the bed.

  Carrying on lower with his licks and kisses he got to my mound and breathed in the scent of my arousal and groaned. That turned me on just as much as any foreplay ever could, but when he parted my folds and zeroed in on my clit with rapid flicks of his tongue I orgasmed in about thirty seconds.

  I expected him to crawl up the bed and have sex with me straight after my orgasm, but it seemed that Daniel was only just getting started down there. After licking and nibbling on each of my folds, he thrust his tongue inside me repeatedly, and I cried out as I felt another orgasm begin to build. He flattened his tongue and gave me long firm licks from the opening of my sex straight up to my clit and the sensations made my legs tremble.

  His wide shoulders held my legs open even though I tried to close them around him, and his right hand made its way up my belly and settled over my left breast pulling and twisting on my nipple. His tongue teased my clit with the same firm strokes and sucks, and this time, when I screamed his name as the orgasm hit, he finally came up the bed to lay his body over mine, wiping my arousal from his stubble on my lower belly before he kissed his way up to my mouth.

  He still wore his jockey shorts, so I helped him push them down his thighs using my feet. When the head of his cock touched my entrance, I braced myself slightly. I knew from the outline on his jeans earlier that he was a good size, but when he began to push his cock inside me slowly the fullness I felt took my breath away, and I was so grateful that he had taken the time to get me as wet as I was. It had been a long time since I had sex, and with Daniel being as big as he was, it may have been a little painful for me if he had been a selfish lover and not got me prepared to take him.


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