Book Read Free


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by Kipjo Ewers


  (The First Book Series 3)

  Kipjo K. Ewers



  Copyright © 2018 by Kipjo K. Ewers

  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by EVO Universe, LLC, New Jersey, and distributed by EVO Universe, LLC, New Jersey.































  The First

  EVO Uprising

  Eye of Ra

  Fred & Mary


  I would like to thank everyone who has been a fan and supported the EVO Universe over these past years. As a fan of this wonderful genre myself, I know it would not be possible without all of you.

  So from the bottom of my heart to everyone around the globe who has taken the time to pick up one of my books.

  Thank you.


  There is none …sit back and enjoy the story!


  Planet Earth, 3013 BC, before the rise of the Egyptian Empire.

  A time when only the strong survived and ruled over the weak.

  An era where different races worshiped their interpretation of the gods that created them and the Earth they walked on.

  During that time, humans from that part of the world that would be the foundation of the mighty Egyptian Dynasty traveled from their homes to the Mediterranean Sea to pay homage to the gods.

  Makeshift alters were created near the shore of the ocean. At the break of dawn, people gathered to worship the gold and silver pyramid that came from the heavens. During the day it ascended from the waters and floated several feet over the ocean until the setting sun; it then descended back down to the depths until the next day.

  Many faithful followers camped out for days waiting to get a glimpse of the gods leaving their heavenly home. On those days they screamed, cheered, and danced praying it was enough to catch the attention of their “creators,” in the hopes that they would look down, land and visit with them, so that they may give proper devotion and receive blessings.

  Bolder worshipers embarked on boats sailing as close as possible to the home of the gods expecting to have their faith recognized. They screamed, some falling off the ships they sailed in as a loud roaring noise that was a mixture of a horn, and a lion vibrated the ocean causing rippling waves.

  “Osiris! Cease thy childish games and that infernal noise!”

  The deep rumbling voice came from within the subterranean levels of the pyramid. It belonged to a being that had been hailed as the official sun god of Earth by its current inhabitants.

  He was almost twice the size of two regular human males of that era if one was sitting on the other’s shoulder making him appear to be a giant amongst the inhabitants.

  His large golden eyes shined through his shiny dark almond skin as he wore his hair in a single long thick white blonde braid that sat atop his mostly bald head and hung over his right shoulder as he dressed in garbs of his station.

  A thick round pliant gold and blue metallic collar with markings from his homeworld covered the upper part of his chest. It complimented his bracers, belt, skirt, and sandals of the same color and markings revealing a designation of royalty and power.

  “I take offense to your accusation cousin,” a softer rumbling voice echoed back at him through the hallways. “I am merely conducting an experiment.”

  “The same ‘experiment’ you have been ‘conducting’ for the past sixty-star cycles since we came to this planet,” he scoffed. “The humans are not your playthings.”

  “As you very well know, our primary reason for positioning our ship over their ocean and submerging every night is to reduce our interaction with them,” Osiris began to verbally defend himself. “Had we set our ship down on land, and just left it hovering over their sky, they would have set up camps or a city around us. I am just astounded by their immense devotion to beings who to this day have not offered them anything to improve their fundamental lives, yet they continue to venture here day after day to stand in our presence.”

  “The point of your long-winded defenses is?”

  “I find their blind faith to be something of interest cousin. I also foresee it to be their downfall in the near future if they do not learn to properly balance it.”

  “Many would say that our belief in the Awakening is a form of faith.”

  “Belief in the Awakening is more based on factual grounds that we …”

  “Please do not give me a lecture on our belief system,” Amun-Ra verbally halted his cousin. “You still have yet to explain what blaring that obnoxious sound every time the humans approach our vessel has to do with your research?”

  “My experiment is no different than the training of jackolas back home. The difference is where a jackola will react to meat placed in front it and know by smell and sight that it is nourishment. These humans react the same way to the sound believing it to be some kind of fictional blessing we’ve bestowed upon them, with no additional confirmation required.

  From the scans I have taken periodically from those in the boats and on the beach, all of their adrenals, heart rate, and electrical impulses are at peak elevation every day they hear the sound. When they leave their mood is quite positive. They are visibly kinder to one another.

  Days that they don’t hear the sound, their levels drop severely to borderline depression, some even blame one another to the point of violence as to why they did hear the sound until the following day they return bolstering their efforts to hear it again.

  It is quite fascinating and also fulfilling to know that I can brighten their day without directly affecting them.

  Oh! The hefty one fell out of the boat again! Last time it took them approximately twenty Earth minutes to pull him in.”

  Amun-Ra rubbed the ridge of his nose while muttering to himself.

  “And we are the advanced species.”

  “Do lighten your demeanor cousin,” Osiris scolded him. “We already have one person with a sour disposition on this exploration, I cannot stomach two. Besides, based on my calculations, at the rate of this species’ evolution, this incident will long be forgotten, and we shall be nothing more than a faded mythos to the future generation of this planet.”

  “Keep the youngling antics to a minimum, Head of the House of Osiris,” Amun-Ra grumbled.

  “As always dear cousin. Oh! He just pulled two more into the water with him!”

  The Head of the House of Ra continued to his destination. As he neared, he slowed his pace as his ears picked up the conversation inside the room he intended to turn into.

  “So, this ‘artificial intelligence’ is capable of breaking down the genetic structure of any organic lifeform it examines on an atomic level to alter or repair it?” asked the voice of a young man.

  “Correct, that is one of its many applications,” responded a mechanize
d voice.

  Amun-Ra subtly made his presence known as he quietly stood in the entrance way of the medical lab as his familiar in its mechanized serpent form gave instruction to a young Egyptian male.

  He was one shade lighter than Amun-Ra with his long black silky hair fashioned into the same hairstyle of the Head of the House of Ra, dressed in a similar white and gold outfit to Ra’s minus the chest collar. His powerful athletic physique which was superior to any human of that time, along with the faint white glow emitting from his hazel brown eyes revealed that he was forever changed. The only thing that remained of the young man before was the bright, energetic smile that Amun-Ra first saw when they first met.

  Both human and machine halted their lesson to acknowledge his presence.

  The young man curtsied with his head bowed while placing his right hand over his left breast speaking fluent Annunaki to him.

  “Greetings Lord Amun-Ra.”

  “I say to thee again, you may address me as Amun-Ra, Horus,” he responded with an observing smile. “I see you have quickly learned both our language and greeting.”

  “Your familiar has given me much proper instruction that I am able to retain.”


  “It has taught me the purpose of the restructuring pods, and their inner workings.” Horus nervously gestured.

  “Why did you wish to learn their inner workings?” Amun Ra asked stepping forward with a curious visage.

  “I am fascinated that such a machine is capable of creating, repairing, and altering life itself. My eyes have been made open since my re-birth,” Horus swallowed. “Since I could understand words I was taught never to question, especially the gods. Now I question everything, I wish to learn everything. My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched.”

  “Quite understandable,” Amun-Ra nodded. “Knowledge is an addictive drug once it is allowed to take hold of you, yet its oceans are so vast one mortal cannot consume it within their lifetime. That is because it was never meant to be.”

  “Not unless you are a god,” Horus nervously smiled.

  “Not unless you are a god,” Amun-Ra smirked, “Which we are not.”

  In the middle of their conversation, another presence was felt in the doorway. A much larger Annunaki male, a foot taller than Amun-Ra stood adorned with his Annunaki body armor in sentry mode. His black pearl skin and fiery red eyes gave him an unspoken intimidating presence.

  He glanced at Amun-Ra acknowledging him before glaring at Horus who timidly lowered his head to the floor.

  “Lord Set,” he addressed him with the traditional Annunaki curtsey.

  Set ignored his respectful gesture turning back to Amun-Ra.

  “What transpires here?”

  “Horus was detailing me his progression as well as his new-found intimacy with knowledge,” Amun-Ra motioned. “He has been educated on the inner workings of our restructuring pods.”

  “Have you now?” Set turned to him with narrowed eyes.

  “The restructuring pod possesses many applications,” Horus nervously answered. “In the case of injuries, once it has analyzed and cleaned the wounded area, it then targets the cells and forces them to regenerate at an accelerated rate by bombarding them with Awakening energy.”

  “What do you know of Awakening energy?” Set asked with a snarl.

  “It is the energy known for giving life to the universe,” Horus timidly recited. “Everything living and non-living is a part of the Awakening. It’s energies to this day continue to expand creating the universe. Shavings of its energy that your species have mastered to contain are what powers this vessel, familiars, and armor.”

  Amun-Ra casually leaned in catching Set’s attention.

  “You are scaring the boy …again,” He mentally whispered to his cousin.

  Set shot Amun-Ra a quick dirty look before making both his visage and stance less aggressive.

  “A word, cousin,” Set requested.

  “Of course,” Amun-Ra nodded. “Continue with your lesson Horus.”

  He followed his cousin Set out of the medical bay walking some ways off so that they could converse privately.

  As they stopped, Amun-Ra stood prepared for Set’s disapproving countenance when he turned to confront him.

  “This must stop Amun-Ra.”

  “What am I doing, that must be stopped, cousin?”

  “What you are doing is cruel cousin,” Set admonished Amun-Ra. “By showing them kindnesses you give them hope where there is none, at least for them.”

  “Their time with us does not need to be one of mistreatment,” Amun-Ra sternly defended himself.

  “Do not accuse me of mistreating them,” Set shot back. “I have children of my own. But I am stern and distant with both the boy and girl for a reason. You know what we must do once our tests and research are over. We cannot leave behind anything or anyone that may unnaturally influence the evolution of the human species.”

  “I know all too well the Articles of Genetic Selection cousin, we helped forge them along with the rest of the Dominion Council. I show the boy and girl kindness because I too have children. If reversed I would wish one to treat my own offspring with the same bit of compassion.”

  Set softened his stance noticing the troubled look on his cousin’s countenance.

  “We venture to their homeworld, studying them like beasts,” Amun-Ra continued while shaking his head. “We then experiment on two of their young to determine if their possible evolution will be a threat to the universe and then must snuff out that same life so that we do not alter the development of their species in the same near future. The bitter taste this leaves in my mouth will not be wiped clean.”

  “Swallow the memory of the billions of lives lost during the Razcargian Conflict, the same that claimed the life of your beloved father,” Set softly reminded him. “Remember the countless lives we protect by upholding this venture. We do this for their preservation.”

  “There must be a better way cousin.”

  “There is always a better way,” Set wisely answered him. “But this is what we must do until that better way is found. Know that Osiris and I carry the weight of this yoke with you and that when the time comes, they will not suffer when we send them to the Awakening.”

  Amun-Ra with a heavy heart nodded in agreement with his cousin bringing their discussion to an accord.

  “I think we should limit both subjects’ education,” Set brought up another topic, “Especially the boy.”

  Amun-Ra folded his arms wearing a perplexed look at his cousin’s advisement.

  “Under what grounds?”

  “The boy’s uncontrollable thirst for knowledge concerns me, especially in regards to us.”

  “Seeing as how we’ve altered their physiology which is gradually granting them access to one hundred percent of their mental capabilities it is only logical for them to attempt to quench that thirst.” Amun-Ra earnestly shrugged.

  “It concerns me when we can no longer read their thoughts,” Set pressed. “For such a primitive species, their genetic matrix is the most complexed we have every studied compared to other species. Most species during their evolutionary progression either teeter toward a more physical or mental trait. Humans, barring any external interruption, possess the potential to surpass a large number of intelligent species in these characteristics and other abilities at an alarming rate in the near future, which comes to our next order of business.

  What I am about to say, Osiris has already agreed to, the research pertaining to Horus and Sekhmet ends either at the next half star cycle or if our future testing scan of either of them displays a fifty percent cerebral cortex accessibility. Agreed?”

  “You had such a conversation without me?” Amun-Ra asked with a vexed visage.

  “It was a conversation in passing,” Set answered with folded arms. “Osiris was the one who set terms.”

  Knowing that it was a heated debate he wasn’t going to win especially with the two to one odds,
Amun-Ra reluctantly nodded in agreement.

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Back in the medical lab, a young Horus entered the hallway following Amun-Ra’s familiar in the opposite direction where Set and his creator walked heading to another room to learn about other technological advancements within the Annunaki vessel.

  Although his chipper visage displayed that he was present in his current environment, his mind was elsewhere.

  “Sekhmet, are you there my love?” Horus called to her with a thought.

  “Yes, my love I am here,” her voice whispered in his mind. “Osiris’s familiar is still supervising my lessons, while he muses himself with the fanatics outside the ship.”

  “It matters not,” he scoffed. “I have pulled you into my mind. He is unable to hear our conversation from here.”

  “You are privy to Set and Amun-Ra’s conversation?”

  “I heard them,” Horus answered while keeping his countenance innocent in front of Amun-Ra’s familiar. “I may not be able to enter or read their minds, but the words they speak to each other cannot be hidden from me. They arrogantly believe that we are incapable of hearing them.”

  “How much longer must we endure my love?” Sekhmet asked pleadingly, “When shall we rise against our captors?”

  “Soon my precious Sekhmet,” he answered with a soothing tone. “At our current strength combined, we’d be a match for one of these Annunaki dogs, possibly two, but not all three. If we are to be victorious, we must bolster our strength to levels they could not possibly fathom reaching, becoming actual gods.”

  “But how do we achieve this, my love?”

  “You have already felt it, the few times we were taken outside the vessel so that they can observe our interaction with our current environment. The nurturing rays of the sun itself.”

  “I have, but our time outside is always short, and our cells do not drink enough to quickly bolster our might. How can we hope to acquire the energy needed when we are constantly watched?”


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