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Page 2

by Kipjo Ewers

  “We will not have to my love,” Horus informed her. “The restructuring pods shall do it for us.”

  “The pods? How?”

  “I am now familiar with their inner workings my love. The same pods that have blessed us with our new-found strength and intelligence will be what we shall use to bolster our strength to unimaginable levels. I can make it so on the day of our next testing scan, we will be reborn again, this time …as true gods of this world. On that day, we shall slay them all, take this ship and this world for ourselves, and rule and shape it in our own image. We will hang their remains from our first newly erected temple that our people shall make for us, as a warning to any other beings from beyond the stars that would dare venture here and oppose us.”

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  One month later,

  A battered, worn, and beaten Horus lay paralyzed by the Bleed System embedded within his chest within an encased version of the Bleed System inside a deep dark hollow tomb as a battled ravaged Amun-Ra stood over him gripping his familiar in battle staff mode. The expression on the ancient alien’s countenance read of anger, sorrow, and disappointment all at the same time.

  “You have no right … to look upon … me like that,” Horus painfully seethed. “You would have done the same … thing to preserve your life! Especially the life of the woman you love, which you struck from mortal coil! You would have done the same!”

  “You are right,” Amun-Ra sadly nodded. “I would have done the same. But not at the cost of the lives you slaughtered. That was you and Sekhmet’s doing, not ours. Your world is vast, most of it desolate, yet you purposely chose areas with heavy inhabitants to wage battle costing countless of innocent lives. Why Horus? Why would you do that to your own people?”

  A sick and sinister cackle came from Horus as he glared at Amun-Ra.

  “It was all tactical,” he wheezed. “Your big heart for my ‘people’ was your downfall. I’m just surprised to see Set, and Osiris fall first and not you. And they stopped being my ‘people’ the day you made me like this. What is the life of a mortal compared to that of a god?”

  Amun-Ra desolately shook his head.

  “That is why I must do this.”

  Amun-Ra knelt down placing his hand on the imprint on the side of the sarcophagus. It lit up as a voice emitted speaking the language of his homeworld.

  “Genetic imprint of Amun-Ra recognized.”

  Amun-Ra turned the circled handprint from a twelve o’clock position to a three o’clock position activating the encasement causing the lid to slowly slide shut. From within a powerless Horus screamed with rage.

  “Amun-Ra! Amun-Ra! Amun-Ra!”

  Amun-Ra rose to his feet walking away with the screams of Horus still ringing in his ears.

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Back topside a heartbroken Amun-Ra stood looking up at the hot sun beating down on him as his familiar in serpent mode used solid light construct energy to move tons of sand down the slanted tunnel of the tomb positioned a mile and a half down from the Earth’s surface burying Horus for eternity.

  “Horus has been successfully buried,” the Serpent turned to his master. “His entombment has made it possible to communicate with Anu again. There are several messages of concern requesting our current status. Shall I contact the remaining elders on your behalf and relay to them what has occurred?”

  “No Apophis,” Amun-Ra shook his head. “Inform them that I will be contacting them shortly to give my update. I need for you to locate and acquire Banafrit.”

  “The human you mated with.”

  “Ensure her safety and bring her to the ship.”

  “As you command,” Apophis bowed.

  Apophis’s eyes blazed becoming bright red as it opened up a dimensional portal, it quickly slithered through to complete its mission as the rift in space and time closed behind it. Amun-Ra clutched the chest plate to his armor as he wept bitterly.

  “Set … Osiris …my dear cousins …forgive me for what I am about to do. The truth cannot be brought to light. The Articles of Genetic Selection are flawed, and this young race does not deserve to be sentenced to death for what we have done. I also cannot lose her. I cannot bear to lose her.”

  With a thought, Amun-Ra’s armor powered up taking him into the skies back to his ship. From high up, he had a clear view of the death and destruction caused by the global battle that would change the course of human history forever. He took his time returning to the transport as he dreaded what he must do next.


  October 2015, The Grand Canyon National Park, midafternoon Colorado time,

  At the very bottom of the old dried up riverbed, made out of red rock and first established on February 26, 1919, was a part of the wall of the canyon that was not actually a wall. Although it mimicked the features of its environment, it was created of reinforced metal with a hidden door that slid open once a hidden camera and surveillance system confirmed both facial and retinal recognition of the individual or individuals that wished to enter.

  Once the person entered through the hidden faux stone wall door, they went down a sizable elevator shaft one mile underneath the canyon itself where they were met by heavily armed superhuman enhanced guards with high tech body armor, and additional security protocol checks.

  Once the individual successfully made it through that checkpoint, they entered a sterile silver hallway with a moving escalator floor which took them to their next destination. During the ride, X-Ray, thermal, and behavioral scans are taken. The door at the end of the trip does not open unless the person clears those last scans.

  Finally, if the person cleared the last security scans, the enormous circular silver door splits apart allowing entrance into the facility which houses the next phase of project EVOlution.

  Around the facility enhanced guards were strategically placed, while scientists, geneticists, and lab technicians moved about, or were at their stations working to further push the boundaries of human evolution on behalf of the United States Government.

  In the center of the facility was the primary reason the lab base was created. Four cylindrical metal chambers lined up next to one another labeled from right to left with numbers one all the way to four. A team of forty lab technicians and geneticists broke into mandatory eight-person crews provided round the clock observation of the four fetuses submerged within a thick clear nutrient fluid in each of the four chambers.

  Standing in front of the four chambers with his arms casually clasped behind his back was the new Director of project EVOlution, the soon to be former Secretary of Defense Robert Graves along with Dr. Egan Alexander the Chief Head Scientist of the Colorado facility.

  “This batch appears to be progressing very nicely,” Graves nodded.

  “Yes, considering that we have passed the five-month incubation period without any fatalities,” Dr. Alexander nodded. “I am quite confident these latest specimens will make it to full maturity.”

  “Let us hope so,” Graves sighed. “This projected has already been delayed due to previous setbacks.”

  “You’ll have to understand, that this is still new and uncharted territory.” Dr. Alexander explained. “Cloning is one thing, but accelerated growth is a whole new field onto itself. Forcing an embryo to bypass its natural growth process is not the same as changing its eye or hair color. Based on calculations, we still have until the eighteenth month period until we can determine if our efforts are a success.”

  “I am fully aware that Rome was not built in a day doctor,” Graves acknowledged. “However, it is imperative that we minimize the delay of this project as much as we possibly can. It took a lot of persuasions to have the anonymity of this organization restored with both administrative and bipartisan support. Our secrecy regardless of who takes the Oval next year is conditional on the success of this program.” />
  Graves finishing his sentence noticed that Dr. Alexander neither complied nor responded back to what he had just said. He turned to see the doctor looking at him with an extra pale white face riddled with fear.

  Before he could ask what had the doctor in such a frightened state, he noticed that Alexander’s eyes weren’t on him, but looking at someone or something over his left shoulder.

  Now sensing the presence next to him, a fridge chill ran down Grave’s spine as he slowly turned to his left and shuddered.

  Standing next to him was a barefooted towering muscular young man in his mid-twenties with dark brown skin, and thick curly raven hair wearing nothing more than a tattered multi-colored skirt.

  His arms were casually folded behind his back as he observed the creation chambers as if he had been there all along.

  “Your calculations are incorrect doctor,” the young man relayed in perfect English. “They won’t last no more than twelve months give or take. None of these specimens have inherited their mother’s regenerative capability, which is key to ensuring they survive the accelerated growth process. A simple fix, expect your current technology is incapable of pinpointing what that gene is in such a complex DNA matrix.”

  Graves took a step backward falling into the catatonic doctor, as the young man turned revealing his faint white glowing eyes.


  “Are all loyal to me now,” the young man informed.

  Graves choked as the enhanced guards within the vicinity snapped to attention remaining where they stood.

  “I simply erased all their memories. All they know is that they were born to serve and kill for me. I also removed their existence from the memories of their loved ones, and anyone they have ever encountered, just a tiny fraction of my infinite power. I have also broken the mental tether you have with your ‘agent’ who is protecting your mind,” he smirked. “She still thinks she is guarding it. I could have killed her, but that would have drawn attention to me, and I am not ready to be revealed. You know who I am, don’t you boy?”

  Graves swallowed deeply to the point of gagging as Dr. Alexander stood behind him clutching his tablet with a mixture of fear and fascination on his face. The young man stepped closer examining Graves.

  “Oh yes,” he nodded. “You know very well who I am, and I know what you and those before you have done.”

  He walked around Graves and began to examine Dr. Alexander tapping one of the lenses on his glasses, feeling the texture of his lab jacket. With a finger he made the doctor extend his arm to take a look at the computer tablet he held while pulling out one of his pens from the front pocket of his lab coat.

  “It took me awhile after I recovered from my imprisonment and regained some of my strength to read mind after mind across the planet and follow the trail leading me here. It started with a former soldier or two from a defeated regime, they knew nothing of course. I was then able to locate one of your last surviving soldiers of the Second World War who laid eyes on my beloved. I found it hidden in the deep recesses of his failed mind. That, in turn, narrowed my search to this part of the world, where I searched for those who had knowledge of my ‘Holy Grail.’

  Step by step, I followed the trail, reading mind after mind after mind, until I found you, boy.

  You in turn upon my command brought me here, unbeknownst to you.

  Here, where you have the desecrated remains of my beloved Sekhmet, my Eye. Here, where you mutilated her body with your experimentations to learn the secret of the gods and duplicated them for your own means. Yes, child …I have been down to the lowest level of this facility, and seen what you have done.”

  The Ancient now stood toe to toe with a terrified Graves drenched in sweat. He leaned in getting face to face with him.

  “What is my name …boy?”

  “Horus …your name …is Horus.” Graves answered with a swallow while edging his bottom jaw.

  The Ancient slowly nodded as a sinister smirk formed on his visage.

  “As I stood gazing upon the remains of my beloved that you picked apart, the first thing that came to mind to punish you for your insolence, was to shatter every one of your brittle bones with just a thought, and to watch you die a slow and agonizing death.”

  He leaned in to whisper into a quaking Graves’ ear.

  “But there are worse things than death, boy. Fates far worse than physical pain, for men like yourself who have spent your entire life obtaining power. The greatest pain I can inflict upon you …is just to take it away. And that is what I shall do. You shall be the one to bear witness as I wipe your ruling governments from the face of this planet and bring this world to heel under my rule.”

  “I have news for you, someone went down that road,” Graves found a sliver of defiance to utter his words. “And they failed.”

  “Although I already knew what you were about to say,” the Ancient smirked, “I am curious to know, why you would say this to me when you know I can kill you for it?”

  “Guess it’s the old Army war dog in me,” Graves swallowed. “It tends to come out from time to time. And you can’t be all that powerful if you were locked up somewhere this whole time …Horus.”

  A menacing smile formed on Horus’s lips as if he found Graves’s retort amusing. It quickly disappeared as a dull ominous stare took its place.

  “Remove your clothes and bow before me. All of you.”

  The words were a loud echo within each of their skulls. A shocked Graves, Dr. Alexander, and his terrified lab staff found themselves stripping off their clothing until they were all stark naked. They all collapsed to their knees scraping and bowing before a sinister grinning Horus. The ancient immortal standing over a humiliated Graves lifted his dusty barefoot bringing it in front of his nostrils.

  “Now… kiss my foot …slave.”

  A powerless Graves found himself grasping Horus’s foot and bestowing a kiss on it.

  “Maddening isn’t it, to be in control of your mind, but not your body? To see, feel, hear, and know all that you do while I command your body with just the words from my lips. The first of many lessons you shall learn boy,” Horus snarled while glaring down at him. “Your experimentations only bore you at best demi-gods who pale in comparison to the god that stands before you. When the time is right, I shall claim this world with a whisper …not a roar.”

  Horus turned his attention back to the incubation chambers.

  “But for now, I must first resurrect my Sekhmet and bare more children. You there, rise and come forth.”

  Dr. Alexander found his body getting to its feet and moving on its own bringing him to stand before Horus.

  “Kill the children growing within these chambers.”

  Dr. Alexander’s face bore an expression of horror as his body did as commanded moving to one of the computer terminals and typing in the termination code which shut off life support, drained the nutrient bath, and then flooded the chambers with a solution that dissolved the fetuses until there was nothing left of them. Horus nodded with approval as he turned to Graves.

  “The first lesson in creating a god boy is to select from superior stock.”

  Horus then palmed Dr. Alexander’s face causing him to gasp and collapse onto his knees convulsing. His eyes widened in shock as tears ran down them.

  “Oh …oh god …I see …I see it now.” He shuddered.

  “Good, you will have three days to rebuild these chambers to my specifications,” Horus instructed him. “Also dispose of the inferior male seed you have stored, you will be using my seed for this birthing process.”

  “I …I will require the help of my staff to complete your task Lord Horus,” Dr. Alexander willing bowed before him.

  “Very well,” Horus agreed. “All others rise, except for you boy.”

  Dr. Alexander rose to his feet along with his staff; he quickly glanced at Graves still down at his knees then back at Horus.

  “These two will also remain with me....”

r. Alexander looked to who Horus was pointing to, the first was a female lab technician who wore square spectacles, and long brunette hair in a ponytail. Tears streamed from her eyes as she meekly tried to cover herself, the second woman who also burst into tears was a junior biochemist with short, thick curly hair and tan skin.

  “These two will remain to clean me, escort me to proper chambers, feed, service, and collect my seed,” Horus commanded, “Afterwards I shall summon you to fashion proper clothing for me. And then accompany me down to the lower levels of this place to tend to the remains of my beloved Sekhmet. Be sure to complete your instruction to your staff before then.”

  “Yes, Lord Horus,” Dr. Alexander bowed. “May we please …get dressed?”

  “Why?” Horus coldly asked.

  “We …are not comfortable to working this way,” he swallowed. “I think we would be more productive if we …”

  Before Dr. Alexander to could finish, his words were choked out of him as one of the mind reprogrammed enhanced guards walked up pulling out his sidearm and shot the nearest female lab technician causing screams to erupt throughout the remaining living. Her lifeless body slammed savagely onto the floor causing everyone to jump.

  More screams erupted as another male lab technician let out a blood-curdling scream as he was hoisted into the air by Horus via his powerful telekinesis. A painful shriek came from him as the ancient with just a thought began to pluck out both his eyes, every one of his teeth followed by his tongue and then the nails from his fingers and toes. Mortified wails and hollers came from Dr. Alexander’s staff as they helplessly watched as Horus crushed every single bone within his body one by one.

  A near catatonic Dr. Alexander battered with trauma fell to his knees as Horus calmly strolled up looking down at him with his hands clasped behind his back.

  “Let us have understanding,” Horus calmly sighed. “You are a slave, while I am a god. Your comfort means nothing to me. Your very lives mean nothing to me. All that matters to me is your service to me. Do we have understanding slave?”


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