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His Carnal Need (Xylon Warriors 2)

Page 21

by Ruth D. Kerce

  His thoughts immediately went to the poor slaves…and Halah. Something would need to be done to save the innocents before any destructive measures were taken. Braden had no idea of the volume of slaves actually held here. None of them did.

  Since he’d found the information they needed so soon, they’d be able to leave Marid earlier than anticipated, if Leila retrieved the formula quickly. He hoped Braden had Josella secured.

  He glanced over at Halah, stretched out on the lounger. She’d barely nibbled on the hunk of bread Leila had found for her in the food preserver earlier. She really should be in bed right now. He stood up and walked over to her. “Do you want me to help you into your bedchamber?”

  Her eyes met his. “Yes.”

  Her immediate response surprised him, not only her acceptance of help, but her soft tone. He thought she must be in more pain than she’d admitted. Instead of helping her to her feet, he reached down and picked her up in his arms. Her eyes revealed momentary surprise, but then she accepted his actions and relaxed. “Which way?”

  “That door.” She pointed opposite the slave area.

  Good placement. The distance would aid them, if they needed to sneak out on her. He entered her bedchamber, expecting what he didn’t know, but not what he found. Everything looked stark, generic, no color at all. Almost sad, was the description that came to mind. And he saw no personal items displayed or sitting around.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked him.

  “Nothing.” He laid her on the bed. He certainly wasn’t going to say anything and possibly offend her.

  They still needed her help.

  “Stay with me.”

  The words weren’t a request, but a lightly veiled order. He recognized the tone and grinned. She sounded more like herself now, which was a good sign of healing. He sat beside her on the bed. “Are you in pain? Do you need some medication?” He rubbed his temple, not wanting her to go through what he did almost on a daily basis.

  “I’m all right. Come morning, my wounds will most likely be completely healed.” Her eyes narrowed.

  “You’re in pain. Why?”

  Her perception surprised him. He shook his head. “It’s nothing.” Leila didn’t have the medicine he required for relief. No matter how bad he got, he’d need to wait until they returned to Xylon for treatment.

  She reached up and stroked his temple. He felt a small shock and instantly jerked back.

  “Sorry. Better?”

  Kam rubbed the skin she’d touched, amazed at the decrease in pain. She’d sent a small electrical charge through him that somehow eased the throbbing. “What did you do to me?”

  “A little perk of my electrical training. I discovered the ability years ago. It only works on certain kinds of pain. Consider that zap an apology for the one I gave you on Earth.”

  He wanted to question her further, but saw that she was tiring and knew other matters took precedence right now. “Leila should search the Med Lab for the formula tonight.” He felt guilty pushing her, but they needed to get out of there and back to Xylon. The longer they stayed, the more uncomfortable he felt. If they could leave within twenty-four hours, all the better.

  “I’ll take her early in the morning when the least amount of staff are on duty.”

  “How are we going to get off Marid, now that our orbiter has been salvaged?”

  “That’s your problem.”

  Kam glanced down at her and cocked an eyebrow. A difficult woman with complex emotions, for sure.

  He wished he had his wrist sensor to read her true feelings.

  She frowned at him. “Fine. I’ll arrange it. I’ll have Dak place another orbiter on reserve. Can you or Erik pilot an Egesa orbiter?”

  “Yes. All three of us can. You’re coming with us, right? Braden will most likely bring Josella to Xylon.”

  “Wait.” She sat up straight, cringing. “Most likely? You don’t know where my sister is?”

  “Careful. Don’t reopen those wounds. We don’t know Josella’s exact location. Not until we check in with Braden. He felt safer doing it that way. We’ll contact him before we leave here. You have a secure way?”

  “Yes.” She relaxed back against the pillows. “But I’m taking my own ship, wherever she is. Even if she’s on Xylon, I’ll follow you. Don’t betray me, Kam. If you do, you’ll regret it.”

  Careful to avoid her injuries, he caressed the back of her hand. “I won’t, Halah.”

  “Somehow, this isn’t how I pictured us in bed together,” she whispered, her words slurred. She curled her fingers into his palm, then reached over and massaged his cock. Her fingers relaxed against him, and her eyes drifted closed.

  “Maybe one of these days,” he mumbled, moving her hand back to her lap.

  His gaze roamed her body. She was too skinny, but had nicely rounded breasts and hips. And extra-long legs. Her hair was shorter than he usually liked on a woman, barely down to her shoulders, but the black strands shone in the light. He let his fingers touch the beautiful tresses. Silky and soft to the touch, too. Her mouth, now relaxed and with no tension surrounding it, revealed full, kissable lips. Her skin looked like cream.

  Though he knew she wasn’t up to sex, desire still shot through him. His dick stirred in his pants. “Damn.”

  * * * * *

  As he stood at the door, Daegal looked down at Gabriella, now resting and still tied to the bed after their latest fucking session. He brushed his fingers along his flaccid dick. Yep, the woman was one hot whore. Such a shame she wasn’t a loyal bitch. He strolled into the living area and over to his screens. The video of Halah bringing the Warriors through processing had been found. If he hadn’t suspected something odd, it would have taken a lot longer to detect their presence. And he’d found where Gabriella had tampered with the body scanners, too.

  She helped sneak the Warriors in for some reason. He didn’t believe she was working for The Lair though. Gabriella kept her own agenda.

  He’d also heard about Halah’s challenge of the Egesa Commander. One of his best soldiers. Word of the loss spread quickly through the ranks. The Egesa was probably weakened by the poisoning in the food. The Top Commander confirmed the find not long ago. The idea of Halah defeating the Commander with her skills alone was ludicrous.

  Why the Warriors had come here, he didn’t yet know. But he could guess. Information. He often sent his own people to Xylon for the same reason. The fact that they’d brought a Healer with them made him think their interest involved the sterilization formula. They couldn’t possibly know about its ineffectiveness yet.

  Well, let them look for the formula. Let them find it even. They weren’t getting off Marid. At least, not alive. He’d see to that. As long as the truth about the formula didn’t get out, Xylon would fear his control of all future generations. If he found a way for himself to survive…

  He glanced back toward the bedchamber. Gabriella obviously wanted him dead. But why? Certainly, she didn’t have command aspirations, as the Top Commander had suggested when he’d reported the poison found. If he died, Marid would plunge into anarchy. Whatever her plans, he’d decided not to wait. The opportunity for payback tonight proved too deliciously perfect to pass up.

  As more information poured in, he watched his screens. Rows of numbers popped up on one monitor.

  He frowned. Even though food sources were now locked down, the death rate of the Egesa continued to climb. If word got out, Xylon would attack while they held the advantage. He’d decided to call off his planned surprise invasion. Retaliation might place them in too vulnerable a position.

  Right now, retaliation of another sort loomed in his mind. He strolled back to the bedchamber. “You awake, Gabriella?”

  “Oh, yes. That was a great fuck. What’s next for tonight?”

  “I have a little surprise for you.”

  She stretched on the bed and smiled up at him. “I do so love your surprises. Tied or untied this time?”

  “I’ll leave you tied for
this one.”

  “Oooh, good. What is it, my love?”

  He remained by the door of the bedchamber and pulled a remote control from a pocket in his wrap.

  “Watch the box.” He nodded toward a silver box on a long stand at the end of the bed, on the other side of the footboard.

  As he pressed a button on the remote, Gabriella watched in fascination.

  The top of the box eased open. For a moment nothing happened, then hundreds of Mucous Spiders rushed out of the box, crawled over the footboard, and onto the bed.

  Gabriella screamed, her voice shrieking with her terror. “No! No! No!”

  Daegal laughed. “Have fun, my dear.” He closed the door, his only regret being he’d have to fumigate the room to get rid of the critters, then have a cleanup crew come in to remove them and Gabriella’s body. The whole affair was going to make a mess. “Well, I wanted to redecorate anyway.”

  Now he needed to figure out what fate to bestow on Rave, who was part of this betrayal. She’d been a good Assassin for him. Too bad.

  First though, he’d take care of Halah and confiscate her “slaves” for himself. He needed to interrogate them. They might know where Laszlo was hiding. And finding Laszlo had become imperative to his survival.

  * * * * *

  Erik settled in next to Leila on their makeshift bed. “They’re asleep. The main door is rigged though, so we can’t get out without setting off an alarm. I didn’t see Halah set it, so either it’s automatic, or Dak set it somehow when he left earlier. I might be able to crosswire the thing, but unless there’s a reason, I’d rather not take a chance of accidentally setting it off. Her transport-connector is probably in her bedchamber. I couldn’t find it. And I can’t find any communication devices that are for anything other than on-planet. So, for now, we’re stuck.” “Are they fucking in there?”

  Erik barked out a laugh. “You’re blunt these days.” He still wondered if she were jealous. She seemed too concerned about Kam’s sex life. “Not at the moment. Nor earlier, from what I could tell. Kam’s still in his pants, and she’s still in her clothes, too. And asleep, last I saw.”

  “She’s probably not well enough to do anything anyhow.”

  “Probably. We have at least a good four hours before we can get into the Med Lab. We should try to sleep.” He frowned as she glanced toward the door. “Stop worrying about Kam. He’s a big boy. Now lie back and get some rest.”

  “Rest, hmm?” She smiled up at him, a glitter of mischief in her eyes. “Or…”

  “Or what?”

  “We could fuck.” She flipped her hair behind her shoulders, exposing her bare breasts to him.

  Erik about swallowed his tongue. His gaze caressed her bare skin, and his tiredness immediately disappeared. He raised his eyes to study her face. “Not that I’m complaining, Leila, but your complete turnaround about sex is something I’m not quite used to yet.”

  “It’s your fault, you know.” She smiled and rubbed little circles along his thigh. “And the others.”

  “Yes. I suppose it is.” He smiled back and caressed her cheek, grateful that Leila was full Xylon. Her genetics gave her an advantage psychologically. He knew other women damaged by abuse, mental and/or physical, and not full Xylon, who weren’t able to heal their psyches as quickly, if at all. He suspected Xylon genes combined with their self-healing elements weren’t only helpful for physical wounds, but mental ones as well, even though no official studies had been conducted in that area that he knew of.

  Her smile faded, and her eyes took on a serious glint. “I want to know your most carnal need, Erik.

  We’re about as alone as we’re going to get for quite some time. So, tell me.”

  With an equally serious demeanor, he leaned into her. “My most carnal need, Leila, is…you.” He kissed her gently on the lips.

  No words came out of her mouth, and she looked stunned.

  Her wide-eyed gaze and silence worried him. Maybe he should have made up a lie instead of revealing the truth to her. Speaking his need aloud didn’t sound as impressive as the thought of it in his head. He wondered about her mood right now, but feared asking. He felt too vulnerable from exposing himself.

  “Disappointed that it wasn’t something erotically nasty?”

  “How can I be?” Leila sniffled, tears forming in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him.

  Erik’s heart expanded in his chest. He couldn’t remember ever connecting to a woman as deeply as with Leila. She felt like a part of him. During the re-initiation he’d licked the back of her neck and told her

  “someday”, wanting her to know his intent to Brand her. As soon as they returned to Xylon, he wanted to bind her to him forever. He swallowed hard. “Leila, will you permanently join with me?” Even though not the proper place or time, the question popped out before he could stop it.

  She sat with a stunned look on her face. Her mouth opened, then closed, then opened again. “Yes,” she gasped. “Oh, yes.”

  Joy like he’d never felt soared inside him. He hugged her to him, never wanting to let her go. “I want to make love to you, Leila. Right now.” He pulled back to gaze at her beautiful features, unable to get enough of her.

  Tears shone in her eyes. “I’d like that, Erik,” she whispered. “I-I’d love that.”

  “I love you, Leila.” He gulped. He’d never said those words to a woman.

  “I love you,” she whispered, her voice catching in her throat.

  He felt as if his whole life had new meaning. His hand covered one of her breasts. Knowing she’d agreed to be his added new intensity to his feelings. “So soft.” When his thumb brushed across her already hardened nipple, she mewled. He loved her responsiveness. “Your skin is so sensitive, Leila.”

  “To your touch.”

  He smiled. To his touch. He leaned down and lapped at the nipple. Delicious. Her fingers slid through his hair, caressing his head, encouraging him. He ached for the feel of her hands on him always. He sucked the fleshy bud into his mouth.

  “Mmm. Yes, Erik.”

  He pushed her down flat against the pillows, continuing to suck her. Leila arched her back, pushing her breast further into his mouth. He lightly nibbled on the hard peak, until he felt her tremble. He pulled the nipple gently with his teeth, then released it.

  Leila sighed.

  Erik’s hand slid over her ribs and down her stomach. Again, he felt her tremble. Or maybe that was him, this time. He pulled off her barely there slave skirt. She lay naked beneath. Even though he’d seen her naked more than once, the first look always took his breath away.

  He caressed her thighs. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve even known, Leila. Inside and out.” His dick hardened painfully. He unlaced the front of his slave attire and pushed off the tight pants.

  As she looked at his dick, hard and ready to go, Leila licked her lips. Intentionally or not, the movement made him crazy.

  “Too sexy, Leila. I’ll lick your lips.” He leaned down and traced her mouth with his tongue, then whispered, “You lick my dick.”

  Without any further encouragement, she scrambled to her knees in front of him.

  Her eagerness made every muscle in his body tense in anticipation.

  Leaning over him, her tongue eased out and licked the beads of clear liquid atop his penis.

  At the touch of her tongue, Erik jerked. “Ah, yeah.” He tangled his fingers in her hair, guiding her. “Lick the underside, baby.”

  She grazed her tongue up and down the underside of his cock. With a gentle touch, she flicked the sensitive skin on the backside of the bulbous head, making him groan.

  He loved watching her tongue move over his dick. The incredible, moist feel shot through him like electricity. “You will do as I say. You will submit to me.” He needed her submission.

  She glanced up at him. “Yes, Erik. I will submit to you. And…”


  “You will submit to me.”

  He laughed
and cupped her cheek. An interesting topic actually. He’d never submitted to a woman. Not totally. “Suck my dick, but don’t make me come.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “We’ll talk about my submission later.”

  Leila took him into her mouth and bobbed up and down. “Mmm.”

  Her enjoyment of the act almost sent him over the edge. He worked hard to maintain control. He didn’t want to climax yet, nor did he want her to stop. “Suck it good, baby. Oh, yeah. That’s perfect. Suck.”

  He needed to make this fuck phenomenal for her. Between only the two of them, with no audience, he didn’t want her disappointed. “Ah…enough, for now.” He gently pushed her back.

  She smiled up at him. “I love the way you taste.” She stroked his thigh.

  He grabbed her hand before he embarrassed himself and came right then. “On your back.” He barely got the words out. He wanted to dominate, control, make her come. He couldn’t fight his carnal need of her, nor did he want to.

  She laid back.

  “Spread your legs.”

  Again, she did as he directed.

  His heart pounded against his ribs, as he tried to keep himself from simply falling on her and fucking her like a wild animal. “Spread them wider. Bend your knees to the side.”

  Slowly, erotically, she widened her thighs.

  He stared down at her pussy, open and weeping for him. He could almost taste her on his lips, on his tongue.

  Suddenly, he understood. He might be leading her sexually, or think so, but he was most certainly just as much, if not more, at her sexual and emotional mercy. The realization hit him hard, and he knew that soon his control would shatter. He looked into her eyes. “They’re going to hear us.”

  She glanced at the door, then back at him again.


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