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His Carnal Need (Xylon Warriors 2)

Page 22

by Ruth D. Kerce

  “Are you sure you want this? Here? Now?” He needed to give her a last chance to stop their passion from escalating to the point of no return.

  “Yes, Erik. I want this. I want you . Love me. Take my body. Fuck me until…”


  Her eyes locked with his. “Until I can’t come any more.”

  A tight breath stuck in his lungs. His desire for this woman ran hotter and more intense than he’d ever experienced. Anything she wanted, he’d give her. He nodded, exhaling heavily. “Yes, Leila. I’ll fuck you until…”

  Chapter Ten

  Erik bent over her pussy. He gently spread her moist folds, determined to give her an experience she’d never forget. He knew tonight would be singed into his memory for all time. He wanted her to share the same memory.

  Her hand gently touched one of his, and her eyes revealed a tenderness that made his heart lurch in his chest. His need for her burned stronger than ever. His gaze shifted from her cinnamon eyes to her delicious pussy, and the scent of her sex teased his nostrils, exciting him even further. “Do you want my tongue in your pussy, Leila?”

  Leila arched toward him. “Yes. Do it.”

  Her need matched his own. His heart pounded against his ribs, and his pulse raced in anticipation.

  Leaning lower, he feathered his tongue across her clit, then swirled his tongue in a slow circle. Her unique flavor exploded on his taste buds.

  She gripped the pillows on either side of her hips, her fingers clenching the fabric tightly.

  With a gentle touch, he flicked his tongue against her clitoris. He wanted to build her pleasure a little at a time until she exploded.

  “Ah, suck it. Please…”

  He sucked the bud into his mouth and drew on the sensitive flesh.

  “Oh, Erik.”

  Erik slid his palms beneath her ass and raised her pelvis for better access. He sucked, slowly and steadily, giving her what she wanted and needed, taking from her what he wanted and needed.

  “Yes, Erik. More!”

  When he felt her muscles tighten, he eased his lips from around her clit, purposely halting her pending climax.

  “No, don’t stop.” She whimpered. “I need to come.”

  He caressed her thighs, enjoying the flush on her body. “Not yet, baby. Touch yourself. I want to watch.”

  A sexy smile eased onto Leila’s face. She reached between her legs, and her fingers teased her clit. A small moan rose from deep within her. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she bit her bottom lip.

  Erik swallowed hard, moving his hand up and down his cock. So hot. He’d watched her pleasure herself before, during the re-initiation. But this time, she did it all for him. “Now suck your fingers.”

  Opening her eyes, Leila brought her moist fingers to her lips and sucked her juices. Her sensual gaze never left his.

  His voice caught in his throat. “Good?” he barely managed to get out.

  With a look of delicious ecstasy in her eyes, she nodded.

  He smiled at her, amazed at his fortune of having her in his life. “I agree.” He lowered himself on top of her and held his cock at the entrance to her pussy. He hesitated. Control. He needed to maintain control.

  He eased forward and slid inside her one slow, thick inch at a time.

  “Oh! Such delightful torture.” She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him further into her body.

  He pumped his cock, pushing all the way in, then pulling almost completely out of her. As his passion grew, he realized her love for him had truly saved his lonely soul. He didn’t think so much emotion between lovers possible. He covered her lips with his, sliding his tongue into her mouth, tasting and teasing her.

  With her internal muscles, she squeezed his cock.

  He pulled his mouth from hers. “Damn, Leila,” he gasped.

  She squeezed his cock again, clamping her legs tighter around his hips. Her nails grazed the muscles in his chest, and she pinched his nipples.

  “Ah!” He jerked. All gentleness and control evaporated. His hips pounded against her. He rammed his cock hard and fast into her pussy. He couldn’t stop. And he couldn’t go any slower or easier on her.

  She’d gotten him too hot with her actions. A loud groan escaped his throat.

  Matching his rhythm, she undulated her hips, giving as good as she got. “Yes, Erik! Fuck me!”

  With a growl, he grabbed her arms and shoved them above her head. He captured both her wrists with one hand and held tight. His hips continued to pump her hard. He tugged on one of her nipples, licked it, then tugged again. “You like that?”

  “Yes, harder.”

  “Tug harder or fuck you harder?”


  At her words, he felt his climax near to bursting. “You’re killing me, Leila.” He tried to focus on something else to delay the inevitable, but Leila kept distracting him with her hip thrusts, sexy mewls, and internal cock strokes. “Ah, hell.” He nibbled on one of her nipples, then the other, scraping his teeth along her fleshy buds, harder, rougher, until she orgasmed.

  “Erik!” Her climax shook her so strongly that she almost bucked him off. “Oh, Erik. Don’t stop. I-I’m still coming. Oh!”

  He continued to thrust hard. “Yeah!” He caressed her tits, squeezing and massaging the round flesh, and flicking his thumbs across her nipples.

  Even though he’d released her wrists, she kept her arms above her. “Oh, Erik. I’m coming again!”

  “Oh, yes. I feel it!” Her vagina gripped his penis. He fucked her wildly, his cum ready to shoot into her.

  How he was holding out for so long, he didn’t know. His whole body trembled.

  Leila continued to come. Many of Xylon’s women were multi-orgasmic. She definitely possessed the ability. She screamed, and he felt a particularly strong climax shake her.

  Her orgasms, with her pussy pulling at his dick, proved too much. He thrust as deeply as he could get and spilled his seed inside her. “Leila! Ah, yeah!” He shot cum that seemed to go on forever. The pleasure pulled a shout from him, and he shook violently, almost passing out from the sheer ecstasy of the experience.

  Leila stroked his back until he collapsed on top of her. She kissed him gently. “I think you fucked me until… Just like you promised,” she whispered.

  All he could do was nod.

  * * * * *

  “So?” Daegal asked the Top Commander. “Where is Rave?” Once he took care of her and Halah, his female problems would be extinguished. Then he could concentrate on finding Laszlo, solving all their health problems, and destroying Xylon once and for all. “I don’t know. She’s disappeared.”

  He stepped closer, forcing the Commander back a step. “Disappeared? We had her monitored.” Was he totally surrounded by incompetence and deception?

  “I know. Last we tracked her, she was going into Dare’s quarters. Then she, Dare, and Shear disappeared. Maybe they found out about Gabriella.”

  “How? Her body hasn’t even been removed yet.”

  The Commander shrugged. “Rave has a lot of connections. Who did you get the spiders from?”

  Worry tugged at Daegal. Maybe this network of deception was larger than he thought. “I sent down an order for a group of slaves to collect them for me after I first found out about Gabriella’s betrayal with our food. They couldn’t possibly know I used them tonight.”

  “You sure about that? Did you place them in the bedchamber yourself?”

  No, he’d told one of the female servants via vid-cell to do it, while he’d attended to business in his office. “Damn women. Can’t trust a one of them. What about our hidden surveillance inside Dare’s quarters?”

  “Malfunctioning, apparently. All we’re getting is static.”

  “Where are all of these malfunctions coming from?” Too many abnormalities kept occurring for simple coincidence. His suspicions, due to the vastness of the problems, led him to believe Laszlo held a hand in this somewhere.

  “We ha
ven’t found the source yet.”

  “Did you check the transport-connector records? Maybe they relocated.”

  “Yes. Nothing.”

  “What about the transport center? Did they somehow leave the moon without our knowledge?”

  “No unaccounted ships show up in the system.”

  “Did you search Dare’s quarters for hidden rooms or escape passages?” He felt his temperature rising with his frustration.

  “Yes. Again, nothing.”

  “That’s impossible. They have to be somewhere. They didn’t just disintegrate into thin air.” He couldn’t believe those three had managed to outwit them.

  The Commander paced, in obvious thought. “There’s a possibility they masked the usage of their transport-connectors.”

  “How?” Daegal blocked his path.

  The Top Commander met his eyes. “Rave told me once that Halah managed to bypass the tracker routes while on Earth, to escape capture, when the Warriors held her. They may have shared information.”

  “Why would Halah share anything with Rave? And how is it that Halah figured out how to do that, when we don’t know how? If she doesn’t use the tracker channels, how does she find a clear route for transport materialization? That’s ridiculously dangerous. Did you question Halah about the information after Rave told you?”

  “No. I thought Rave made up the story. The idea seemed preposterous at the time. Still does.”

  Daegal sighed. He was getting tired of these former Xylon Warriors who came to The Dome, pretending to be loyal, but never really switching alliances or sharing information that Marid desperately needed.

  Their databases held mega-memory of personal information on current and former Warriors, but technically they fell far behind Xylon in their knowledge.

  “Maybe Rave did speak the truth, after all. At least that would account for her disappearance. I screwed up by not following through. Xylon is more advanced, as is their Warrior Training. And Halah is an electronics genius, from what I understand.”

  “Halah is a pain in the ass, is what she is. Monitor her closely. I want to know her every move.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  * * * * *

  Kam stood at the door to the slave area. “Leila,” he called out lightly. “Wake up. Time to go.” A little at a time, Leila stirred. Carefully, she rose from the pillows.

  Kam could tell she was trying not to wake Erik. Just as well, since he couldn’t accompany her.

  Earlier, he and Halah had heard them making love. Impossible not to. Halah wanted to watch, but he’d convinced her otherwise. Erik and Leila deserved their privacy. Besides, he wouldn’t have been able to keep his hands off Halah if they’d watched what sounded like one hot fuck.

  He waited while Leila pulled on her slave attire and adjusted her hair to cover her breasts. Sexy. He ached for relief. Once they returned to The Lair, he needed to attend a Joining Party just to clear his head and bodily urges, even though he normally didn’t care for the Warrior gatherings.

  Leila walked up to him. She glanced over her shoulder at Erik, then returned her gaze to his. “I’m ready,” she whispered.

  He led her into the living quarters, where Halah was clipping items to her belt. “You have to go alone with Halah. She can explain your presence, if you get stopped and questioned. Erik and I would attract too much attention and be harder to justify.”

  Leila nodded.

  “Let’s go,” Halah said. She looked over at Kam. “By the way, the door is rigged, so don’t get any ideas about sneaking out of here. It’s fitted with a tamper-alert beeper whose signal connects to my vid-cell. If you try to crosswire the pad, I’ll know and materialize back here before you can trip the system.”

  “Understood.” He’d already seen the engaged alarm pad earlier and wondered if Erik might be able to bypass the codes.

  “How are you feeling?” Leila asked her. “Do you want me to check the bandages before we go?”

  “No. I’m fine. We need to get you in and out, and all of us off Marid before we’re discovered. I’ve been unable to connect with one of my contacts. Something’s wrong.”

  “Serious?” Kam asked, concern building inside him.

  “I don’t know. But I have an uncomfortable feeling about this mission.”

  “You’re not the only one,” Leila replied, worry evident in her eyes.

  “Let’s get this over with. Come on.”

  After Leila and Halah stepped through the door, and the panel slid closed behind them, Kam saw the alarm reengage. He sat in front of the computer and fingered the disk he’d copied earlier. Too easy. The thought kept running through his head.

  “Hey,” Erik said from the other side of the room.

  Kam turned and watched him enter from the slave area, rubbing his eyes.

  “What’s going on?” Erik glanced around the room.

  “Halah and Leila just left for the lab.”

  “What?” He looked toward the door. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You couldn’t go with them, Erik.”

  Erik frowned, then after a moment visibly relaxed. “Yeah, I suppose not. Either one of us would look too suspicious out with her at this time of night. Or is it early morning now?” He yawned. “What are you doing?”

  “Thinking we need to contact Braden. I was going to approach Halah after we had the sterilization formula in hand, but I think we need to be ready to go once that happens.”

  “Agreed. Where would she hide a communication device? To reach Xylon and connect with Laszlo’s board, she’d need a powerful system, and in a private place, somewhere easily accessible to her, and where no one would overhear her, even if she had company, so she could communicate in an emergency, if necessary.”

  The both stared at each other. “Her bedchamber,” they said at the same time.

  “Let’s look,” Erik said.

  They both entered her room and glanced around the interior. Erik picked up a round throw pillow from a chair, then set it back down. “Strange room.”

  “You noticed.”

  “Everything’s gray. How could I not notice? Depressing. That woman possesses a scary psyche, in my opinion.”

  Kam thought “troubled” more accurately described Halah, but he didn’t comment aloud. “How do you want to approach this?”

  “Well, a control panel has to exist somewhere. You take that side, and I’ll take this side.”

  * * * * *

  Leila looked down each corridor they passed. Because of her slave status, they’d walked, but at least she got a good look at more of The Dome, which might prove useful to Xylon in the future. Everything she saw she tried to file away in her memory. She couldn’t believe how deserted the area seemed. Maybe a large number of soldiers and workers didn’t really exist in The Dome as they liked their enemies to believe. Interesting.

  Halah led her into the deserted Med Lab. “If we’re caught and questioned, we’re here to get help for my wounds. And you, as my slave, simply escorted me, because I’m still not walking all that well.”

  “Sounds reasonable.” She glanced around. Totally empty. The area held an eerie feel, very unlike her comfortable and caring setup of the Med Lab in The Lair. “Isn’t anyone at all on staff at this time? What if an emergency comes in?”

  “There’s an emergency button. The formula will be under security. I’ll need to disable the system.” She made her way over to an area with lots of shelves and cabinets, all labeled. “This is where they keep the pills and shots. The more sensitive formulas are locked up.” She pointed to a large white unit in the corner.


  “Partial, from what I understand.” Halah opened the alarm pad. She pulled some tools from her belt and went to work. “Keep an eye out. I can explain our presence, but I can’t explain tampering with the system.”

  “Isn’t this place monitored?” She glanced around for vid-equipment and spotted a monitor in the far corner.

  “I ha
cked into the computer system, and disabled all the monitors in this area before we left my quarters.

  It’ll register on the main board, and they’ll send a crew to check out the malfunction. But we’ll be gone by the time they get here. Hopefully.”

  Halah’s knowledge and abilities impressed her. “How did you learn so much about the workings of The Dome?”

  “I made it a priority. Knowledge is power. An old, universal saying, but true nevertheless.” She closed the pad and punched in some numbers. The door clicked open. “We’re in.”

  Halah opened the door and motioned for her to enter. “Find what you need and get out fast. I’ll stay by the door and watch for anyone passing by.”

  * * * * *

  “Found it,” Erik said, popping out of the bathing room. “I can’t believe it’s in her bath. Good cover. It’s behind one of the tiled walls. I’ll place a transmission to Braden.” Finally, things were looking up on this mission. Kam joined him in the bathing room. “How’d you find it?”

  “These set of four tiles are a slightly different color. Very subtle. Almost looks like some damage occurred and the tiles ended up replaced. I pressed in on them, and these other tiles here slid back.”

  “Slick. Can you work the board?”

  “Yep. Just like Xylon. Halah must have designed and set it up herself. I wonder how she knew about Laszlo’s communication board and which channel to use to connect. Braden never did say. We just discovered the device ourselves not long ago. I’d love to question her about that.” He flipped some switches, engaged the scrambling feature, then found the proper channel. Erik frowned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Braden’s not responding to Laszlo’s channel. He should have it networked in to his vid-cell. I’ll see if I can contact the main control area. I’ll have to use voice transmission.” He switched the channel. “This is Class 1 Warrior, Erik Rhodes, contacting Xylon Control. Do you read?”

  After some static, a voice came out loud and clear. “Rhodes! This is Torque. What the hell are you doing on this channel? You were supposed to—”


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