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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

Page 4

by Tami Payton


  That asshole! So, this was his fucking plan all along? Who the fuck does he think he is? He wants to try to double cross me and take away my Cammie? Well, he’s got another thing coming. I will rip him apart. No one is gonna take her from me, I’ve waited too damn long to have her. She’s right there, so damn close I can taste her. I slam my laptop and head to Micah’s compound. I will be damned if I’m gonna play these fucking games with him.

  I get there and security has doubled, I’m guessing it’s due to this so-called fucking auction he’s planning. It makes my blood boil, there’s no way he’s selling my Cammie. “Hey, you can’t go in there. No one’s allowed through there until tomorrow.” Some guy yells at me as I push past him. He goes to grab my arm and I growl at him; he jerks back and flinches. “It’s ok, Jacob. Let him through.” I look up and see Micah standing at the door with a smug smirk on his face. “Well, Gage to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? The auction doesn’t start until tomorrow evening.” I narrow my eyes at him and growl, again. “What the fuck is the meaning of this? There was no mention of an auction! This was just supposed to be between me and Mason and her family. Now you’ve brought in other assholes! You have no right to try and sell off my girl, that wasn’t part of our deal!” He laughs and shakes his head. Oh, Gage. I’m a business man and I always take the best deal available. It may not be one you agree with but it’s the best one for me. Be lucky there’s even an auction being held, because as of right now I’ve been offered a cool two million for your girl. Apparently Alpha females are highly wanted, they’re hard to break and some say are wild and sexy in bed.” He shrugs. “Huh, who knew?” He turns to walk away and I lunge after him, ready to tear him apart. I drop to the ground in agonizing pain. The fucking bracelet! I forgot about this damn thing he put on me the first time I was here. “Tsk, Tsk. Aw, poor Gage. You have to learn to control that temper of yours. It’s not good to let it run your life like this, someone is bound to get hurt.” He laughs as he walks away.


  There’s been a lot of traffic going back and forth. Micah has been in and out of my room taking pictures and I’ve seen people running around like crazy when Drake escorted me to the shower this morning. I’m back in my room eating lunch, trying to keep the food down when I finally have the nerve to ask Drake. “What’s going on around here?” He looks at me and frowns. “It’s time Cammie. You were right, Micah has an auction planned and you’re the star of the show. We need to get you out of here as soon as possible. It’s planned for tomorrow night, so we need to do this tomorrow morning. Micah is going to escort you to the showers to make sure you’re prepped properly. Hair and everything done right, you will need to attack then. Get your bracelet off and get it on him right after. Take the control from him and shock him as soon as you get it from him. It will take him out for at least half an hour.” I nod, my body shaking. If I don’t get away tomorrow who knows what will happen. “I have to leave the building tonight; I have somethings that I’ve been assigned to do. While I’m gone, I’m gonna get in touch with your men, hopefully they will get here in time to meet you. If they don’t when you get out of here tomorrow. Run. You run Cammie, as fast as you can and as far as you can.” I look at him and nod. “I will Drake, thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I promise I will do everything I can to help your mom and sister as soon as I get out of here.” He nods. “I know you will, Cammie. I don’t know if there’s still time to save them or not, but I will do everything I can to try and save you.” He nods at me and leaves the room. I spend the rest of the afternoon trying to come up with a plan for tomorrow. My stomach is in knots. I can do this. I have to do this.

  Dinner has arrived and I know not to expect Drake since he told me that he had to leave. I’m surprised when Bruno walks through the door. “Hey there Princess, did you miss me?” He smiles at me and I roll my eyes and snort. “Yeah, Bruno. I missed you as much as a whole in the head. Did the big man finally let you off restriction and come back to work?” He laughs and drops my plate of food on the table. “Oh, how I’ve missed your wit. I’ve actually been away working on a special project that involves you, Princess. You know we’re throwing a party here tomorrow just for you, you’re the guest of honor.” I roll my eyes, pretending I have no idea what he’s talking about. “Please don’t go out of your way for little old me.” He laughs. “Oh, it’s a big deal. There’s a lot of big wigs coming for you Princess. You see, I had to go and hand deliver all the invites and pictures of you, of course.” He grins and I freeze. Pictures of me? He notices the look on my faces and laughs. “Oh, this is priceless. You didn’t think that these cameras just took video, did you? They took pictures as well. But I do believe what has brought in our biggest clients are the ones from your showers.” His grin got even bigger and I see red. These Mother Fuckers were videoing me and taking pictures when I was in the fucking shower? I don’t hesitate, I shift, my wolf taking over and lunge for him. I latch onto his neck and sink my teeth in, blood flooding my mouth. I don’t know how much damage I’ve done, hopefully enough to kill him. Then blackness takes over as pain rains through my body and I fall to the ground.


  We’re gathered around the meeting room again, waiting on Eric. He called and said he’s got some news on what he’s found out about everything he’s gathered. “I think I may have found her.” He rushes out as he burst through the door. I stand up so quick that my chair falls. “You found her? Where? When can we leave? Let’s fucking go!” I’m ready to head out now, Sam grabs me and shakes his head. “Calm down Mason. Eric, please tell us what you’ve found.” Eric nods. “Well, I traced the fuel and Jenny was right about that. It’s a type of fuel that isn’t normally used. It’s a rocket fuel and isn’t known around here. The smell of oil found with it is a mixture of what is needed to make the fuel complete. It must have been on their shoes or boots, they must have walked in it and tracked it. I also saw some landmarks in the video that Micah sent earlier. There were some old museum labels in the background and some labels still on the walls. Once I enhanced the picture and managed to get some more details. I believe I have found the area and know where to find her. There’s only two abandoned museums in that area, so that’s the only places she can be.” Cameron jumps up and hugs Eric. “Man, I could kiss you right now!” Eric steps back and laughs. “Ugh, please don’t. I love Cammie like a sister and would do anything to bring her home. I’m just happy I can help.” I get up and slap his back. “You’ve done more than that man; I don’t know how to thank you. Now, when can we go get my girl?” I look at Sam and wait for him to say now. Sam stands up and goes to open his mouth when the door slams open. Quinn is standing there, out of breath. “Guys, you need to come quick.” I look at Cameron and we take off.

  We get to the edge of the property and there’s a guy being detained by three of Sam’s wolves. He’s putting up one hell of a fight and is trying to talk but Sam’s wolves aren’t letting him. “That’s enough!” Sam yells and everyone stops. The guy looks at Sam with fear all over his face. “Are you Sam? Alpha to the Pack and Cammie’s dad?” My anger is back and my fists balled, I lunge at the kid. Cameron grabs me at the last second. “What do you know about Cammie?” I yell at him. Sam steps towards the kid. “I am. Who are you?” He swallows and bows his head. “My name is Drake and I have information about your daughter. I’m afraid if we don’t act fast it may be too late to save her.” My heart drops, no we still have time. We just found out where she is, we’re gonna go and get her. “Take him to the compound, we will be right there to speak to him. Do not harm him.” Sam orders the wolves and they carry him away. “What the fuck? Should we believe him?” Cameron runs his hands through his hair as he paces back and forth. I stand there, I don’t know what to do. “I think we should at least hear him out. Eric knows the area that Cammie is in, we can see what this Drake has to say. If his information matches Eric’s then maybe he’s trustworthy.” I look at Sam and take in what
he just said, I know it makes sense but I don’t want to trust anyone who’s had anything to do with hurting Cammie. I nod and we head back.

  We walk in and see Drake with his head on the table, the kid looks pretty rough. He snaps up when he hears us and starts talking. “Look we don’t have much time. I have to get back and if I’m not there he’s gonna know something is wrong.” I growl at him. “I guess that means you’re pretty important to Micah, then huh?” Drake nods. “Yeah, he needs my help to pull everything off smoothly, if I don’t help him then everything gets all fucked up. Then again if I don’t help him not only does my family die, Cammie does as well. So, basically we’re all screwed.” He looks at all of us and we finally realize how serious this is. “Ok, start from the beginning, and don’t leave anything out.” Sam sits across from him as I lean against the wall with Cameron. The guy starts talking and the more he talks the more I want to strangle him. “Look I know that ya’ll are anxious to get her back but we don’t have much time. If we don’t get there and I mean soon, you won’t get to her at all. Micah has people showing up soon and his auction will start tonight and then it will be to late. I’m assuming ya’ll are supposed to be there?” Sam nods. “Yeah, we got an invite to the sick Bastard’s show. How do you plan on helping us get my daughter out of there?” Drake sighs and runs his hands over his face. We’ve already come up with a plan. I gave her the key to unlock her wrist band, so when she’s taken to get cleaned up, she can escape. She’s gonna slip it on Micah and shock him and run. She’s learned the lay out of the place the best she can while she’s been there and I’ve given her directions the best that I can. I’m hoping that you guys can make it there by the time that she escapes so you can meet her.” I stand up and am ready to go. “Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Drake looks at me. “Um, Mason. Don’t take this the wrong way but Cammie may not be happy to see you.” I growl at him. Who the hell does he think he is? He holds his hands up and looks scared as shit. “No man, shit sorry. It’s just that Micah showed him some video. She wouldn’t talk about it but she was pissed and really hurt. She actually cried, she tried not to let anyone see how upset she was but I caught her crying.” Fuck! My heart drops, I’m gonna kill that Mother Fucker. “That video was a fake. I would never do anything to hurt Cammie.” Drake nods. “I don’t know any of you or your relationships, so I’m not gonna judge anyone. I’ve looked out for Cammie as much as I’ve been able to while I’ve been with her and I want to help her as much as I can. Micah needs to be stopped.” I look at him, wondering why he’s working for an asshole like Micah. “Drake, why are you working for this asshole? What does Micah have on you?” He hangs his head and sighs. “Micah is holding my mom and sister hostage. I haven’t seen them for two years. Honestly, I don’t even think they’re even alive anymore. Since I found out that Micah does these auctions, they were probably sold to someone and didn’t make it. The people that have been invited are horrible people, cruel and ruthless people. My mom and sister wouldn’t survive them. I don’t want to see the same fate for Cammie.” I look at Cameron and we both see red. We’re getting Cammie the hell out of there.


  “I need everyone there tonight, Jacob. We’ve found her and we’re headed there tonight. The auction starts at 10:00, we need to get there before that to grab her. I will not let them have her. So, I want everyone available with us. Understood?” I ball my fists at my side as I silently grind my teeth. “I understand Mason. I will gather everyone now and send them that way. I hope this guy turns out to be telling the truth and you find her. Good luck and be careful.” I hang up and punch the wall beside me. “Son of a Bitch!” I yell. This was not supposed to happen. How the fuck did this happen? Who is this fucking kid that came through with this information? I mean he had to be someone from where she’s being held. Fuck! Where the hell is Jenny? I haven’t heard from her since Mason turned her down and she went all ‘female psycho’ on the phone. God, are all women crazy when they get rejected? Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself, I have to figure out a way to save this. Ok, so if they do manage to get Cammie back, how can I deal with this? I haven’t come as far as I have to fail, I will follow through with my plans. This has ruined everything and now I have to figure something else out, well time for plan B. Mason can have his Fated Mate, I will have to let her come home. Yes, I will send our best wolves to help rescue her. It will be a tough battle to rescue his precious mate, and when the Pack sees that his men were injured or killed for her, they will turn against him for it. I hate to make the pack turn against Mason, he’s not all that bad but he doesn’t deserve to be Alpha. He’s too nice, too understanding, he spends more time with the Hallow pack then he does with his own pack. That’s not a true Alpha, I do more for this pack then he does. I deserve to be Alpha, not him. My frustration is getting to me, I need to get my anger under control before someone comes in and sees me. “Andrew!” I call in one of the Omegas that we have on standby that is in charge of the crews that are ready to head out. “Yes Jacob?” He nods at me. “Mason just called. They’ve located Cammie and are ready to head in to grab her. Sam, Cameron and Mason as well as a group from Sam’s pack are waiting on your crew to get there. Gather everyone and head there and do whatever you need to do to get her back to her pack safely.” Andrew nods. “Yes Sir. I assume Mason will give us further orders once we arrive?” I grind my teeth at this statement. “Yes, your Alpha will instruct you as what to do when you arrive.” He nods and leaves. I let my anger roll off of me, let Mason instruct them into danger. Ig they get injured or die protecting his unofficial mate, so be it. If she makes it out alive, well then, I will just have to take them being Fated Mates literally. Love will be the death of them, because the fate of one of them will be death, which means that neither of them will make it.


  My head is throbbing as I roll over and I try to regain my bearings. The room spins as I open my eyes, focusing on the ceiling. “Ugh, what the fuck?” I manage to groan; my throat is as dry as sandpaper and I feel like I’ve swallowed a bucked of sand. I manage to sit up without throwing up and jump as I see Micah sitting across from me. “What the fuck do you want?” I scowl at him. He narrows his eyes at me and then laughs shaking his head. “You’re one tough female, stupid as hell, but tough. I will give you that Cammie. What the hell were you thinking attacking Bruno like that? He could have killed you. If someone hadn’t of made it here when they had you would have been dead. He just kept shocking you, we got here just in time.” I shook my head and the memories of shifting into my wolf and attacking Bruno came into focus. I remember latching onto his neck and the taste of blood, I must have gotten him good if the taste in my mouth is any indication. “So, how long did he shock me for and what’s the damage?” Micah shakes his head. “I’m not sure. Rest for a lil while longer, you need to get some color back in you. I will bring you some food and then we will start the process of getting you ready for the evening.” He gets up to leave before I can say anything else. I shake my head to try to and clear it. Fuck! I may have just screwed up my chances of getting out of here. Once again, I let my anger get the best of me but Bruno pissed me off. He knew exactly how to get to me and he did a damn good job of it. I still need to get out of here, tonight will be my only chance. I shutter at the thought of what will happen if I don’t make it out in time.

  Micah is the one that returns with my food, he looks at me with narrowed eyes. “Well at least you’re looking a little better. I can’t have you attending your own party looking like shit.” He smiles at me and I snort. “Yeah, right, can’t have you trying to sell me to the highest bidder if I look like hell. Can we? You might not make any money, and we can’t have that. You’re a sick Bastard, Micah. I hope like Hell that someone ends up killing you really slow.” He laughs and the sound makes my stomach turn. “Oh sweetheart, haven’t you figured it out yet? It will never happen; this isn’t my first rodeo.” I look at him and my stomach turns even more. I thin
k I’m gonna be sick when I realize what he’s saying. “Oh my God. You’ve done this before? You’ve sold other women? How many woman have you sold to men that have ended up meeting their deaths?” He smiles and it’s the evilest smile I’ve ever seen and gives me chills. “Oh, I lost count years ago, and what happens to them after payment is received isn’t my concern.” He shrugs like it’s nothing. I want to rip out his throat. I take a deep breath; his time will come. “Drakes family?” I whisper and dread his answer. Micah laughs and shakes his head. “I knew that boy would become weak with you. That’s fine, he’s always been weak. He still thinks they’re still alive, so he does my bidding. Shame you won’t be able to tell him otherwise but yes, they’ve been gone for years.” I growl, the asshole. I will definitely kill him, slowly. “Well, eat up sweetheart, it’s almost time to get you ready. There’s lots of people who can’t wait to meet you.” He smiles as he walks out. My anger swirls inside as I eat my food. I’m gonna need all the energy I can to get the hell out of here.


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