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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

Page 5

by Tami Payton

  I’m sitting on the bed, waiting for someone to come and get me. I have a feeling it will be Micah, betting he doesn’t want to take any chances with me attacking anyone else. I take this time to go over my plan to escape. I have the key to the bracelet that Drake gave me tucked inside my bra. I just hope that I’m able to pull this off. I have to get the bracelet off and onto Micah, if I can’t do that then everything falls apart. I really hope that Drake was able to get ahold of Sam and Cameron and was able to convince them he was who he is. What if they think it’s a trick? Shit! I didn’t even think about that. Mason could lose his temper and fucking kill him. Fuck! I didn’t even think of Mason. I shake my head. No, I can’t think of Mason right now. I saw the video of him and Jenny, he’s been with her while I’ve been here. I mean, I refused the mating bond, so he’s free to do whatever he wants. I shouldn’t feel betrayed by him. So, why do I feel so broken? I stand up and shake myself. Come on Cammie, get your shit together. You’ve got bigger things to think about right now. I can deal with thoughts about Mason if and when I get the hell out of here. First things first, get the hell out of here and kill Micah. I take a deep breath and turn towards the door as I hear the lock turn. Here goes nothing.


  My phone rings again and once again I let it go to voice mail. Zander has been blowing my phone up non-stop, which means that he’s figured out that I tried to lead them in the wrong direction. Damn it! I didn’t want it happen yet, but all well. Jacob has been calling as well, so something else has happened and he’s worried. I can’t really worry about that right now; I have my own shit to worry about. I have to get to the warehouse and make sure that Cammie is taken care of. Gage has to get her and take her fucking ass as far away as he possibly can and fast. This Bitch has caused me enough trouble and I want her gone. Hell, at this point I don’t care who the fuck gets her ass, as long as she’s taken far away. I mean, if she’s tortured that will make it even better. With all the pain and misery, she’s caused me, the Bitch deserves it.

  My phone rings again and I’m pissed, I see it’s Jacob. God, he’s so needy. I don’t see how he thinks he’d make a good Alpha. I roll my eyes as I answer. “What the fuck do you want asshole?” He growls. “It’s about damn time you answered. Where the hell have you been? All hell is breaking lose and you go MIA?” I laugh at his anxiety. “Oh Jacob, what’s wrong? Is playing Alpha to hard for you?” He’s not man enough to be Alpha, he’s so weak, nothing like my Mason. “Shut the hell up, Jenny. Are you aware that there’s a bounty out on you? Zander is out for you; they’ve discovered that you betrayed your pack and now are after you. Yeah, not so confident, now are you? It gets worse. There’s some fucking kid that’s helping them and they’ve discovered where Cammie is and they’re headed there now to rescue her. So, while you decided to go radio silent on everyone, I’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with this shit.” My head is spinning. Shit! If Zander put a bounty out on me there’s a chance, I may not be able to do anything. Anyone would turn me in for a price and Zander would make it a high price. He hates traitors. “Shit Jacob, what are we gonna do? If they’re headed there and manage to actually get her out it can all blow up in our faces. We’re fucked.” I’m actually nervous now.

  “I’ve thought about that. I sent our best men with them. I already expect it to be a blood bath and figured with losing our best guys the pack will blame Mason. I mean he’s not mated to Cammie, so this isn’t a legitimate pack rescue. You can always claim that you went to scout out the area when you found out the sample of the fuel, especially when you had the fight with Mason. Telling them that you wanted to prove to them that you wanted to show your good will to the pack. We will just have to work things out afterwards if she makes it out. Find a plan B or something.” I smile at his words. He may not have a plan B but I already do. “Ok, sounds good. But Jacob? If you decide to betray me or don’t back me in anyway, I will turn on you so fast your head will spin. Are we clear?” I can hear him swallow. “I hear you Jenny. I laugh as I hang up the phone. Now I just have to get to Cammie before Mason does. Operation save Mason’s girl is in session.


  We’ve got over forty wolves ready to go in and storm Micah’s warehouse. There’re wolves from Sam’s pack, Zander’s pack as well as mine. They all know to look for Micah, Gage and Cammie, although my main focus is Cammie if I come across Micah or Gage, I will kill first and ask questions later. Zander knows that if I find Gage, I will not be returning him alive, I mean yes, he will receive his pack member back but it will be nothing but a dead body. I will show Gage no mercy. He made a big mistake taking what was mine, he may not have been the direct one who took her but he’s the one behind it. Micah will face the same fate as Gage. Although, I may kill him slowly and enjoy every fucking minute of it. “Everyone listen up.” I turn as I hear Sam gather everyone. We’re a couple miles away from the warehouse where Cammie is being held. “The area has been scoped out and we know that Micah is inside. This auction is due to start in an hour. We need to get inside and find Cammie as soon as possible. If possible, we want to take Micah and Gage alive.” He looks at me as he says this and I turn my head as I let out a low growl, my wolf doesn’t agree with him. Zander speaks up so his pack members know that they need to listen as well. “Sam is right. Gage has betrayed our pack. He is no longer a member and will face the consequences. If at all possible, he is to be brought in alive, your safety comes first remember that. The goal is to rescue Cammie first and foremost.” I nod, thankful that he said that. “Tonight, we head into a situation that could be dangerous, in fact I know it will be. They are expecting Sam, Cameron and myself. I’m sure they’re expecting us to bring a few more of you for security but I don’t think they’re expecting all of you. We need to rescue my mate, she’s my number one priority and I thank you all for standing by me to do so.” My response is nods by every wolf surrounding me a sign of respect that states they support me and will stand by me through this fight. I turn towards Cameron and he nods. “Alright Dude, lets go get my sister and kick these Mother Fuckers asses.” I smile at his excitement to start a fight.

  Sam, Cameron and I walk in and there are men everywhere, my wolf is bristling to get out and rip every one of their throats out. Someone hands us a pamphlet and tells us to take a seat that the event will start soon. I snag us some seats in the back by the doors and take a look around. “I really don’t want to look inside this thing. I’m afraid of what I’m gonna see.” I look at Cameron and see the look of disgust on his face. I look down at the pamphlet in my hand and agree with him. My stomach turns as I open it and there’s pictures of tonight’s ‘merchandise’ inside. “That sick fucker, I mean look at this. Some of these girls don’t even look old enough to be out of high school.” Cameron shakes his head as his fists ball up even tighter. I know he can’t help but think of his sister and help but worry about her. I snatch the booklet out of his hands. “Cameron, we’re gonna get her. We’re here for a reason. I need you to calm down and get yourself together. I need you together tonight.” He takes a deep breath and nods. “I got this. Grab my sister and then kill the sick Bastard. We’re good.” He looks at me and I know he’s back on track. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to see a text from Zander. Everyone is in position. Security on side of building has been taken care of. I smile, step one has started. “Ok, Zander has taken out Micah’s security and replaced them with a couple of our guys. Everyone is in position so as soon as this thing gets ready to start, we need to be ready to get out of here.” Sam nods. “Ok, I’m heading to check out the exits now. Cameron? You need to stay level headed. Got It?” He looks Cameron in the eyes and as much as he wants to use his Alpha voice, he sticks with his father voice. Cameron nods. “I’m good dad. Let’s just get Cammie and go the fuck home.” Sam pats him on the back and nods at me, I nod back. I take a deep breath, if things go as planned, we should have Cammie and be out of here within the hour. I know that things can go wrong and I pray
that they don’t but we have prepared for everything. I hope.

  Everyone has taken their seats and as I look around most of these guys are dressed like they have money. I mean I guess they would have to in order to buy women. I shudder at the thought and my wolf growls at the thought of what these Bastards do to them. I want to rip the throats out of every one of them. In the front row I take notice of a woman who is sitting with a guy who looks familiar but I can’t place him right away. “Hey Cameron? Do you recognize the couple in the front row?” Cameron looks at me and then leans over to check them out. “Fuck.” He mumbles. I look at him and don’t like the look on his face. “What? You recognize them? I can’t place them; I mean they look familiar but I can’t seem to figure out from where.” He runs his hands through his hair. “That’s Savanah and Kade, they’re from the West side. He’s a cruel Bastard. If he’s here it’s not good Mason. I mean the things that I’ve heard about him are bad, he’s lost so many females in his pack. They’ve been beaten and tortured to the point to where they can’t be recognized. I guess we know where he finds his females now. The women are used as breeders and then when they’re no longer any use to him they’re killed. Fuck. I didn’t think this could get any worse.” My fists ball even tighter. “We can’t leave the other girls here. You know Cammie isn’t gonna leave them here if she knows they’re here.” He nods. “I know.” I sigh, well I guess this is where the game changes. So much for hoping things go smoothly.


  I turn towards the door as I hear the lock turn, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. Here goes nothing. I keep a neutral look on my face as Micah walks through the door, I won’t let him get any type of reaction out of me. He thinks he’s broken me, that he’s won and that I have no way out. Well guess what? I’m not giving up without a fight. This Mother Fucker is gonna have to kill me before I let him sell me on the black market. I refuse to let that be my fate. “Well Princess, are you ready to get all dolled up for your party? We want to make sure you look your absolute best for your grand entrance. There are a lot of people that are excited to meet you.” He smiles a creepy smile and it takes everything in me not to cringe. I tip my chin up and narrow my eyes at him. “Let’s not beat around the bush Micah, we all know that this party is for you. I’m just the candy.” He laughs. “Oh Princess, how I’m gonna miss your whit. But you’re right, you are the candy and I’m sure whoever gets to, let’s say taste the candy as you say will be extremely happy. I’m sure I will be as well, as you will be a highly well priced piece of candy.” I scowl as he smiles again, thinking he’s won his sick pathetic game.

  “Alright, no more stalling it’s time to start getting ready so let’s get going. I have everything ready for you. You’re gonna look absolutely beautiful tonight.” I want to gag at how excited he sounds, like a proud father. It’s fucking disgusting. I walk towards him and sigh. “Well we might as well get this show on the road. I mean it’s not like I have a choice in this. Do I at least have a say in how my hair and make-up get done?” I look at him with an innocent look. He laughs. “I guess I can compromise with that. I mean I’m controlling what you’re wearing, so I guess I will allow what you do with your hair and make-up. As long as your hair style shows your beautiful face. Can’t have you trying to hide such a pretty face.” I smirk. “Yeah, it will make the buyers so disappointed, because that’s what they’re after. My face.” I roll my eyes at him as he laughs. “Let’s go Princess, it’s time to make you beautiful for your audience.”

  I follow him to the showers and carefully pay attention to everything around me. I keep my head down as I don’t want to draw any unwanted attention to myself. I notice that there’s a couple of new guards that I’ve never seen before and that makes me worry. I wonder if Micah brought them in because of the auction? I shake it off, I can’t worry about that right now. My main concern right now is getting past Micah, I will worry about them once I get past him. We reach the showers and Micah follows me in, just like I knew he would. “Ok, Princess time to get all cleaned up and smelling so sweet. I’ve put some special scrubs and lotions in there for you. Just for tonight.” He winks at me and once again, my skin crawls. “Gee, thanks. That’s so thoughtful of you.” I go to walk into the shower when he follows behind me. Perfect, I turn towards him. “Um, a little privacy would be nice.” He shakes his head and laughs. “Sorry, not happening. You’ve caused enough problems as it is. You’re gonna have to enjoy having an audience this time Princess.” I cringe and allow him to see it this time, have to play the game. I turn around and pull my shirt off and reach inside my bra for the key. As fast as I can I unlock the bracelet and then kick Micah in the head. He goes down and I’m on him in a flash, I see him reach for the controller for the bracelet and smile as at the same time I snap it on his wrist. He hits the button before he realizes it’s on his wrist. I stand and smile as I watch his body flop around like a fish out of water. Yeah, don’t feel to good, does it asshole?

  I grab the controller and give him another zap, just to be on the safe side. I grab him by his feet and drag him into the shower, I don’t want anyone to walk in and see him laying there. I turn on the water so it seems I’m in there, figure it will throw people off. I take a deep breath and head towards the door. There wasn’t a guard outside the door but the traffic was pretty heavy, I need to find a way to get by without being seen. Drake said I needed to make my way to the South hallway and that would lead me to the exit. I know that’s not to far away, I need to take two lefts and then it’s just a straight shot from there. I head out and manage to make it past two doors before I see two guards headed towards me. Shit! I slip into a door on my right that thankfully is empty, I duck down and sigh as the guards walk by. I look around the room and notice that I’m in some type of lab. I walk around and look at what’s inside and gasp at what I find. Sitting on a table are the bracelets and their keys. I take a closer look and the lights on them are green, meaning they’re activated and ready to go. I smile to myself; these could come in handy. I look around and find a bag and scoop them up. I place the keys into my pocket, making sure that each bracelet is unlocked and ready to go. I grab the controller that will control all of them and look out of the door to make sure the coast is clear before I head back out. I make it to the South hallway before I make contact with anyone and just my luck it’s fucking Bruno. Fuck me. “What the fuck? How the hell did you get out?” He reaches for something in his pocket and I know I only have a few seconds to react. I reach into the bag and grab a bracelet and then sweep his feet out from under him. I land on top of him and just as I snap the bracelet on him, I’m hitting the control, causing his body to go into shock. I grin in victory. Looks like my detour was well worth it.

  I pull him to the side and look for a place to stash his big ass, man he’s fucking heavy. I find a closet and pull him in there, I give him another shock, turning it up just to be safe and head back into the hallway. I need to get away before I run into anymore guards, I know I’m running out of time. I release a breath as I see the exit that Drake mentioned and I race towards it. I really hope that Drake was able to get to Sam and Cameron. What I wouldn’t do to see them right now. I manage to make it to the exit without running into anyone and as I open the door an alarm goes off. Fuck! I take off outside and don’t look back. Just as I make it to the tree line I’m grabbed and pushed up against a tree and someone puts their hand over my mouth. “Fuck, Cammie. Everyone has been looking for you. We need to get you the hell out of here. Come on we have to meet with the others, they’re waiting for us.”


  I watch as she runs from the exit door towards the tree line. She set off the alarms and everyone is scrambling. Zanders men are set up at some of the exits and they are looking to see what’s going on but no one see’s her. Damn, she’s good. I take off towards her, now’s my chance to grab her. I reach her, grab her and shove her against a tree and wrap my hand around her mouth so she doesn’t scream. “Fuck, Cammie. Everyone has be
en looking for you. We need to get you the hell out of here. Come on we have to meet with the others, they’re waiting for us.” She turns and looks at me with wide eyes like she can’t believe that it’s me. I can’t say I blame her; I mean the last time she saw me I was trying to bed her mate. “What the fuck are you doing here?” She spits at me with venom in her voice. I shake my head and try to be as nice as I can. “Cammie, everyone has been looking for you. There is a huge search party here for you. I mean, you’ve got three packs here to rescue you.” She shakes her head and smirks. “So, Mason sends his fuck buddy to rescue me? That’s just fucking great. Look Jenny, I appreciate you being here but I don’t need your help as you can see. I will make sure to tell Mason that you helped so you can get your brownie points.” I look at her and give her a confused look even though I want to break her neck. It would be so easy to just kill her now but I need to remember my plan and keep my cool. “Look Cammie, I don’t know what you think is going on but there is nothing going on with me and Mason. I mean I’ve been working with him to find you but that’s all. Zander put me on the case because I’m the best tracker on the East coast, so it makes sense to have me here. It’s how we found you.” She narrows her eyes at me and I can see everything that I’m saying start to sink in as she starts to believe it.

  She sighs. “Ok, say I believe you. Where is everyone else? Where is Mason and Sam and Cameron?” I sigh. “They are all inside. Zander set up his guys as security outside but the others had to be inside so it looked real. We need to call them so they can get out.” She nods as I pull out my phone and dial Zander. When he answers I know he’s gonna blow up at me, I cut him off before he has a chance. “Zander I have Cammie.” He’s quiet at fist. “What the hell do you mean Jenny? Do you know how much trouble you are in? This better not be a fucking trick.” I shake my head. “No Sir, I have her here and she’s safe. She escaped out of the South entrance, that’s what set off the alarms. I can explain everything that’s happened and will as soon as everyone meets up. You need to get everyone out and meet up. Cammie needs to see Mason, Sam and Cameron.” Zander is talking to a couple of his men. “Ok, Jenny take her to the cabin two miles down the road and wait there. There are some men waiting for you. I have two guys that are headed your way now, they said they can see you. Oh, and Jenny?” I swallow. “Yes Sir?” I know I’m gonna face his wrath. “This conversation is far from over.” I nod, even though he can’t see me. “Yes Sir, I know.”


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