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Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2)

Page 10

by Lila Rose

  “Where is he?” he demanded.

  “In there,” Death said and thumbed to the room. Lucas ran inside. I waited a beat and saw Wreck enter, knowing he wouldn’t be far from his man. He also carried a bag of what I expected were supplies.

  Death snorted. “He forgot his shit before runnin’ in here?”

  Wreck grunted, gave us a chin lift, and followed Lucas into the room. I wasn’t far behind with Death at my back, and we listened to the end of Lucas’s rant, “—you’re an idiot, Zion, and wait until Mom finds out. She’s going to shoot you herself.”

  “Lucas, bro, you can’t tell her.”

  Lucas just hummed under his breath and opened the bag Wreck placed on Zion’s desk since Zion sat in his office chair.

  “Lucas,” Zion warned. “You say one word to Mom, and I’ll—”

  “What?” Wreck asked.

  “Fuck,” Zion cursed. “Nothin’ because Wreck would kill me.”

  Lucas beamed. “That’s right… but, for now, unless you make me upset again, I won’t say anything.”

  Huh, since it seemed Zion was afraid of his mother, I might use that later when I yelled at him for putting his life on the fucking line. Lucas didn’t let up his ranting while he stitched Zion up. Whenever Zion complained, Lucas would say, “Suck it up.”

  Death, Country, and Quake chuckled. I didn’t because I was still pissed at him. As Lucas was finishing up, the cleaners came in and got to work. They were paid well to keep their mouths shut. I’d heard that at one of the club meetings.

  “As your doctor for the night, I’m ordering you home to rest.” Lucas glanced back at Country. He was smart to get the go-ahead from him.

  “State’s already upstairs for his shift to start early. Listen to your doctor, Saint, and that’s an order.”

  “Fuckin’ fine.” He glanced over to me. “Prospect, you’re givin’ me a lift.”

  It was lucky I took Boom’s car instead of my ride.

  “He won’t be a prospect for long,” Country announced. “We’re patchin’ him in as Gun.”

  Zion grinned over at me. “Cool name, brother.”

  I gave him a chin lift. “Won’t be able to take you home, brother. Got a client tonight,” I reminded him. His grin dropped a little, but he pushed it back on.

  “Right.” He nodded.

  “Wreck and I will drop you home,” Lucas put in.

  “Yeah, thanks, bro, that’d be good.”

  Country turned to me. “Why don’t you head up to State? He’ll get you organized.”

  “Sounds good.” I gave a wave to the room and left. I didn’t linger on Zion, even though I wanted to.

  It wasn’t until I reached the floor State, Wreck, and Country had their office on did I get a text.

  Zion: You’re coming here after.

  My grip on my phone tightened. If he thought he could order me the fuck around after scaring the shit out of me, he had better guess again.

  Zion: Please. I need snuggles and I’m cold without my boo by my side.

  My lips twitched, but I fought the smile over his idiocy. Hell, I wanted to, but… ah, fuck it.

  Me: I will if you never say shit like that again.

  Zion: Even though I know you liked it, I won’t. Later, lover.

  Jesus, what the fuck had I got myself into with him?

  Chapter Twelve


  I must have dozed off, because the next time I woke, there was a hot guy standing over me, holding up the key I’d left out for him.

  “Anyone could have fuckin’ grabbed this and come in here to kick your ass.”

  Of course, it just made me grin and realize Kylo needed snuggles more than I did. He probably hadn’t admitted to himself that he adored me so much that the whole situation at work had freaked him out, and I wasn’t going to bring it up with him yet.

  “Come here,” I ordered, flinging back the covers with my good arm. It was then I took him in. He was in his casual clothes after his client. His hair was still damp from the shower he would have taken at work.

  “Did you hear what I said?” he demanded.

  “I did, and I think it’s the best time to hug it out.” I patted the bed again. He growled under his breath and ran a hand over his head and back again to scrub down his face. “Come on, hop in, and we can talk about it.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I’m goin’ home.”

  I raised a brow. “Are you really gonna make me get out of bed to chase after you?”

  He sighed, nibbled on his bottom lip, then cursed, “Fuck.” He paused another beat before starting to remove his clothes. Unfortunately, he kept his boxers on. He turned out the light and slid under the covers. Once beside me, he said, “I’m only doin’ this so you don’t come after me and fuckin’ hurt yourself again.”

  “Uh-huh, now come closer.” I smiled.

  He grumbled something under his breath but moved over enough I could curl my arm around his shoulders and hug him to me. He rested his head on my shoulder. I hummed, enjoying him being close. Feeling his cool naked skin against mine. It didn’t bother me there were no breasts pushing up against me or that his leg was hairy as he slowly, almost apprehensively, moved it over mine.

  I liked Kylo as he was. Even when he had a dick and no pussy.

  Go figure.

  I grinned into the night, though enough light shined through from the opened curtains. I’d never contemplated being with a guy before. Never really noticed one in a sexual way. It wasn’t until Kylo started talking about how good he was at head that my dick had jerked at the words.

  I knew a good-looking guy when I saw one, and Kylo was one. That was a bonus for my attraction toward him, but it was after finding out more about him, the shit he’d been through and the man he was now, that had me wanting to be around him. I wanted to know everything there was about Kylo, and it’d only been a month since this shit started between us.

  Christ, I was addicted.

  It was crazy, yet damn exciting at the same time.

  “Zion,” he clipped.


  He sighed again, his breath blowing across my chest. “You said we’d talk about it, so I’ll start. Why the fuck did you risk your life for that to play out? Why did you leave a key out front where anyone could have seen you place it there and got in to fuckin’ harm you?”

  My body warmed, knowing his questions were all about him being worried for me.

  Kylo liked me, and I enjoyed knowing that fact.

  I traced my fingers over his shoulder. At first, he tensed before finally relaxing. “It’d been set up with Heaven. She needed to get rid of her old man but didn’t know how to do it. When Death came up with the idea, he told her to get him into work. We had it handled. Knew somethin’ could happen, but it’d be small compared to what she’d been dealin’ with at her place. He wouldn’t leave her, Kylo. Abused her verbally and physically. No woman needs that in their life. Not when we could stop it. So it’s done.”

  “Done with you gettin’ shot.”

  I gripped the top of his hair and tugged his head back to have his eyes. Eyes that darkened from the firm hold and had me wondering if my Kylo liked rough play. My gut clenched in excitement from the thought. “Like you carin’, Kylo. A damn lot. But we’re in the same club. We work at the same place and both know there’s gonna be risks in those.”

  He ground his teeth together. “Yeah, but why you?”

  “Would it have been fair if it was Death? Or Wreck? Or Country? It just happened to be me there on the night he dropped in. I was prepared to get to the bottom of it, to stop other shit happenin’. Even though we’re doin’ what we do, bein’ involved won’t stop me from makin’ decisions like that, not if I can help someone who can’t help themselves.”

  “I fuckin’ hate that I understand your reasonin’.”

  Chuckling, I pressed my lips to his, and the way his eyes widened a fraction told me the quick kiss surprised him, even when he was in my be
d mostly naked.

  “About the key, I won’t leave it out if you take it with you. It’s a spare one.”

  His body tensed. “Zion,” he muttered.

  I clamped his lips together between my thumb and finger. His eyes narrowed as I smiled. “Nope. Don’t want to hear it. Just take it. You don’t have to use it, but it’d save me gettin’ bitched out if I leave the key out for you again.”

  It was impressive how his eyes narrowed even more. He mumbled under my fingers. I let go and asked, “Yes?”

  “Fine,” he clipped.

  “Good. Now, my doctor said I had to get some rest. You gonna let me, or we could talk some more. You could tell me about that dildo?”

  He snorted. “Shut up and go to sleep, Zion.”

  Laughter dropped from my mouth. “You’ll tell me one day exactly what you do with it. For now, I’ll sleep if you kiss me first.”

  “You annoy me,” he growled.

  “Nah, you like me.”

  “Whatever,” he said before he leaned in and took my mouth in a searing, dick-jerking kiss. One I wanted all the damn time. We both pulled away panting, and somehow during the kiss, I’d pulled him more on top of me.

  He cursed and complained about how he was going to hurt me, but hell, I’d take all the pain in the world if he kissed me exactly like that.

  Wincing, I woke in pain. I must have shifted and pulled at my arm. Still, even when I wasn’t moving, it burned like a bitch.

  “You okay?” a groggy voice asked.

  I blinked and noticed it was early hours. I glanced beside me and found Kylo just about in the same position he’d been in when we’d fallen asleep, lying close to me with his leg and arm over me. Only his head was on the pillow and not my shoulder. I swallowed. “Yeah, woke to it throbbin’.”

  He snorted.

  I grinned. “Not talkin’ about my dick, lover.”

  His kiss to my shoulder had my heart squirming. He got to an elbow. “Did Lucas give you anythin’, or you got some pain pills around somewhere?”

  “There’s some in the bathroom.” I made a move to sit up until Kylo pushed me back with a hand to my chest.

  “Stay, I’ll get it.” He slipped out of bed, his feet slapping down on the hardwood floor as he walked down the hall.

  It’d been only two nights I’d had him in my bed, and already I knew I wanted more with him. I liked knowing he was here, enjoyed seeing him when I woke. Was this moving too fast? I didn’t know, but I wasn’t stressing over it. I was a “go with the flow” type of guy.

  Did Kylo know that he was the only person I’d had sleep over? I wondered what he’d think if he did know. Would he freak and walk out, thinking it was too serious, too fast? He could, which was why I wasn’t going to say anything.

  I doubted I could even explain it right anyway if he asked why it was him and not any of the others, because I wasn’t sure myself. But I didn’t feel the pressure from being with him I felt with women.

  Kylo entered and waved a packet of painkillers my way. “You right to sit?”

  I nodded and showed him how good my abs were by pushing the blankets down, so he was free to see them work when I slowly sat up in a crunch.

  He rolled his eyes. “Very impressive.”

  I winked. “I thought so.”

  He picked up the glass on my bedside table I’d filled the night before as I shifted back to lean against the headboard. I took the drink of water, then the tablets he held out. I swallowed them and put the glass back down.

  “Get back into bed. It’s too early.”

  “Or I could head home and help Boom clean out the garage. He’s been bitchin’ about it forever.”

  I was already shaking my head. “Nope. You need to pay attention to me all day since I’m hurt.”

  He blinked slowly. “I need to pay you attention because you’re hurt.”

  Cocking my head to the side, I asked, “Didn’t I just say that?”


  “Why what?”

  “Why do I need to pay you attention?”

  I chuckled. “Because you like me.”

  He groaned and dropped his head back to stare at the ceiling.

  “And because you’re my boo-boo bear, who wants to dote on me.” I went to raise my arm and dramatically winced. It hurt a little, but not enough it’d stop me from doing things. Still— “Oh, that hurt. How will I shower on my own? How will I feed myself?”

  I opened my eyes; he was already glaring down at me. “Seriously?”

  Smiling, I nodded.

  His lips twitched. “You’re a fuckin’ fool.”

  However, he didn’t leave. “I’m your fool though.”

  His jaw ticked, and I knew I’d gone too far. He didn’t see me as his yet. He needed more time to know I wasn’t going to run to the next woman who showed me some tits.

  “I’m gonna get some coffee,” he said. I gave him a soft smile and nodded. Again, at least he wasn’t leaving. I watched him walk from the room and rested my head back against the headboard, sighing.

  I’d prove to him I wanted to give us a go. One day he’d realize I was serious, maybe in a week, a month, even a year, but I’d wait and enjoy the ride we were on along the way.

  I swung my gaze toward the door when I heard footsteps on the front porch. I flicked the covers back and got out of bed when I heard a key being inserted in the lock. I rounded the bed and kicked Kylo’s clothes under the bed when I listened to the front door being swung wide. Then I thought about why the fuck I hid his clothes when he was standing in the kitchen anyway. Not that I would have hidden them for my sake. I was thinking of Kylo, knowing he wouldn’t want a brother to see him half naked in my house.

  “Zion, my boy” was called loudly as my mom and dad walked into the house.

  Mom spotted me first, her eyes widening, and she cried out, “Zion, your arm,” before rushing me.

  “Mom, I’m fine.”

  “What happened?” Dad asked while Mom shook me a little. “Jesus, Lucy, he looks injured enough.”

  “What did you do?” Mom demanded.

  “Just a little accident, nothin’ to worry about,” I told her with a calming smile.

  She nodded. “Good.” Then she smacked me in the arm—thankfully, it was the good one.

  “What was that for?”

  “Bull-pooping me. I’m going to make coffee before I throttle you. Then you’ll come out and explain.” She stormed from the room just as I remembered Kylo. I quickly took off after her.

  “Son, she’s in a tiff now. You’d better settle her with whatever stupid story you’re about to say.”

  “Yep, will do,” I said absently and saw Mom cleaning down the counter. Kylo wasn’t in sight, except for the two mugs on the counter. Where he’d disappeared to so quickly, I didn’t know.

  “Gerry, grab me some more coffee,” Mom said when he entered the kitchen. “Zion, sit, and tell me everything.”

  I didn’t really have a choice. She was my mom.

  Actually, I did. I could kick them both out if I wanted to live a miserable life and have Mom twist it into a sob story; she would bring it up all the time to torture me.

  “Huh,” Dad said.

  “What?” I asked.

  He faced me from the pantry. “Didn’t know you could buy that at the store.”

  My brows dipped in confusion. “What?”

  “A half-naked guy.” He grinned and stepped back to open the door wider, which was when I saw Kylo. Of course he was blushing red.

  “Hey,” Kylo said.

  Mom spun around and her eyes widened. “Zion, why do you have a man in your pantry?”

  I didn’t know what I could say without freaking Kylo out. Though I bit my tongue, so I didn’t bust a gut laughing my ass off.

  Kylo stepped out of the pantry and scrubbed a hand over his face before sucking in a breath and saying, “I’m Kylo, a friend of Lucas and Saint’s, also a club member.” He held out a hand to Dad, who took it a
nd shook.

  “I’m Gerry, Zion’s Dad, and the gaping woman over there is Lucy, Zion’s mom.”

  Kylo nodded.

  “Are…” Mom started, but then she turned to me. “Is he yours?”

  Fuck did I want to yell ‘hell yes.’ I didn’t because Kylo dropped a laugh, which sounded shaky, and he shook his head. “No, we’re not… like that, and…. Crap, I just stayed the night to keep an eye on him after what happened.” A twinge of hurt brushed through me, but I knew Kylo didn’t mean it. He was scared because of my parents.

  “What did happen?” Dad asked. Then he leaned into Kylo and whispered—or what he thought was a whisper—“Don’t worry if you’re gay. We have a son who is, and we’re proud of him.” He looked at me. “But I never thought you were.” Obviously, Dad read Kylo’s hesitancy.

  I shrugged.

  “Wait, are you?” Mom asked.

  I opened my mouth to answer, but Kylo clapped. “Right, I think I better get goin’. It was great to meet you both.” He nodded and started backing from the kitchen.

  “See what you did, Lucy. Scared him away.”

  “Oh, please, don’t leave. I don’t mind if Zion’s gay. I just wanted to know for certain.”

  Poor, poor Kylo. His eyes widened in fear. He really didn’t know what to do or say. He also didn’t know how crazy my family was. Though, he was certainly seeing it now.

  Standing, I moved into Kylo, who let out a panicked noise. The noise made me want to laugh again. Previously, he’d been damn fearless in the front of fuckface Steve, yet it seemed parents scared him senseless.

  I curled an arm around his waist and ignored his wide eyes when they landed on me. Instead, I said, “Yeah, Kylo and I are seeing where this goes between us, but you can’t say anything to anyone.”

  Another noise fell from Kylo’s lips. He tried to bolt, but I held him tight.

  Dad smiled. “Our lips are sealed.”

  Dad and I looked to Mom. “Lucy,” Dad warned.

  When she said nothing, I said, “Mom.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine, I won’t say anything. I’ll just have to tell Heather that Zion can’t see her daughter since he’s taken.”


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