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Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2)

Page 11

by Lila Rose

  “He’s not taken,” Kylo blurted, and then slammed his lips together.

  Dad chuckled. Mom smiled softly, and I told them, “Don’t worry, he likes me a lot. We’re workin’ on everythin’ else.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Zion had lost his ever-loving mind. It had to be the gunshot. Maybe poison had got into his blood and was fucking with his head. He didn’t seriously just announce we were seeing each other to his parents… right?

  Wait, were we really seeing each other?

  Fuck it, we were.

  But the situation was an awkward one and had me boiling from embarrassment. I would have preferred to have met Zion’s parents when I wasn’t half naked.

  A knock sounded on the door. In the next blink of an eye, I was grabbed and shoved back in the pantry. I was sure the person who grabbed me was Zion’s father.

  “Hello,” I heard Lucas call.

  “Mom, Dad, not a word,” Zion whispered.

  “Hello, my boy,” Lucy yelled.

  I heard Lucas walk into the kitchen. Then there was a brief pause before Lucas said, “Where’s Kylo? His vehicle’s out the front.”

  Shit, fuck.

  “He’s asleep in your old room,” Zion said quickly.

  “Why?” Lucas drew out.

  There was another beat of silence. “Because he….”

  Crap, maybe I could just walk out of the pantry, which I couldn’t believe I was in again, and then Lucas would see me half naked.

  Fuck me and my life. This was ridiculous.

  “He wanted to check if I was okay since he was involved in the whole episode. He looked tired, so I told him to crash here,” Zion explained.

  Would he buy it?

  “Cool,” Lucas said. “I’ll just go and see—”

  “Wait,” Gerry yelled. “Ah, didn’t you say, Zion, that he needed all the sleep he could get?”

  “That’s right,” Lucy added. “When we arrived, you said to keep quiet, so we didn’t wake him.”

  Someone sighed, no doubt Lucas because his family sounded a little tense. “Fine. I’m here to check your arm anyway before I go to work.”

  “You never did tell us what happened to your arm, Zion,” Lucy said.

  “Yes, Zion, what did happen?” Lucas said, sounding awfully gleeful about it.

  “There was a situation at work. Nothin’ I couldn’t handle.”

  “What type of situation?” Gerry asked, his voice deep with suspicion.

  “Gun,” Lucas coughed out.

  “What?” Lucy cried.

  Meanwhile, I was getting a cramp in my thigh since there wasn’t enough room in here, and I was afraid if I moved, I would knock something over.

  “Mom, it’s fine. Kylo got me out of the way, and then the brothers burst into the room. It was a tiny situation, and one that won’t happen again.”

  Lucy whimpered.

  “Jesus, Zion, look what you’ve done. Lucy, darling, our boy is fine. You can see that.”

  I heard her sniffle.

  “Fucking hell, now she’s crying. You’re going to pay for this,” Gerry yelled. There was a slap, and next Zion cursed. “Comfort your mother, now.”

  I listened to his soft, reassuring words to his mom. He was lucky to have people who cared so much about him. I knew I had Boom and Wendy, but I didn’t have anyone for many years of my life, and unfortunately, those years were embedded in my mind.

  “Mom, really, Zion is fine. The situation was taken care of quickly, and now I must check his bandage before I go to work.”

  “Okay,” Lucy whispered, but her voice rose when she added, “But if you ever put yourself in a position like that again, Zion, I’m going to beat you black and blue myself.”

  “Got it, Ma.” Humor filled his voice.

  “I love you, Zion.”

  “And I take that love and double it back to you.”

  The room fell silent. After a few beats, the pantry door opened, and a grinning Gerry stood there. “They’re in Zion’s room. If you rush, you can make it to the spare room. Must be uncomfortable in there.”

  I nodded. “It is.” After my thanks, I quietly made my way out of there and down the hall to Lucas’s old room. There was a bed made and ready for someone, and a desk, but that was it for the room. I quickly slipped under the covers and rested back with my hands behind my head. Since it was early and I’d only got a few hours of sleep, it didn’t take long before my eyes drifted closed.

  Yet, I was smiling as I fell asleep.

  I was smiling because of the fool in his bedroom with his brother.

  He was crazy and had managed to worm his way in, to a point I found his actions sweet. It was unbelievable he’d never been with a guy because he did it with me so well.

  It blew my mind he’d said we were together in front of his parents, which told me how damn serious he was. He would have brushed my appearance away otherwise, especially to them.

  My stomach couldn’t help but flip in the best kind of way. Hell, it was doing it all the damn time whenever I thought of Zion.

  He was real. No, he was being real about seeing where this went. I still couldn’t fathom his switch, but I wanted to see where this went. Even if he found out, in the end, this wasn’t for him, being with a guy, and left me with a broken heart. I wanted it all because Zion made me happy.

  “Sleepin’ Beauty” was whispered close by, and then I felt fingers brush against my brow. I knew who it was, and my heart gave a thump at the intimate touch. “Kylo,” he tried again when I didn’t make a sound.


  “Time to get up, or you won’t sleep tonight.” He shoved at me, all tenderness gone. Even that had me smiling, but I thinned my lips to hide it. He tapped my forehead. “Come on. We’re going shoppin’.”

  “No thanks,” I said, rolling away from him.

  “But you have to. How will I push the cart or pick up heavy things?”

  It was a mistake when I didn’t move because, in the next second, I had a wet finger sliding into my ear. “Jesus, Zion, that’s fuckin’ gross.” I threw the sheet back and stood to get away from him.

  “Look, you’re up. Go get dressed and we’ll head off. I know you don’t have anythin’ on this afternoon or have a client tonight. We’ll grab some beers while we’re out and play strip poker later. I’ll even let you win a couple of times, so you get to see my awesome body.”

  Was his head screwed on right?

  There wasn’t a chance of going back to sleep, and not that I wanted to admit it, but Zion was right. He was correct that if I kept sleeping, I wouldn’t that night. Sighing, I said, “Fine. But we’re gettin’ burgers while we’re out.”

  “Deal.” He grinned. “Chop, chop,” he added, and when I walked by him, he slapped me on the ass. Rolling my eyes, I shot him the finger over my shoulder and was rewarded with a laugh.

  It was good my clothes were clean from the previous night. I stole a pair of Zion’s boxers though. He’d find that out later if we did play strip poker.

  At the supermarket, I asked, “Tell me why you need to go shoppin’ when I spent some time in your pantry, and it looked damn full.”

  Zion chuckled from behind me as I pushed the cart down the aisle. His hand touched my waist. I stopped, and his breath brushed over my ear when he said, “Maybe I just wanted you to come so I could stare at your ass.”


  My gut tingled, along with my balls. Even my dick gave a happy jerk behind my jeans.

  I grunted and started forward again. Zion laughed. “Why, Kylo, from your blushin’ cheeks, I’m thinkin’ you liked hearin’ that.”

  “Whatever,” I mumbled. I wasn’t letting him know how much I liked that he wanted to check out my ass, and I also wasn’t thinking about it anymore because if I kept going, it’d lead me into thoughts of Zion and my ass. My dick pulsed again, even at the small thought.

  He moved to my side and swung his good arm around my shoulders before
giving my cheek a quick peck. “You’re fuckin’ adorable.”

  “Great,” I said dryly. “Every guy likes to hear that from their—” I thinned my lips, I was about to say partner or boyfriend, but knowing me, it would have come out as parfriend or some shit.

  Zion rubbed his nose against my cheek. “Their what, lover?”

  “Friend,” I said.

  He snorted. “Bullshit.” His arm dropped from my shoulders to slap my ass. I let out a shocked cry and glared at him.

  “Quit it,” I clipped.

  “Only if you tell me what you were gonna say.”

  I sighed and looked to the ceiling before shifting my gaze to the side and scowling at the man. “Tell me why I’m hangin’ with you again? You’re fuckin’ annoyin’.”

  He grinned. “Annoyin’ in the best way, and besides, we already worked out you like me, and that right there is the main reason you put up with me.”

  “Fuckin’ hell.” I started pushing the cart again. “Are you even lookin’ for the food you want?” I asked. Another slap landed on my ass. “Zion,” I growled.

  “Tell me, or I’ll make up my own assumption.” He tapped his chin. “Hmm, let me see. You were going to say that every guy likes to hear that from their scrumptious man, from their fella who has the biggest—”

  I quickly put my hand over his mouth when a mother and a toddler walked around into our aisle. “Boyfriend. I was going to say boyfriend or partner. Now stop.”

  Behind my hand, I could feel his mouth tilt up into a big smile. He took my hand from his mouth, kissed my palm, then moved ahead of me, looking at the items on the shelf.

  Had the pain meds made him crazier than normal?

  Then again, he was always the one to mess around with the brothers.

  And even when I felt slightly annoyed, a smile lifted my lips because I fucking loved being around him. Shit, I wasn’t sure if I’d been shot the previous night that I’d be in a good mood like him. It was as if nothing could get him down.

  After we grabbed a few more things, we stood in line at the cash register, and I kept fighting with myself.

  Fuck it. I’d just do it.

  I curled an arm around Zion’s neck and gently tugged him into my side. His hand landed on my waist, and his eyes met mine.

  “I do like you,” I told him.

  His lips twitched. “I knew it when you shot someone for me.” His hand tightened on me. “Like you too, Kylo.”

  “Next in line, please” was called.

  Zion faced the cashier and grinned. “Sorry, can’t help it when he distracts me. He’s smokin’ hot, right?”

  The cashier blushed and looked down at the register, then nodded.

  Zion chuckled. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I know what you’re seein’, and he drives me crazy.”

  “Zion, shut it,” I bit out as I placed our items on the conveyor belt. My face was burning. Zion made a move to zip his lips. He winked at the cashier, but thankfully, he stayed quiet. Didn’t stop him from touching me at the waist, the arm, the shoulder, fuckin’ anywhere every time we moved around each other.

  Once outside, we started toward my car when I heard yelled, “Kylo?”

  Turning, I noticed a woman and a man who stood just outside the supermarket. The woman waved, but the man just stared as he leaned against the wall.

  “Oh God, it is you, Kylo,” the woman called as she made her way over to us. The man followed more slowly.

  As they drew closer, I got a better look at them and froze.

  “Kylo?” Zion whispered.

  “Look, Henry, it’s our boy,” Samantha, my fucking mother, said with a smile.

  She was fucking smiling like they hadn’t treated me like shit for all my time with them.

  I felt Zion move closer. His heat reached out to me because I suddenly felt chilled to the damn bone. Never had they sought me out. Never had they contacted Boom or Wendy to find out how their only fucking child was. Yet, here she was, stopping in front of me with a beaming smile, while Henry, my fucked-up father, just stared.

  “How are you?” Samantha asked as she scratched at her arm. I took her in then. She looked wrung out, so did Henry for that matter. Both had scabs on their faces and arms. They were still using, but were they selling as well? From their dirty appearance and twitchy actions, I doubted it because when they had been selling, they’d kept themselves well enough for clients to see them.

  “What do you want?” I bit out.

  “No way to talk to your momma, boy,” Henry thought to say.

  I leveled him with a glare. “Don’t call me boy.”

  Henry’s upper lip rose. “You think you’re too good to even talk to us? What, Boom took you in and showered you with love, the type you get after suckin’ his dick a few times, and now you’re too good for us?”

  In a flash, I grabbed his ratty tee and pulled him close. “Never fuckin’ speak of Boom in that way again.” I shoved him back, and he went a few steps, peddling his arms in a windmill motion. “In fact, I don’t want to hear anythin’ that comes outta either of your mouths.” I turned back around and found Zion scowling at the cockheads.

  “Kylo, please,” Samantha begged. “Please, just wait. Your dad doesn’t mean anythin’ he says. He—”

  Over my shoulder, I stated, “He ain’t my fuckin’ father, and you’re not my mother. If I see you again, it’ll be too soon, and neither of you will like it.”

  “Do not fuckin’ try it, asshole,” Zion warned. “Keep goin’ to the car, Kylo.”

  “What, you lettin’ him suck your dick too?” I heard Henry say, and Zion clipped something back, but I kept moving on. I didn’t realize my hands were shaking in rage and disgust until I started to unload the groceries.

  I placed the last bag in and slammed the trunk down when a hand landed on my shoulder. “You all right?” Zion asked.

  “Yeah, fine,” I said, a little snippy. “Can we just go?”

  “Course.” He nodded and went to the passenger side. I got in the driver seat and just sat there for a beat before punching the steering wheel. Why did they have to fucking show their faces? Why did she call out to me? I wished they’d stayed under the rock where they’d been living.

  “Hey,” Zion said, his hand dropping to my thigh. “Forget about them.”

  “Fuckin’ motherfuckers.” I shook my head. “Did you see how fuckin’ spaced out they were? Probably lookin’ for their next hit. Nothin’ has changed for them since I left. They didn’t give a flyin’ fuck I was gone.” I laughed humorlessly. “I’m surprised they even remembered they had a son.”

  “You’re better off without them,” Zion tried. “Hell, Boom and Wendy are your parents, not those cunts. Forget about them.”

  Easier said than done. But I wanted to try though. I wanted what we’d planned—an afternoon with Zion with a drink, strip poker, and some fooling around. I wanted to wipe them from my mind, but I couldn’t get their image out of my head.

  “Maybe if I stayed, they’d have got help,” I thought aloud.

  “Fuckin’ bullshit.” Zion tapped me in the arm. “Don’t do this shit to yourself. Don’t second-guess things now because they showed their fuckin’ ugly mugs. They put themselves in this position. Not you. Boom got you out, and they coulda used that to wake themselves up, but they didn’t. It’s their choice, their mistake. Not yours.” He grabbed my hand. “You’re in a good place in life. Surrounded by good people. Don’t let them bring you down.”

  Sighing, I rested my head back and nodded. “You’re right.” He was, and I’d fucking try to forget what just happened. They weren’t worth it.

  “I’m always right. You just gotta remember that.”

  I snorted and suddenly felt better, more relaxed, and I knew it had to do with the man next to me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I smirked at the fucking stunning man across from me. We’d given up poker when we fought too much over me, apparently, cheating. Since I w
as still fully clothed and Kylo was down to his boxers and socks.

  Kylo glared. “Do you have a five?” he asked.

  I did, but I wasn’t a fair player. “Go fish.”

  “Bullshit, let me see your damn hand,” he demanded, trying to lean over the coffee table to get to me.

  Chuckling, I held them out of the way. “Now look who wants to cheat.”

  “Fine,” he gritted between clenched teeth. I nearly had him naked. There wasn’t a chance I’d give him what he wanted—which was to win—when I just had to hold out a bit longer to have him naked in front of me.

  “You hard?” I asked.

  “Fuck off,” he clipped.

  Grinning, I went on, “Right then, do you have any twos?” I didn’t have a two left, I had the five he wanted, but he didn’t need to know.

  He smiled smugly. “Go fuckin’ fish.”

  Shrugging, I picked up a card from the deck, and just my luck, it was a five. “I’m out.”

  His eyes widened, then narrowed. “Show me.”

  I clutched my heart. “Are you sayin’ you don’t trust me?”

  His brow rose. “In cards, no.”

  “Just take it off, baby.” I grinned.

  He gave me the middle finger before leaning back and lifting a foot to grab his sock.

  I shook my head. “I want the boxers.”

  “You can’t tell me what piece of clothin’.”

  “If you remove the boxers, I’ll make it worth your while.” I winked.

  “That should come off sleazy, so why do I find it’s not?”

  Chuckling, I said, “Because you like me.”

  Kylo stood. His thumbs hooked into the sides of his boxers, and slowly, he started to push them down. I got to see the start of his dick when we heard a key going into the front door. Kylo’s eyes flared, he grabbed up a tee, but the person was already stepping through the door.

  “Fuckin’ knew it,” Death said as he stood there staring at both of us. I hadn’t moved, except to lean back against the couch.

  “Yo,” I said, then glanced at Kylo. “Remind me to take my keys off the brothers.” I shifted back to Death. “You never know what you’re gonna walk in on.”


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