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Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2)

Page 12

by Lila Rose

  “When did this start?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “A while ago,” I told him. “Want a drink?”

  Kylo growled under his breath.

  I grinned as Death chuckled. “Another time. You for real about this?” he asked me.

  “Hell yes.”

  Death eyed me a little longer. “Don’t fuckin’ mess him around.”

  “Not plannin’ on it.”

  He grunted. “Good. Have fun. I’m out.”

  “Later,” I called.

  “Yeah, ah, bye,” Kylo said. When Death was gone, he turned to me. “That was weird.”

  I snorted. “Nah, he’s just lookin’ out for you.”

  His head jerked back. “I didn’t know he….”


  “Well, yeah.” He shook his head. “How many brothers have keys?”

  “Death, State, Country, Wreck, and Quake. I didn’t care who popped in, until now. I’ll get the keys back, but they’ll ask questions about why I want them.”

  “Just say you’re seein’ someone.”

  “You know Country will want to know who.”

  He bit his bottom lip and shrugged. “Tell him.”


  He straightened. “Yeah, I mean… you like me. I like you. We’re gonna see this out, right?”

  He sounded so unsure and adorable. Fuck me. I wanted to drag him across the coffee table and take his mouth. If both my arms were working, I would have. For now, I settled on saying, “You’re right, lover, we’re gonna see where this goes.”

  “You’re certain? I’m not gonna grow boobs or a pussy, so you’re shit outta luck in that area.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. Damn, he was a fool. I knew that. Of fucking course I knew that. I liked what he had for me. Shit, I wasn’t even pushing for sex between us because I enjoyed the handies and blow jobs. Hell, I even liked fondling his dick.

  Never thought it’d be something I’d think—how I loved his dick—but I did.

  Smiling, I shook my head. “Like you exactly the way you are, Kylo.”

  He nodded. “Okay. All right. Then yeah, we’re doin’ this.” He nodded again. “There, it’s out in the open. We’re datin’.” Even though he’d said it, he still looked at me to make sure it was certain.

  “We are. Now get your ass over here and kiss me,” I ordered.

  “How about you come to me?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  I stood, walked around the coffee table, tagged the back of his head, and tugged him into me where he had to brace his hands on my stomach.

  “Like you, lover,” I told him, my tone throatier than usual.

  His hands shifted down to dip under my tee and slide up, running them over my skin, causing me to shiver just from his touch. “Like you too, Zion.”

  I kissed the corner of his mouth. “Glad to hear it, lover.” With another kissed pressed into the corner of his mouth, I felt him smile. I pulled back and asked, “What?”

  “I just can’t fuckin’ believe this is where I am with you.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  His arms curled around my waist and he dropped his forehead to my shoulder. “I’m in your house, arms, and it seems like you enjoy my touch.” I hummed under my breath and waited for more. He shook his head and snorted. “I had the biggest crush on you when I first started comin’ around the compound more.” He lifted his head, his cheeks tinted pink while I stilled from shock.


  “Fuck yeah, always thought you were hot. But I pushed it away because it was stupid. You were straight.”

  “Well, fuck. I’d always thought you were good-lookin’, but my eyes didn’t open until you were cocky and braggin’ about how good you were at giving head. I had to test it out. I wanted your mouth on me so damn bad.”

  His hands cupped my ass and he pulled me into him where I felt his hardness, which matched mine. “And I wanted to suck you off so damn bad. Glad you were stubborn.”

  I grinned. “So am I.”

  We both leaned into each other. The kiss started out sweet and exploring, but when Kylo gripped my ass tightly, it grew into something hotter and heavier. I sucked on his tongue and then nibbled on his bottom lip, dragging out a low moan from his lips.

  “Bedroom, now,” he ordered.

  “Soon,” I said, then kissed him again until Kylo picked me up like I was some damsel, which I didn’t mind too much, and carried me into my bedroom. He set me on my feet. “That was damn hot,” I told him.

  “Shut up. It was not,” he said as he helped me out of my tee.

  “It damn was,” I demanded. He still didn’t see how he got me going. It wasn’t just his looks, but his actions, his timidness, his passion, his aggression. Everything.

  He rolled his eyes, but then they heated when he undid my jeans and pushed them down my legs. I flicked them off to the side and he bent, removing my socks like he didn’t care he was helping me disrobe. Who wouldn’t really when I was hot myself? I wasn’t talking out of my ass either. I knew I was attractive, or how else did I bag a lot of women? And now a man. Just the one man. I couldn’t see myself with any other.

  He straightened, hooked his fingers in my boxers, and forced them down. I stepped out and cocked a brow at him. “Now what?”

  “Gonna make you feel good,” he said, gently pushing me back onto the bed, and I noticed he still had his underwear on.

  “You already do,” I said as I sat on the edge and scooted back using my good arm. “You gonna get naked too?”

  “Soon, and don’t say shit like I already do.”


  Leaning in, he kissed my leg and softly admitted, “I like it too much.”

  “I’m glad you do because I mean it.”

  He kissed my thigh, my hip, and just above my hard cock. “You trust me?”

  “Yes. Always.”

  He hummed under his breath before getting off the bed and walking to my bedside table where the lube lay. He took it out and threw it down to the bed before going back to between my legs.

  “What’re you thinkin’?”

  He smirked. “You’ll see. Just lay back and relax.” When I didn’t move, he added, “Please.”

  Giving in, I rested back on the bed and closed my eyes, feeling Kylo kissing, nipping, and sucking on my skin around my dick. Fuck, it was driving me crazy. He knew I needed his mouth on my dick, but he wasn’t giving it.

  “Kylo,” I grumbled.

  “Patience,” he reprimanded. Slowly, he licked all the way up to my nipple, where he bit down. “Fuckin’ love your body.”

  “And it loves you back.”

  “Spread your legs a bit more,” he uttered against my skin. I did, and he shifted up a little more between me.

  Finally, his hand wound around my erection. Somehow, he’d already had the strawberry-flavored lube in his palm, which had him easily gliding his hand up and down on it.

  “Christ,” I muttered, slamming my eyes closed. How did Kylo make me feel more than I had with a woman just from him touching me? I didn’t know, but I loved it.

  He kissed down my stomach, swirled his tongue around my belly button, and that was when I first felt his other hand between my legs. I tensed a little until he kissed his way up my body and took my mouth with his. I wished my arm didn’t hurt like a bitch when I moved it, because I would have grabbed him and dragged him against me. Instead, I settled for running my hand up and down his side.

  A finger slid over my asshole. I paused until it stayed where it was, and Kylo distracted me with more kissing. The finger gently rubbed around my hole, and I started getting into it more. In fact, I didn’t mind the feel of it at all. Spreading my legs wider, I cupped the back of Kylo’s head and held onto him, pouring everything I felt into the heated kiss.

  I only broke it when I pushed my head back into the mattress and cursed, “Fuckin’ hell.” Kylo had inserted his finger
inside me and touched something that sent a shockwave through my body.

  Blinking dazedly, I asked, “What was that?”

  Kylo grinned down at me. “Your prostate.” He glided his finger over it again, and my whole body tightened in pleasure.

  “Fuck me,” I panted, slamming my eyes closed to let this new, and fucking awesome, sensation take over. I ground my feet into the bed while Kylo drove me fucking wild. “Jesus,” I muttered.

  Already, the bite of release approached. I didn’t want it though. I wanted to bask in the damn good feeling Kylo was showing me.

  “You like that?” Kylo asked.

  “Fuck yes,” I groaned.

  “Christ, Zion, you look so good lettin’ me play. So fuckin’ good.”

  “It feels damn good.”

  He chuckled low. “That it does.”

  I clenched my teeth and hissed out a breath when he brushed over it again and again. “Close,” I managed to get out. How in the fuck was I close? It wasn’t something to ponder over though, not when— “Ah, fuck,” I yelled as the first drop of cum shot out. I rocked down on his finger as I kept coming all over my stomach.

  “Yeah, Zion, so good,” Kylo whispered.

  Once I’d stopped and settled, Kylo removed his finger, and I blinked lazily up at him. He grabbed a tee from the floor, which looked a lot like mine, but I didn’t care, and cleaned up my gut and his hand.

  He smirked when he saw me watching him. “Now you know why I use a damn dildo.”

  Laughter burst out of me unexpectedly. “Not sure I’m ready for that.”

  His head jerked back in shock. “You’d want to try?”

  Grinning, I asked, “You were here a few seconds ago when I blew a load from ass play?”

  He chuckled. “I was here.”

  “Then you’ll get why I’d be more than willin’ to do it again.” I grinned.

  He leaned over me. “You’re… pretty awesome, Zion.”

  Reaching up, I ran a finger over his lips and shook my head. “Nah, lover, it’s you who’s awesome.”

  He screwed his nose up as if he didn’t agree, but I knew for certain it was true. No one else would get me interested in them like I was with Kylo. No one else had captured my attention and held it, made me want more, than Kylo.

  He was special.

  And he was mine.

  I’d make sure I did everything in my power to keep it that way.

  “Stop thinkin’ so hard. You’ll blow a gasket,” Kylo teased before resting on me gently and taking my lips in a sweet-tasting kiss.

  He lifted off me after a final peck and said, “Gonna hit the bathroom. Be back.”

  I grabbed his hand. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.” As soon as I got the energy back after seeing stars from coming so hard, I’d have my mouth around his dick, showing him how much I loved pleasing him.

  He smiled softly, dipped down, and kissed me quickly before brushing his lips against my ear, where he said, “Already came, sweetheart. Watchin’ you had me jizzin’ in my boxers like a thirteen-year-old seeing a pair of tits for the first time.”

  My eyes flashed wide. When he stood, he caught my cocky grin and rolled his eyes.

  “Now that is fuckin’ hot, lover.”

  “What, that I can’t control myself when I see you gettin’ off on me finger fuckin’ you?”

  “Hell yes.” I nodded.

  He snorted. “You’re somethin’ else.”

  I winked. “You know it. Hurry the hell up. I need some damn snuggles from my man.” His steps faltered a little, but his eyes warmed and he nodded.

  He liked me claiming him as my man, and I enjoyed knowing I did that for him, but I also felt it was right in my head and heart.

  He was my man.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Walking into the house, I was headed for my bedroom when Boom called my name. “Comin’,” I yelled back. I dumped my bag with my extra clothes I carried around since, in the last two weeks, I happened to stay a lot at Zion’s. He’d tried to get me to leave my shit there, even cleaned out a drawer for me, but it felt like too much too soon. I gave in on the toothbrush, but that was it.

  I had to be smart about some things. He’d already won on us dating. Although I wanted it probably more than him, living together was a full commitment we weren’t ready for.

  Not that Zion agreed.

  But I was doing this for us. We couldn’t go right to living out of each other’s pockets, maybe in another month or two, but not after nearly two months together.

  As I walked toward the kitchen, where I knew Boom would be since I could hear Wendy clattering around in there and he was never far from her, my phone chimed. I pulled it free and was surprised when I saw West’s name on there.

  West: Do you have time later for a chat?

  Weird he was coming to me and not Lucas as they were best friends. Yet, West and I had become friends. I just didn’t think we were as close as what those two were, or what I was with Lucas.

  Me: Sure. When and where?

  He said a name of a coffeehouse and a time. I told him I’d be there and put the phone back in my pocket by the time I walked into the kitchen.

  “Hey,” I said, making my way up to Wendy and kissing her on the cheek.

  “Hey, honey, you want some lunch?”

  “No thanks, I’m heading out again shortly to meet with someone.” I faced Boom as I leaned against the counter. “What’s up, Boom?”

  “Where you been?” he asked, then took a sip of his coffee.

  “Boom,” Wendy warned.

  “What’s this?” I asked, looking between them.

  “Wendy reckons I shouldn’t ask you about your love life, but it’s obvious you’re with someone. You hardly spend nights here anymore. When we gonna meet her… or him?”


  What could I say? We’d told Country what was happening between us, well, Zion did, and Country was happy that we were happy, but was it too soon to tell other people? I liked our bubble of bliss we had going on. But Boom and Wendy were my family. Zion’s parents knew, so they should, right?

  “One second,” I told him, taking my phone out again and shooting a text off to Zion.

  Me: Boom wants to know who I’ve got hiding.

  Zion: Up to you, but I don’t care if they know.

  Just like that, he didn’t care about coming out, even when this was new for him, being with a guy.

  Me: Okay, thanks. Talk soon!

  Zion: Better, already missing you.

  Fuck, the things he said got me mushy inside. I’d never been fucking mushy. The prick. Looking up, I realized I was smiling; so were Boom and Wendy.

  “Whoever it is, we can see the person makes you happy,” Wendy said.

  “Yeah, he does.”

  “He?” Boom questioned. “Who is it? And if you say Lucas, be prepared for Wreck to kill you.”

  I snorted. “Definitely not Lucas… but this person’s in the same family.”

  Boom choked on his sip of coffee. “Saint?”

  “What?” Wendy whispered.

  “Zion and I have been seein’ each other for nearly two months now.”

  Boom dropped his mug to the counter. “Saint? The fucker is a player. I swear to Christ, if he’s fuckin’ with you, I’ll end him myself.” He stood, grabbed his keys, and went to move out of the room.

  “Boom, wait, Jesus. I’m not sayin’ I don’t love that you care, but this is happenin’, and it’s real.” Fuck, I hoped it was…. No, it was. Zion was being real with me.

  Boom ground his jaws together. Wendy walked over and put a hand on his chest. “I’m still havin’ a word with him,” Boom said.

  I sighed. “Boom.”

  “Honey,” Wendy started. “You’re our kid. We’re going to want to take care of you no matter how old you get. Even I heard of Saint’s prowess when it came to women. What’s the harm if Boom has a word with him?”

  When she put
it like that, I couldn’t exactly tell them no. “Fine.” Especially since I didn’t think anything could scare Zion off. He’d been the one to chase me, to want me. When I’d been scared, it was all Zion going full force into this with me, not leaving me to cling to my fear about us together.

  “Right then,” Boom said, then nodded. “We care about you, kid.”

  Smiling, I rolled my eyes. “Not a kid, Boom.”

  “Know that, but you always will be to us.”

  Fucking hell, I loved them. They’d been the best people in my life.

  “Love you guys. You know that, right? I don’t say it enough, but I do. Wouldn’t have lived if it wasn’t for you guys.”

  Wendy’s bottom lip wobbled. Boom tucked her in close as he cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, you know you got our love. Now enough of this shit.” He kissed Wendy’s temple. “I’ll be back.” He pointed to me. “I won’t shed any of his blood if you help me in a couple of weeks to paint the garage.”

  Grinning, I said, “You got it, Boom.”

  I was already sitting at a table when West walked through the door. He looked good, but he always did. Not that I’d ever go there. Like Lucas, I knew West and I would be better as friends.

  West smiled when he saw me and waded through the tables. “Hey, thanks for meeting me,” he said, pulling out the chair opposite me and sitting down.

  “No problem.” I nodded toward the coffee. “Got it for you, plus the muffin.” I pushed the plate with the chocolate one on it closer to him, while I pulled my blueberry one in.

  “Thanks, surprised you remembered.”

  I shrugged. “Can’t forget how you went on and on about chocolate muffins.”

  He snorted. “I didn’t go on and on—Jesus, this tastes amazing,” he mumbled around a mouthful. Chuckling, I raised a brow, and West gave me a glare.

  “Anyway, what’s been happenin’?”

  He stared down at his muffin before looking over my shoulder, then the other, and when he shrugged, he said, “Nothing much.”

  “West, you didn’t call me here for small talk. We’re friends, right?” He nodded. “Then you should know whatever you say, I’ll keep it to myself.”


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