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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

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by Kait Rose

  “What the fuck are you doing in my room?”

  “Rem puked all over the chair and passed out on the couch. Can I sleep in here?” She was trashed and I wouldn’t be surprised if I was the next one to be covered in puke, again.

  “Go sleep in Knox’s room. Now out.” I flipped over and grabbed the covers, but she was relentless. She squirmed her way into my bed and I was five seconds to losing it. Her this close under my sheets was not good, but she was drunk which meant off limits.

  “Come on Madison, you slept there plenty of times, he won’t give a shit. He probably won’t be home tonight anyways.”

  “You’re so warm, night night.” She snuggled under the covers and was out in seconds. Fuck my life. I hate to admit it, but I like how she felt in my bed, but my head was telling me to remember what she did.

  I’ll never forget the day Madison betrayed me. I never in my life thought she was capable of what she did. She told Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery that I’ve been stealing Mrs. Montgomery’s pills and selling them. When Mr. Montgomery confronted me in my room, he pulled a wad of money and a bag of Mrs. Montgomery’s pills from my dresser. I was completely confused and told him I had no idea where that came from. He was pissed and told me I was a liar. He said Madison told him all about how I sell them at school and drug girls with the rest. She apparently even told him I tried drugging her.

  I called him a liar because no way Madison would ever lie about me. He proved me wrong by showing me the texts from Madison’s phone telling him everything. After showing me that, I felt my heart ready to explode. I was so angry that I was in love with a lying psychotic bitch. He told me the selling the drugs he would have given me a second chance, but drugging Madison and trying to rape her was unacceptable. He said he was doing me a favor by kicking me out and not reporting me to the police.

  I felt my heart racing and tried to shake the memories out of my head. She really fucked me over and I still couldn’t understand why. I stuck up for her every single time, besides the times Mr. Montgomery would take her upstairs when she got in trouble. I was just a kid and didn’t know how to stop him until the day I snapped at that dinner party and finally did something. Was that it? Did she blame me for all the times I couldn’t help her.

  Just when I’m about to close my eyes, I hear Madison start to whimper. “Please no, don’t touch me, please, no, no, no.” I swear to fucking god that better be a dream and not a memory. Things were starting to add up with her and it made me sick that it could be a possibility that something did happen to her.

  “Madison, Madison wake up.” I shook her a few times, but her eyes stay closed. The whimpering stopped and I whispered one last promise in her ear.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “I wish I can make you promises, but promises can’t be made when they’re built on lies.” The words he whispered in my ear played on repeat. When you’re a foster kid and everyone has left you down, a simple promise made me feel hope. Jude always gave me a sliver of hope until he broke the one I asked he never break. I asked him to promise me he would never leave me. I know as kids that’s a promise that we couldn’t control, but he never even said good bye or asked me to run away with him. We were just kids, but I would have followed him anywhere.

  I started sobering up and was completely embarrassed that I climbed in his bed and he most likely heard one of my night terrors. As soon as I heard him snoring, I snuck over to Knox’s room. It was two am and Knox wasn’t in his room, he must have been working tonight. Once my head hit his pillows I was out like a light again.

  “Knox baby I want to ride your face while my sister sucks you off.” What the fuck? As soon as I opened my eyes, one of the dumb twats started screaming.

  “Oh my god Knox I think there is someone laying in your bed.”

  “No I’m a ghost, yes you twat I’m trying to sleep.” I was met with blondie one and two from the other night, but more naked this time. Also, Knox was pale white like he did see a ghost. To make this situation even better, Jude came in the room with just boxers on. Awesome.

  “Hello sexy, are you here to join us too?” Bimbo two said and surprisingly Jude cringed.

  “No thanks, I don’t stick my dick somewhere that it will most likely rot off.” She opened her mouth in shock and swatted Knox in the chest telling him to tell Jude off. Knox still stood there in shock.

  “Madison it’s not what it looks like!” He finally spoke and it’s a bullshit lie. I honestly don’t care that he was ready to have a threesome and that just tells me I need to tell him we need to be just friends and nothing else.

  “Looks to me like you were just about to fuck dumb and dumber.” Jude is on a roll tonight and you can tell he’s loving the situation Knox got into.

  “Dude, you're not helping. Madison I, uh, I don’t know what to say. What are you doing in my room anyways?” Knox sounded irritated and I kind of understood, I was being a major cock block for him.

  “Well I was in Jude’s bed.” Before I can even finish my sentence, Knox’s face turned red and Jude was loving the fact I was in this fucked up situation.

  “You were where!” Knox’s voice boomed and that was enough to get Rem to come in here too. Rem pushed past Jude and got in bed with me. “Bestie please make these idiots stop screaming, I’m tired.”

  “Why are you in the bed with her, you don’t even know her!” Knox has two naked blondes in front of him and he is more worried about his friends, makes sense.

  “Knoxie, we are best friends since she’s off limits.” Rem then tried to whisper to me, “Hulk over there looks like he was ready to rip my head off. Me Hulk, you no touch Madison.” He mimicked Hulk and I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off.

  “Just think if he were actually sleeping together.” I said to Rem to get Knox going.

  “Hey!” Both Knox and Jude yelled at the same time. Knox looked like he was ready to blow a gasket and the blondes look like they were in heaven with three hot guys practically naked.

  “You know what, I can’t with him. Now back to why were in you in Jude’s bed?”

  “Knox, it’s two am and I don’t feel like being questioned. I’m heading home, you enjoy your two blondes and I guess Rem too.” I needed out of here because I felt like the questioning will never stop if I stayed. When I tried to get out of the bed, I fell on my ass. Fuck, I can’t drive like this.

  “Come on, I’ll take you home. Knox, I’m borrowing your car.” I was surprised to hear Jude volunteer to take me home.

  “No, I’ll take her home.” Lord bless me, here we go again.

  “Knox, you’re obviously busy.” I nodded my head to the blondes. “I just want to go home and sleep, so Jude I’ll take you up on the offer, thanks.” Jude nodded his head and went back to his room to change.

  “Madison I’m really sorry. I never wanted you to see what I do on the side, but I need to be honest with you. I want us to be together and I mean in a committed relationship way. We can tell Stella, she’ll understand.”

  “Are you really asking her out while naked with two naked blondes on your side.” Even Rem woke up to the most idiotic moment Knox has had in his life.

  “I seriously can’t do this.” I shook my head and kissed Rem on the cheek telling him good night. I headed past Knox and his naked blondes, closing the door to him yelling at Rem and the girls to get out of his room. When I made my way to the front door, Jude was there waiting with Knox’s keys in his hands.

  I only lived about a fifteen minute drive from their house and the first ten minutes was filled with silence. I felt like I needed to break the ice and thank him for the ride, but he beat me to it.

  “That was interesting. I figured it would end with you in tears since your man was just about to fuck two blondes on top of you.” Here we go again. Why couldn’t he just do a nice thing by driving me home.

  “It’s none of your business, but I’m not dating Knox. We hooked up occasionally and what he does on his own time, I d
on’t care.”

  “I would ask why you guys aren’t dating, but from what I heard you like old men, so it explains why you don’t care.” He said with a smirk and that smirk set me off.

  “You know what, fuck you. You don’t know me and I would think you were beyond listening to rumors.” Thank god we were in front of my house. I got out of his ’69 Chevelle and slammed the door. It hurt me to slam the door of such a beautiful car, but the asshole is really starting to get under my skin.

  Before he pulled away, he lowered his window and shouted, “What I do know is you’re a lying bitch, so forgive me if hearing you fucked your teachers doesn’t surprise me.” He took off without even letting me defend myself and when I turned around, Stella was in her robe waiting for me. Fuck my life.

  “Do you have any idea what time it is! Did you ever think of calling me and letting me know you weren’t coming home? I was worried sick about you. Why were you with Jude? Oh my god, do not tell me you slept with him, especially after what he said to you!” Stella was on a role and I’m surprised she finally stopped to catch her breath.

  “Stella it's the middle of the night. Can you please save your questions for the morning?”

  “Can I save my questions!” Stella was rarely ever mad, but right now she was showing fifty shades of red.

  “Calm down alright. After everything that happened in class, I got pissed and needed to forget. I knew if I came here, you would want to talk and that was the last thing I wanted to do today. I figured no one would be at Knox’s, so I went over there. I ran into Rem and we both decided to wash the day away. We were too drunk to drive and he ended up puking all over the living room. Knox wasn’t home, so I figured it was ok to go crash in Knox’s room. Which let me tell you was a huge mistake. I was woken up by two naked bimbos and a naked Knox. After almost be fucked on top of, Jude offered me a ride home. He is still an asshole, I’m hungover, and just want to go sleep. Now can I go to bed?” I started heading to my room, but stopped when I heard Stella gagging.

  “God Madison, you could have left out what my brother was doing!”

  “Well you wanted to know everything. Do you want to know his dick size too because let me tell..” She slapped her hand over my mouth and said, “Finish that sentence and you’ll be sleeping with the fish! Now I’m going to bed and you better pray I don’t have any nightmares because of you!” She stormed into her room and if I knew just bringing up Knox’s dick would make her go to bed, I would have started off with that. I shook my head laughing at her antics and made my way to my room.

  When I finally laid down, I couldn’t help think about Jude. I still can’t believe I punched him in the nose, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it felt good. The ass totally deserved it and threatening to break me, what a joke. He thinks I’m still the fragile little girl he knew, but I’m far from it. He doesn’t even realized he broke me a long time ago when he left.

  People always say you don’t know love when you’re young, but what I felt for Jude I never felt for anyone else. He was the reason I kept waking up every morning and when he would smile at me I would feel like my heart was ready to beat out of my chest. The day before he left when he kissed me, God I felt it all the way to my toes. He was that one of a kind love that as much as he makes me hate him now, I can never erase how I used to feel. Who am I kidding, I still feel it and it pisses me off.

  Chapter Eighteen


  By the time I tried falling asleep, my alarm went off. I got up, showered, and headed towards the kitchen in need for coffee. Stella was already waiting at the table with a steaming cup and my favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes.

  “I’m sorry!” She blurts out quick and I’m confused why she’s apologizing, so I raised my eyebrow up signaling her to continue.

  “I should have followed you outside when you left class to make sure you were alright. I was just really confused because usually you just ignored what people say, so I thought maybe you just went to get some air. When you didn’t come back I tried calling you and it went to voicemail. I figured you were mad at me, but I did go look for you and supposedly so did Knox. I’m really sorry Madison.” She looked at me with her watery blue eyes and I felt terrible that she thought I was mad at her. Stella had no idea the real reason I was upset because the memories of Mr. Montgomery popped in my head. I never told her what happened to me and what happened at the cabin was kept privately. When it was released on the news, I was a minor and they couldn’t say my name. It also helped it was the last day of class, so I just told Stella I was sick while I was at home healing.

  “It’s ok and I didn’t forward you to voicemail my phone died. Shit, I left it at Knox’s, I have to head back there before class.”

  “So we’re good?”

  “Hundred percent, but listen there are things that happened in my life that I will eventually tell you but on my time.”

  “Take all the time you need. I’m here when you’re ready to talk.”

  “Thanks, shit I left my bag and car there too. Can you drive me over?”

  “Yeah let me grab my keys.”

  We got into her car and started heading off to Knox’s. I was praying they all would be sleeping or heading to class. I really needed God to give me a break because I was not in the mood to run into Jude or Knox.

  “Do you want to come in while I look for my bag?”

  “No thanks, I rather not run into Knox’s sluts.” She looked disgusted and I couldn’t help mess with her more.

  “You sure, maybe we’ll get to see another round!” She threw me the middle finger and stepped on the gas.

  I headed to their front door realizing I didn’t have the spare key since it was in my bag that hopefully was inside. I looked in the driveway and everyone’s car was gone. Rem must have left early this morning. I felt bad for him since his dad begged him to come live with him, but he barely saw him unless he was with one of his many women. His mom passed away this year and he was hoping to finally have a parent in his life. Sometimes you’re just better off on your own since you can’t depend on anyone but yourself.

  I knocked on the door, hoping even one of the blondes was here to open it. I heard no one coming to the door, so I rang the bell a few more times just hoping someone would answer. Right when I was ready to start walking back home, I remembered they had a patio door in the back. Of course the back door was locked too, but I noticed the bathroom window was open.

  I grabbed the garbage can to get up on it to reach the window and I opened the screen. Thank god I was on the smaller side or I’d never fit. I had to shimmy in head first and thanking Jesus that they put the toilet seat down. I was half way in when my hands slipped and I came fumbling in, landing on the floor in a loud thud. When I looked up, I was met with a very naked Jude.

  “Why are you naked!” I screamed. I’m in shock and totally embarrassed I just got caught sneaking in.

  “Oh am I suppose to shower dressed? Better question, why are you sneaking in my bathroom to see me naked?”

  “I wasn’t sneaking in here to see you smartass!”

  “Uh huh, I’m sure.”

  “I was not!”

  “Then why are you still staring at my dick, my eyes are up here.” I averted my eyes quickly and threw a towel at him. You couldn’t blame me, he was impressive down there but I didn’t need to stroke his ego. On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind stroking something else. Shit, I really needed to get my mind out of the gutter and get my bag.

  I shook my head at him and told him I needed to grab my bag. I went into the living room and couldn’t find it anywhere. I swore I left it right here on the couch. I checked the kitchen next, no luck there either. Even Knox’s room came up empty. It was almost an hour since I’ve been here and I’m going to be late to class. I headed towards the kitchen to check one more and that’s when I see Jude leaning against the counter, dangling my bag’s strap from his finger.

  “Looking for this?”

sp; “You ass! Why do you have my bag? I’ve been looking all over the place!” He walked over to me while shoving my bag in my hands and whispered, “Red looks good on you.”

  What he said gave me the chills, but I couldn’t dwell on the mystery of Jude’s words, so I hurried out the door before I miss my class. While in my car, I checked my phone to see that I had fifteen missed calls from Doc, Stella, and Delilah. Shit, I don’t have time for this, but if I don’t get a hold of Delilah she’ll be rushing down here. I dialed her number and was instantly greeted with, “Madison Bloom! Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been? I was one minute away from coming down there! Dr. Fully called me telling me you requested an emergency session that you never showed up for and then you don’t answer any of our calls. What is going on?”

  “Calm down, I’m sorry. I ran into some girl from Uniondale and she just got to me, so I called Doc. I calmed down and I forgot to call him back to cancel. I ended up going for a drive and forgot to turn my phone off silent.” I hated lying to her, but I hated stressing her out more.

  “Oh dear, don’t let anyone get to you. If it gets to be too much, you’re welcome back home anytime.”

  “I’m ok, it was just the first day stress. I overreacted.”

  “As long as you’re ok, I’ll drop this. Just next time try to remember to cancel if you need to and put your ringer on, you never answer your phone.”

  “I will and I’m sorry I worried you.”

  “Thank you dear, now get to class.” I said good bye and we both hung up.

  Thank god that went smoother than what I expected. She gets worried a lot more since the day at the cabin and panics if I don’t answer my phone. I can’t blame her, so I switched my phone off silent when I parked my car in the science center’s lot. I hated science and I hated more that it was first thing in the morning. I needed the credits though and being that much closer to my goal of becoming a social worker was well worth it.


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