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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

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by Kait Rose

  While getting out of my car to head to class, a group of guys next to me started whistling. I looked around, but I was the only girl in sight. I was in leggings, an oversized sweatshirt, and my hair was in a messy bun, it’s not really the whistle at kind of look. I shrugged it off, but through out the day things got more weird.

  All day I had guys shoving their phone numbers in my hands and one even attempted to slap my ass. I had guys hit on me, but never to this extent. Something was definitely going on and my suspicion was confirmed when I heard Stella shouting my name across the courtyard. She ran towards me waving her phone in her hand.

  “Why in the hell did you forward this to everyone on campus!” I had no idea what she was talking about and grabbed her phone. It was an anonymous email with a picture of me laying on my bed in red lingerie asking, “Do you want a good time? If so, come find me today xoxo”.

  “What! How did this get out?” I felt my face burning red and I needed to get out of here.

  “Well who did you send it to?” This was it, I either tell her another lie or fess up. I decided on the truth for once, it would only get worse if I lied and she found out.

  “Can we go home and I’ll tell you, you’re going to need wine and to sit for this.” She nodded her head and we headed for our cars to go back to our place.

  The entire drive I was fuming. The only person who had this picture was Knox. I took it a year ago as a Christmas present for him when we were still in a flirty stage. I’m so confused as to why he would even send this out. He almost had a threesome on top of me and this is what I get in return!

  When I got home, Stella was at the table with two huge glasses filled with wine. I downed mine in three gulps, nervous to tell her the truth, but here goes nothing. “Stella I need you to know I hated lying to you, but I thought if you found out, you would never speak to me again. I sent that picture to Knox.”

  Her eyes grew wide and she took a big sip of wine before asking, “Why would you send that kind of picture to Knox?”

  “We were flirting through texts when he came home for winter break a year ago and things just escalated. We did hook up a few times, but I swear I was going to break it off.”

  Stella downed her wine and I knew this was it. She is going to tell me off, kick me out, and never speak to me again. I can’t blame her because I’m a shitty friend. “You better pray that all those times you talked about your hookups, they were not about my brother! Please tell me they weren't!”

  “Oh god no! I wouldn't do that to you, I promise.” I reached for her hand and it surprised me she squeezed back.

  “Don’t get me wrong I'm pissed, but more over the fact that you lied to me. We've been friends forever, I thought you knew you can tell me anything. I would never judge you, you know.” It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her, I just didn’t want to disappoint her.

  “I trust you the most out of anyone in my life, I just never want to disappoint you.” I hated being a disappoint especially in front of Stella.

  “The only way you can disappoint me is if you lie, so don’t.” She smiled and took another sip of her wine. She was letting me off easier than I deserve.

  “Are we still best friends?” I held up my pinky for a pinky promise in which she replied, “Forever”. We have done that since after our very first fight and we now ended all fights the same.

  We started to talk about school, but the sound of the front door slamming open had both of us shooting up out of our seats. It was Knox and we were both shocked to see him so angry.

  “What in the hell is wrong with you Madison!” He shouted and I never seen Stella turn so red. Maybe she was saving all her angry for Knox.

  “Don’t you dare say Madison did this!” Stella got right in his face well more like chest, but Knox never broke eye contact with me. He stepped around her and stormed right up to me.

  “First you dress slutty at the club. Now you sent a pretty much nude picture of yourself asking all the guys if they want a goodtime! Do you know how many guys I had to hear talk about what they want to do to you?”

  “Let me tell you something now. First off, how I dress to a club is my business, not yours. By the way I was more dressed than bimbo one and two were combined. Second, I would never send that picture out. I find it funny the only other person who has it comes busting in here and accuses me. Maybe I should be asking what in the hell were you thinking!” Knox turned a deeper shade of red until he realized what was just said in front of his sister. He the turned whiter than a ghost.

  “Madison why would I even have a picture like that, come on.” He is a terrible liar and a stupid one too. He is literally pleading me with his eyes right in front of Stella who sees everything he is doing.

  “Hey dumbass, I can see you! Cat’s out of the bag and I am so disappointed in you.” Stella turned around calmly and headed back to her room. Most would think she let him off easy, but when Stella tells you that in her calm voice, you know you’re in deep shit with her.

  You can tell Knox looked upset by the way he was staring at the ground and rubbing the back of his head. I felt guilty myself because I never wanted anything to get in between their relationship. Right when I was about to apologize, he went back to focusing his anger at me.

  “Again, what the fuck Madison! Don’t you think you should have discussed telling her together instead of me now looking like the bad guy!”

  “Ok I can agree I should have told you I was ready to tell her, but after today I am done lying to her and we are done fooling around. After last night and now today, I just want to be alone.”

  “Babe, what do you mean you want to be alone? What we have was going great before these last few days. If what happened last night upsets you so much, maybe we should just commit to each other. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this for a while now, I am ready to settle with you. Wait, that came out wrong. I mean I am ready to make you my girlfriend.”

  “You’re not listening to me Knox! I’m not looking for a relationship. I was the one who told you I didn’t want to do the commitment thing. You are free to do anything you want. I just need you to be my friend again and be honest with me. Did you send that picture out?”

  “I never send that picture out. I honestly deleted it went you sent it to me, well after I printed it out. Let me tell you, it’s gotten me through some lonely nights.” He was staring off and I can only imagine what he is thinking. God, men!

  I punched him in the arm and he yelled,“What, you sent it! What did you think I would do with a picture like that?” I can’t help, but shake my head at him. Deep down, I knew Knox wouldn’t do something like this to me. He had some anger and jealousy issues, but he was never a bully.

  “Ok I believe you. Can we please go back to when we were friends without benefits?”

  “Honestly I hate to stop this, but I rather keep you as a friend than nothing. Just know though I’m not giving up on us. I really think we can be a good thing if you gave me a chance. I want to show you I can be a serious and good boyfriend to you.” I wish I could say I would try, but I knew I gave my heart away along time ago.

  I walked over and gave Knox a kiss on the cheek and a hug. When he finally released me after a minute, I nodded my head towards Stella’s room. Knox sighed looking at the ground, but nodded his head acknowledging he knows he has to go talk to her now. They maybe years apart, but you would never guess by how close they are.

  Now that Knox is not a suspect, who in the hell would do this to me? I couldn’t think of anyone that can be that pissed off at me besides Chanel and Jude. Chanel wouldn’t know about the picture unless Knox told her. Jude on the other hand had my fucking bag this morning with my phone in it. How can I be this stupid! That’s what he meant when he said red looks good. That asshole may have think he is a step closer to breaking me, but he has another thing coming.

  Chapter Nineteen


  While out on my run, I kept the music loud and kept myself pushing harder
and harder until I couldn’t breathe. I thought getting back at Madison would feel good, but it back fired on me instead. Hearing all the guys around campus talking about Madison made me want to grab her and claim her in front of everyone. I didn’t understand myself. How can I hate her, but want her so damn much.

  I finished my run after an hour and headed towards home. When I got back all the guys’ cars were here. Knox, Ezra, and Rem became the family I never had. They were my brothers and I hope they always will be once Knox finds out it was me. I opened the door to all them sitting at the table with a beer in their hands. Knox was chugging his down and I had a feeling it had to do with Madison.

  “What’s going on, someone die?” I walked over to the fridge and grabbed myself a beer too. I was going to need a few of these to get through the rest of the night.

  “Yeah mine and Madison’s relationship!” Knox buried his head in his arms. I never seen him so bent out of shape over a girl.

  “Guessing she wasn’t happy about almost being fucked on by tits one and two from last night?”

  “It didn’t help, but no her picture that went all over the campus was the cherry on the top! I was the only one who she sent that too, so her and Stella came to the conclusion it was me.” Fuck, I didn’t mean to get him involved.

  “Wait, back up. Stella knows?” Ezra asked innocently, but Knox was looking at him like he asked to fuck her.

  “Why all the questions about my sister?”

  “Chill out man it was just a question!” Knox leaned over and got in Ezra’s face accusing him of wanting to screw Stella. Ezra was starting to get heated and I felt a fight coming.

  “Guys calm the fuck down already, he asked a simple question. We all knew it was a secret from Stella. So we’re guessing Stella found out today?” Rem said trying to diffuse the fight.

  Knox sat back down and you can tell he was exhausted from today. “Sorry, I’m having a bad day.” He clapped Ezra’s back and Ezra nodded his head in return, accepting his half ass apology.

  “Now tell us the whole story.” Rem said seriously. You can tell the photo getting out pissed him off too. It surprised me how he already cared this much about Madison since he never really got close to others so quick.

  “Alright, Madison sent me that picture of her last year for Christmas. I printed it out and deleted it from my phone.” I never wanted to punch Knox in the face before as much as I do now. God I’m a jealous fuck. “Man that picture got me through some lonely nights.” Scratch that. I wanted to punch him more than anything now. I kept my face schooled and I felt the bottle ready to break with how hard I was squeezing it.

  “Stop masturthinking and continue.” What in the hell is masturthinking? We all just paused to look at Ezra questionably.

  “What?” Ezra had the nerve to look at us like we were the dumb ones.

  “Masturthinking?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “It’s like masturbating, but you’re thinking of masturbating instead of doing it.” Ezra said proud of the word he came up with. We all told him he was an idiot and motioned Knox to continue.

  “Anyways, the picture got around as you all know and she figured it was me since I’m the only one who had it. I thought it was her playing games because of last night. I go over to her house to confront her about it and her and Stella immediately start bitching at me like I did it. Madison told me she wanted to go back to being just friends and then I had to go face Stella. Let me tell you that Stella is not this little innocent angel, but the devil back there. I had every heavy ass romance novel she had flying at my head. Do you know how bad those things hurt? She’s getting a Kindle for Christmas and I’m taking all her books off her!” Ezra was smiling big and I kicked him under the table to snap him out of it. A blind man can see he had feelings for Stella, but big brother Knox wasn’t going to have it.

  “So you guys never figured out who sent it?” Rem asked.

  “Nope but Madison isn’t an innocent girl. I bet she sent it to other guys too.” Knox said. He seemed upset by the fact it was possible, but it gave me an opportunity to make sure they wouldn’t figure out I sent it.

  “From what Chanel told me she’s into older men and teachers, so maybe one of them got pissed at her and sent it out. Think about it, you would need access to the computer system to get everyone’s numbers to send it to everyone, it must have been a teacher.”

  “You know what I think you’re right Jude. I heard some of Chanel’s sorority sisters talking about Madison fucking the new English professor. I guess she didn’t realize he was her teacher and ran for it when Chanel called her out on it.” I couldn’t believe Knox would even believe that bullshit. Chanel was a liar, but no girl ever wants to go against her besides Madison.

  “Makes sense. I’m exhausted I’m heading in the shower and laying down, I’ll see you guys later.” I downed the last of my beer and headed upstairs. I was over my entire day being about Madison. Part of me was bothered that I was caring about what is being said about Madison now, but the other part was hoping this will finally get her to go back home.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Now don’t go do anything rash. You don’t have any evidence that he did it. You need to have a mature non attacking conversation where you calming ask him if he knows anything about it.”

  “Doc there is no doubt in my mind he’s guilty. The bastard must have broke into my phone this morning and went through my stuff. He’s going to wish he never met me after I get through with him!” Doc sighed through the phone. I had to finally call him back this morning which resulted in me having to do a phone session. Fun.

  “Madison let’s talk…wait are you blasting Headstrong by Trapt?”

  “Uh, no that’s the other car next to me.” I lowered the volume. He knows when I blast that song, I’m pissed and ready to fight.

  “You’re a piss poor liar, now listen. We need to sit down and list the topics you want to discuss and…”

  I cut him off by pretending I was losing signal, “I..can’t..hear…got to go!” I hung up fast because there was no way I was doing the list exercise again. He made me do it before I moved about how to tell Stella I was screwing her brother. Never again.

  I pulled in the parking lot in no time, anxious about today. I swear when I find him, he’s not going to know what’s coming. I had over twenty calls asking if I charge. Jude’s a dead man.

  I was in the main building hoping he would be somewhere in the halls waiting for class to open. After roaming a few halls, I was ready to go home after hearing all the cat calls and whistling. I really hope to god everyone will forget about this over the weekend.

  I started to head towards the door before I was late to class when I saw Jude leaning against the hallway wall. I don’t know what happened in those few seconds, but all I saw was red. I walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder, and punched him so hard in the face. While I felt like I broke my hand it hurt so bad, Jude stood there glaring at me with a smirk.

  I expected him to yell or defend himself, but he grabbed my by the hand and dragged me down into the maintenance closet. When he shoved me inside, I whirled around asking him, “What in the hell do you think you’re doing!” He blocked my path and kept walking towards me while I walked backwards until my back hit a desk. He looked at me curiously and I started to get nervous.

  “I remember when you were this little quiet mouse and never stood up for yourself no matter how hard they pushed you. Now you’re this little mouse taking on a cat.” He wrapped his fingers in my hair and pulled my face close to his while whispering in my ear, “Do you know what happens to a mouse that goes up against a cat?” He ran his fingers up my side and I totally spaced out on why I was pissed at him. I pulled him another inch closer and he gave me the kiss that erased all kisses. When he gave me my first kiss, we were inexperienced kids. This kiss right here tells me he’s a man who knows what he is doing.

  I was completely consumed by him and everything I
wanted to tell him off for forgotten. He broke the kiss and I whimpered for him to come back. He ripped my shirt off and I started to work on unbuttoning his jeans. God the way he was straining against his pants he was more than ready for me. As soon as I pushed his zipper down he shoved me back and I fell on my ass.

  “Did you really think I want that mouth anywhere near me? Only fuck knows where it’s been.” I was completely confused until I heard the wicked bitch Chanel laughing at the door. I was so into what we were doing I didn’t even hear the door open.

  “Desperate much? Oh my god Jude, are you ok?” Chanel went to grab him, but he shrugged her off.

  “Go to class, I’ll meet you there.” Chanel whined about him coming now, but he gave her a look that meant he wasn’t dealing with her shit.

  He walked over and threw my shirt at me. I got up, pulled my shirt on, and headed to the door. After the picture and knowing Chanel was going to tell everyone, I had no more energy left in me to argue.

  “Wait.” I turned around to see him leaning against the desk he just had me on looking calm. I shook my head and went to grab the door knob.

  “The cat will catch the little mouse and decide on either instantly killing it or toying with it until it wishes it was dead.”

  I walked back to him and looked him straight in the eye demanding what was his problem with me. He responded, “Playing stupid doesn’t look good on you.” He slapped my ass and walked out before I could say anything in return.

  I sat there puzzled to what he thinks I did to him. I remember our last night together before everything went to shit.

  6 years ago…

  This summer was one of the hardest summers living at the Montgomery’s house, but thankfully the last day being alone without Jude. He was off at baseball camp since the beginning of June and it’s been the longest summer of my life. Between the beatings and Mr. Montgomery’s lingering stare, I had enough and was ready for August.


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