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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

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by Kait Rose

  Mrs. Montgomery dropped me off before she sped away to go have drinks with her friends. I headed straight up to Jude’s room while repeating in my head exactly what I wanted to say. I just really hope he will forgive me and still want us to date after everything that happened last night. I nervously knocked on his door a few times, but there was no answer.

  “Jude, can you please open the door?” Nothing but silence greeted me. I decided to knock a little harder which made door swing open and revealed there was no Jude in sight. His bed, all his drawings, and even his baseball trophies were gone. I felt myself panicking and without thinking, I stormed into Mr. Montgomery’s office.

  “Where’s Jude!” I slammed his laptop down and was greeted with a smile that told me whatever happened to Jude I wasn’t going to like it.

  “I’m going to let you storming into my office unannounced slide since I’m in a great mood today.”


  “We foster you two ungrateful deviants on our own money and you both don’t appreciate it. Your little boy toy decided to run for it last night and Mrs. Quinn decided to resign this morning. Less mouths to feed means more money in my pocket. Now the three of us can be one big happy family.” He rose up from his desk and headed to the door. When I heard the lock click, the feeling of fear and panic were as high as when my father pointed the gun at me.

  What happened in the next hour wouldn’t be the last time. Death never looked more appealing to me than it does now. Last night I felt on top of the world with Jude and now I rather be buried six feet deep. As much as I hate him for leaving me and never letting me tell him I’m sorry, I’m forever grateful that I will have that one last good memory of us at the tree to get me through this.

  Chapter Twenty One


  It’s been two weeks since the incident in the maintenance closet and I’ve been doing everything in my power to stay invisible. Surprisingly Chanel has been ignoring me and even Jude too. Even the douchebags in this school stopped their whistling and cat calls, well most did. I should be happy, but I had a gut feeling this was the calm before the storm.

  “Madison Bloom! You better get your ass out of bed right now!” Stella comes barging in my room, rips my blankets off, and pours cold water all over me. All I have to say is she is lucky that she’s my best friend.

  “It’s Friday night and for the last two weeks you’ve been in bed by eight and living in those ratty pajamas. You’re lucky you’ve been obsessed with those pajamas since you were a kid or they would be in the fire pit. Now you my friend are going to get in the shower and we are going out.”

  “Can’t we..” She slapped a hand over my mouth before I could finish what I wanted to say and shoved me towards the bathroom.

  “Don’t even think about finishing that sentence! We are the only two sophomores that haven’t been to a party and we are not going to be at the bottom of the social pool. If you don’t come, I’m calling Knox to come hang out with you. I heard he is really loving those heart to hearts you two have been having.” I never took Stella’s threats lightly, so I headed right into the bathroom to get ready. Since telling Knox we would only be friends, he’s been coming over a lot to talk about everything. He really thinks us having all these deep chats and showing me his sensitive side and not a college douchebag is going to make me run in to his arms. All I feel is that I’m a free therapist ready to jump out the closest open window. That is how much he’s been driving me nuts. Whoever gave him this advice to play someone else is a complete idiot.

  I finished quick in the shower and threw some curling product in my hair to manage the waves. If I had to go out tonight I was sticking to my black skinny jeans, my favorite band shirt, and my Vans. “What party are we heading to?”

  “This guy named Brad from my history class invited us to his frat house. They’re throwing their first party of the year, so it should be good.”

  “Ahh Stella, he invited you and now I’m the third wheel. That’s why you're making me go, so you don’t have to hang out with him alone.” I can hear Netflix calling my name.

  “Stop, no I didn’t! It’s a huge party and no one goes to a frat party alone. Second, I’m here to hang out with you and if I bump into him, I bump into him. No big deal.” I crossed my arms and just gave her the look she isn’t bullshitting anyone.

  “Ok part of the reason I don’t want to go alone and meet him by myself is because I’m nervous. The other part though, really wants to go out with you and enjoy our college years together. We have two more years and I want you to take a break from being stuck in your head all day and just have fun, ok? Plus all the guys should be at work tonight, so no Jude to piss you off or Knox’s therapy sessions.” That was a plus, a night with no Jude and free booze. I headed to my closet, rethinking my choice of outfit.

  “Thank god you’re changing. No offense, but it looked like you rolled right out of bed. I got the perfect outfit for you, wait here.” Stella was back in a flash holding up a red mini dress, my black leather jacket, and a pair of her black studded booties.

  “Damn Stella, those boots! If I had money, I’d hire you as my stylist. Where did you get them?”

  “I found them at this cute little boutique when I was out shopping last weekend. Remember, you bailed on me. Since I am the best of all best friends, I bought them for you to cheer you up.” I ran over and gave her a hug. I’ve been a miserable bitch and I don’t deserve how kind she’s always been to me.

  “Oh by the way, next time you’re coming with me. No butts about it!” I hated shopping, but I nodded my head agreeing I will go. I needed to show I can be a good best friend too since lately I haven’t been the greatest.

  We headed out and started walking to the party. The frat house was only a ten minute walk from our house and when we arrived, cars where lined up and down the block. By the amount of beer cans and red solo cups littering the yard and the awesome music blasting from their house, I could tell this was going to be one of the better parties of the year. We headed inside and I went straight to the kitchen looking for the hard stuff. No way beer was going to do it for me tonight. I needed a night to forget everything and just have fun.

  After a few shots of Tequila, the memories faded to nothing and I wanted to keep taking shots to make it stay that way. “Slow down before I have to carry your ass back.” Stella staid while she sipped the same beer she got when we first came in a hour ago.

  “Good luck with that, you’ll need a tow truck to get her fat ass home.” Awesome, the wicked bitch has graced us with her appearance tonight.

  “Oh you’re off from work tonight?” I asked Chanel.

  “I don’t have a job idiot. Cheerleading and the sorority is a full time commitment, something losers wouldn’t know.”

  “My bad, I thought I saw you on the corner last night asking some old dude to suck his dick for cash.”

  “Pretty sure that was your mother. Oh wait, she’s dead.” One moment we are insulting each other and the next my fist is barreling towards her face. Chanel grabbed her face in shock, but that was only for a second. The sick bitch smiled and said, “You’re going to regret that.” I tried to go after her again, but was held back by some dude.

  “Not here. If you can’t calm yourself, you got to leave little girl.” The big dude said and then turned to Stella. “Hey, you made it!”

  “Yes I did. Now can you please let go of my friend?” He instantly let me drop to the floor and gave a hug to Stella. Why out of all the guys in school she picks a douche bag.

  “Hey douche! I’m Madison.” I was somehow on the ground with my arm raised for a fist bump. I guess I had no filter nor any sense to get off the disgusting floor.

  “Madison! Excuse her, she needs to let off some steam and apparently lost her manners on the way.”

  “It’s ok and it’s Brad by the way, not douche. You wanna dance Stells?” Stella hated that nick name and he didn’t even give her a chance to answer. He ended up dragging her onto t
he dance floor and she looked panicked. I gave her a wave to let her know I’m alright and grabbed another drink while heading out to the back yard for some much needed air.

  I found myself a nice empty lounge chair by the pool where others are in their own private conversations. I chugged the vodka down and closed my eyes, needing a moment to relax. Next thing I know, my chair is in the air and I’m flying into the ice cold pool. The fear inside me rose because I had no idea how to swim.

  Growing up I never learned how to swim. The Montgomery’s had a pool, but I was too embarrassed to tell Jude I couldn’t swim. When I mustered up the courage to try and teach myself, I saw Mrs. Montgomery fucking the pool boy. Never again did I go to the pool.

  Of course I would be thrown in the deep in and the panic sets in. I’m barely able to keep myself a float and I feel myself starting to sink. Out of the all the people at this party, how is no one realizing I’m drowning? I feel myself hit the bottom and never did I think this would be the way I go out. My heart is racing while my head is pounding. I feel my lungs burning while I’m struggling to get air. Right when I feel my eyes start to close, I feel someone grabbing me and pulling me up to the surface. I gasp for air and start spitting the water out when I hear a bunch of girls laughing. I never heard of someone drowning being funny, but when I look and see Chanel’s smiling face, I shouldn’t be surprised.

  “Awh look everyone, it’s a drowned rat!” All the girls in her group decided to dump their drinks on me and I have no energy left to defend myself. I look over to the guy who saved me to thank him, but what I see is an angry wet Jude next to me.

  “Learn to swim already.”, was all he said to me before taking his shirt off to ring out. I don’t know what shocks me more when I see him without a shirt, the tattoo of our willow tree with a black bird flying from it on his side or the scars all over his back. He catches me staring at him and instantly throws his shirt back on and storms inside.

  I can’t even process what I saw between the tattoo about our nicknames and the heavy scar lines all over his back. I could still hear Chanel rambling off her insults, but I couldn’t listen to her with my head going back and forth between his tattoos and those deep scars. I should go home, but the need to find out won. I walked away from Chanel without a second thought and went to go look for Jude. Of course the first person I run into is Knox. Weird, I thought they were all suppose to be working tonight.

  “Babe! Why are you soaking wet?” He grabs me by the arms, looking me over in concern.

  “I got thrown in the pool. Did you see Jude?” The concern look is wiped off Knox’s face and replaced with a look of jealousy.

  “Why was he wet too? Did he do something to you? I swear Madison, I don’t care that he’s my best friend and roommate, I’ll beat the shit out of him if he hurt you.”

  “No he didn’t hurt me. Obviously you seen him and I don’t have time for twenty questions.” I pushed past Knox getting lost in the party, but hearing him yell for me to come back. I made my way to the front door where I bumped into Stella.

  “Have you seen Jude?”

  “Oh my god Madison, what happened?” Stella broke away from Brad’s embrace and you can tell I wasn’t his biggest fan.

  “Chanel pushed me in the pool and Jude jumped in to save me, I need to find him.” I looked all over the living room and saw no sight of him.

  “Excuse my language, but what a fucking bitch. He went out the front door. Do you want me to come with?”

  “No you have fun and I’ll call you if I need you.” I caught Brad smiling down at Stella and she looked happy. I hope he is a good guy and isn’t a douchebag like I called it. She deserves to meet the right guy that is going to treat her right.

  When I rushed out the door, I ran right into a wet back. “Figured you would come running to find me. You’re welcome.”

  “What do you mean you’re welcome!” Sometimes Jude’s sarcasm can really get under my skin.

  “Knowing you, you would have walked all the way to my house to get your answers to your questions that you need to know tonight. I know for a fact you will never leave me alone until you get them, so you’re welcome I saved you from your long, cold walk.”

  “You know what maybe I don’t give two shits about you or what I saw. Maybe I was actually heading home.”

  “I’m sure, come on.” He started heading towards his car and part of me wanted to show him I wasn’t looking for him, but I can’t pass up a chance of finding out so I went with him.

  When we got in the car, he turned to me and said, “If you’re going to ask me questions than you have to do something for me in return.”

  “Ok what do you want?” I was starting to get nervous since he mostly hated me. God knows what he wanted in return from me.

  “You’ll see.” I was starting to dread my decision of following him until I noticed we pulled up to the university.

  “What are we doing here?” I would expect him to take me to the woods so he can kill me and hide my dead body, not take me back to school.

  “Come on.” He started walking towards the back of the fitness center.

  “Are we breaking in?”

  “Do you ever stop asking questions?”

  “Yeah I would if you just told me in the first place what we are doing.” He opened the bottom window and slipped in. I was starting to have second thoughts about this, but he held out his hand for me and I took it without another thought. When I finally got inside, he started walking towards the pool.

  “No way!” I started to go back out the window, but he grabbed my hand pulling me forward.

  “Hear me out first. I always figured you avoided the pool because of Mrs. Montgomery, but I had no idea you couldn’t swim. Now that Chanel knows, you need to learn how to and I am going to teach you.” He was right, but can Chanel be really that sick in the head to do that again?

  “I doubt she will shove me in now that she knows I can’t swim.”

  “Madison, one thing you should have learned as a foster kid, never expect people to do the right thing. Underneath she’s a jealous, vindictive bitch who would have left you to drown and then tried playing the hero by saving you a minute too late.”

  “Ok maybe you are right. She is a bitch for sure, but I don’t think to the point of being a murderer.”

  “Stop being naïve. She was laughing at you drowning while one of her clones was begging her to jump in. When Chanel refused, the girl went to jump in for you, but Chanel held her back.” I knew there were people full of evil, but I never thought someone who barely knew me would go to those lengths.

  “Thank you.” I could tell Jude was telling me the truth and for once I felt like the old Jude was back. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He looked unaffected, but his cheeks turning red proved otherwise.

  “Come on, I promise you for this one night as long as your question isn’t about the past, I won’t let you drown.” I really wanted to know why he left without saying goodbye or the fact the he now hates me, but drowning once tonight was enough. I nodded my head agreeing because he really made a point about Chanel tonight. That’s one weakness I don’t need her taking advantage of.

  “We didn’t bring bathing suits, maybe we should just do this tomorrow.” We couldn’t turn the lights on, so it made pool look dark and super creepy. When I looked behind me, he started to undress completely.

  “The water is heated, we don’t need clothes.” He slipped off his briefs and I couldn’t look away if I tried.

  He stared at me with heated eyes ready to see what my next move was. I took my leather jacket off and my booties first, but when I got to my dress I couldn’t get the zipper down. “Can you help me with this?” Jude didn’t respond, but came over to help me. He placed his hand on the small of my back and used the other to pull down the zipper. My breath caught and I felt like my heart was going to explode from the tension between us. He started caressing my naked back and made a sound when he realized I wasn’t wearing a
bra or underwear. When I dropped my dress and stepped out of it, he bit his lip and went over to the edge of the pool looking tensed up.

  “Ok what next?” I walked over to him and he immediately dived into the pool.

  When Jude came up for air he said, “Most people learn when they get thrown in that they have to stay afloat and swim to keep alive. You on the other hand will just accept it and sink.”

  “Hey I tried my best, but I honestly never been in a pool before.”

  “Ok little bird, but you need to keep fighting. When I looked over to see what all the noise was, I saw you just give up. No matter what, you keep fighting. Now I want you to lower yourself into the pool and I will hold on to you.” He was right. I accepted that I was going to die and I gave up trying to stay alive. The feeling of being scared that I was so willing to accept it, didn’t make me feel so good. With that feeling, I decided I never want to feel that again, so I willing did what Jude asked me to do.

  “Here goes nothing.” I mumbled to myself. I sat down on the ledge in front of him and slowly started to slide in. Surprisingly, Jude was encouraging me that I could do it. It felt good to have my old Jude back even if it’s just for now.

  When I got half way in, the panic started to set in. “I can’t do this!” I shouted and started to pull my body back up, but Jude kept hold of my hips. He started slowing moving his fingers in circles while telling me, “We all have fears, but there are types of people who face them and there are people who will run away. What type of person are you going to be?”

  I nodded my head and slid myself completely in the water. “Good girl.” Jude whispers in my ear and for a moment I forget I am in the water. My body goes relax and so does his, resulting in us letting go of each other. When he pulls me back up, I feel my arms are in a tight lock around his neck and my legs are squeezing his waist. When I looked down at him, his eyes are squeezed shut.


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