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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

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by Kait Rose

  “Oh my god! Why in the hell are your eyes closed? I already drowned once and almost drown just seconds ago, I am not going for a third time tonight.”

  “Relax! I didn’t really think this through.” When I started to think what he meant by that, I slid down just a little more and realized what he was talking about.

  “You need to relax, obviously.” I couldn’t help, but let a little giggle out. He may hate me, but his body definitely doesn’t hate me.

  He cleared his throat and said, “Ok let’s get started. I am first going to teach you the basics from floating to finally swimming.”

  He first started with teaching me how to float. He held me in his arms while I stretched my whole body out. I could feel him staring at my naked breasts and before I knew it, he had his mouth on them. His tongue swirled around my right nipple, making it hard. When I thought he would move on to my next, he surprised me with a bite. I felt myself get wet even though we were in the water. He played with them for a few minutes and I was ready to say fuck the swimming lessons for tonight, but the next thing I knew he snapped out of it. I cleared my throat to get rid of any trace of a lust sound.

  He shook his head and let go of me and surprisingly I was floating on my own. “I’m doing it!” I said excitingly.

  From there he kept things completely professional with teaching me from the embarrassingly doggy paddle to basic strokes. After an hour I was finally able to swim. I started to shout, “I can swim!” Jude started to chuckle giving me a thumbs up. I swam across the pool and met him under the dive board.

  “I know you’re dying to ask me, but for tonight can it not be about what you saw?” I wanted to ask if he meant the tattoo that was about us or the scars all over his back, but obviously that’s what he meant. As much as I wanted to know, I respected him for asking me not too. I know all to well about not wanting to talk about your secrets because of the pain it brings along with it.

  “Are you still drawing?” It was a simple yet common question that I could have asked any other time, but it was something so important to him that I hoped he never gave it up.

  “That’s your question?” He asked shocked while I nodded my head yes. He then continued to say, “Yeah I never stopped.”

  I put my hand on the side of his face and said, “I’m happy that’s one thing that was never ruined for you.” The Montgomery’s tore us down on a daily basis, but especially Mr. Montgomery on Jude’s art.

  The next thing I know, he has his fingers tangled in my hair and his mouth pressed against mine. His tongue was inside my mouth like he couldn’t get enough of me. I felt the same way and pulled him in tighter. He broke the kiss and said, “Hold on tight.” I squeeze my legs around his waist and I felt how hard he was getting.

  I was lost in our kiss and I didn’t realize he sat me up on the ledge of the pool until his mouth wasn’t on mine anymore. Jude started to leave a trail of kisses from my ankle until he reached my thighs. I was leaning back on my arms breathing heavy when he opened my legs up and pressed another kiss inside my thigh. I was lost in him and I hope he wouldn’t stop this time. When his mouth met my core, my heart stopped. I never got this intimate before not even with Knox. The idea of a guy having his mouth down there always made me nervous. With Jude though, it just felt right. He was a man who knew what he was doing and thank god for that. I haven’t had an orgasm by someone other than my vibrator in god knows how long.

  I felt my heart starting to speed with every swirling lick, blow of air, and nibble that before I knew it, I felt myself coming in his mouth. I thought he would remove his mouth, but he sucked on my pussy until my body stopped shaking.

  “Get out of the water.” I don’t care if I need to beg, I felt the heat inside me stirring up again and I knew I may never get another chance with Jude.

  He got out, picked me up, and started walking towards the girl’s locker room. When he walked in, he made his way into the coach’s office where she had a couch. Jude laid me on it and then flipped me onto my knees with my ass up in the air facing him. He got behind me and cracked me hard on the ass. I had rough sex before, but this time I was more turned on than I ever was before. Jude gave me a few more slaps on the ass with kisses in between. I felt myself dripping and I was more than ready to feel him inside me.

  “Are you sure?” Jude started rubbing his cock up and down my slit and I couldn’t even speak, so I nodded my head eagerly.

  “Are you going to be a good girl and take my whole cock?” I gasped from the feeling of his cock sliding up and down my slit. I barely could breathe, let alone talk, so I forced my ass back making his cock go all the way in. We both stilled, only our heavy breathing could be heard. I needed more of him, so I moved forward and then slammed myself back on his cock. This stirred something in him because the next thing I know he’s sucking on my neck while he is thrusting in and out of me. I felt myself ready to shatter again and my walls starting to tighten around his dick. He flips me on my back and started to suck on my nipples. From the licking and biting my nipples and his cock hitting the right spot, I felt another orgasm coming. My nails were biting into his skin while I felt the waves of it rushing through me. I felt my arousal dripping all over his dick and he must have too. Jude gave one more final thrust and we laid there staring at each other not knowing what to do or say next.

  Any other time I hooked up with a guy, we finished and would lay with each other for awhile. I knew not to expect much from a guy who apparently hated me, but I didn’t think I would get the cold shoulder so soon. Jude pulled out and when he realized he didn’t have a condom on, he punched the wall screaming, “Fuck! Madison I didn’t use a condom. I never fucking do that!” Honestly, me either. Thank god for the pill.

  “Relax, I am on the pill. I take it every day and on time, so no worries.” I took the towel he threw at me and wrapped it around myself.

  “Relax? No worries? Are you fucking kidding me! How many guys have you let fuck you without one?”

  “For one, I am more responsible than you. Two, how in the hell did you forget? How about how many girls have you fucked without one? Should I get tested now?” It was a jab, but I was seriously getting pissed off. Yes we were irresponsible, but I don’t think I should be getting yelled at right after like it was my idea not to use one.

  “No, I always used one. Now get dressed and I’ll drop you off at your place.” Jude walked out of the office without a glance back. How is it I had the best sex I ever had, but all I feel is alone. I hurried up to him, wanting nothing more to get the hell out of here and back to my place.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  I was an asshole. I go from hating Madison and wanting her to leave to fucking her in the coach’s office. I thought if I fucked her, she would be out of my system but it just made me crave her more. After we got done and she looked up at me with all that hope in her eyes that things would be different for us, I had to remind myself again what her past actions did to me.

  Six years ago…

  After being kicked out of the Montgomery’s house, I was sent to live with Mr. and Mrs. Dolan and their two young sons. When Mr. Brennan, and I pulled up to their house, it was a little farm house out in the woods. It wasn’t as nice as the Montgomery’s, but I’m just happy to have a roof over my head.

  “This is your last chance. You’ll be eighteen soon and it was hard enough now to find a family to take you in. Next time you get kicked out, it was right to an all boys home a few hours away.” Mr. Brennan said. He has been my social worker since the time I was handed over to the state when they found me alone in a fast food restaurant. I never knew my mother or father, but the girl who found me decided to name me Jude since the Beatle’s song, “Hey Jude”, was playing when she found me. The last name Tyler came from her favorite Rockstar, Steven Tyler. I always wondered if my mother, father, or who ever left me, actually gave me a name.

  “Yep.” I had no words for him. After all these years, you think he would at l
east ask me for my side of things. I don’t know what hurts the most, having no one in my corner or no one giving a shit about what happens to me. I made myself a promise right there and then that I will only ever look out for myself and myself only. The girl who I thought was my ride or die was worst than any of them. At least everyone else shows their true colors. They don’t try to pretend to care about me like she did. She had me so fooled, making me believe she was this innocent angel instead of the devil she was. Well sweet Madison, we will meet again one day and I’ll show you exactly who the devil is.

  We got out of his car without another word and headed toward the Dolan’s front door. When he knocked on their door, we were greeted with two people who can pass off as the couple from the painting, American Gothic.

  “Oh honey, isn’t he just adorable!” Mrs. Dolan gushed and her equally creepy husband just kept smiling and nodding. Where the hell am I?

  “Come on in slugger.” Dear god. Mr. Dolan waved me in and Mr. Brennan retreated back to his car without even a good bye. The guy never even cracked a smile in all the years I know him, but I at least expected a good bye from him.

  When I walked into their house it looked outdated, but at least clean. The floral couches were wrapped in clear plastic and the wall paper looked like it was still the same from when the house was first built. There wasn’t even a television insight, but only an old fashion radio. It felt like I stepped back in time to the fifties. They showed me the rest of the house while listing off all the rules I must follow to be able to stay. Some of the rules were completely ridiculous like bed at eight. What am I seven? Mr. Dolan went as far as to ban me from masturbating because that is giving into Satan. What a load of shit.

  After the tour was over, they introduced me to the shining twins, John and Peter. They acted like they were grown men instead of ten year old boys. They had their hair slicked back, dress shirt and slacks with suspenders, and had zero toys in their room. Something was feeling off and I pray I wasn’t right.

  Through out the week they had me on a strict routine. Wake up at six in the morning for morning prayer, seven have breakfast, bible study until lunch at noon, study the scriptures until dinner time at five sharp, and gospel music until bed time at eight. I was living in my own hell, but I tried to remind myself it was better than living in a all boys home across the state.

  After days of this routine, I was ready to kill myself. I needed a normal night and decided on Saturday I needed to sneak out before I actually decide killing myself was the better alternative. I couldn’t take another day of having their religion shoved down my throat. I never really believed in God because if there was such a God, why was I born to a mother who never wanted me and the rest of the families I’ve been placed with got ride of me the first chance they could. Even Madison eventually grew tired of me and honestly that hurt the most.

  It was Saturday at ten at night and everyone was asleep including the creepy twins. Luckily my room was right next to a tree. I opened the window quietly and was able to jump into the tree with barely a sound. I shimmied down the tree and was able to make a run out onto the dirt road. I was about a thirty minute run from town, but it was worth it.

  The run wasn’t bad since I was able to get my frustration out and try my best to clear my head of Madison. Honestly, I might need to take up running since it beats the hell out of staying inside thinking about everything. For once I was able to turn off all the noise going on inside my head.

  When I got into town, I went straight for the nearest tattoo shop. I had a fake ID that I got from a kid at baseball camp and I knew exactly what I wanted. “Can I help you?” The brunette at the counter asked.

  “Yes, I was hoping you can squeeze me in. I want to get this tattoo on my side.” I pushed over the drawing I sketched secretly at night.

  “Ok let me go talk to the owner to see if he has time.” She walked back and in a few minutes came out and said, “You’re in luck. Our owner, Ben, has a spot open tonight. When he finishes with his client, he’ll come out and give you a quote. Fill out these while you wait and I’ll need your ID.” Easy enough, but hopefully it wouldn’t be more than three hundred dollars. I stole it from the Montgomery’s right before I had to leave. In my opinion, if I was going to get thrown out for being a thief than I figured I better steal something so there is at least a reason. It was bad thinking, but at this point I didn’t give a shit.

  “Yo, did you really sketch this?” A guy in his thirties, covered in tattoos from head to feet, came out holding my sketch who I’m assuming is Ben.

  “Uh yeah. I’m sorry I drew most of it in the dark over the week. If you want to touch it up that’s fine with me.” I was always shy showing my art work. The only person I ever showed it to was Madison.

  “No man, this tree looks so realistic! Are you an artist?”

  “I sketch on my free time.”

  “Well next time you’re around, I would love to take a look at your sketch book. I need an artist with some creative ideas and by the look of your drawing, I feel like you maybe have what I’m looking for.” I never thought anyone would be interested in my drawings let alone a tattoo artist. I nodded my head eagerly and told him I would come back next Saturday around this time with my book.

  “Great! I’m the owner, Ben, and I will work out a deal with you. I’ll do this for two hundred dollars if you promise to come back and sketch me a few new pieces.”

  “Deal.” I shook his hand and he lead me to the back where it took a few hours and a lot of pain to finally finish it.

  “Can I ask you why you drew this?” Ben hardly spoke the entire time he was tattooing me. I had a feeling he knew there was a story to this tattoo and that surprised me.

  “It was a tree that felt like home and my little bird decided to fly away from it instead of staying with me.” It was the best I could do to explain it. It still was painful to think of what Madison did to us. Even though we are young, I always thought Madison was my forever. She was the only one who ever made me feel like I had a home and I’m not talking about the Montgomery’s house. Through the foster homes before theirs and the ones after, I never felt like I was at home. Whenever I was near Madison, I felt like I finally found my home. She brought out the real me where I wasn’t afraid to hide my feelings on being abandoned. I was able to talk to her with ease and there was never a day that went by that I didn’t want to be around her. She made me feel like I had a purpose and she destroyed all that in one night.

  Ben just nodded while he bandaged me up. I respected that he took my explanation as what it was and didn’t ask any questions. He was someone I can see myself getting along with, so I promised him I will definitely come back next Saturday night.

  For a few weekends, I would sneak over every night at the same time and sketch him drawings for his clients. Word got out and some people were even requesting me to draw up their ideas. I loved doing it and it was the only time I was happy. I got to do something I love that people would have permanently marked on them, forever having my art. I could honestly see myself wanting to do this for a living and hopefully Ben one day will teach me how to. Things were finally starting to look up until the next weekend that is.

  It was a usual Saturday night. I waited for everyone to fall asleep to sneak out my window and down the tree. I did just that, but was met with Mr. Dolan waiting in the dark at the bottom.

  “The boys said they kept seeing someone running at night and look at that, they were right.” I didn’t know what to say, but just nodded. There was no point in denying it, I was caught red handed.

  “Come on.” Surprisingly that is all that was said, but my gut was saying it was the calm before the storm.

  I followed him into the house and he gestured me down to the basement. I didn’t want to be kicked out again, so I went down the stairs without questioning what we were doing. As soon as I got off the last step, all I heard was a heavy thump before darkness filled my eyes.

  “Wake up!” It sounded li
ke Mr. Dolan screaming, but with my ears ringing and my eyes heavy to the point I could barely open them, I wasn’t sure. I was confused as to what was happening until I opened my eyes fully.

  I was in only my boxers and laying on a bare mattress. I tried to get off it, but my arms and legs were bound by chains. It was completely dark besides the lantern Mrs. Dolan was holding. I started to feel the panic rise in me and I feared what was going to come next.

  “I swear get me the fuck out of these chains right now!” I yelled and my head repaid me by thumping louder.

  “Dear child, you don’t even know.” Mrs. Dolan said while Mr. Dolan stormed up the stairs.

  “I don’t know what?” I was so confused as to what was even going on and why I was chained up.

  “We agreed to foster you in hopes that you were a decedent of Saint Jude the Apostle, but based on your behavior and the mark of Satan on your side, we know that we need to release the Devil inside you to free you.” I thought I’ve seen crazy, but this woman is on a totally different planet.

  “I was named after a Beatle song when they found me! That mark is a tattoo that many people in this world have. Listen, I think you honestly need help. Just let me go, ok?”

  “Sorry, but we now know why God put you in our path and that is to save you.” Without another word, she turned and headed back upstairs. I never felt so confused and lost in my entire life.

  I spent what seemed like a whole day down here on this mattress. There was no windows, so I couldn’t tell how much time passed besides going off of the footsteps I heard upstairs. When I couldn’t hear anyone walking anymore, I figured it must be eight o’clock. I feared what was going to happen tonight. They were mentally ill if they thought they were doing the right thing by chaining me down here.

  I started to feel drowsy and right when I closed my eyes I heard foot steps coming towards the basement door. It was both Mr. and Mrs. Dolan. He was carrying a whip, while she was holding a bible and a bottle of Holy Water. I never prayed to God before on my own will, but right now I prayed to him I would survive whatever they had in mind.


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