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Burn for Me

Page 25

by Lea Coll

  “Always. I’m always wet for you.”

  Logan groaned, pulling his hand away, as he closed the door and jogged around to the driver’s side.

  My head dropped back on the seat behind me. I wanted more. I couldn’t wait to get home.

  With one hand on the steering wheel as he drove out of the parking lot, his other hand went to my thigh, squeezing. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.”

  He stopped at a red light, leaning over to kiss me. “Do you feel like you’re seventeen yet?”

  I laughed as he turned his attention back to the road when the light turned green. “Prom, making out in a truck. That’s not exactly how I spent high school, but I like it.”

  “Are you on birth control?” he asked, his hand moving from my thigh to my hand.

  “Yes, and I’m clean.”

  “Good. I want nothing between us,” he glanced at me, “if that’s okay?”

  “Of course.” I squeezed my thighs together to relieve the ache at the thought of him inside me and nothing between us.

  He came to a stop in front of my apartment. I opened the door and slid out before he could come around to help me. Closing the door, he grabbed my hand, pulling me up the stairs. I lifted my dress so I wouldn’t slip as we hurried.

  I almost dropped the keys trying to open the door because my hands were shaking so badly. I was desperate to be skin to skin with him. He finally took the keys from me and pushed the door open for me to walk in first. At his questioning look when we were greeted with an empty apartment, I said, “Bailey’s at Emma’s.”

  “Good,” he said, his lips on mine. I’d grown addicted to him, his kisses, his smell. He pulled away slightly. “You know I love you, right?”

  I smiled at the sweet way he’d stopped as if he couldn’t continue without telling me. “You said something about that.” But I’d never tire of hearing it. Then I unzipped my dress, letting it pool at my feet as I stepped out of it. I unsnapped my bra, letting the straps fall down my arms, and dropped it to the floor between us. My eyes watched his the whole time as he tracked my moves.

  “Let me,” he insisted when my hands went to my hips to remove my panties. My nipples brushed the stiff cotton of his button-down shirt and I whimpered at the sensation. He slowly lowered my thong down my legs as he knelt in front of me. I stepped out of my thong as he pulled one of my legs over his shoulder, his mouth right there where I needed him most. “Logan!” I cried as he sucked my clit into his mouth. His hands were on my ass as he pulled me closer to him and my hands went into his hair to hold on.

  “OhmyGodOhmyGod.” I’d never experienced anything like this before. The sensations of being naked in my living room, a clothed Logan at my feet, and struggling to stay upright, I was barreling quickly to an orgasm. He pushed a finger into my pussy as I moaned, his tongue circling my clit. “Logan! Logan!” I screamed as the orgasm crashed through me, he held onto me so I wouldn’t collapse.

  He slowly lowered me to the floor where I lay spread eagle on the carpet, the fibers rough on my back. “You’re beautiful.”

  I couldn’t say anything or I’d choke on the emotion welling in my throat.

  He quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled his pants and briefs off. Then he was leaning over me and kissing me, my legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer until I felt his cock rubbing my pussy. It felt so good to have nothing between us.

  “Now, Logan.” His cock teased my entrance until he finally moved into me slowly inch by inch.

  He groaned when he was in to the hilt. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you. So much,” he said, as he claimed my mouth again. I held nothing back, meeting his tongue with every stroke. I was lost in the burn of the carpet on my back, his cock filling me up, and his hand cupping my breast.

  He ripped his mouth from mine, claiming my nipple.

  I cried out his name as his teeth grazing my nipples sent me over.

  He hummed against my breast, not pausing to respond.

  Once the aftershocks slowed, I watched as he continued to thrust and groaned his release into my neck. I held him tight to me, filled with emotion—love for this man, a sense of rightness that I was where I was supposed to be.

  Then he ran kisses up my neck to my mouth. “Love you so much.”

  “Love you too.” A tear dropped down my cheek.

  “What’s this?” he asked, rubbing it from my cheek as he shifted back on his heels, lifting me to straddle his lap.

  “It’s just—I didn’t think you’d come back. And now you love me? I’m a little overwhelmed.” I admitted, more tears falling down my face.

  He wiped the tears away with his thumb and then kissed my cheek. “I am too, gorgeous. But we’re together now.” He held me tightly until I’d stopped crying.

  “I need to clean up.” I lifted myself off of him on shaky legs.

  “Love that ass,” he said as I walked away from him.

  “Do you love the rug burn on there too?” I shot him a saucy look over my shoulder.

  “Sorry about that. I couldn’t wait to be inside you.”

  “You won’t hear me complain.”

  When I was done in the bathroom, Logan was waiting for me in bed. He held up the sheets as I slid under them, snuggling up to him.

  After he was quiet for a few minutes, I felt his breath on my hair. “Since we went to the prom tonight, I’ll ask officially. Ashley, will you be my girlfriend?” When I was quiet, he added, “Until I ask you to marry me?”

  I tilted my head up to meet his eyes. “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend, but we’ll have to see about the marriage part,” I teased.

  He rolled me onto my back, so he hovered over me. “You don’t stand a chance. Once I want something, I go after it and I always get what I want.”

  My hands went to his butt, squeezing. “I do too. Don’t forget that.”

  “Christ, you’re my match in every way.” Then he was kissing me, running his hands over my body, working me up again. He made love to me, slowly rocking into me after teasing me over and over again.

  THAT MONDAY, LOGAN AND I were called into the conference room. All of the partners were present. This was it. Which one of us was worthy of working at Gunner, Thompson & Anderson? Logan wanted to quit to work at his dad’s firm, but I was more than a little curious to hear Gunner’s choice. Logan and I might be in a relationship, but the desire to come out on top hadn’t lessened.

  “We’ve decided on who will be in the partner-track position.” Richard paused, looking at both of us. “We’ve decided to offer it to both of you. You’ve both done an excellent job since you started. We realize that some of the issues over the last few months were orchestrated by Sadie Cole and she no longer works here. Congratulations, but the hard work doesn’t stop here.”

  I was surprised they chose both of us. But maybe they did so to ensure we’d compete against each other.

  “That’s great. We’re honored to have been considered,” Logan said.

  I raised my eyebrow at Logan and mouthed, “We?”

  He smirked in response.

  We fought and challenged each other.

  “What Logan is trying to say is that we’ve accepted a position at Gray & Gray. This is our two weeks notice.”

  “Logan, you said you’d never work for your dad,” Richard sputtered, realizing they’d hired three attorneys and now had none.

  “Richard, your billable hours exceed the best firms in Baltimore and even D.C. You know that. Those firms pay their attorneys six figures. You have no intention of paying us what we’re worth.”

  I almost laughed at Richard’s shock and confusion. “Is it so hard to believe I wouldn’t want to work here? I was asked if I was married during my interview. I was told repeatedly I didn’t have time for a relationship, a family. Jillian works nights to see her children.” I gestured at her.

  I stood up because I was so done. “Logan has his reasons for not working here. But this firm is no place for a
woman. It’s a good old boys’ club at its worst. And that’s your loss because I’m a talented, hard-working attorney.” I walked out of the conference room, feeling lighter than I had in months.

  “Did you do it?” Kelli asked as I walked by her desk.

  “Do what?”

  “Quit. I’ve been waiting for you to tell them to stick it for a while now. I figured Cal offered you a job?”

  I laughed. “I did, but I didn’t tell them where to stick it.” Even if I wanted to.

  “You did, just not in so many words,” Logan said from behind me.

  I turned to face him.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Logan said.

  “I am too.” I never thought I’d be so happy to quit a job.

  “Want to go to lunch and celebrate?” Logan asked.

  “Yes. That sounds awesome.”

  “Hey, it’s only eleven in the morning.” Kelli gestured at the large piles of work on her desk.

  “We don’t need to meet the billable hours anymore,” I said as I grabbed my purse and followed Logan out.

  Logan pulled me into his side, kissing my head. “Seriously, you’re amazing. Reminded me of a certain dragon queen who emerged from a burning building.”

  “Really? A Game of Thrones reference?”

  At his answering cocky grin, I shook my head. “What happened after I left?”

  “Nothing, really. They were shocked. I think they’re used to new attorneys just being happy they have a job. So they’ll put up with anything. No one calls them on their shitty behavior.”

  “You didn’t say anything?”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I stood up and said, ‘I quit too.’ It was a little anti-climatic after your exit.”

  “I bet.” We’d walked down Lawyer’s Row until the corner of Cross Street where Logan grabbed my hand, pulling me to a stop next to him.

  Logan gestured at the large glass window where the gold lettering read Gray & Gray while still holding on to my other hand. “Are you ready to run Gray, Gray & Cook, Ms. Partner?”

  I smiled. “It certainly has a nice ring to it, but it might sound better if Cook came first.”

  He tugged me forward until I was flush against him. “One day, it will be Gray, Gray, & Gray.”

  “Wow. You’re confident in your proposal skills.”

  “I’m not going to lie; I worry that when I ask you to marry me one day, you’ll say no, just to be stubborn.”

  “Someone has to keep you on your toes. You can’t have your way all of the time.”

  “Even if my way is mutually beneficial?”

  “All you need to know is my way is the only way.” I smiled at the man who made me feel like the only woman in his world. He loved me for the person I was—not for my success. It was a heady feeling.

  “You’re everything I didn’t know I wanted.”

  My eyes teared up. “That’s exactly how I feel.”

  “Never stop challenging me; never stop fighting me. It only makes me love you more.”

  I went up on tiptoes to kiss him, lightly nipping his lower lip, and then I pulled away slightly. “That’s not a problem.”

  Then he smiled big enough for his dimples to show and winked at me. “You can’t resist all of this,” he said gesturing to himself.

  “I totally can.” I smacked his hard-as-a-rock stomach and walked away from him. “Watch me.”

  “Challenge accepted.” He ran up behind me, his arms circling my waist and hugging me to him. I twisted in his arms, finding his mouth. As our tongues tangled with each other I forgot what we were talking about, but I knew he’d always accept every challenge I set and I wouldn’t scare him off by being me. I was enough.

  One year later

  WE WERE GATHERED AROUND THE fire pit in Logan’s backyard celebrating my officially moving in with him the next day. Twinkling lights stretched between poles at the corners of the patio, the flames from the tiki torches blowing in the breeze, and music drifting from a Bluetooth speaker on the table. Bailey was asleep at our feet.

  “When are you getting married?” Samantha asked Emma and Luke. “You were engaged first.”

  “Gosh, we don’t have a date planned yet,” Emma said. “With Luke being so new as sheriff, he wanted to settle in first. We already live together, so there’s no rush.”

  “Let’s not wait too long, though,” Luke said, pulling her in closer to his side as they sat on a bench in front of the fire.

  “What about you guys?” Emma asked Samantha and Jack.

  Samantha smiled, looking at Jack. “We’re waiting for the construction at the marina to be done so we can get married at the waterfront.”

  “That’s a great idea!” I said, excited for them.

  “Yeah, it will be beautiful,” Samantha said.

  “So, now you’re the only one who’s single,” Luke said to Sawyer.

  “Stella’s single too,” Emma said.

  My phone buzzed.

  On my way back to your place. See you soon. Stella’s message said.

  “Didn’t you guys ride over together this morning?” Emma asked.

  “We did,” Sawyer said.

  I typed, k, back to Stella, happy she could make it. She’d covered an event at the high school.

  I sat next to Logan on a bench facing the back of the house while Jack and Samantha sat cuddled on a bench with deep blue and white patterned cushions, and the others sat on blue and white wooden Adirondack chairs they’d surprised us with today as a housewarming present. The fire crackled and radiated warmth as I watched my friends joke and laugh. This was it. This was life.

  “Have you ever considered dating Stella?” Samantha asked as I watched Sawyer’s response.

  Sawyer sighed and shook his head. “No man, she’s too much for me. She’s impulsive and loud. I need a nice, quiet—” At my gasp, Sawyer’s eyes shot to mine. “Not that she’s not nice—shit, I didn’t mean—”

  My eyes were drawn to movement above Sawyer’s head. Stella stood just inside the open sliding screen door to the backyard. From the shocked and hurt look on her face, she’d heard every word. Logan placed another log on the fire, causing it to spark and the logs to shift. “I’ll get the makings for S’mores.” I jumped up, wanting to get to Stella before anyone noticed she was here.

  I slowly made my way around everyone, but by the time I reached the steps, Stella no longer stood in the doorway.

  I hurried inside looking for her. Hearing the front door open, I ran down the hallway, “Stella, wait!”

  She stood at the door, holding it open, one foot on the porch. “What?” she asked, not looking at me.

  “Don’t listen to him. He didn’t mean anything by it.” I didn’t know what he meant, but I didn’t want my friend to be hurt. “Please stay.” Her friendship meant so much to me and I needed to be there for her.

  “I can’t tonight.” She stepped onto the porch but hesitated. “What he said is true. I’m too much for most people.” Then she jogged down the porch steps, got into her car, and drove away. I stood, watching the rear lights of her car disappear down the street.

  “Where’s Stella?” Emma asked as I softly closed the front door and made my way back to the kitchen.

  “She couldn’t make it.”

  “Today’s the day,” Logan said the next morning as we stood on his large front porch. Luke and Emma were in the moving van transporting my stuff with Stella and Sawyer following them. Jack and Samantha stopped at her bakery to pick up more coffee and baked goods for snacks. So we had a few minutes alone.

  “Are you going to let me in or did you change your mind?” I asked, unsure, my eyes going from him to the door, which remained closed and locked.

  “I need to give you something first.”

  What could he need to give me? Bailey was already in the house waiting for us. “Logan?” I asked as he placed the box he held on the porch and dropped to one knee in front of me.

  “I’ve been waiting for this day since we met.”
He pulled a navy colored velvet box from his back pocket and held it out in front of him. My hands flew to my face and I sucked in a sharp breath. “Will you live with me forever?”

  I tilted my head to the side a little confused by his choice of words. Was this a proposal or something else? “Um, yes? That’s what we’re doing here. The moving truck is on its way. My lease is over at my apartment.” It would be a bad time to back out of this arrangement.

  He popped open the box and a key was nestled in the cushion.

  I slowly lowered my hands; disappointment filling me. For a second, I thought he was going to propose. “Ah. My key?”

  “Yes.” He pulled the key out of the box and handed it to me. My heart thudded in my chest and my hands shook as I took the key from him. I hadn’t expected a proposal before he’d dropped to one knee. We’d discussed moving in together for months and waited until my lease was almost up to officially move.

  He hadn’t mentioned marriage. I assumed that was something we’d discuss and plan for once we’d moved in together. His gesture was sweet, so why was I so crushed? He’d propose; eventually, I was sure of it. It didn’t have to be now. We were planners.

  I heard the large moving van pull down the street and into Logan’s—no, our—driveway. I didn’t move my head to look, but heard doors opening and closing as Stella directed Luke backing into the driveway, the van beeping, “Keep it coming!”

  “Logan?” I asked again when his eyes remained on mine. “Do you want me to put the key on my ring or something?” He was still on one knee, the velvet box open in his hand.

  I pulled my office key ring out of my back pocket and started to string the new key onto it.

  His hand came out to stop me. “Ashley, when we started dating, I knew you were the one.”

  My eyes shot down to his. “What?” His hand covered mine, which clutched the key ring tightly.

  “You’re the only one for me. Never stop challenging me. Never stop arguing with me. Promise?”

  “Of course. But—”

  “Ashley, will you marry me?” I finally looked down to the box he still held in his hand and finally saw the ring which had been nestled inside the cushion underneath the key.


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