Book Read Free

Until Tomorrow

Page 22

by Kari Lee Harmon

  The next morning Logan dropped his pouting son off at his mother-in-law’s as he got ready to head into work. The hospital actually had the shift covered; he just couldn’t take his son’s crestfallen face anymore. Trevor was so disappointed in Logan for not letting him give the flowers to Emma. He didn’t understand it wasn’t a good time. Emma had been busy with her company and might not want to see them right then, so Logan had left.

  Trevor had said Logan was afraid, and that “Mommy” had said Emma did want to see him. Logan liked to believe his wife had given him her blessing to move on, but he wasn’t sure about believing she’d honestly spoken to Trevor. It was a comforting thought she might be connected to her son still, but spooky to actually think she might be actually communicating with him.

  “So that’s it?” Rebecca asked, crossing her arms and staring him down from the doorway of her house.

  “What do you mean?” Logan shifted his weight from one foot to the other. The woman was no bigger than her daughter but damned intimidating nonetheless. “The hospital needs me. I don’t have a choice.”


  He blinked, taken back. Rebecca never swore. “Excuse me?” He couldn’t have heard her right.

  “That’s right,” she said. “You heard me, Logan Mayfield, aka head doctor. You have more choices than most. I might not officially be your mother-in-law anymore or even your mother, but you will always be like a son to me. I’m the closest thing to a mother you will ever have, and I love you more than most love their biological children. I have been patient and I’ve stood by and given you space, but I have had enough. I will not stand by any longer. I refuse to watch you wallow in self-pity anymore. You’re too good for that.”

  “Rebecca…Mom…please. You don’t understand,” he tried to explain.

  She held up her hand. “I know I don’t fully know what really happened to my daughter, but I’ve never pressed the issue. I’ve sensed something was off for a long time now, but I guess I wasn’t ready to hear it then. I might not even be ready now, which is so unfair to you, I know, but that’s life. Your shoulders have always been so broad, but it was wrong of me to make you bear that alone. Someday you will tell me, but right now that’s beside the point.”

  “It’s okay,” Logan said, realizing she was right as he took her hands in his. She’d been more like a mother to him than anyone he’d ever met. He should have known she would sense something was off all these years. He would do anything for her and Barry, and he had with no regrets.

  “No, it’s not alright.” She touched his cheek. “What I do know is you were not and will never be responsible for Amanda’s death, so quit trying to be a martyr by bearing that weight alone. It’s crushing you, which is such a shame because you have so much to give. I want to see you happy and thriving and moving on. I want more grandchildren, dammit.” She nodded once, hard, and Logan couldn’t help but smile. “And Trevor deserves a sibling,” she went on with conviction.

  That made Logan pause and frown. He hadn’t even thought about his son. He’d only thought of himself and that he couldn’t handle anything bad happening to anyone else, and he’d thought of Emma and not wanting to risk anything happening to her because of him. He’d never once thought of Trevor. Hell, adoption had always been a possibility as well. When had Logan made everything about him? Maybe it was time he started getting out of his own head and looking at the people around him. What did they want? Maybe it was time he asked.

  “Stop wasting your life by grieving and start living, Logan.” Rebecca stared deeply into his eyes, hers brimming with tears. “You only get one ride, my son. Don’t waste it. I saw the way Emma Hendricks looked at you, and I definitely saw the way you looked at her. She changed you this summer, for the better. Don’t you dare let that slip away.” She squeezed his hands. “Do you hear me? I don’t know what happened when you went over to her house, but a woman like that doesn’t come along very often. Don’t go to work, Logan…” She stared him down to make sure he was listening to her as she finished with, “Go to her!”

  Logan pulled the only mother he’d ever known into his warm embrace and he hugged her tight. “I love you, Mom,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I know, son.” She patted his back while hugging him just as tight, letting him know she was there for him no matter what. “Now go get her and find your happy ending, whatever that may be.”

  He kissed her cheek and headed to his truck without another word, but he wasn’t going to work. He was going to find the woman who had stolen his heart and convince her to make him the happiest man on earth and marry him. He was through with being noble and doing the right thing. It was time Logan Mayfield remembered who he once was.

  It was time to fight.

  Logan searched Emma’s beach house, but she wasn’t there. The BMW was gone, as well as her car. Panic set in. Maybe he should have gone after her sooner. What if she’d left town with Mark? Amanda hadn’t willingly left Logan, she was sick. He now understood there was nothing he could have done to stop it. He’d finally forgiven himself and was ready to move on. But with Emma, he could damn well try to stop her and change his fate.

  Logan didn’t want a future without her, and if there was even a remote chance she felt the same way about him, then she was worth the fight. He frowned, pausing as he turned the knob. Except Emma had left her door unlocked, almost as if on purpose. People who left town didn’t do that. If she didn’t leave town, then what was she trying to tell him? He stepped inside and looked around.

  It didn’t take long for him to find out.

  Logan picked up the letter he had missed when he’d first entered her beach house. His heart constricted when he recognized her handwriting in a letter just like the ones Kathleen and Joseph had written to each other. Good or bad, he knew his fate rested in the contents of this piece of paper. Slowly unfolding the letter, he read her words.

  * * *

  My Dearest Logan,

  I have been through so much lately. You’ll never guess who showed up. Mark. And just like you said, he had a great excuse. I forgave him, and it felt wonderful. The funny thing is, it didn’t matter how good his excuse was. I don’t love Mark. I’m not sure I ever did. I think I was settling because he looked good on paper, and it was easy. But after spending this summer with you, I realized what true love really is. Yes, you heard me right. I love you, Dr. McGiant. Even though you are one big worrywart.

  * * *

  Logan’s heart did a funny little flip. He fought the moisture in his eyes, overcome with emotion at her words, but stood there grinning like an idiot. Damn he loved this woman. He really was a chicken. He should have listened to his instincts and trusted in what they had said by sticking around and confronting her instead of running away again. His son was right. He needed to learn to listen better. If Emma took him back, Logan would never run away again. He would spend the rest of his life proving to her she was beautiful and worthy and way too good for him. Looking down, he continued to read her letter.

  * * *

  I have to admit I was so mad at you when you left me after all we had been through and shared. You can’t tell me making love wasn’t life-changing. I didn’t know lovemaking could be like that. For the first time in my life, I didn’t care about what I wanted, I just wanted to make you happy and to please you. You’ve ruined me for any other man, so if you don’t feel the same way about me, my life will totally suck. Just sayin’.

  * * *

  Logan laughed out loud. That was his girl, telling him exactly what was what and not sugar coating anything, consequences be damned. He wanted to know how she felt at all times and when he was being an ass and when he was doing something right. He needed that. He needed her, and he couldn’t wait to tell her. But first he had to find her. He kept reading.

  * * *

  Haha, seriously no pressure. Because once again, this is all about you, not me. Honestly, I just want you to be happy. You deserve that. And I admit I too was scared a
t first. If you hadn’t called things off with me, I probably would have with you. You unsettle me, Doc, and I don’t like to be unsettled. I am all about the facts and things that are logical. The way I feel about you is totally illogical and completely unsettling and doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

  Who cares!

  I have finally, for the first time in my life, thrown caution to the wind. I took a chance that if you wanted to be with me, you would show up here eventually. In fact, you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I could have sworn I felt your presence. I took it as a sign, so I left you this letter telling you how I felt and hoping you would see it in time. If you don’t show up at the rendezvous spot, then I guess I’ll have my answer. It will kill me, but I will be okay as long as I know you’re happy.

  Okay, I’ve waited long enough. I am so excited to tell you that I figured out the rest of our adventure, all by myself I might add. I’ll explain the letter if I see you again. In the meantime, if you feel the same way about me and want to see where this crazy adventure takes us, follow the map I left you. It’s the final rendezvous spot for Kathleen and Joseph. I hope I see you soon. If not, you were worth the risk and I sincerely hope you will be happy. I love you with all my heart!

  Until Tomorrow,

  Emma Hendricks

  * * *

  Logan studied the map Emma had drawn and his jaw fell open. Of course. It was perfect. The lighthouse! Of course that was the final meeting place, and his Emma was there now. She loved him and was waiting for him. His heart beat faster at the thought that he’d been so wrong. She hadn’t gone back to Mark, she’d chosen him. If Logan had stuck around long enough, he would have heard her tell him no, that she didn’t want to get back together with him no matter how good his excuse was. She had found the perfect man for her. Logan couldn’t believe that man was him.

  Emma loved him as much as he loved her.

  Through with berating himself and second guessing every move, he decided to throw caution to the wind as well. His heart filled with joy and excitement as he glanced at his watch. He couldn’t let her down. She’d written the note, made her preparations, and left this morning on the final leg of their adventure. According to her letter, she would be waiting for him all day. But come sundown, if he didn’t show up, she would have her answer.

  Come hell or high water, he would be there.

  Logan brought her letter and map with him—tucking them into his pocket to be read and treasured for years to come, the first of many from them both he hoped—as he left her beach house. There was something to be said about taking the time to tell the people you loved how much they meant to you, and something even more special about going old-school and writing it down in your own hand.

  It didn’t take Logan long to get to the lighthouse, and finally he arrived at the address. It was old and rarely used, but charming nonetheless. He could see how Joseph and Kathleen had been drawn to it. Throwing his truck into park, Logan stepped out and took a moment to look around the area. It was a beautiful sunny day. Perfect.

  He couldn’t help but wonder what the day had been like so very long ago when Joseph and Kathleen had met for the final time. Had they found their happy ending after all? Had William caught up with them? The town records had been so vague, stating he had disappeared and she had vanished. Logan had been childish to let their story end there. He should have stuck around and fought harder to find out what happened. He’d let Emma down, but starting today, he would make it up to her for the rest of their lives if she would let him.

  Not wanting to waste any more time, he walked forward and opened the door to the lighthouse. Racing up the stairs, he made his way into the watch room and a feeling of déjà vu swept over him. Something had gone horribly wrong in this room. He could feel it. Blinking to adjust his eyes to the dim light, he focused on the sight before him and sucked in a sharp breath.

  “No,” he whispered hoarsely. This couldn’t happen to them. Not now. Not after all they’d been through. He wouldn’t let it.


  Present Day: Beacon Bay, Maine

  Emma moaned. This had to rank in the top ten of the dumbest things she’d ever done. The lighthouse might be charming, but there was a reason it had been locked. It was a historical landmark, so it couldn’t be torn down, but the inside was unsafe and they didn’t give tours anymore. Logan had been smart in worrying about them entering the cottage on the deserted island. She should have known better than to enter the ancient lighthouse at the edge of Beacon Bay, especially since she knew what had really happened to Joseph.

  Decades later, the building was in far worse shape. Emma had left the note for Logan, impulsively venturing out on her own, thinking she had everything under control as usual. She needed McGiant. He was good for her. He made her pause and take a breath, which usually led to rethinking her plan of action, or at the very least being a bit more careful. Without him, she was a hot mess.

  If he didn’t show, she would be in real trouble this time.

  She’d been so stupid. Anyone with half a brain could see the place was old and the walls weren’t stable, but that hadn’t stopped her. She’d run in there, raced up the stairs full throttle, and crashed into a table. She had wanted to relive what had happened to Kathleen and Joseph, but not literally, yet she’d wound up in the same predicament. The beam on the wall had trembled from the impact and then caved, falling on top of her.

  She just lay there in disbelief, thinking this was the new millennium. This wasn’t supposed to happen, yet it had happened, and she was helpless to do anything but hope and pray Logan would find her letter and show up to rescue her in time.

  Emma understood what Joseph must have been going through all those years ago. You make a great plan, wait anxiously for the love of your life to show up, and then have a stupid, tragic accident happen that could take it all away and change the outcome of your future. It sucked. It left you helpless and vulnerable and completely at the mercy of another human being. Emma hated not being in control of anything, but a part of her realized she would never be truly happy until she surrendered to her fate.

  Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She spread her arms out wide and let go. As soon as she gave up control, she heard a sound.

  “Emma?” came a voice from across the room. At first, she thought she’d only imagined it, but then it came again. The most beautiful voice she’d ever heard said, “Emma Hendricks, are you in here or not? If you are, I need you to answer me now.”


  She started laughing and crying at the same time. “Yes, oh God yes! I’m here, Logan. I’m in the corner.”

  Emma was pretty sure her leg was broken, and she was terrified she might have internal injuries as well. It was uncanny how similar Logan and her story had been to Joseph and Kathleen’s, except in this case their roles had been reversed and she knew better. The difference was, she didn’t give a hoot what people thought of her. Both she and Kathleen were strong, independent women, but Emma was free to speak her mind and do what she wanted, where Kathleen had been persecuted for that very trait.

  And now here Emma was, just like Joseph, getting injured while waiting for her love. Except when the beam fell on Emma, she had a moment where she was frozen in fear but then some force urged her to roll away at the last second. She prayed she’d moved enough and that she wouldn’t die like Joseph had. The beam had still fallen on her, but she felt more bruised than crushed. She liked to think Kathleen had saved her. Kathleen hadn’t been able to save Joseph, so maybe this was her way of atoning for that. Not to mention, Emma felt more compelled than ever to write Kathleen’s story and set the record straight now. Emma had to be okay. She had too much to live for.

  Logan rushed to her side, his face looking pale and panicked. “Are you okay? What happened?” Suddenly he morphed into doctor mode, his face calming into a serene mask as he checked her pupils and pulse, then ran his hands over her, searching her limbs for breaks and feeling her stomach f
or lumps or pain. He was hiding his worry for her sake, but she couldn’t help thinking the worst.

  She stilled his hands with hers until he looked at her. “Am I going to die, Doc?”

  His eyes met hers and he hesitated before replying, “I’m going to go outside and call for help.”

  “Don’t leave me,” she said, her voice sounding shaky to her own ears. He hadn’t said no she wasn’t going to die because he wouldn’t lie to her. While she appreciated his honesty, it only made her more afraid.

  His features were tight, but he relaxed them and said firmly, “I’ll be right back. I promise.”

  She let go of his hand, knowing he wouldn’t break a promise to her, either. He quickly left the room, and she could feel her energy draining. She had no idea how long she had been there now or how much blood she had lost from the gash on her leg. What if this was the last time she got to speak with Logan? She needed to tell him how she felt. Joseph and Kathleen’s story had taught her that much.

  Logan came back into the room moments later and knelt by her side, covering her with a blanket he’d brought with him. “Stay with me, Emma. Keep talking until the ambulance gets here.” He checked her pulse again.

  She opened her eyes and placed her hand over his as she added softly, “You came.”

  “Of course, I came.” His gaze traced her features.

  “Then you got my note?” She had to know.

  This time his voice turned soft. “Yeah, Lois. I got your note.”

  “You gonna be my Superman?” She winced in pain.

  A flash of desperation transformed his face. “If you’ll have me.” He stroked her hair with his free hand. “I am so sorry for being an ass.”

  “It’s okay.” She shrugged, trying not to let him know the agony she felt.


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