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The Mechanic's Fix 2

Page 3

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  I wouldn’t call him tonight because my pride wouldn’t let me. But I’d call him first thing in the morning, beg for his forgiveness, and make plans to go back to Indiana as soon as possible. It didn’t matter anymore why he had Marcelle’s business card in his pocket. I knew he loved me. He wouldn’t even let me leave without paying for my ticket and carrying my bag.


  I paced back and forth as I waited for Leo’s mom to answer. Her voice came over the line, “Hi Billy, I only have a minute. Leo just stepped out to go for a walk on the beach.”

  “I got your text, what’s the plan?”

  She took a deep breath and giggled, “It’s fantastic. I think you’re going to love it and Leo will be so surprised.”

  “How’s he doing?” I mumbled.

  She replied, “He’s very sad, but I think he’ll be okay once he’s gotten some rest.”

  My heart ached as I replied, “I wish I could be there to kiss him goodnight.”

  She sighed, “I know sweetie. He’ll come around soon. Leo is one of those types of people you have to give a little time before they realize the caliber of the mistake they made.”

  I grinned, “I feel that. I used to be the same way.”

  “Oh, I remember,” she laughed. “Don’t think I don’t remember those times when you worked with Daryl and relapsed.”

  I laughed in reply, “Shit, he’d come to my house and drag me out of there for work whether I felt like going or not.”

  Silence lingered for a moment before she replied, “And that’s what Leo needs right now. He needs someone to shake him up a little bit and show him once and for all how much he’s loved.”

  “I wonder who that might be.”

  “Oh hush,” she giggled. “Now for the plan!”

  “I’m all ears.”

  She began, “Here’s how it’s all going to go down. First, you’ll book the next flight here tomorrow and get a nice hotel in town.”

  I interjected, “Let me stop you right there.”

  “What?” she quipped.

  I mumbled shyly, “I ain’t never been on a plane before.”

  She sighed, “Billy, you’re not serious!”

  “No ma’am, ain’t never been on a plane. Can’t I just drive?”

  “It’s a ten-hour drive, Billy. We have to move fast or this whole thing could blow up in our faces.”

  I groaned, “Alright, alright. What’s next?”

  “Now, while you are working on getting here, I’ll be convincing Leo to call you and try to make up.”

  “But I won’t be here.”

  “Exactly,” she said smartly.

  “He’ll think you’re not answering the phone because you don’t want to talk to him…”

  I interrupted, “But actually, I’ll be en route to him!”


  “That’s brilliant!”

  I could hear the pleasure in her voice as she replied, “I know.”

  We paused for a moment and I couldn’t disguise the sadness in my tone, “But my baby boy will think I don’t want him anymore.”

  Susan sighed, “It’s only temporary hon. We just have to remember he’ll be in your arms before the night is over.”

  “Okay,” I mumbled.

  She continued, “Now, if I know my Leo, which I do, he’ll be heartbroken and the full weight of what he’s done will begin to overtake him. He’ll get super sad and probably retreat to his room for the rest of the day. Then, tomorrow night, we’ll convince him to come to dinner with us at a restaurant where you will be waiting.”

  I grabbed a piece of paper from the entryway table and quickly jotted down the rest of her instructions. It was all too good to be true and I just couldn’t wait to see him and let him know the truth. It was going to be a long lonely night; the first one I’d spent in six-months without having his cute little body curled up next to me.

  Just when I’d confirmed the details of the plan she shouted, “He’s back, gotta go.”

  I quickly replied, “Susan, I can’t thank you enough for all of this, you know, helping Leo and me get back together.”

  She whispered, “Think nothing of it and we’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Before we hung up, I quickly added, “Please tell him goodnight for me.”

  She paused for a moment, “I sure will, Billy. Goodnight.”


  “Who was that,” I asked as I stepped inside.

  Mom looked like a deer in headlights as she blurted out, “Who?”

  I arched my brow and she giggled nervously, “Oh, you mean on the phone just now..”


  “It was just one of the neighbors saying they saw a strange boy walking through the neighborhood. I told her it was just my son visiting.”

  “Oh,” I said as I took a seat at the kitchen island. “Do you think I could have something to eat now?”

  Mom smiled, “Of course sweetie, I’ll fix you a plate while we chat.”

  As she began opening Tupperware containers she said, “So, how was the beach tonight?”

  I didn’t get to answer her question before I lowered my head into my arms on the counter and sobbed, “I messed up mom. I messed up bad!”

  She rushed to comfort me and wrapped me in a hug, “Shh, tell mom all about it.”

  I lifted my head and met her gaze, “Billy and I had a big fight. He got a phone call at the shop and the person wouldn’t say who they were or leave a message. They only wanted to talk to Billy.

  Well, later, when the guy called back, I overheard Billy thanking them for seeing him on such short notice. When I asked him about it, he said he couldn’t tell me who it was and got angry.”

  “Oh no,” mom replied.

  I continued, “Anyways, later that night, I saw a business card sticking out of his pocket and when he went to go get a shower I went through his pockets and found out it was from Marcelle Handy’s dance school.”

  Mom met my gaze, “Maybe Billy is planning a surprise for you, like one of those dance flash mobs or something?”

  I rolled my eyes, “Really mom, Billy doesn’t dance nor has he ever expressed any interest in dancing or flash mob or anything like that.”

  She nodded, “Well, I’m just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

  I wiped away my tears as I continued, “Anyways, when he came out of the bathroom I confronted him about the business card and he denied that he was seeing Marcelle. We had a big argument. He was upset I went through his things and he said maybe we should take some time off.”

  I turned to her and hugged her tightly as I started crying again, “It hurts so much. I shouldn’t have accused him when I didn’t have any evidence but a business card.”

  Mom sighed, “Oh, baby sometimes things like this happen in relationships. Why don’t you call him in the morning and you guys can sort things out?”

  “But what if he won’t talk to me?”

  “You won’t know if you don’t try!”

  I sniffled and wiped my nose on my sleeve, “Maybe you’re right.”

  She shook her head, “I’m a mom, trust me, just take the night and let things cool down. Then, in the morning you can call and set things right. In the meantime, let me heat you up a plate then we should all get some shuteye.”


  After talking with Leo’s mom, I quickly called Mike and Tony to let them know I wouldn’t be in tomorrow. Mike replied by scolding me, “You better get your ass back to work and bring Leo with you. This place has been crazy since you two had your little argument.”

  I groaned, “I’m sorry Mike and I’ll make it up to you as soon as I get back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  I sighed, “To get our boy back.”

  “What do you mean get him back?”

  Silence lingered for a moment before I replied, “Things got worse after work. He found the business card from Marcelle and confronted me about it.”

  Mike shoute
d, “Dammit Billy! That boy is the glue that holds this place together. You have to get him back.”

  I fired back, “That’s why I won’t be in tomorrow. He flew to Florida to spend a couple of days with his parents.”

  “Well, there ain’t no way you’re going to be able to make that drive and the longer he has time to think about this, the less likely he is to come back.”

  “Don’t you think I know that, Mike?”

  He sighed, “Just hurry the hell up. We need both of you back as quickly as possible.”

  I went ahead and packed my suitcase so I could head out first thing in the morning. Part of me wanted to just leave tonight. I knew I wouldn’t get any sleep without him lying next to me. All I could think about was all the good times we’ve had together.

  From the moment I first laid eyes on him that day in the shop I knew he was the boy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I whimpered and tossed around in bed as visions of his beautiful face flashed through my mind. I remembered that first kiss we had in the alley downtown, the combustible sexual energy between us as we held that kiss and I felt him up for the first time.

  Then there was the night he wrecked the car and I came to rescue him. I felt a shiver glide like lightning down my spine as I remembered making sweet love to him on the hood of the corvette. I sat up in bed like a shot and held my head in my hands. I had to get him back. Come hell or high water I’d get him back and this time I’d never lose him again.

  From the drawer of the nightstand, I grabbed the thing that was sure to seal the deal. I rushed to get dressed, grabbed my suitcase, then made my way downstairs to get the keys and drive to the airport.


  In the morning, I couldn’t wait to call Billy. I fumbled around for my phone to check the time. He had to be up by now. Worst case, he went to the shop early but if he were up he’d surely answer the phone. I was ready to pour out my heart as I dialed the number and listened to the tone. It’d been over twenty-four hours since I last heard his voice and I couldn’t wait to hear it again.

  Whatever the reason he had Marcelle’s business card in his pocket didn’t matter anymore. Nothing mattered without him in my life. I waited anxiously for him to answer but it just went to voicemail. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my emotions in check as I called the shop.

  Tony answered, “Billy’s Automotive.”

  I quickly replied, “Tony, it’s Leo. Can I talk to Billy?”

  He hesitated for a moment before replying, “Um, Billy’s not here right now but I can give him a message when he gets in.”

  “It’s okay,” I mumbled. “I’ll just try again later.”

  “Alright,” Tony said with a concerned tone. I knew he was trying to be comforting as he added, “We sure do miss you around here.”

  I sighed, “Thanks, Tony.” As I got off the phone I quickly rushed to the kitchen where mom was making breakfast.

  She turned to me with a smile, “Good morning sweetie. You’re up awfully early.”

  I couldn’t keep my emotions in check any longer and started to cry, “Oh mama, I tried to get in touch with Billy like we talked about last night but there was no answer on his cell and he’s not at the shop.”

  Mom rushed to where I was standing and wrapped me in a hug, “Oh sweetie, let’s not jump to conclusions. He could have just gone out for breakfast or is really busy.”

  I pulled away and shouted, “NO! I really screwed up this time. He just doesn’t want to talk to me. He’s probably with Marcelle right now planning his new life.”

  Mom reached out to me, “Now don’t go jumping to conclusions again, that’s what got you here in the first place!”

  Dad sauntered up the hallway toward us and interjected, “What’s going on in here?”

  Mom replied with a concerned tone, “Leo tried to call Billy on his cell and at the shop but there was no answer.”

  Dad shrugged, “He’s probably just busy and didn’t hear the phone.”

  I shook my head, “No, he probably got Tony to answer the phone because he didn’t want to talk to me, or he’s doing something or someone he shouldn’t be.”

  Dad raised his hand to silence the commotion, “Now everyone needs to calm down. It’s way too damn early for all this drama first thing in the morning. We need to just settle down and take it easy.”

  I shouted in reply, “Oh, I’ll take it easy alright. If he can move on with his life so quickly, then I can too. I’m going back to bed until I can find a reason to live.”

  As I stormed away, mom started after me, “Leo honey, wait! I’m sure he’s just busy!”

  Dad held her back and added, “You can’t just sleep the rest of your life away.”

  I turned to him and growled, “Wanna bet? Why should I be awake when my life is over?”

  Mom shouted, “Leo please!”

  I slammed the door and collapsed on my bed in tears. What was left of my heart had just shattered into a thousand pieces and I vowed that I would never love anyone again.


  I’d managed to gather the courage to get on the plane but now that we were in the air, I didn’t feel so good. A flight attended approached slowly and said with an empathetic tone, “Sir, are you alright?”

  “Mm-hmm!” I nodded rapidly.

  She continued, “Because you look a little pale. Are you going to be sick?”

  I shook my head no as she continued, “Well if you need anything we’re here to help.”

  I blurted out, “When’s this thing going to land?”

  She smiled warmly, “We should be landing in Florida within the next hour.”

  I took a sigh of relief, “Just how high is this thing off the ground?”

  She covered her lips, “Sir, is this your first time on a plane?”

  I scowled, “Why? Does it look like this is my first time on a plane? I’m forty years old, of course, this isn’t my first time on a plane.”

  She shook her head, “If you say so.”

  With a reassuring pat to my shoulder, she said, “If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  I nodded silently and closed my eyes tightly. A few moments later a sweet voice broke my train of thought, “Sir?”

  I turned to see a big blue-eyed twink with fluffy blonde hair sitting next to me. He smiled, “I used to be afraid of flying too.”

  “Is that so,” I growled.

  He continued, “Once you’ve done it a couple of times it gets a lot easier.” He shoved out his hand, "I'm Evan, by the way, Evan Starr."

  I tried to be as nice as possible as I said, “Kid, I really appreciate that, but right now, I’d like to just go back to closing my eyes until this thing is back on the ground.”

  “Suit yourself, but I have candy crush on my phone if you need to take your mind off things.”

  I turned back to face him, “What on earth is Candy Crush?”

  He pulled out his phone and showed me the colorful display, “It’s a game where you line up the different colored candies to level up.”

  I squinted at him, “How old are you anyway?”

  He blushed and bit his bottom lip, “Nineteen.”

  I smiled, “My Leo’s not much older than you. He’s twenty-two.”

  He smiled, “Are you on the way to see him?”

  I nodded, “We’re reuniting after a big argument.”

  He shifted in his seat, “What was it about if you don’t mind telling me?”

  I sighed and stared straight ahead as I replied, “Well, our six-month anniversary is coming up and I wanted to do something to surprise him. So, I decided to take ballroom dancing lessons.”

  Evan grinned, “That is so sweet!”

  I turned to him, “I thought so too, but when he found the dance instructor’s business card in my pocket he thought I was cheating. You see, the guy has a reputation back in town for being a little loose with guys.”

  He arched his brow, “Oh, and I’m guessing your guy is al
l too aware of this?”

  I nodded, “Exactly.”

  Evan nudged me, “Well, go on. What happened next?”

  I took a deep breath, “Anyways, things were said and I told him that maybe we should take a break.”

  “Ooh, not good,” he moaned.

  “It’s not all bad though. You see, his mom called me to ask why Leo was coming to visit, so I told her everything. That’s when she came up with this idea to reunite us.”

  I reached into my pocket to pull out the ring box, “I was going to do this back in town, but he left before I had the chance to. So now, I’m flying down here to ask him if he’ll marry me.”

  Evan looked positively giddy as I opened the box to show him the ring. But just as I opened the box, it fumbled in my hand and I dropped it on the floor. The boy tried to look for it but couldn’t find it, so I unbuckled my seat belt and descended to one knee.

  A group of ladies behind us shrieked with excitement, “Oh my God, he’s proposing to his boyfriend!”

  A look of horror washed over Evan’s face and mine as I stood up and found the whole plane staring at us with glee. I was already nervous before all of this but this just took it over the top. I yelled, “Everybody stop staring dammit! He’s not the one I’m marrying! I was just showing him the ring.”

  The passengers around us groaned with disappointment as I took my seat. An awkward silence lingered between the boy and me for a moment before he giggled, “That was uncomfortable.”

  I was still too embarrassed to look at anyone as he said, “It’s a very pretty ring and you sound like a really nice guy. I’m sure your Leo will be over the moon.”

  I turned to him, “You really think so?”

  He smiled and nodded, “I know so. I hope one day I can find a man as sweet as you.”

  I replied curiously, “What brings you to Panama City?”

  He grinned, “I’m here to film a porn.”

  He lowered his gaze, “I was kind of hoping you were my co-star.”

  I turned a bright shade of red and stuttered, “Aw shucks little dude, I’m too old to be in porn.”


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