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The Mechanic's Fix 2

Page 4

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  Before he could reply, the Pilot came over the speakers, “Now landing in Panama City, Florida.”

  The chaos of deboarding ensued but before we parted ways, Evan tapped my arm, “I was going to say don’t sell yourself short.”

  He quickly pulled a business card from the wallet attached to his phone, “If things don’t work out between you and Leo, I’ll be in town for a couple of days. Call me!”

  I watched in stunned silence as he walked away, then I smiled and shook my head as I grabbed my backpack. With a sad sigh, I hoped one day he would find his guy but I needed to get to mine as quickly as possible.

  It was late afternoon by the time I managed to rent a car and find a hotel on the beach. I’d never been to the beach before and once I got to the room, I opened the curtains and peered out with wide-eyed wonder, “Wow!”

  I suddenly felt a little melancholy standing there alone without Leo. Not even something as majestic as the ocean compared to his beauty. Then I remembered I’d turned off my phone when I boarded the plane. As it powered on, it chimed several times and notified me that I’d missed several calls. I knew they were from him.

  My heart ached as I turned my gaze out the window and held the phone close to my chest, “Don’t be sad baby boy, your mechanic daddy is here and we’ll be together soon.”


  A gentle knock on my door momentarily brought me back to reality. I’d spent most of the day locked away in my room crying. “Sweetie, it’s mom. Why don’t you get up and come with your father and me to dinner?”

  I mumbled a reply, “I don’t really feel like eating.”

  “I can’t understand you, sweetie, can I come in?”

  “Yeah,” I sighed.

  She stepped into the room and glanced around, “Sweetie, why don’t you turn on the lamp or something? Lying there in the dark isn’t going to do you any good.”

  I felt her sit down on the edge of the bed, “It’s been so long since we’ve seen one another, why don’t you at least come with us for a walk on the beach?”

  I stirred a little and as I turned to face her she smiled, “Please, for me.”

  I groaned. I could never say no to her when she looked at me with those hopeful eyes. “Okay,” I whined.

  Dad emerged in the doorway, “What’s this? A slumber party.”

  Mom scowled at him, “Hush you! I was just telling Leo that we were getting ready to go for a walk on the beach.”

  Dad stuttered for a minute before asking, “What happened to dinner?”

  Mom glared at him, “We’ll have to figure that out later. Maybe you should call the restaurant to cancel our reservations so nobody will be expecting us.”

  Dad remained silent for a moment before blurting out, “Oh, oh yeah. I’ll go do that right now.”

  Once dad was gone, mom patted me on the leg, “Now, I’m going to go grab my beach bag while you get dressed.”

  “Okay,” I said half-heartedly as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

  I really didn’t feel like going anywhere or doing anything, but since mom wanted me to go so badly I figured I could muster up enough energy to go with them. Maybe it would even help take my mind off Billy.


  I was starting to get hungry as I waited for Leo’s mom and dad to call and give me the signal to meet them downstairs at the restaurant. As I was thumbing through the menu a friendly voice came over the line, “Billy, you old son of a bitch!”

  I smirked, “What’s up, Daryl?”

  His voice fell to a whisper as he replied, “Listen B, we’ve got a little change in plans. Susan says we’re going for a walk on the beach instead because Leo’s not hungry. Meet us there in about ten minutes.”

  “Will do,” I replied excitedly.

  This was it, in just a few short minutes the boy I love will be in my arms again. I rushed to finish getting dressed. Marcelle had helped me pick out a suit before I left. Most folks in town had written him off as a husband stealing slut, but for all the years I’d known him, he’d been nothing but kind to me.

  The truth was, he wasn’t a slut at all. He was actually very discerning when it came to lovers. We met years ago in a support group after I found out I had contracted HIV. When he was younger, he was raped by an older man who didn’t know he had it and unfortunately had given it to him.

  But he didn’t let the disease control his life. At the time, I thought it was a death sentence, and seeing the way he lived his life is part of what inspired me to keep going. Many times, when I’d gone on drinking binges to try and drown my sorrows he was the one at the club who let me come to his house and crash on the couch.

  Nothing had ever happened between us and nothing ever would. He was just that person, that good friend I could call when I got myself in trouble. He’d been a dancer since he was a teenager and instead of falling to pieces, he used dance as his reason to keep going.

  I’d tried one time before to take dancing lessons, but when my ex-husband died, I lost all my motivation in life. But, you already know this story. What matters now is I’m about to start the second half of my life.

  I took a long pensive look in the mirror. I used to tell myself I’d never be caught dead in a suit, but surprisingly I looked pretty good for a grungy old mechanic. I flashed myself a smile, “Well, Billy old buddy, we’ve sure come a long way.”

  I diverted my eyes out the window and scanned the shore to see if Daryl, Susan, and Leo had shown up yet. They hadn’t, which gave me a few more minutes to make sure everything was perfect.

  I grabbed the ring box from the desk and opened it. It was beautiful just like him and I couldn’t wait to see his face when I asked the question. I closed it and tucked it safely into my jacket pocket before turning my attention back to the mirror.

  “I bet you never thought you’d find love again. Especially a sweet ride like Leo. Man, we sure wasted a lot of time sulking and regretting things we can’t change.”

  I was silent for a minute as tears began to well up in my eyes, “Looking back on the things I’ve done, I was trying to find someone to blame for all the bad things that have happened in my life. But the only one I can blame for all those things is staring right at me.”

  I pointed at myself in the mirror, “This time, we’re not going to hide anymore. We’re going to love without limits and give this boy all we’ve got.”

  With a fist-bump to the mirror, I shot myself a debonair grin, tossed on my suit jacket, and made my way downstairs to the beach.


  I could see the sun setting in the distance as Mom and dad walked casually down the shore. She had her flip flops dangling in one hand as dad held on to the other. Up the shore a little bit I could see a couple playing in the water. Everything around me reminded me of love, which was the last thing I wanted to think about right now.

  I just wanted to be back at mom and dad’s, in my dark room, and crying into my pillow while I mourned the lost love of my life. I hugged my knees and stared out at the water for a moment before a voice interrupted my thoughts, “It’s an awfully pretty night to be sitting here all by your lonesome.”

  I perked up. It just couldn’t be. Half of my heart wanted to believe it was true, but inevitably I decided my mind was just playing tricks on me. The voice spoke again, this time it was right in my ear. I closed my eyes to bask in the soft familiar tone, “Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to enjoy it with?”

  I turned and squinted. All I could make out was a man standing in a suit next to me. I pouted, “I’m sorry sir, you must be mistaking me for someone else.”

  As I turned my gaze back to the water, the man moved in front of me and crouched down. He placed his hand on my head and tousled my hair, “Nope, I’d recognize that scrunched up little face anywhere.”

  “Billy!” I shouted as I threw my arms around his neck.

  He laughed and lifted me off the ground. I began babbling, “I’m so sorry for not trusting you, and for snooping around in your stuff, and�

  He interrupted me, “Shh,” and set me back down. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I should have told you why I was seeing Marcelle.”

  I closed my eyes and whimpered, “Oh Billy, I just want things to go back to the way they were. I want to go home and snuggle up next to you in our big comfy bed.”


  I placed my hand on the side of his face and replied, “Unfortunately, things can’t go back to the way they were baby boy.”

  He started to cry as he mumbled, “I understand.”

  I ran my fingers down his jawline as I whispered, “You see, things weren’t working out the way they were.”

  I wiped away his tears as he let them fall, “For a relationship to last, you need honesty, love, and trust.”

  He turned away and whimpered, “Please, why’d you come all the way down here to tell me it was over. You could have done that over the phone!”

  I grinned at him, that same grin that used to make him melt right in front of me. I felt his muscles tense up as I tried to pull his body into mine, “Come here, come here, baby boy.”

  “No,” he protested as he tried to run away. But I grabbed his arms and pulled him back to me. “Just let me go.”

  I sighed, “Baby boy, I didn’t come all the way down here to break it off.”

  A gleam of hope flickered in his eyes as he met my gaze, “Then what’d you come down here for?”

  I leaned in and whispered into his lips, “I’ve come to make you mine…forever.”

  We separated and I descended to one knee as I pulled the ring box from my pocket. His hands folded over his mouth as he shook his head in disbelief. I glanced at his mom and dad who were standing nearby with a phone recording the whole thing, “Leo Menke, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I was a fool to try and hide things from you. From the day you walked into my shop, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. If you can find it within your heart to forgive me then take this ring and marry me.”

  He sobbed. “Oh Billy, of course I will!”

  I stood and pulled him into me. Behind his back, I gave his mom and dad a thumbs up. Susan rested her head on Daryl’s shoulder and snuggled up to him as I diverted my gaze to the sky. Tears began to fall as I whispered, “I love you, baby boy. I always have and I always will.”

  After I proposed to him, we went inside the hotel and had dinner with his parents at the restaurant. There was a live band playing 80’s songs softly in the background. After we ate I decided to show him why I was seeing Marcelle. I winked at his mom to let her know it was happening and she smiled at me.

  I scooted out my chair and laid my napkin on the table. Leo watched me as I walked up to him, extended my hand, and said, “May I have this dance?”

  He grinned, “Don’t be silly. You don’t know how to dance! Do you?”

  I looked smart as I replied, “I do now, thanks to Marcelle.”

  He thought for a moment before his face twitched and a look of understanding graced his expression, “That’s why you were sneaking out after work!”

  Slowly he stood and took my hand. We stepped onto the dance floor and I pulled his body tightly into mine as the band started to play Take My Breath Away by Berlin. I held his gaze as we started to sway and spin. He leaned in and whispered, “I never want this night to end.”

  I hissed in his ear, “I’m going to fucking punish you so bad for all the shit you’ve put me through.”

  He hummed with delight and snarled back, “I can take it, daddy.”

  I smirked and mumbled into his lips before biting them, “Just remember who you belong to.”

  He was silent for a moment before he met my gaze and smiled sweetly, “I’m Billy’s baby boy.”

  He laid his head on my shoulder as I sighed, “And who am I?”

  He played with the buttons on my shirt as he whispered, “Daddy.” He lifted his eyes, “Mechanic Daddy.”

  I grinned and shoved his face into my chest, then I kissed the top of his head before sighing, “And that’s the way it will always be.”


  (for now)


  We danced for a little while longer. His mom and dad even joined in and after the band had finished playing and we said goodnight to them, Leo and I rushed up to my room.

  We’d started kissing in the elevator on the way up and by the time we got to the room we were ready to tear each other’s clothes off. We stepped inside and I pinned him against the wall by his wrists as our tongues danced around one another’s.

  I finally let him go when both of our cocks were hard enough to bust through our pants. He shifted his hand and made quick work of loosening my tie, then the buttons of my shirt.

  I picked him up and he rested his legs on my hips as I carried him to the bed. We continued to strip off one another’s clothes until nothing was separating our skin. From within my wallet, I pulled out a condom, and tore the top off with my teeth as I growled at him, “Are you ready for your punishment, boy?”

  He stared at me from the bed and sassed, “Do your worst daddy!”

  I flipped him over and descended onto his back. He pushed his ass up to meet my cock, then slowly took me in. “Fuck you’re tight,” I snarled.

  “Ooh yeah, daddy,” he whimpered.

  I put him in a headlock and he gripped my arm as he struggled to breathe. “Relax,” I hissed in his ear, “Daddy’s not going to hurt you.”

  “Mmm,” he whined as I worked his hole.

  His struggle was getting me off more than the sensation of being inside him. I picked up the pace and panted, “Tell me you want it.”

  He begged, “I want it, daddy! Harder…faster…deeper.”

  I removed my arm from around his neck and gripped his hips tightly as I pushed my cock in further and held it. We were balls deep when he finally whimpered, “I’m so full daddy.”

  I was lost in ecstasy. My eyes were half rolled back from the intensity of being so far inside him. I could feel him squirming beneath me and pulled back a little to start fucking him again. But as I picked up the pace he suddenly stopped me. “Billy wait!”

  I was breathless as I said, “What’s wrong, is everything okay?”

  He started to lift up and I rolled to his side. He placed his hand on my chest and mumbled, “I want this to be special. I need you to know that I trust you more than anything.”

  I was still trying to catch my breath as I replied, “Well, we don’t have to do this. We can do anything you’d like, baby boy.”

  He glanced down at my pulsing cock then back up to meet my gaze, “Take off the condom.”

  “What?” I said with a shocked expression.

  He pleaded, “I want to feel you inside of me, the real you. I need you to know that I’m yours for life.”

  I rolled onto my back and rubbed my face, “Oh baby boy, I can’t do that. You know I’m positive and I’d never be able to forgive myself if you got this.”

  He climbed on top of me and I lifted my hand to touch his face, “You don’t know how much it means to me that you’d be willing to expose yourself to this illness for me. But, I love you more than life itself and you don’t have to prove that you trust me. The fact that you’d even offer means more to me than you can ever know.”

  He closed his eyes and smiled, “I understand.”

  “Hey!” I said.

  “Don’t you ever feel bad for me that I have to wear protection. I wear protection to protect the ones I love, not myself. Being reckless is how I got this in the first place and no boy of mine is going to make life-altering decisions just for the sake of proving something.”

  He fell onto my chest, “I love you so much.”

  I wrapped my arms tightly around him and whispered, “I love you too, baby boy.”

  He hummed with delight and we held for a few moments longer before he raised and wiggled his eyebrows at me, “Can we get back to what we were doing now?”

p; I grinned at him, “That would be fantastic since I was about to nut when you stopped me.”

  He chuckled, “I’m sorry. I just really wanted to do something special for you.”

  I reached up and tousled his hair, “Just knowing I have someone as sweet as you by my side for the rest of my life is all I need.”

  He leaned in to kiss me. Then he pulled away and reached down to play with me. I was rock hard again in just a few seconds. Then, to my surprise, he poised my cock at his hole and descended my shaft. I could feel him close around me and I exhaled at the sensation.

  He closed his eyes and panted, “I love the way you feel inside of me.”

  I sighed, “I love the way you feel riding me.”

  I placed my hands on his waist and held on as his pace quickened. He opened his eyes and met my gaze. His mouth fell open. It looked so hungry. He wanted me to come desperately. I could see the determination in his eyes as his face twitched and writhed.

  That’s when I decided to add another element of pleasure to our experience. I shifted my hand and gripped his dick. I momentarily diverted my eyes from his and smiled at his glistening slit, “You’re so wet, baby boy.”

  I met his gaze and smirked, “Are you wet for daddy.”

  “Mm-hmm,” he whimpered as he bit his bottom lip.

  I could feel his dick slide through my finger as he continued riding me. I was getting close but I didn’t want to let him know just yet. Instead, I decided to give him some motivation, “You like riding daddy’s dick?”

  “Yes,” he groaned.

  I growled back, “The faster you ride daddy’s cock, the faster he’ll jack you off.”

  He accelerated; zero to sixty, like a corvette on a country highway. I threw my head back and roared, “Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.”

  A few moments later he was screaming, “Oh yeah…gonna come daddy!” His cries became more urgent, “Gonna come…gonna come!”

  I barked, “Give it to me.”

  I could see his tip turn white with the product of his desire and released my grip, prompting him to clench his cheeks and shoot his load hands free like a rifle across my abs and chest.


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