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Bound for Love

Page 7

by A R McKinnon

  He watched her eyes widen then squeeze shut before she splintered apart again.

  After she had come for the fourth time, he allowed himself the release he'd previously held off calling out her name as he emptied into the condom he wore.

  It didn't take long for Grayson to recover. When he did, he realized that Lucy was unconscious and he moved up the bed disposing of the used protection. He re-wet the washcloth in the bathroom and returned to bathe her body again. When he was done with that task, he undid the ropes binding her. He gently massaged her hands and wrists. He carefully inspected each arm for any signs of excessive injury. Once satisfied that she was alright he began rubbing the ointment into the abrasions on her wrists.

  He was just finishing when she came around blinking surprised eyes at him.

  "Welcome back." He smiled in the face of her confusion and waited for her to piece things together.

  "I blacked out?"

  She sounded horrified and he smiled again. "Yes, but only for a few minutes. How do you feel?"


  "That's it? I get four orgasms out of you and all I get is fine?"

  "You don't need me to stroke your ego Grayson, it's big enough." She said in the same stinging tone she'd used with him for months

  Grayson laughed and kissed her forehead as she stifled a yawn. "Fair enough but tomorrow we will discuss it." He climbed into bed next to her and shut off the bedside lamp.

  "Shouldn't I go to the guest room?"

  "Do you want to?" he asked. Mentally preparing himself to open his arms and allow her to leave his bed.

  There was a long pause before she answered "No."

  Grayson pulled her more firmly against his side, settling them both comfortably so that they could sleep.



  Lucy woke the next day disoriented and sore. More tender than she's been in a very long time. She stretched and bit back a groan as every muscle in her lower body complained. Apparently leg day at the gym had nothing on four scream orgasms.

  Lucy tried to shift out from under the arm Grayson had slung over her waist. It was like trying to move an iron bar, he wasn't budging. She turned her head to look at him.

  He seemed softer in his sleep. The dominant in him unaware while his big body was stretched out in slumber.

  His brown hair ravaged by sleep was sticking up all over the place and she caught an inkling of what he would have looked like as a little boy. The thought made her smile.

  She was still grinning softly when his eyes cracked open. Embarrassed to be caught staring she tried to avert her gaze, but it was too late. His beautiful green eyes were full of mischief.

  "Good morning." He kissed the side of her neck and Lucy realized it felt sensitive. She'd been so focused on the tenderness in her legs she didn't realize that she was also sore in other places. It made sense given how she had strained against the ropes holding her, the way her muscles had tensed and twitched under his touch. Grayson woke her up twice through the night and taken her again. The last time had been as dawn was creeping in around the edges of the thick roller blinds blocking the bedroom windows. Grayson had positioned her on her hands and knees with her ass high in the air as he pounded into her. He had used his teeth at her neck to hold her in place. It was the most animalistic thing she had ever experienced, and she loved every second of it.

  "What are we doing today?" She asked, wiggling under his arm again.

  "I have half a mind to keep you in my bed all day." Grayson said, rolling her beneath him. " Since that's not very practical though I was thinking I could show you around the property and you could see the horses." He kissed the tip of her nose then her mouth before rubbing his day's growth of stubble against her chin until she squealed.

  "I thought we'd just have sex again." She said then shut her eyes to block out the cold look Grayson gave her.

  "Oh, we will but, not everything between us has to be about sex."

  "Maybe it should be." Lucy suggested her eyes still shut.

  "Look at me." When she didn't immediately open her eyes, Grayson caught her chin between his fingers. "Look. At. Me." his tone left no room for refusal and Lucy's eyes snapped open.

  "You agreed, so you're mine all weekend. In or out of bed." Grayson's lips lowered over hers and she forgot she'd had any objection to their time together being anything but physical in the first place.

  Lucy followed silently as Grayson led her to the large shower in the master bathroom. She allowed him to run the water in the shower, trusting that he'd get the temperature right. She turned toward the sink and gasped at her reflection.

  "Oh my God!" Her hand rose to her throat and she leaned forward to inspect the hickey closer.

  No wonder her neck was tender. There was a huge nearly palm sized red-purple hickey on her throat. She hadn't had a hickey since - well she couldn't remember the last time she'd had a hickey.

  Probably never. Lucy shuddered at the thought of coming home with such a mark. If her aunt had seen her there would have been hell to pay.

  Lucy had always hated the trashy look of love bites. When she was younger girls at school would show up with them displaying like badges of honor.

  She lightly traced the hickey. It was aching. Lucy was equal parts embarrassed and pleased. She enjoyed seeing the mark of his possession on her skin. It served as a reminder of the wild night they’d shared. Their eyes met in the mirror an intense look passing between them before Grayson motioned her over to the shower.

  "Come on time's wasting we have a lot to do today." Grayson tugged Lucy under the hot spray. It was the perfect temperature. Lucy tilted her head back letting the water soak her curls. When she reached for the soap Grayson was already squirting body wash into his large hands.

  "Let me take care of you. It's one of the things I get out of this weekend and I intend to enjoy every second of it."

  Lucy expected that he'd do a half assed job paying close attention to her chest, feeling her up and leaving the rest of her untouched but she was surprised when he was both extremely thorough and exceedingly gentle.

  Tears stung in her eyes. Lucy hid her face in the stream of water this time to escape Grayson's probing gaze more than to get clean, but she should have known she couldn't escape his scrutiny. Since the moment they met she felt as if he could see right through her.

  "What's wrong darlin’?"

  The gentleness in his tone made the tears brimming in her eyes fall and slip down her cheeks. They mingled with the water from the shower head.

  "This weekend hasn't been what I expected so far - you haven't been what I expected. I guess it's all just thrown me for a loop."

  "Ah sweetheart, come here." He drew her into his arms. "If I wasn't making you feel something real then I'm not doing this right. Now come on let’s get you out of this shower before that beautiful skin of yours turns all wrinkled like a prune."

  The tension she felt only moments before was gone with his humor. It was as if it washed away and swirled down the drain with their bathwater.

  Grayson dried her off being just as through and attentive as he had been washing her. Lucy expected her anxiety level to rise again but it didn't; instead she was able to relax and enjoy being pampered by him.

  Dressed in jeans and a tank top Lucy stepped out onto the porch and tilted her face to the sun. She took a deep breath enjoying the sweet smell of the summer grass.

  Her eyes were still closed when Grayson cupped her shoulders in his hands giving them a gentle squeeze before leading her off the porch, away from the house.

  "This is all yours?" Lucy asked as they walked to the barn.

  "Yes," Grayson nodded, grabbing her hand and lacing their fingers together.

  "It's amazing." Lucy closed her eyes again soaking in the sun and the quiet that surrounded them.

  "Have you ridden before?" Grayson asked, opening the door to the barn.

  "Not in a long time. I fell off when I was younger. I hav
en't been on a horse since." Lucy was grateful dim light in the barn allowed her to hide the hot flush of embarrassment rapidly spreading over her face.

  "I wanted to take you riding today to show you the rest of the property, but if you're not comfortable on horseback we can take the truck. Lucy turned her head in the direction of the stalls when a soft snicker seemed to punctuate Grayson's words.

  "It's like they know you're here and answered you." Lucy couldn't keep the awe out of her voice. She had always loved horses. She'd ridden a dozen times before, but it was the bad fall that stuck with her, not the times where nothing bad happened.

  Grayson chuckled and dropped her hand to walk to the stall leaving her to decide if she would follow. "They do. These beauties would know me anywhere." A large back head popped up over the door of the stall as if joining the conversation. "This is Midnight." Grayson introduced the horse as he stroked his hand lovingly down the graceful curve of her neck. "You can pet her if you want to."

  It wasn't until Grayson spoke that Lucy realized she had crept forward mesmerized by the majestic looking creature butting her head into Grayson's hand for attention.

  "She's beautiful." Lucy said as she stretched her hand out to stroke the horse. Grayson stood behind her as she stoked the velvet soft flesh of the horse and somehow his solid presence made her feel more confident.

  "Midnight is an incredibly agile horse. We can take her out today or we can take Belle, she's very docile and would be an easy ride." Grayson led them over to a stall a few doors down and another horse poked her head over the door of the stall. This one was a stunning chestnut mare. "If you don't want to ride on your own, we can take one and double ride."

  "No, I think I want to try."

  GRAYSON WATCHED LUCY as he saddled their horses. He was pleased that she'd gone to the stall in turn and reached out to each of his horses. They were all well broken and extremely gentle so he wasn't worried that any of them would hurt her. It was watching her conquer her fear that was what intrigued him the most.

  She was brave in the face of her fear and it made her inner beauty shine like a beacon in the darkness. It made Grayson want to nurture her light until it was bright enough for everyone to see and that thought scared him. He hadn't wanted a long-term relationship, hadn't wanted to nurture anyone since Julia but after only a few days in Lucy's company, he was entertaining the idea.

  He shook his head trying to remember that she'd only agreed to spend the weekend with him. It was already Sunday and the imposed limit on their time together was spoiling his mood. There was so much he wanted to cram into the weekend so that she'd have an idea of what things could be like, that he worried he'd mess everything up.

  It was only his experience as a dominant and the patience learned in that role that allowed him to keep the pacing of the weekend, and the intensity of their play at a level that wouldn't frighten Lucy.

  Grayson saddled his own horse and secured the saddlebag which contained the lunch he'd packed for the two of them before he saddled Belle and helped Lucy mount the horse. Once Lucy was seated comfortably, he checked and rechecked the saddle straps and the positing of the stirrups, he showed the same attention to detail with the binding during scenes with his lovers.

  "You're making me nervous."

  "No need to be nervous darlin' I'm just being through." Grayson patted her thigh before planting his foot in the stirrup of his own horse and swinging his leg over to the other side to settle in his own saddle.

  "She'll respond to the reins or to voice commands and you can guide her with your leg movements if you know how." He gave a gentle click of his tongue. The horses started a slow meander out of the barn in response.

  Grayson kept the pace slow pointing out different areas of the property. They talked in between the sight seeing and Grayson kept things intentionally light and focused on topics other than sex, partially to put her at ease but also because he found her compelling and wanted to know her better.

  "Do you enjoy the changes at Worthington Advertising now?" He'd intended it to be an easy question but when he saw Lucy's face scrunch up as her nose wrinkled, he knew it was anything but an easy question.


  "Hmm, I always want honesty from you, Lucy." He watched the sun glint off her blond curls and they way she shaded her face with her hand as she half turned in the saddle to look at him drinking her in.

  "The changes are fine, but I don't really like working there anymore. Allison would kill me if she knew, but I can't seem to let go of the grudge I've been holding for her grandfather. I know they've been trying to work out their differences, but I just can't forget what a bastard he was to her."

  "You two are close, it's understandable that you have strong feelings about the situation."

  "Hmm, I guess. It's not just that though. I'm thinking about leaving. I only applied to help Allie out, and now she's gone I think I'd like a change." They lapsed into silence for a while and Grayson watched as Lucy took in her surroundings, continually tilting her head back to catch the sun.

  "I love it out here. I can't believe this is all yours. You're like a real cowboy living out here."

  Grayson laughed, "As opposed to a fake one?"

  "Well no, that's not what I meant. It's just a little surprising that we're only a few hours from the city but we're here in this rural paradise. It's as if the city doesn't even exist."

  "It's not paradise all the time." He frowned thinking again of Julia. She had wanted the money his career brought in. Then she wanted him to sell when she realized the time and effort the horses took up. When a developer had approached him about selling off land to build a spa Julia had jumped at the possibility, but there was no way that he'd ever sell the land. It had been in his family for generations and there was no way that some big city hot shot was going to come in and build a spa that probably wouldn't amount to anything. He’d wanted to promote the idea of rest and relaxation, but Grayson thought it was more likely that anyone visiting the swanky spa would be bored away from all their gadgets.

  He shoved the thoughts away and manoeuvred the horses into the clearing that had been his destination all along. This spot was his favorite on the entire property; the clearing was surrounded by several old trees and was next to a stream that ran parallel along the back acreage. It bubbled over rocks on the south side. The rocks were at a higher elevation, and created a small waterfall effect. It was a secluded peaceful spot that would be the perfect backdrop for an afternoon of play.

  Grayson dismounted and grabbing the reins of both horses led them to the hitching post he'd installed out here. Once they were both secure, he lifted Lucy from the back of Belle and set her on her feet in front of him.

  "You did very well." He praised.

  "It wasn't so bad. It helped being on flat ground. I was on a mountain when I fell." Lucy's entire body shuddered with the memory.

  With the snap of his wrist Grayson spread out the blanket that he had stashed in his saddle bags and urged Lucy to join him on the soft covering. He laid out their lunch and they continued to talk between bites of fruit and cheese, crackers and sliced meat.

  When they were finished Lucy reclined back on her elbows and Grayson was content just to watch her for a while but when she gave him a mischievous smile and her eyes closed half lidded and seductive, he knew it was time to amp things up again.

  "Take off your clothes."

  Her eyes snapped open. She was instantly alert. It was the reaction he was expecting. "What?"

  "You heard me. Take off your clothes." He watched her throat work as she swallowed.

  "No." Her voice came out soft, her eyes lowered as if afraid to look at him.


  "I can't do that."

  "Why not?" There was a long pause and he feared she wouldn't answer. "What color Lucy?" Red was on the tip of her tongue. He could see her forming the word. He placed his fingers against the lush curve of her mouth. "Before you answer, really think about it. If it's
truly red that's fine but don't just say red before you think about it."

  Grayson pulled his hand back and waited. He could almost see the wheels turning in her mind. He didn't think she was really in a red zone, but he wondered if she would think through her emotions enough to get at the root of what she was feeling.

  "I want to say red, but I guess if I'm being honest yellow."

  Grayson exhaled the breath that he hadn't realized had caught in his chest while he waited for her to answer. "Okay, why do you want to say red and why do you think you're really only at yellow?"

  "I don't want to take off my clothes here. If I say red you won't make me, but I guess yellow because mostly I'm just uncomfortable."

  "Good girl," Grayson praised. "Why don't you want to take off your clothes?"

  There was another hard swallow and a long pause before Lucy answered. "We're outside!" The way she said it implied that Grayson should understand her reasoning without further clarification. He pushed for more anyway.


  Lucy let out a loud sigh that nearly made him smile before he remembered that he had begun a scene. Even if he hadn't gotten very far it was still a scene and he would stay in control of himself.

  "Show a little respect Darlin', he reminded her gently and was rewarded by her instantly contrite expression and her murmured "Yes, sir."

  "Someone might see us." She whispered the words and if he didn't know better, he'd think she was being purposely coy.

  "Lucy, look around. We're totally alone. Who do you imagine will interrupt us?"

  Lucy shrugged so Grayson continued. "Do you believe that I would never do anything to hurt you?"


  "Do you believe me when I say that we're alone here?" He asked, watching her look around again, realize that they were truly alone and smiled when she nodded.

  "Do you want to know why I want you to take off your clothes?" He asked.

  She arched a perfectly groomed eyebrow. Grayson couldn't help but start tallying the punishments she was wracking up. It didn't matter if it happened out here or back at the house. Sooner or later she would be naked before him spread out for him to discipline and pleasure.


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