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Bound for Love

Page 8

by A R McKinnon

  "You shouldn't answer now since you don't seem to be able to remember to be respectful, but since we're still discussing your comfort level and I want you to be able to talk to me, I'll let the attitude slide. I want you to take your clothes off so I can see the sunlight reflecting off your skin." Grayson ran his hand down her arm and let his fingers play with hers until they tangled together. "I want to watch you throw your head back and soak in the sun as it kisses every part of you until you don't know if you are worshiping the sun, or it's worshiping you. I want to make you so wet with need and desire that it glistens thick in that sunlight until you beg me to lick it off you and when I final do bring you to climax I want to hear your screams of pleasure echoing across this space so loud that it startles the very stillness around us."

  When he had finished speaking her chest was heaving. The blue irises of her eyes had been swallowed by her dilated pupils as if his words had drugged her.

  "Are you sure we're alone?" Her words came almost panting.

  Grayson had never brought another woman to this spot, but he was sure they wouldn't be interrupted. He didn't have neighbors for miles. The entire property was fenced. It made him confident of his answer.

  "Yes, we're alone."

  "Ok, then ask me again."

  "Darlin’, I was never asking. If you're comfortable and your color is green, then do as you've been told and take off your clothes. Otherwise tell me red and we'll go back up to the house where I'll adjust my plans for this afternoon."

  Grayson watched as she peeled the tank top over her head and tossed it aside. Her jeans followed the same route. Once she was in her bra and panties she hesitated. It gave him the opportunity to admire her delicate curves.

  He was about to remind her that he meant all her clothing when she continued. Grayson wanted to groan when she was finally completely bare.

  "You are so beautiful. Thank you for trusting me."

  LUCY HAD TO admit the warm sun felt amazing on her exposed skin and the sound of the bubbling water was relaxing. The feeling of Grayson's hands on her body was another thing entirely. He alternated between firm stokes that soothed her muscles and light teasing strokes that stimulated her nerves.

  She did want him. Just as he predicted she was ready to beg for his attention. He knew it too because every time she was close, he would back off and smile at her. It was a wicked smile that brought out a small dimple in his left cheek. It made her want to do sinful things to him.

  "Please." The single word was torn from her lips when he skimmed the tops of her thighs avoiding touching her intimately for what seemed like the hundredth time. She was rewarded with kisses from her instep which made her giggle, to teasing nips at her knee which made her spread her legs further apart; a silent invitation for him.

  Lucy could imagine the picture she made splayed on a blanket beneath the sun naked as the day she was born. It was almost enough to make her close her legs and push him away. She could feel moisture on the exposed lips of her pussy. She knew her arousal was indeed glistening in the sunlight just as he'd said it would.

  She should stop him and close her legs. She should cry out red and put an end to their erotic play, but she didn't. Instead she was undone by one gentle glide of his tongue along her inner thigh.

  "Please!" This time her plea was desperate, needy and enough to make Grayson bury his mouth at her core. He didn't tease any more and for that Lucy was grateful. Instead he parted her lips and latched on to her clit with strong suction that made her grunt and clutch at his shoulders.

  He stopped long enough to place her hands above her head pressing them there to emphasize his point before returning to feast on her flesh. He used his tongue to mimic the act of fucking her and Lucy couldn't help the automatic thrust of her pelvis.

  Grayson cupped her hips in his hands anchoring her where he wanted, but he didn't slow the movement of his mouth. It was almost enough to push her over the edge in an orgasm that would melt her brain, but it wasn't enough, and it was frustrating.

  Lucy whipped her head back and forth near the point of growling as her body reached for something that seemed unattainable. Just when she thought the feelings building inside her would fizzle out and dissipate Grayson raised his head and their gazes met.

  "Come for me darlin'" He issued the four words with such confidence before grazing her clit with the edge of his teeth. The sensation was enough to send her tumbling over the cliff into her climax to the chorus of hoarse shouts and crying.

  "That was something to see, sweetheart."

  Lucy groaned and flung her forearm across her eyes to avoid looking at Grayson.

  "Don't be embarrassed Lucy. It was beautiful and hot as hell.” Grayson kissed her. She could taste herself on his mouth. It was scandalous and arousing it stirred feelings she didn't fully understand or want to examine, so instead she kissed him back.

  "Come here."

  Lucy was surprised when Grayson drew her to her feet and led her to a pair of trees a few feet away. The grass was soft, and the earth was spongy under her feet as if it had recently rained.

  Grayson pressed her into the rough bark. The bite was enough to re-awaken her nerve endings. He caught her chin in his grasp and kissed her deeply before pulling back.

  "I'm dying to see you spread secure between these trees."

  "Why?" The thought was intriguing, and the image that his words created was tempting, but she had to know why. She had to know what his intentions were, because she didn't have that much blind faith.

  "It's different for everyone. I suppose that makes it hard to explain, but for me it boils down to an exchange in power. The intense high that it creates. You are a beautiful, intelligent woman. You don't have to give up control to me. Or any man for that matter. That you would is a gift. It’s a huge turn on."

  Lucy surrendered her wrists to him shivering when each was clasped in warm leather in turn. The earthy scent wafting from the thick material at her wrists wrapped her in a warm embrace. If she was totally honest, she could admit that what she was feeling now came fairly close to her hottest fantasies. It was what her mind conjured up when she had sex with any of the seemingly safe men she allowed in her bed.

  Lucy was always in control, always in charge of her sexuality, and while the experiences were briefly satisfying none had left her trembling as she was now.

  The metal buckle of the cuffs glinted in the sunlight, seeming to wink at her. Lucy watched as Grayson secured her wrists to the trees looping rope through the thick D-rings in the cuffs She jumped when Grayson spread her legs and completed the same process with her ankles.

  It had taken him only moments to have her trussed up positioned to his liking and she didn't bat an eye to stop him.

  There was no strain or pressure in the ropes; it was comfortable to be tied as she was. Grayson caught her lips in a gentle kiss that caused Lucy to strain against the bindings seeking more when he stepped back.

  She watched with a growing sense of trepidation as he went to the horses and retrieved one of the saddle bags. Apparently, he’d stashed a few surprises away when he packed their lunch.

  Lucy caught her lower lip between her teeth biting down and chewing. The anticipation was killing her as she watched the bunch and movement of his muscles across his back as he rooted in the bag.

  Clad in only jeans, boots, and his white cowboy hat, his wide shoulders worked honed muscles on display for her, she felt the familiar flicker and burn of arousal in the pit of her stomach.

  Lucy couldn't help licking her lips when he turned around and started back towards her. He was walking sin. There was no denying she wanted him. Her desire faltered when she caught sight of what he was holding.

  "Tell me what you're thinking. You had the most delicious look on your face and then it soured."

  "I was thinking you looked good enough to eat, then I saw that. Now I'm wondering what you've got planned and I'm nervous." Lucy shifted her feet in the grass as much as the binding would allow
. The urge to clamp her thighs together was strong and she realized that being spread bound before him was a double-edged sword.

  It felt deliciously wanton to be so exposed but, in that moment, she realized that she couldn't close her legs even if she wanted to. Logically she'd known it, but having it bought into such sharp focus made her panic.

  "Take a deep breath." Grayson instructed as he moved closer. Lucy whimpered struggling to obey. "Do you want to stop? We can, all you have to do is say so."

  "No, I don't want to stop, but I'm afraid."

  "You're worried about how it will feel, that's understandable." Grayson ran the crop he was holding down the inside curve of her arm and down her side. "It's a soft, very malleable leather covered in suede. The impact will sting, the heat will spread around the area" Lucy's skin quivered with his explanation as he trailed the end across the underside of her beasts. She gasped when he slid the shaft of the crop against her skin while explaining that it was made of thin flexible wood wrapped in leather as well. He tapped it against the curve of her breast in a slow rhythm that had her breath catching in her throat.

  The anticipation was killing her, she was about to beg him to do something when the first strike landed with a loud snap. The crop contacted the curve of her breast.

  Grayson was right, it stung where the tab made impact with her skin, but it wasn't too painful. Heat flushed outward from the site making her more aware of the afflicted area.

  Once she was accustomed to the feel of the first strike, a second, then third followed in quick succession. Lucy was amazed at his ability to vary the places he landed the blows. Both breasts were adorned with a pink blush.

  Lucy was surprised to find that she liked it. She didn't think she would, or should. So, she fought against the feeling, but standing tethered between the trees, the hot glow created by the riding crop radiating across her tissue causing need to gather in her sex, she felt more fulfilled by sex than she ever had before.

  It was the look in his eyes though that really tore the blinders from hers. He watched her every reaction gauging how much more she needed versus how much more she could take. She had never felt so safe or cared for. Grayson looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen before, and in that moment every flaw Lucy thought she had floated away.

  "You're starting to understand." Grayson said a gentle smile curving his lips. "Now let’s see if we can really get you to fly. It might be difficult but, don't come until I say. "

  This time when Grayson landed the riding crop on her flesh, the blows were slightly harder and caused the sting to last a little longer, but when the sharp bite of the sting melted away the intense pleasure left behind nearly made Lucy's knees buckle. She was grateful for the cuffs and rope holding her in place.

  Grayson circled her and the loss of eye contact allowed Lucy to let her eyes drift shut. Lucy felt the next strike on her buttocks. The sudden change was enough to switch the sensation back to pain and she cried out sagging slightly in her bonds.

  There was a long pause while Grayson checked the fastenings on the cuffs re-checking their fitting. He touched her hands instructing her to wiggle her fingers before repeating the same process with her feet and toes presumably checking for issues with her circulation. Obviously, content with his findings, the movement of the crop resumed. Sometimes in a measured fashion and sometimes sporadically, keeping Lucy wondering when the next would land.

  Lucy found herself growing impatient and began shifting her weight from foot to foot to distract herself from reaching climax.

  The strikes were back on her breasts, alternating with a teasing caress trailed down her belly. Grayson circled her belly button with the edge of the crop.

  Lucy thrust her hips forward silently begging. There were tears pooling in her eyes and wetness on her cheeks from tears she hadn't realized had fallen, but the moisture on her face was paled compared to the moisture gathering between her thighs.

  "Tell me what you want darlin'."

  Lucy swallowed hard, unable to push the words past her lips. She rocked forward on the balls of her feet. "Please." She begged, but still couldn't bring herself to say the words. Lucy sucked in a deep breath as Grayson trailed the soft leather down her stomach, over her pubic mound teasing the flesh that was aching to feel a harsher bite. "Please." Lucy whimpered when he pulled back.

  "Tell me what you want." Grayson's voice was still patient but held a hard edge that was difficult for Lucy to ignore.

  Grayson caught her chin between his fingers, and she found herself forced to stare into his eyes with nowhere to hide.

  "Tell me what you want, Lucy. I won't ask you again."

  "Please, I need to know. I need to feel -" she broke off.

  "Say it. A big part of this lifestyle is being able to admit what you want."

  She tried she really did but the words were lodged in her throat. Finally giving up she let her head hang forward in defeat. Hot angry tears slipped from her lashes as she squeezed her eyes closed.

  When Lucy felt Grayson's hand in her hair her tears came faster.

  "I'm sorry!"

  "Hush, there's nothing to be sorry for sweetheart."

  "I don't want to let you down. I want to say it. You know what I want so I don't know why I can't get the words out."

  His lips were against hers, stiffening the flow of words spilling out. Grayson stepped back, and before Lucy could do more than blink, he landed the riding crop exactly where she had been waiting for it.

  The leather made a sharp crack against the swollen folds of her sex. It wasn't a hard hit. It wasn't too much - no the kiss of leather against her clit was exactly right, leaving in its wake a slight sting, and beautiful blush of awareness.

  GRAYSON WATCHED LUCY'S eyes close as a shuddering sigh blew past her lips. He wanted her to ask for the contact of the crop against her pussy. He watched her desire roll over her, cresting like waves crashing on the beach. He really thought she would say the words, but she'd pulled back and he knew in that moment he'd pushed her too far.

  Rather than end their scene though, which was what he'd have done if they had more experience playing with each other. He gave her what he knew her body was desperate for.

  The desire to lick the fine sheen of sweat from her skin was almost overwhelming, but she'd been tied up for nearly too long. So instead he gave her a few more quick flicks of the crop. Zeroing in on her clit with practiced ease, with the last strike Grayson ordered her to come and relished the way she flew apart shaking in the bonds he'd secured.

  While she was still flying on the endorphin high, he untied her and carefully carried her back to the blanket where they had eaten.

  Grayson waited for her breathing to slow and return to normal, while he stroked his hands over her body. He wanted her again but knew that their time together was quickly coming to an end. Monday was coming and it would bring reality with it.

  Grayson decided to ride double saddle cradling a still replete Lucy in his arms. He tethered Delilah to his saddle horn using the rope he had bound Lucy with, and they slowly made their way back to the barn. It took them over twenty minutes and by the time they reached the fencing of the corral, Lucy was much more alert.

  "Why don't you go on in the house while I take care of the horses?" He suggested while swinging down from the saddle and reaching up to lift her down.

  "I should get going, it's been a long weekend I - " Grayson placed his fingers against her lips silencing her further protests. Birds chirped as they soared overhead and the soft chuffing of the horses in the barn were loud as he let the silence between them grow waiting to make sure she was listening.

  "It's been an emotional afternoon for you. Give yourself some time to process things before you run off." He pulled his hand back fighting his desire to cover her mouth in a blistering kiss.

  Grayson watched as Lucy scuffed the toe of her sneakers into the dirt focusing intently on the movement rather than looking at him.

"Don't you dare leave while I'm tending my horses." He watched her creamy skin flush with color, revealing that as her intention all along. "I swear I'll hunt you down and paddle your ass until it's bright red, you won’t sit for a week." He put just enough of his Dom voice into his tone that she responded to him instantly.

  He watched her head towards the house, her feet dragging in the dirt along the path from the barn to the house.

  LUCY WANTED TO leave. She stared at the door as she paced Grayson's living room, her car key clutched in her hand and darted her eyes to the door for what felt like the hundredth time.

  Lucy took a step towards the door. The handle turned, and she froze when Grayson crossed the threshold.

  "Just in time I see." He gestured to the keys gripped in her fist. Lucy watched him carefully trying to decipher his mood.

  "I have to go."

  "I told you not to leave."

  "I didn't leave." Lucy protested, taking a step back as he advanced into the room. Lucy hated her small stature, always had. She had grown used to it as she got older, but as he came towards her, she felt every inch of difference in their height.

  "Five more minutes and you would have been in your car speeding away from her here like the devil himself was on your heels, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust in my driveway." He took another step forward and Lucy stepped back. Grayson frowned. "Stop backing away from me. I'm not going to hurt you."

  The disgust was evident in his tone, but it was the disappointment in his intense gaze that seared into her soul. She loved his praise and had begun to crave the hot looks of approval he'd been giving her this weekend, and her heart hurt inside her chest when he looked at her like he was now.

  "I didn't leave you can't punish me for something I didn't do." nerves made her voice shake and she inwardly cringed. If he was disappointed in her ability to do as he asked, he'd be even more disappointed with her show of fear.


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