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Bound for Love

Page 9

by A R McKinnon

  "You're worried about me spanking that pretty little ass till it burns?" Grayson asked as he finally closed the gap between them and cupped her neck in his large palm.

  Lucy swallowed hard. She was nervous about him spanking her yes, but she was more nervous about the way her pussy throbbed at the thought. Her skin felt tender and tingly after his attention with the riding crop and still she wanted more. It was the wanting that terrified her.

  She tried to ignore the voice in her head that called her dirty and accused her of unimaginable things. Years of therapy had pushed the memory of those taunts back so that she was able to function. There was no way she was letting them creep back in and fuck with the progress she'd made.

  Grayson drew her closer and kissed her softly. Lucy melted into his touch and cursed herself for her weakness. At this rate she wouldn't be able to walk away, putting an end to the weekend.

  "I have to go." She said trying once more to put conviction into her tone.

  "Lucy, it's been an emotionally exhausting day. I can see the confusion in your eyes. You're battling what you're feeling against what you think is right to feel. You need time to process it."

  "Staying any longer isn't going to make it any easier to process. I have to go." She stepped away and was surprised when Grayson let her go without further fight.

  Lucy wiped at the wetness on her cheek and pulled over to the side of the road when her vision blurred. She slammed her fist against the steering wheel. She wanted to turn the car around and stay with Grayson, but she couldn't let herself do it. Putting the car in gear again she pulled back on to the road and continued her drive home.


  Monday Lucy went to work, but she couldn't stop thinking about the weekend she had spent with Grayson. By Tuesday the tingle had left her skin, but she was still floating through her days in a semi coherent daze. When she gave Mr. Worthington the wrong files twice, he yelled at her, and when she sent an old copy of an ad to one of their clients, she spent the next few hours in human resources filling out client retention paperwork for her mistake.

  Wednesday, she couldn’t sleep, so she started researching. She went on to every BDSM website she could find. She had to admit some were scary and she couldn't imagine allowing anyone to treat her the way some of the pictures depicted. The others were a very enlightening education that made her ache with desire and left her with her panties damp. Feeling guilty she trailed her fingers over her stomach brushing the damp fabric away from her sex and slid her fingers into her moist folds caressing herself until small shudders wracked her body. It was hollow as far as an orgasm went but it managed to take the edge off for her.

  Thursday, she wanted to call Grayson, but realized she didn't have his number. Grayson was the one who sought her out in the days leading up to Allison's wedding, so she had no way to get in touch with him unless she showed up at his house and begged for a repeat of the repeat of their weekend together.

  "Hi Allie."

  "Hey Luce. Is everything okay?"

  "I'm sorry to interrupt your honeymoon." Saying the words out loud made her feel incredibly stupid and she nearly hung up the phone without another word.

  "We're headed home tomorrow, you aren't interrupting anything. The guys have gone to rustle up food anyway. What's up?"

  Lucy took a deep breath trying to formulate a descent response. "Do you have a way to get a hold of Grayson?" She finally blurted out the question in a rush.

  Allison was quiet on the line longer than Lucy expected her to be and just when the silence had grown to an uncomfortable thickness between them Allison rhymed off Grayson's number.

  "You don't approve?" Lucy couldn't resist asking.

  "No, it’s not that. I'm more surprised that he finally wore you down. I gotta go Lucy, the guys are back with dinner."

  Lucy debated calling suddenly feeling embarrassed but the need she'd tried to hold at bay all weekend won out over her embarrassment.


  "Hi Grayson." Lucy cringed when her voice came out breathy.

  "Lucy? I wasn't sure if I'd hear from you after last weekend."

  "I had a lot to process from our time together." She rolled her eyes feeling foolish, but if he noticed anything off about her behavior he didn’t comment.

  "And, what did you manage to work out after you ran out of here on Sunday?"

  Lucy swallowed trying not to read anything into Grayson's careful clipped tone.

  "I'd like to see you again."

  "Your friend just married two of my friends. I imagine we'll see a lot of each other now that our social circles overlap."

  Lucy could hear the laughter in Grayson's voice and knew he was being deliberately difficult. With an effort she bit back the small sigh allowing him to put her through her paces. Lucy walked to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water suddenly needing the liquid to lubricate her parched throat.

  After a long drink she said, "That's not what I meant and you know it... Sir." She tacked on the Sir at the last moment smiling. Her research hadn't been totally in vain.

  "You've thought about our time together." It was posed as more of a statement than a question.

  "Yes." Lucy cringed there was that breathy tone again."Did you touch yourself while thinking about it?"


  "Touch yourself for me now." His tone made it clear it wasn't a request. Lucy's knees shook. She grabbed a hold of the counter to steady herself.

  "I'm in the kitchen," her tone was exasperated.

  "I don't care. Touch yourself."

  Lucy stood still as a statue frozen with indecision. She wanted to do as he asked, oh she really wanted to but standing up fully dressed seemed cold and unappealing.

  "Please, let me go to the bedroom. I don't think my legs will hold me up for long enough if I try to do this in my kitchen."

  Grayson let out an annoyed sounding sigh and Lucy could almost picture his look of dismay at her arguing. She’d realized over the week that just like her he was playing a role.

  She waited for him to allow her to move into the bedroom and wasn't surprised when he ordered her to remove her clothing.

  "Put the phone on speaker after you've taken off your clothes and laid on the bed." Grayson's gruff tone made her heart skip a beat, and Lucy scrambled to do his bidding.

  "OK, I'm ready." Lucy held her breath waiting for Grayson's instruction, her heart pounding in her chest until it felt like it would explode through her ribcage.

  "Relax. Take a deep breath." His tone was soothing, and Lucy was surprised to find she did calm down.

  "Good girl." Grayson praised, desire evident in his voice. "How would you touch yourself?"

  "What do you mean?" Lucy asked, confused.

  "What I mean darlin’, is how would you pleasure yourself? How do you get that sweet pussy all hot and bothered?"

  A nervous laugh bubbled up from Lucy's throat. "I rub my clit until I come."

  "Oh honey, that's the most utilitarian description of pleasure I might have ever heard"

  "I don't know what you want me to say. That's what I do. This isn't some one nine hundred number, Grayson!" Lucy snapped, irritation suddenly replacing the excitement she was feeling.

  “Settle down darlin’, I know this isn't like that. I know it probably better than you do. Besides you called me."

  The chuckle in his voice was infuriating. "I can't do this. I should go." The man simply pushed all her buttons. She was about to disconnect the phone when his plea stopped her.

  "Don't hang up. I know you find it embarrassing but those aren't your hands right now. They are mine. I need you to help me use them to bring you pleasure though. Lucy please, I missed you this week. Let me share this with you. Don't hang up." His tone had gone from that practiced in-control drawl, to something more genuine.

  It made Lucy melt and she didn’t disconnect the phone. "Okay, now what?"

  "Run your fingers over your jaw back towards your earlobe. You're so s
oft here can you feel it? I loved pressing kisses here last weekend. "

  She touched the spot he directed her to, every nerve-ending on alert. She was surprised to find that spot was as soft as he claimed.

  "Let your fingers trail down your neck. Can you feel the beat of your heart? The faster your pulse the more I know you're enjoying my touch. Your collarbone looks so delicate when you arch your neck."

  Lucy could feel her pulse beginning to pound in her throat as Grayson's words fuelled her excitement. When Grayson directed her hands lower and had her cup her breasts Lucy shifted nervously on the bed as the sensuality of the moment hit her full force. She'd never touched her own breasts for pleasure before. She hadn't even realized how sensitive they could be.

  "Cup the weight of them in your palm Lucy. Imagine it's my hands touching you."

  Lucy snorted, breaking the tension of the moment. "You must not have paid close attention Grayson, there isn't much weight to cup here."

  The sound of Grayson sucking his teeth came across the phone clearly and Lucy knew he was displeased with her comment. She waited for him to break the silence with more directions but he remained quiet. Time seemed to draw out between them sharp, and painful like a blade until Lucy cracked.

  "Sorry," she whispered.

  "Sorry what?"

  "Sorry, Sir."

  "Good. Now, be a good girl and do as you're told. Cup their weight in your hands and tweak the nipples between your fingers."

  Lucy quickly did as he asked gasping as sensation zinged across her nerve endings.

  "See you're sensitive. That's more important to me than you having large tits, Lucy. All I need is a handful, it's all about the sensitivity darlin'. Now tug your nipples give them a good pull." Lucy followed his direction and whimpered with pleasure. "Again. Harder."

  She pulled and cried out.

  Lucy could feel moisture gathering along the folds of her pussy. She was dying to move her touch to her clit which was now throbbing in time with her heartbeat, but she knew that Grayson would know if she did. He'd know and he'd be angry. Maybe even angry enough to stop the game they'd started and that though kept her doing only what he told her to do.

  "We'll get there soon darlin’." He soothed. Lucy wasn't sure if she'd spoken aloud or if he just assumed her need was escalating to the point where she wanted to rub herself until she flew apart.

  "Let your hands slide down over your belly. Can you feel the muscles quiver at your touch?"

  "Yes," she whispered trying not to break the spell he'd woven around them.

  "Bend your knees and let your thighs fall open." There was a long pause over the line as she did his bidding. "I wish I was there right now. I wish I could see the evidence of your arousal flowing freely from your pussy, begging me lick all your sweet juices until you scream."

  Lucy was breathing heavy with the visual his words created. As she imagined his lips and tongue bringing her to climax a strangled moan escaped from her. She hadn't made so much of a whisper of contact with her needy weeping flesh, but she was primed, ready to explode.

  "Please, Grayson. Please let me touch myself."

  "Oh darlin’, I love how sweetly you beg. Touch your pussy for me now. Imagine I'm there and rub against your wet swollen flesh.”

  It didn't take much before Lucy's orgasm was crashing over her. She tried to keep quiet by biting her lower lip to muffle the sound, but Grayson stopped her.

  "No, that orgasm is mine. I gave it to you, let me hear it."

  She gave up trying to stifle herself, a loud groan escaping as her orgasm rippled through her.

  When she quieted again Grayson spoke his voice coming gruff across the line.

  "If you want us to spend time together you won’t touch yourself again without my say so. Every ounce of sexual gratification you feel, every orgasm you have will belong to me. Understand?"

  Grayson's words made her breath catch in her throat. She could easily picture him as he'd been on the weekend, fiercely aroused his face a mask of hard determination.

  "Okay." Lucy readily agreed. The weekend that they had spent together had nearly been impossible to stop thinking about.

  "Don't just agree Lucy. Think about it. There will be times we can't see each other. I get very busy at this time of year. My work can be very demanding and there’s always something happening at the club to consider. I’m sure there will be times that I want to see you and you won't be available either. Don't just agree."

  Lucy was silent for a while mulling over everything he'd said. Only one thing really concerned her. "Will you see other people when you’re not busy and I'm unavailable?" She held her breath afraid of his response.

  "Absolutely not, and I expect the same from you."

  The harsh demanding tone in his voice tied her stomach in knots. It was his Dom voice and it sent shivers racing down her spine.

  "Lucy, I expect the same promise from you. Do you understand?" His voice was doing wicked things to her. Lucy struggled to answer him.

  "That won't be a problem."

  "Come by tomorrow. We'll have dinner together."


  THE NEXT MORNING was dreadful. Grayson overslept, burned his breakfast and his truck had a flat tire. The gouge in the tire made him frown. If he'd torn it on a nail or a piece of fencing that had come loose the tire would have blown. There was no way that he would have missed damage like that. It made him consider increasing security around the property. He hated the thought of anyone messing with his horses or the other livestock. Haven was much busier in recent years and he’d need to come to a decision soon. Either he’d bring someone on to manage Haven full time, or he’d need to hire a ranch foreman. Either way the extra security was a must.

  Once he made the decision about security he couldn't stop thinking about Lucy. He kept picturing her as he changed the flat tire. It took him three times as long as it normally did to perform the simple tire change and he nearly pinched this thumb twice. Cursing, he put away his tools, wiped his hands on a rag and climbed into his truck to finally start his day.

  She had started out so shy over the phone but had quickly allowed herself to be swept up into the moment he'd created for them. That made him smile. Remembering her moans, and the wet sounds of her pleasure made him hard.

  If they indulged like that again, he would insist on a video chat so he could see her pleasure herself for him. Thinking of Lucy again made him hurry through his day. He had a lot to do but wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

  Grayson scoffed at his behavior shaking his head in dismay. It was a good thing he could drive his truck around the property without much thought. There would be hell to pay if anyone at the club could see him now, practically whipped over a woman he'd only spent one weekend with. How the mighty Dom has fallen, he mused.

  Grayson finished his chores making one last stop to check on one of his favorite horses Bellatrix. She was due to have a foal any day now.

  Grayson's vet lived twenty minutes away. A lot could happen in twenty minutes. So, Grayson had spent the early years of his career making sure he knew the basics of caring for all his animals.

  He would have to check her again while Lucy was visiting. It was the type of thing that would have made Julia angry.

  Thinking of Julia now didn't hurt the way it once had but it still made him angry. He hated that he hadn't seen her true personality. It made him question his judgement. Even more unforgivable though, was the rift she'd caused with his family. They hadn’t known he was a dominant. It wasn’t their business that he liked his sex kinky. He hadn’t told them he owned a club catering to the sexual kinks of its customers, but thanks to Julia they knew now.

  Because of Julia, his parents thought he was a pervert. They were barely speaking to him. Grayson almost wished he could say the same for his sister, but Tessa took every opportunity she could get her hands on to blast him for his lifestyle choice. He'd been estranged from his family for nearly a year because
Julia couldn't keep her mouth shut when their relationship soured.

  Pushing thoughts of Julia aside, Grayson made his way back to the house and started dinner for Lucy.

  By the time she pulled into his driveway an hour later dinner was on the table. Grayson was tempted to go to her before she even made it to the door, he was so anxious to see her again, but it was important that she made the decision to be here fully on her own. She had called him. It was a big step but there was still a lot of room for her to back out.

  LUCY SQUARED HER shoulders and knocked on the door trying to keep her knock sounding confident. After their little escapade on the phone Lucy started doubting Grayson's motives. A terrible thought had taken hold of her.

  What if he was just playing with her? He wouldn't though - Would he? Lucy didn't think it was possible to fake the passion they had experienced together but then she reminded herself that she didn't know Grayson all that well. She’d spent the months leading up to Allison's wedding firmly believing that he was a player.

  Player or not, she wanted him. She couldn't deny it, but that didn't mean she had to let him call all the shots.

  Her resolve melted like butter the minute he opened the door. The look he gave her seared into her, scorching her from head to toe, burning away any uncertainty she felt on the way over. It also put any notion of her taking charge on the back burner.

  Grayson wasn't in control. He was control. The aura of it surrounded him, it was part of him. To think she would be able to take it from him was ridiculous.

  "Hi." The single word was all she managed before his mouth was on hers stealing her breath. His tongue swept inside taking possession. Lucy sank into the kiss, and for a long time the world narrowed to only the feel of his lips on hers.

  "Come on in. Dinner is getting cold." Grayson pulled back only enough to speak and his words fanned against her mouth. The abrupt change made Lucy groan with frustration.

  Her cheeks flamed crimson at the memories that flooded back to her once Grayson had her inside, and she couldn't help but wonder if she'd find herself spread out as dessert after dinner. She was disappointed when all they did was talk.


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