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His Desire

Page 30

by Lizzie Lioness

  A confused expression appeared on my face. “What do you mean? What’s this really about?”

  Kai hesitated for a moment. “It’s…ugh. Missing kids.”

  A cold chill ran through my body. “What?”

  “Your fake parents. They were part of a kidnapping ring. After finding out about your kidnapping, I decided to dig in further. There are so many, Isla. So many people doing to others what those fuckwits did to you. And I’m not going to let anyone else go through what you did. Not if I can help it.” Kai pulled me in for a kiss which I instantly melted into. I loved him more than ever. The man that was doing anything to protect people like me. When he pulled away, there were tears in his eyes.

  “It’s always been you, Isla. Always will be. I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you too,” I breathed out.

  Romeo and Rosa stormed through the door and looked down at the girl. “What the fuck? She’s still alive?”

  “I need to kill her.” Kai looked at Romeo.

  “I’ll do it. You can’t be involved. You need to keep your cover safe. I’ll make sure it looked like an accident.” Kai, Romeo, and Rosa made a plan. I looked down at the girl and she was still bleeding out.

  “This will be over soon, I promise,” Kai uttered before he pulled me in for another kiss. I allowed myself to taste every corner of his mouth, ensuring that the memory of his kiss was embedded in my mind.

  Kai stepped back and my eyes swelled with tears as we said our goodbyes. Ally reached out her hand to me and we walked out to the rest of the group, who were blissfully unaware of the events that occurred in the bathroom. Kai walked back to the people he was with earlier. They were so wasted, that they hadn’t noticed that Kai or the girl had disappeared.

  “You took a while. Everything okay?” Majandra smiled.

  “I’m okay, thanks.”

  Isaac grinned the moment he saw Ally again. He was so innocent and I wanted to keep it that way to protect Max and him.

  We spent time drinking and talking, though my mind was distracted on more important things. Forty-minutes later, Romeo and Rosa returned, and sat down on the stool beside me.

  “It’s done,” Romeo whispered.

  “Is she outside?” I muttered.

  Romeo nodded. “She’ll be found soon. I’ve called for reinforcement. They won’t take long to get here.”

  I smiled at him and we waited for things to unfold. Half an hour later, the men at the other table stood up and walked out of the bar taking Kai with them. Suddenly, we heard screaming outside.

  “That doesn’t sound good.” Billy’s eyes widened.

  Everyone rushed out of the bar. I could see Kai from the corner of my eye with a devastated look across his face as his attention was on the girl’s body. She was dead with a needle in her arm. Apparently, she was into drugs.

  Kai noticed the needle marks on her arm, so faking an overdose was the perfect option, and it looked like the drunk assholes believed it. Kai looked at me for a micro-second, briefly nodded before he turned his attention back to the others.

  “Fuck, that’s sad,” Marcelo whispered.

  “I should check on her.” Jay, who was actually a doctor, was about to walk over to the girl when Romeo pulled him back.

  “Leave it. Trust me, she’s dead,” Romeo confirmed.

  We all headed back inside. Romeo’s reinforcements came through and confirmed that the death was in fact a drug overdose, eliminating any suspicion of foul play.

  A couple of weeks had gone by since my party. I hadn’t heard from Kai since, but I’m still stressed knowing how serious the case was.

  I was sitting down on the couch in the lounge room, absentmindedly flicking through the T.V. channels. Not able to sleep and being two in the morning, the only thing to watch were infomercials. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and I sat up quickly in a panic before jumping off the couch. I made my way to the view hole but all I saw was black. Fuck!

  Grabbing the handle, I slowly pushed it down and let the door creak open. My mouth dropped when I saw Kai smiling at me.

  “Hi, baby,” he whispered. Kai pushed his way in, shut the door with his foot, grabbed me by my ass, and lifted me up, crashing his lips onto mine.

  It was the best kiss that we’ve shared together. Every memory of why I fell in love with him seemed to be nestled comfortably between my heart and my mind. My eyes closed and I tasted the familiar sweetness coming from his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we both let out involuntary moans. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine.

  “I’m never leaving you again,”


  The Reunion


  I have just arrived home and Isla, is nestled tight against my body. “I’m never leaving you again.”

  She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Kai…” Our eyes locked in place and she looked at me with a confused expression. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that I’m done going undercover. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t be away from you, Isla.”

  Her luscious mouth curved into a smile before she pulled me in for a kiss. I couldn’t believe how much I had missed her. The way she tasted, the sound of her voice. Her scent and the light hum of the subtle moans every time we kissed. The girl was everything to me. I would kill for her. I would die for her. Neither of us wanted to break the kiss; we were so desperate for each other. Being away from her for so long was fucking torture, but I knew in my heart that I was doing everything for her.

  I had to be as close to her as I could be, so I carried her into the bedroom and gently placed her on the mattress. Isla rested on her elbows and watched me get undressed. My clothes couldn’t come off fast enough. She smiled at me. That damn beautiful smile I could never get enough of. The smile I had missed so much.

  Standing completely naked in front of her, Isla’s eyes traveled down to my cock. Her smile widened and she bit her lip. She missed everything about me too. I crawled over her on the bed and placed my hand on the waistband of her cute little aqua shorts, and gently tugged them down. She lifted her hips up to allow them to slide past her ass, and I threw them on the floor. Isla grabbed the hem of her top, and I helped her remove it when she struggled. Isla’s plump breasts were bare and I couldn’t help but admire her curved beauty.

  “So damn gorgeous,” I beamed. Isla scooted up on the bed and I looked down at her incredible body. After leaning in, my tongue found its way to her leg, and guided up her inner thigh taking small bites of her flesh.

  “Ahhh!” she moaned. My tongue ventured further up until I reached her already soaked and heated core. I breathed in deeply to take in that intoxicating smell I was heavily addicted to. Isla was my drug that I had gone far too long without. Tasting her, my tongue flicked across her center and my eyes closed enjoying her intense flavor. So fucking sweet. My hands gripped onto her hips and my tongue thrusted in and out. Her arched back gave me deeper access, and her moans only fueled my need to please her more. “Mmmm. Ohhhh,” she breathed. Isla grabbed a fistful of my hair and rocked against my lips. I wanted to make her come like she never had before. “Oh, Fuck!”

  “Mmmm,” I moaned. My thrusts became hard and fast continuing to lick and suck at her nub. The more I tasted her, the more there was to be tasted. Her moans became louder and I felt her tighten around my lips. She screamed out my name as her body caved from the intensity.

  “Kai, oh my God!”

  My eyes closed when my craving settled. I sat up, leaned over her body, and crashed my lips onto hers. She could taste the same sweetness I provoked her body to give me. Isla’s hands wrapped around my neck. When we finally pull away, our eyes locked in place and Isla’s began to swell with tears. It’s as though she was expecting me to say goodbye to her again, but I’m never leaving the woman I love. Knowing what she was thinking, I wanted to ease her doubts. “I’ve already told them that I’m not going undercover again.”

  Isla caught her br
eath. I knew it was what she wanted to hear and it’s damn well everything I wanted to say to her. “I’m never leaving you, Isla. God. I need you in my life. Being without you was pure fucking torture and I don’t want to go through that again.”

  A single tear fell down her cheek and my lips pressed against that drop to stop it from falling. I could taste the bitterness of her pain I don’t ever want her to feel.

  “I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if you left again,” she whispered.

  “You don’t have to worry about that, baby. Not anymore,” I assured. Before she had a chance to respond, I pressed my lips on hers. My mouth opened and I tasted her again. Our tongues were aggressive and I knew that she would win against me. My body pressed against hers and Isla could feel how much I wanted her. Fuck. I want her bad. She let out a moan before I broke the kiss.

  I smiled, took my cock in my hand, and aligned it with the entrance to her pussy, slowly easing myself in. Her arms secured tightly around me, and I thrusted in and out of her. Isla’s heat was all consuming.

  “God, I’ve missed you,” I whispered.

  “I missed you too,” she replied. Isla’s fingers ran through my hair and I closed my eyes marveling her touch. The past couple of months had been so difficult, but Isla was giving me everything I needed.

  We continued to make love. It was slow, sensual, sexy, and every emotion was heightened and felt as we brought each other to our summit. He body quivered beneath mine and I claimed her lips with a kiss. After our release, I collapsed on top of her with my head resting in the crook of her neck. Isla wrapped her arms tightly around mine, and I never felt closer than I did to her then.

  I was lying on my side next to Isla on our bed. My eyes gazed over her the subtle but beautiful features of her face. Isla smiled sweetly.

  “When did you know?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “When did I know what?”

  “When you fell in love with me?”

  I took a deep breath and caressed my thumb on her mouth. “I think part of me fell in love with you on that bridge. I don’t know what it was, but the kiss, no matter how brief it was, left a permanent mark on me.” “When did you?”

  “When your hands moved down to my hips, something about the way you touched me. I dunno. It was like-,”

  “Like I didn’t want to let go of you even then.”

  We smiled at each other. There was so much I needed to tell her about where I had been and what I had done, but it would be too hard for her to hear. “Isla, I’m sorry I didn’t get in contact with you. It was just too dangerous.”

  “I know. I get it. I can’t believe what you were doing that whole time. I never thought someone would fight for me. Not like the way you have.”

  “I’ll always fight for you,” I whispered. “I just hope you didn’t get scared after what I done.”

  She shook her head. “The only thing that would ever scare me is if you went away again.”


  “So, who was that girl anyways?” Isla bit her lip.

  “She was involved in the kidnapping ring. She used to find the victims because she was likable and people trusted her,” I continued. “I want you to come to work with me tomorrow.”

  “How come?” Isla narrowed her eyes.

  “Please. Consider this a belated birthday gift. I have a surprise.”

  Isla nodded and smiled but it soon faltered. “I hated seeing you kiss her.”

  I moved closer and pressed my lips on her forehead “Your lips are the only ones I want to kiss,” I breathed.


  I woke up thinking I would be alone, but smiled as soon I saw Kai sleeping next to me. I tried to move out of bed, but he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him.

  “Don’t you fucking dare move,” he chuckled. There’s nowhere else I would rather be than to have him hold me tight. “This is everything I have missed and more,” he crooned. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Kai pressed his lips against my shoulder and whispered. “As much as I want to stay in bed with you, we really need to get up. We have to get to work.”

  I turned my head towards him and gently pressed his lips against mine before pulling away. “Okay. I’m ready for my surprise.”

  Kai and I got up to get ready for his work. Part of me just wanted to keep him to myself for the day since I hadn’t seen him for so long. When we arrived at his work, I saw a few familiar faces.

  “Isla!” Nicole beamed. I smiled when I saw his mom, strode over to her and she pulled me in for an embrace.

  “Hi, Nicole. It’s so good to see you.”

  She clapped the back of my shoulders. “I’m so fucking glad he has you.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle when she stepped away from me. My smile grew when she pulled in Kai for a hug, but my heart soon broke when I could hear his mom crying. It was hard for me not to know where he was or if he was okay, but his parents had gone through the same thing.

  “We’re so proud of you. What you’ve done is incredible.” Nicole said proudly. Kai pulled away from his mom before he shook his dad’s hand. Nicole turned to me “After he finished his assignment, he had called us up to let us know he was okay, but went straight to you.”

  “What?” my eyes widened.

  “He’s so in love with you. I can’t tell you how happy we are to see him with his perfect girl,” Nicole grinned. My eyes filled with tears and Kai wrapped his arm around my neck before he kissed my temple.

  “When will they be here?” Kai turned to his mom.

  She looked at her watch and her eyes focused on the door. “Just in time.”

  Kai and I turned and saw some kids of various ages run in. My mouth fell open and I turned my head to Kai, whispering beneath my breath. “You found the missing kids?” He smiled and nodded. The kids didn’t look scared. They knew they were safe. My eyes were now spilling freely with tears. I wiped them away and Kai pulled me closer to him.

  It was amazing. What he had done was beautiful but bittersweet when I thought about the kids that weren’t able to be saved. Even though I was one of those kids, I knew that this was how my life was supposed to turn out. Would I have met Kai otherwise?

  The kids are taken into a waiting room. One by one, the parents of the missing kids came and were reunited with their child. Through the clear glass, I could see the smiles and tears that followed through. Best fucking birthday gift anyone could have gotten me.

  I turned to Kai. “How do I become a cop?”

  Kai bit his lip and smiled. “I’m sure we could arrange that,” he continued. “Right after you marry me.”

  My smile faltered and my jaw dropped. I was looking into the eyes of the man I as in love with trying to figure out if that was a proposal. “Kai?”

  “Hear me out. Please,” he begged and I nodded. “I know we haven’t been together for long, but I’ve known how I feel about you for a while. I told you that I fell in love with you the first day we met.” Kai stepped closer and turned to face me. He took my hand in his. “You’re everything I wanted to find in a girl. The girl of my dreams and the one I’ve hoped and waited a lifetime for. I can’t live without you and I don’t want to. We don’t have to get married right away. I mean there’s nothing wrong with a long engagement. I just want everyone to know that you’re mine and I’m yours. Please don’t think I haven’t actually thought this through, because-,”

  I crashed my lips onto his not giving him an opportunity to continue talking. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. My lips parted as an invitation for his tongue to collide with mine. Kai forgot where we were and grabbed my ass giving it a tight squeeze. I automatically released a moan from my lips. “Mmmm.” After we pulled away, we both tried to catch our breaths. We only broke our gaze when someone cleared their throat.

  “Ahem. So was that a yes?” Nicole beamed.

  My smile widened and I turned back to Kai. “It’s a fuck yes!” A look of relief crossed his face and he grabbe
d the back of my neck to pull me in for another kiss. A few more people surrounded us, clapped, and cheered which caused Kai to break this kiss.

  Kai’s parents were grinning and I covered my mouth. My flushed cheeks hid when I placed my head against Kai’s chest.

  “You okay, baby?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I’m so happy.”

  After I had pulled away, Natasha, Jake, Shante and Channing all congratulated us. “I’m so happy for you, darling.” Nicole smiled sweetly. She pulled me in for another hug. “I’ve said it before. You’re perfect for each other. Thank you for loving him the way he deserved to be loved.”

  “Thank you, Nicole. He makes it easy to love him.”

  “Well, you’ll be able to finally meet his brother soon.” Kai’s brother had been overseas for a while. He was supposed to return a few months back but got held up.

  “Isla, congratulations to the both of you,” Kai’s dad beamed before he brought his attention to his son. “Look at what you’ve done in there, Kai. You should be proud.”

  Everything I had been through led up to this moment. Standing next to my fiancé and his family, watching something incredibly beautiful unfold.

  “Wait, Isla?” Kai shrieked. “Were you serious about becoming a cop?”

  I smile and nodded. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, there was nothing negative about it. In that split second, I knew it was what I should be doing with my life; to be able to help people. “I’m serious, Kai. Once I continue my therapy and the therapist gives me the all clear, I want to go into training to become a police officer and help people like you do.”

  Kai looked at me with his mouth slightly opened. “You’re seeing a therapist?”

  I didn’t care saying it out aloud in front of everyone, because I knew there was nothing to be ashamed of when it came to getting support. There’s always been such a stigma with mental health issues and no one should feel humiliated about asking for help. “I started seeing one while you were away. Holden took me to the doctors and I’ve been visiting him twice a week,” I explained.


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