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His Desire

Page 31

by Lizzie Lioness

  Kai pulled me in for a hug. “I’m so proud of you. I’m grateful that he was here for you when I couldn’t be.”

  “You were doing something incredibly important. I understand this Kai, I really do.”

  Kai whispered into my ear. “I love you and I know you’ll make an amazing police officer.”

  “Thank you, Kai.”

  “I have a surprise for you back at home,” he breathed against my neck.


  “Mhm. But we should tell everyone first.”

  We decided to head to Holden and Daisy’s to give them the good news. When we arrived at their apartment, we knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

  “Oh, hey guys,” Daisy smiled and it grew when she noticed Kai. “Wait! Oh my God. You’re back!”

  “In the flesh. Back with my girl where I belong,” Kai smiled.

  “Are you okay, Daisy?” I asked. Her face was flushed.

  “Um. Yes. I…”

  “Hey, who’s here?” Ally came to the door and grinned when she saw me.

  “Did we come at a bad time?” I narrowed my eyes.

  “We?” She stepped closer and notice Kai standing behind me. “Oh, my God. Of course not. The more the merrier!”

  The more the merrier? Yeah. No.

  “Maybe we should just go,” I chuckled and grabbed Kai’s hand to turn around and leave.

  “Hey, sis!” I heard Isaac’s voice.

  The fuck?

  Kai and I turned around and I saw my brother standing there with Max next to him “Hey, beautiful girl.” She ran into my arms and I picked her up to hold her tight.

  “Hi, aunty Isla,” she squealed.

  “Hey, sweet girl.” After I placed her down, Kai picked her up for a cuddle and a smile formed on my lips. I hoped one day the two of us would be able to have kids of our own.

  “I can’t believe you’re back, Kai. What were you working on that you left your girl for that long?” Daisy asked.

  “I was searching for missing kids. We found them and brought them back arresting the people involved.”

  “Bro?” Holden whispered. We turned to him, smiling.

  “Holden,” Kai replied.

  “You’re lucky I heard what you did just now. I was about to go up to you and knock your ass to the ground.”

  Holden was smiling, but part of him was serious. I was grateful he was there to support me, because if he wasn’t who knows where I would have ended up.

  “Thanks for being there for her, bro.” Kai reached out his hand and Holden shook it.

  “I’ll always be there for her,” Holden smiled. “You can’t leave her again like that.”

  “I’m not. I told her I’m not going undercover again. Unless she wants to with me when I turn her into a cop.”

  Holden’s eyes widened. “What the fuck are you on about?”

  “So, Kai and I have two things to tell you.”

  Kai and I spent the next few hours with Holden, Daisy, Ally, Isaac, and Max. They congratulated us both on our engagement, and on my decision to join the force.

  I wasn’t surprised that Isaac and Max were there at the house. He had gotten close to Holden. Ally kept looking at Isaac before averting her gaze. “Anything going on between you and Ally?” I asked Isaac.

  “I’ll tell you about it another time.”

  After we hung out with them, we made our way to my parent’s place, where we sat down and told them the good news. They both broke down crying, and my own tears fell with theirs.

  My heart was full because my parents would be at my wedding to support me and I would have a dad I’d be proud to have me walk down the aisle.

  We arrived back at our apartment after an emotional day. We stepped inside and I threw my bag on the kitchen bench and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

  “What a day, huh?” Kai sighed.

  I nodded. “It’s been incredible.”

  Kai walked up to me and pressed his lips with mine. When he pulled away, he whispered in my ear. “Keep your eyes closed.”

  I nodded and closed my eyes, but only for a moment. “You can open them again.” My hands covered my mouth when my eyes fluttered open. Kai was kneeling down in front of me with a small blue box in his hand. “I wanted to do this the right way. Baby, you know how I feel about you. I couldn’t breathe when you weren’t next to me. I need you in my life and I know you need me in yours. Will you do the honor of marrying me?”

  I kneeled down with him and pressed my lips against his, once again capturing the emotions we feel every time we kissed. When I pulled away, I nodded quickly. “Yes, baby. I will. He took out a beautiful white gold ring from the box and placed it on my finger.

  “It was my grandmothers. If you don’t like it, I can get you something else.”

  I shook my head. “It’s perfect.”


  I was standing in front of the mirror getting ready for my wedding. It had been a year since Kai asked me to marry him. My friends are with me making sure that everything went to plan.

  “You look incredible,” Rosa beamed.

  “Thank you,” I smiled at her.

  “Ugh.” Natasha moaned, looking quite uncomfortable, but beautifully glowing.

  “You okay?” I asked Natasha.

  She smiled and rubbed her stomach. “Baby just kicked my bladder. I’m glad I’m wearing a panty liner.” We all couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Oh, God! When I was pregnant, I was going to the bathroom every five minutes,” Kaylee chimed in.

  “I remember your labor. That was intense.” Majandra’s eyes widened.

  Holden and Daisy have had their beautiful baby boy and asked Kai and myself to be the Godparents.

  “Oh, I don’t know if I could go through pregnancy again. At least not so soon after giving birth,” Daisy interjected.

  Shante and Channing are expecting their first child together. “Not looking forward to the whole bladder thing. I’ve just gotten over the morning sickness.”

  I turned my head to Shante. She’s amazingly beautiful and more so pregnant. I could see the little bump forming as she just reached her three months. “I wouldn’t be looking forward to the morning sickness either,” I said.

  After my therapist gave me the all clear, I started training to become a police officer, with two months left to go before I could start field work. Kai agreed to be my partner. He said he wanted me to learn from the best. Too damn sexy to argue with.

  Daisy had done the finishing touches of my hair and Ally completed the makeup. “So, which is the side job? Makeup artist or assassin?” I chuckled.

  Ally laughed. “In my line of work, this has come handy a few times.”

  “I can imagine,” I grinned.

  “I even had to dress up as a guy before. That was fun.” Ally giggled, sliding the small peach gloss against my lips.

  Nothing ever came between Ally and my brother. She told Isaac the truth about what she had done for a living, and as much as he liked her, Isaac was concerned about having someone like Ally in his life, especially when he had to think about Max.

  Kai and I decided to have a small wedding with a few family and friends at an outdoor garden venue. The officiant we hired was someone that Majandra knew. She said he had done this a few times and love was his specialty. Whatever that means.

  “Are you ready?” my dad grinned. I nodded and smiled back, before we linked arms together. He slowly led me down the aisle and gripped my arm tight to stop me from trembling. I looked ahead and my eyes caught sight of Kai. He was handsome in his light grey suit and lilac tie. When he smiled at me, I couldn’t help but reciprocate. He mouthed the words you’re beautiful to me and my heart fluttered. We reached the altar and I took my place next to Kai. We brought our attention to the officiant.

  “Welcome everyone. My name is Gunner. I’ve been asked here as a special request by a friend to be the officiant of these two here today. I can already see the strong c
onnection between Isla and Storm. One that I was lucky enough to find myself. ”Gunner continued the ceremony and Kai and I turned to each other to exchange our vows and rings.

  “I knew the first moment our eyes locked in place and your lips were on mine, that you were the girl for me. I’m honored to be able to call you my wife,” Kai vowed.

  “I’ve been through so much that I never really knew what happiness was until you came into my life. You’re everything I dreamt about and more,” I breathed.

  Kai’s smile widened before he lowered his voice to a mere whisper. “You’re my girl. You’ll always be my girl.”

  “And you’ll always be mine,” I vowed.

  “Isla, are you sure this is okay?”

  I nodded at my husband. “You look amazing, baby. Just let me fix this.” I stepped closer to him and adjusted his bowtie, tapping his chest before I took a step back and eyeing him up and down. “Perfect.”

  “You should be standing up there with me getting this award,” Kai smiled. He was receiving the New York City Police Department Medal of Honor.

  “You deserve this. I’m so proud of you.” Kai grabbed me by the neck and pulled me in for a kiss. I parted my lips and opened my mouth. Our passion was still stronger than ever. Even after a few years, our hands and mouths refused to stay away.

  “Mom! Dad!” Kristy chuckled, running into the bedroom. Kai and I pulled away and looked out our grinning daughter. Her dark brown curls hung down beneath her princess tiara.

  “Fuck, sorry guys!” Holden cursed. “Come on, kiddo. Let mommy and daddy have some alone time.”

  Kristy looked up at Holden and her smile widened. “Fuck.”

  I turned to Holden with my eyes and mouth opened. “What are you teaching our kid?”

  “Shit. Sorry, Isla.” Holden kneels down in front of Kristy. “Those words are for adults. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head and a cheeky grin appeared on her cute face. “Shit.”

  Kai and I covered our mouths to hide our snickering.

  “I give up.” Holden shook his head smiling, taking Kristy out of the room.

  Kai and I look intensely at each other before our lips met again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he gripped my wait, pulling me closer. An involuntary moan escaped my lips. “Mmmm”

  Kai quickly stepped away. “Don’t start that. We’ll never make the ceremony.”

  “Fine, but when we come back, your body is mine for the entire night.” I winked.

  “We have Kristy.”

  I shook my head. “She’s having a sleep over with Max.”

  “Oh, yeah. Thank you, Isaac.”

  “Welcome everyone. We’re here today to award the New York City Police Department Medal of Honor. We were asked to present this award to our son, whom my husband and I believe is truly deserving of this honor.”

  “So, son. Would you like to come up and accept your award?”

  Kai turned his head towards me, leaned in, and kissed my cheek. He got up to accept his reward. “I’m so honored to be standing up here receiving this honor. There are a lot of people I work with that should be up here with me too,” Kai continued. “One person in my life that I look up to admire for her strength and courage is my beautiful wife. I fell in love with Isla the moment I met her, but watching her overcome her hardship made that love more intense and stronger than anything I’ve felt before. She’s the most courageous woman I know. I love you, baby. This is for you.”

  My eyes swelled with and a tear escaped down my cheek. When he gets off the stage, he walked up to me and I stood to greet him. “I meant every word, baby. You’re an inspiration and a damn incredible woman. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Kai Storm.” He cupped my face in his hands and pulled me in for a kiss.

  A kiss that stopped time, and took my breath away.

  A kiss that lasted forever.

  About the Author

  Lizzie Lioness was born and raised in Sydney, Australia, where she currently resides with her Husband, and two children. Lizzie has spent her younger years writing poetry and it's only within the last 8 months that she decided to write fiction stories. Using the Chapters Interactive App as the platform, Lizzie has written 14 stories with a combined reads of almost three million. With a new found passion for writing, Lizzie will be working with her Editor Kindra M. Austin, to release multiple stories on Amazon. You can follow Lizzie on her Instagram Lizzie_Lioness1 for her poetry, photos and story information, as well as her Facebook Page Lizzie_Lioness




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