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Bartered: A Western Romance

Page 12

by Mary Wehr

  He wagged his head in denial. “You were hiding those tits.”

  Her nipples beaded. “Stop calling them that.”

  “Why? Does it make your pussy all wet?”

  Tits. Pussy. Shocked and aroused at the same time, Emma sat up straight and clamped her legs together. If he placed his finger down there he’d know she was fibbing big time. “I’m not wet, so there.”

  Jake yanked one leg apart. “Should I check?” His hand moved upward.

  Emma slapped his fingers and said the very thing she didn’t want him to do. “Behave yourself.”

  Jake rested his thumb lightly on the pulse hammering in her throat. “Sweet innocent Emmaline.” He cupped her chin. “You need to stop being so hard on yourself.” He tapped his stubbled chin. “Let’s play a game.”

  Emma pulled a face. “What kind of game?”

  Jake laughed. “Don’t look so suspicious. I’m not going to pounce on you.”

  Lordy, she wouldn’t mind that at all. “Okaayyy, I’ll play along.” She shifted in his lap.

  “Don’t do that,” he warned sternly.

  “Oops, sorry.”

  “That’s my girl. So, let’s pretend we don’t know one another and we passed each other in town. If I took off my hat and bowed, what would you think?”

  “You, take off your hat and bow?” Emma giggled. “I’d ask you if you were sick. I don’t think I ever saw you act so gentlemanly.”

  “We’re not supposed to know each other, remember? Now stop joking around.”

  “Okay.” She held back another giggle. “I would probably think you a well-mannered gentleman who respects women.”

  Jake held up his hand. “That’s where you’re wrong. I’m not saying all men are this way, but most of them would probably be busting a ball trying not to stare at your ah, bosoms.” His gaze dropped to her mouth and she poked out her tongue to moisten them.

  “He’d probably be comparing your lips to the reddest berries and wonder if they tasted as sweet as they looked.” He bent his head and brushed his mouth across hers.

  Emma’s breath caught. “Are we still playing a game?”

  His tongue plunged inside the cavern of her mouth.

  Tingling sensations began deep inside her belly and moved lower. Moaning, Emma slid her hands over his muscled forearms and clutched his shoulders. The kiss ended and they were both breathing heavily.

  “Is there a point you’re trying to make?” Emma wiggled so the bulge between his legs aligned with her entrance.

  “Stop, Emmaline.” Jake untangled her hands from around his neck and readjusted her position on his lap. “Yea, there is a point to all this.” He paused. “Just because a man acts all gentlemanlike doesn’t mean he is and you thinking that you’re not a very attractive woman doesn’t mean that others see you the same way.”

  His explanation made a whole lot of sense, only she had something else on her mind. That kiss. It was absolutely mesmerizing.

  “Does my mouth really remind you of red berries?”


  “Do they taste as sweet too?”

  Jake groaned. “Emmaline, you’re killin’ me. I think it’s time you got ready for bed.”

  “But I’m not tired,” she whined, not wanting him to leave just yet. She still had to tell him all about her fantasy. “Can’t we talk a little longer?”

  “What do you want to talk about that can’t wait until morning?”

  “It’s something that’s been on my mind a lot lately.”

  He leaned back his head and looked her directly in the eyes. “Did someone do something to you?”

  “Will you please stop with this overprotective stuff? It’s getting a bit old.”

  “That’s it. You’re cranky. I’m putting you to bed right now.” He picked her up by the waist and set her on her feet.

  Emma winced.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked immediately.

  “I’m fine. I guess you don’t know your own strength.” Her feeble attempt to dismiss the subject made him more suspicious.

  “What did I tell you about fibbing?” He sat her down on the cot and folded his arms across his chest. “Take off your shirt.”

  “I will not,” Emma declared hotly.

  His eyes narrowed. Leaning over, he placed one hand on either side of her hips. She was well and truly trapped.

  “Say that again.”

  Lordy, that stern tone he used made her ache in all the right places. She wasn’t wearing a corset or a chemise. Her breasts would be right in his face. Emma gulped.

  “I told you how I flattened myself, remember?”

  A curt nod was his reply.

  “Well, the last time I wore the thing I knotted it too tight and it left a bruise. It’s going away though.”

  “Let me see.”

  “It’s just a bit sore, is all.”

  “I’ll repeat myself one more time. If you don’t do what you’re told, I’m going to rip that shirt right off of you. Got it?” One hand twisted the front of her shirt.

  Fingers trembling, Emma undid each button down to the last. Finished, she placed her arms at her sides.

  “Sweet Jesus, woman, what have you done to yourself?” He pushed each flap over her shoulders and down to her elbows. “You will not bind yourself again. Is that understood?”

  Ready to lambaste about him about ordering her around, she opened her mouth, but never got the chance. Once again, she was face down across his lap.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “I know defiance when I see it, little girl.” His hand fell sharply upon her buttocks.

  “Stop it.” Emma squirmed and kicked out her feet.

  He threw one of his legs over hers. “Keep fighting me and it’ll only get worse. You will not wear that rag again. We’ll get you some proper clothing.” He peppered the curves of her ass just above her thighs as if to convince her that he wasn’t joking around.

  “Jake,” Emma cried out. “It’ll hurt to sit.”

  “A good reminder, I’d say.” He continued to wallop her backside until the fight was gone out of her and she lay limp. He leaned over and pushed aside a swath of hair. “Are you going to obey me from now on?”

  Emma sobbed uncontrollably.

  Jake lifted her up and they fell onto the cot. He rolled her onto her belly and cupped her sore bottom. “Christ, your ass feels like it’s on fire.”

  “No shit,” Emma snapped.

  “Bad girl,” he said, caressing her sore inflamed flesh. His strokes grew bolder, barely missing the place where her body pulsed like a heartbeat. The tips of his fingers brushed ever so lightly over her wet folds.

  “Hmm, my bad girl likes to be taken in hand.”

  Emma pushed further into his caress. Jake cupped her mound and rode his forefinger up and down her wet slit. She drew her knees up under her and brazenly stuck her ass up in the air. “More, please.”

  “You are a shameless hussy,” Jake chuckled wickedly, sticking his finger deep inside her wet heat. “I aim to please.”

  Emma sighed and pushed back for more.

  Jake moved his finger in and out of her wet channel several more times then stopped. “Lie on your back.”


  He slapped her ass and flipped her over. Straddling her, he lowered his mouth to hers. “Must you argue all the time?”

  “Hmm,” she moaned.

  One hand traced the curve of her shoulder down to her waist. He continued downward and caressed the sensitive skin behind her knee before moving upward once again. This time when he reached her waist he made a little detour and cupped her mound.

  He pinched the swollen nub between her legs and she almost shot off the bed.

  “Settle down,” he warned and began to move his hand in a caress.

  Emma’s hips rocked to the cadence of his touch with wicked delight. He placed a kiss to each nipple then moved down to her belly button. Moving his hand from between her legs, he placed his mouth ove
r her wet pink flesh.

  “Jake, what are you doing to me?”

  “Does it hurt?” The vibration of his mouth against her delicate flesh seared through her.


  “Then shut up and enjoy it.”

  Emma fisted the sheets. “Oh, God, it feels so good, but...”

  Jake pressed his nose into her folds. “Should I stop?”

  She let go of the sheets and grabbed hold of his head. “Yes, no, I don’t know.” Her fingers dug into his scalp and she ground her pussy against his face. She tossed back her head as he licked her slit from top to bottom. She moved her hips away from his mouth then back again, unable to decide if she sought to escape or wanted more of what his mouth was doing to her.

  Jake solved her dilemma by grasping her hips in his hands and holding her still. She was now defenseless against the onslaught of his hot mouth. He kept licking until her legs began to tremble and her hold on his head tightened. He caught the swollen bundle of nerves between his teeth and nipped.

  Emma screamed and bucked against him, riding out her orgasm. Jake placed his mouth over her opening and drove his tongue inside her. Seeking more of her exquisite taste, he turned his attention to her inner thighs and lapped up her juices.

  Finished feasting, he crawled alongside her and pulled her into his arms.

  The fine hairs on his chest tickled her nose. He smelled so good. She closed her eyes briefly while releasing a long satisfied sigh.

  He kissed the top of her head. “You’re still trembling.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever stop. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a man’s tongue could feel so good on my...” Too embarrassed to say the word the girls had told her, she buried her face in his chest.


  His voice vibrated against her cheek and went all the way down to the very place he mentioned. Emma slipped her hand inside his shirt. He was solid muscle and sinew. She palmed his firm abdomen and followed the trail of hair that disappeared beneath his jeans.

  Jake caught her wrist in a firm grasp. “You’re playing with fire, kitten. If you don’t be careful you just might get burned.”

  His firm baritone had her tingling all over urging to push him further.

  “Maybe I want to get burned.” Her tongue brushed fleetingly across one flat nipple, prompting a low moan of pleasure from deep within his throat. Pleased at his response, she proceeded to leave a moist trail of kisses down to where his fingers were still wrapped around her wrist.

  She peeled away each finger one by one. “Please?”

  “Emmaline, you’re killin’ me. You don’t know what the hell you’re doing.”

  “Oh, yes, I do. I learned a lot from the girls.”

  “That’s not what I meant and... wait a minute.” He eyed her sharply. “What exactly did you learn?”

  “Oh, lots of stuff. I never knew a man liked his...”

  Jake held up a hand in warning. “Never mind. It’s a good thing I rescued you from such questionable company.” He patted the empty space beside him. “Get back up here.”

  Emma eagerly did his bidding. “I’m not a child anymore, Jake.”

  Grumbling, he pulled her upper body over his so that she could rest her cheek on his chest. The steady beat of his heart against her ear made her feel secure and protected, but something was missing. Even though he had touched her intimately and used his tongue down there, Jake made no secret that he still considered her more like a child in need of guidance.

  Maybe he needed more time. Maybe she should rethink sharing her fantasy. Her ma always told her to have patience. Things had a way of working out.

  Emma let loose a long drawn-out sigh.

  “Now what was that all about?”

  “Nothing really.”

  Jake expelled his breath in an exaggerated growl. “Haven’t you learned your lesson yet, young lady? I know when you’re fibbing to me.”

  “It’s only something that’s been on my mind a lot lately. Kind of a fantasy.”

  “A fantasy?” His shoulders shook with silent laughter. “Let me guess. Is it one about puppy dogs and lollipops?”

  “Stop making fun of me. Can’t you take me seriously for once, Jake McCabe?”

  He gave her a mock salute. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes.

  “Hey, now don’t start cryin’. I’m sorry for teasing you, darlin’. Now, about this fantasy of yours. Is it naughty?”

  Even though his tone still held a hint of humor she hoped after she revealed her secret he’d take her seriously. “I would deem it as such.”

  “Hmm, now those are the kind I like. By all means, tell me and don’t be shy. Just open your mouth and throw it on out there.”

  So Emma threw it out there. All of it. Every bare detail.

  Jake sat up so fast, she tumbled down his lap. “You mean you’re totally naked and on your knees with a man’s cock stuffed in your mouth?”

  Emma moved from his lap and propped herself on the cot with one elbow. She noticed a bead of sweat slip from his forehead followed by another. “Did I surprise you?”

  “Shocked is more like it. And you say this man is fully dressed with just his belt and waistband undone?”

  “Yes, and he’s holding my head so I can’t get away.”

  Jake’s expression changed from shock to one of absolute fury. “Is it Chad Montgomery?”

  It was Emma’s turn to sit straight up in shock. “Heavens, no. Are you insane?”

  “That’s a fuckin’ relief.” He fell back onto the pillow. “Who’s the guy in this fantasy of yours?”

  Emma was so close to screaming, it’s you. Did he honestly think she’d take any man’s cock into her mouth? Frustrated, she exclaimed, “He’s a grumpy old goat always growling about something or other. Barking orders. Making demands.” Their eyes connected and her anger disappeared. “I’ve known him for years. It’s...”

  Jake didn’t give her the chance to finish. He shot up from the bed and stared down at her. “It’s me, isn’t it? Jesus H Christ, Emmaline.” He swiped a hand through his hair. “You can’t be serious. We may know one another, but we really don’t know one another.”

  He looked around the room. “Where the hell is my hat?”

  “Your hat?” Emma screeched. “I’m telling you my most intimate thoughts and you’re worried about a stupid hat?” Embarrassed and angry, she scrambled off the cot, not caring that her shirt was wide open.

  His eyes dropped immediately to her swaying breasts.

  Emma followed his gaze. “Isn’t this a riot. Not long ago you accused Chad of staring at my tits and now you’re doing the same damn thing. This fantasy of mine meant something important to me. It was something I wanted to do with a man who has held my heart in his hands for a long time.” She pointed toward the noise coming from outside the room. “Did you honestly think I’d suck any man’s cock?”

  “Don’t talk like that.”

  She held up her middle finger. His eyes widened and she automatically backed a step, expecting him to take his belt to her.

  Instead, he swung around and went to the door. “I have to go. Stay here and get some rest.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Get me a bottle of whiskey, Hank.” Jake slumped against the bar. For mercy’s sake, what the hell just happened? Emmaline had this fantasy. She’d seemed to be chomping at the bit to share it with him so he figured he may as well listen. Now he wished he hadn’t.

  Hank set a bottle of whiskey on the bar along with a glass. Jake leaned on both elbows and stared at it.

  “You feeling okay, boss?”

  In slow motion, Jake poured himself a shot. “No, Hank, I ain’t feeling okay. I don’t think I’ll ever feel okay again.” He tossed back the drink and welcomed the burn sliding down his throat. He motioned for Hank to grab another glass.

  “I don’t believe we ever shared a drink.” He filled both glasses and downed his immediately. He notic
ed Hank hadn’t touched his.

  Jake frowned. “What’s wrong? Is your ma getting worse?”

  “No, no, as a matter of fact, she’s doing much better. It’s Trudy I’m worried about.”

  Jake stayed out of his employees’ personal business, but he considered Hank a friend. “Does it have something to do with work?”

  “Sure does.” Hank let loose with several expletives. “You gotta know I’m sweet on her and every time he comes in here Trudy looks like she’s ready to jump out of her skin.”

  Jake followed Hank’s angry stare and saw Chad engrossed in a game of cards. By the stupid grin on his face, he must be winning. “You talkin’ about Montgomery?”

  “Yea. I don’t like him, boss. He has this mean streak in ‘im.”

  “I know all about his mean streak,” Jake replied, growing concerned. “What’s it got to do with Trudy?”

  “Trudy told me he’s been smacking her around.” He eyeballed Chad again. “I could’ve ripped the bastard apart with my bare hands when she first told me.”

  Jake pushed the bottle aside. “Did Trudy tell Dory?”

  “She sure did and Dory brushed it off, calling it rough foreplay. He has his sights set on Trudy and I know exactly what he’s gonna do once he’s done playing cards.”

  Jake watched as Hank and Trudy exchanged glances from across the room. Chad Montgomery was a no-good son-of-a-bitch who thought he was better than anyone else. He and Dory would make a fine couple.

  “Rough foreplay, my ass,” Jake replied briskly. “Dory knows the rules. I had no idea this was going on, Hank. I’ll take care of it.” He reached inside his pocket and handed Hank a key. “I’ll be gone for a while. Do me a favor. Keep a close eye on Emmaline. If I’m not back by closing time, lock the place up for me.”

  Hank shoved the key in his pocket. “Thanks, boss, for everything.”

  “Think nothing of it,” Jake replied and headed straight for Chad. He tapped him on the shoulder.

  Chad looked up and scowled. “What do you want, McCabe?”

  “It’s time for you to leave.”

  “The hell you say. I’m winning.”

  Jake thumbed back his hat. “Guess what? I don’t give a shit.” He grabbed Chad by the back collar and yanked him to his feet. Cards flew everywhere. The other players grabbed what money belonged to them and got out of the way.


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