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Bartered: A Western Romance

Page 13

by Mary Wehr

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, McCabe? I had me a winning hand.”

  “Too bad. I want you out of here, now.”

  Chad broke Jake’s hold and stumbled into the table. He righted himself and shook his head. “You can’t be serious?”

  Jake wasted no time. He closed the space between them until they stood boot to boot. “Does it look like I’m joking? Only a coward beats on someone smaller and weaker.”

  Chad grinned sarcastically. “So that’s it. You’re kicking me out because I slapped one of your dirty whores?”

  A ham-like fist appeared to come out of nowhere and the next thing Jake saw was Chad lying on the floor out cold.

  “Sorry, boss. I had to do it.” Hank rubbed his hand. “Want me to take out the trash?”

  Jake nodded. Hank grabbed Chad by the back collar and tossed him out the door. Making a show of wiping his hands, Hank smiled when everyone cheered.

  Jake gave him a mock salute. It was time to get out of this place and go somewhere to think.

  He was on his way out when Dory caught up with him. “What happened? Why did Hank throw Chad out in the street?”

  “Did Trudy come to you about Chad slapping her around?”

  “Yea, but she seemed okay with it.”

  “If she was okay with it she never would’ve come to you in the first place,” Jake countered angrily.

  “So you threw Chad out just like that?” She snapped her fingers. “This is ridiculous. Let me guess. Miss Emmaline complained and you just had to do her bidding. You’re getting way too soft, Jake. She’s caused nothing but trouble yet you still keep her around.”

  Jake fought the urge to plant his size twelve boot to her ass. “If you’re that worried about him then, by all means, go after him.”

  Her expression changed to one of absolute devastation. “You can’t mean that. We had some good times together.”

  “Those days are long gone. Get out.” He went back to the bar. “Hank, make sure Dory packs up her stuff and leaves.” He glanced longingly toward the office. “I’m just going to check in on Emmaline before I leave.”

  * * *

  The door to the office opened and Emma knew without a doubt that it was Jake. She could sense his overwhelming presence. Smell his scent.

  “Emmaline, are you awake?”

  Emma didn’t move a muscle. Her throat ached and her eyes burned. She doubted she had any more tears left to cry, but one huge droplet managed to slip down her cheek.

  She wished he’d just leave. She couldn’t look him in the face and see the pity shining in his eyes.

  Maybe in the morning, she’d be able to work up enough courage to laugh at herself and tell him she was only joking.

  Something brushed her hair. It could’ve been his hand or his mouth. Emma bit down on her knuckles to keep from crying out. If he didn’t leave soon she’d burst out of her skin. Finally, his footsteps faded away and she heard the door open then close. He was gone.

  Releasing a sob, Emma buried her face in the pillow and fell into an exhausted sleep.

  She woke up a while later and looked around. Thankfully, there was no sign of Jake. A fresh wave of humiliation and shame washed over her. He still thought of her as an inexperienced little girl trying to act like a woman.

  Emma left the office and peeked inside the saloon. Hank was in his usual spot behind the bar. Aside from a handful of men playing cards the place was empty. She gathered her hair and tucked the length inside the back of her shirt.

  She caught Hank’s attention and nodded toward the stairs. He smiled and returned her nod.

  Deep in thought, Emma almost bumped into Claire and Spring.

  “Howdy, girl,” said Claire, followed with a salacious wink.

  Spring moved to her other side and nudged her shoulder. “Soooo, tell us all about it.”

  Too upset to join in with the playful ribbing, Emma shrugged. “There’s nothing to tell.”

  Claire groaned and Spring rolled her eyes. Evidently, neither believed her and they were right.

  “Jake and you in his office all night and nothing happened?” Claire remarked with a snicker. “Impossible. Dory used to brag about the size of his cock. She said it almost split her in two. Come on, girl, give it up. Is it really that big?”

  A fresh wave of pain washed over Emma. “How would I know? I told you before. He doesn’t look at me in that way.”

  “Yeah, uh-huh.”

  Claire clicked her tongue.

  “Are you sayin’ he didn’t touch you all night?” Spring asked, her expression doubtful.

  “Nothing happened, for heaven’s sake. He’s more like a big brother. Please excuse me.” She pushed past both women and continued on her way.

  “Well, then, Megan sure will be glad to hear it. She was acting like a bitch last night,” Spring said loud enough for Emma to hear.

  “When doesn’t she?” Claire remarked snidely.

  Emma didn’t give a hoot about Megan’s sour mood. She was too busy imagining Dory in Jake’s arms while he made love to her.

  She wrested the doorknob and found it unlocked.

  Trudy put down the book she was reading. “Hey, girl, how was your new sleeping quarters?”

  Emma threw herself down on the bed. “He doesn’t want me.”

  “The hell you say.”

  Emma sighed. “Not you too. Claire and Spring just got finished interrogating me. Why doesn’t anybody believe me?”

  “We all see the way he looks at you,” Trudy said, rubbing Emma’s back. “I can’t imagine you and Jake in this itty bitty room just staring at each other. Something happened and you’re just not sayin’. Why don’t you start from the beginning?”

  Emma looked over her shoulder. “Promise not to tell anyone?”

  Trudy flopped aside Emma. “I knew it. Tell me and I promise not to breathe a word to anyone.”

  Emma propped herself on her elbow. “The first thing I want you to do is wipe that grin off your face. This isn’t all that pleasant.”

  Trudy’s face fell. “But...”

  “We didn’t do it.” Emma sat upright and drew her knees to her chest. “He did something else and I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”

  Trudy’s smile returned. “Oooh, go no further. Was it good?”


  “Then why do you sound so sad? Did you tell him your fantasy?”

  Emma slipped off the bed and walked over to where her green dress hung in the closet. She fingered the soft material. “Yes, I told him and he couldn’t get out of the room fast enough.”


  Depressed, Emma turned around and walked slowly back to the bed. “It’s me, Trudy. I have no clue about how to seduce a man. I probably said something stupid and didn’t realize it because I was a nervous wreck. I’m much better at scaring them away.”

  “Nonsense,” Trudy admonished. “I thought your idea would’ve had him climbing all over you.” She pulled a face. “Did he really run away?”

  “He may as well have. Out the door as if the devil himself was chasing him,” Emma replied, falling back onto the bed. “Right after he thanked me for trusting him with my innermost thoughts. Lordy, I wish I was dead.” She rolled over sobbing.

  “I don’t get it. I have this feeling that he really cares for you.”

  “He does care,” Emma mumbled, her face buried in a pillow. She angled her head toward Trudy. “Like I’m his little sister.”

  Trudy shook her head in disagreement. “I’m usually right about these things. See, there was this really good-looking traveling businessman that used to come here and ask specifically for Tiffany. She was sweet on him and when I told her how he had an eye for her, she didn’t believe me either. Then one day he came in and asked her to marry him.”

  Emma picked at the coverlet. “That’s wonderful, but there isn’t going to be a happily ever after for me.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I have to get out of here, Trudy,
or I’ll never get him out of my mind.” The point was moot. She wouldn’t get over him ever, but she had to start a new life.

  Trudy’s expression softened. “I’m really sorry, Emma. As for leaving, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  On the verge of tears, Emma said, “Do you have any idea how much it hurts to know that he still thinks of me as a spoiled brat instead of a grown woman with desires?”

  “Maybe he just needs more time to think about what you told him.”

  “Well, I don’t have the time or patience. I have to get out of this saloon and make a life elsewhere.” Emma considered her options, which weren’t many. “I could always go to Chad. He’s hinted about marriage.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” Trudy exclaimed. “He’s got a mean streak, Emma. I swear he loves causing pain. You can’t spend the rest of your life with that cold-hearted bastard.”

  “At least he sees me as a woman,” Emma fired back. “Besides, I wasn’t planning to spend the rest of my life with him. I’ll get money somehow and sock it away. When I have enough I’ll buy a ticket out of here.” She covered her face with both hands. “Oh, Trudy, I acted so immoral and made a big fool of myself. Jake doesn’t return my feelings. He only tolerates me.”

  “Look, I understand you’re hurting right now, but promise me you won’t go to Chad.”

  Trudy’s plea went straight to Emma’s heart. In such a short period of time, the young woman had become like a sister and she hated lying to her. “I promise.” Emma forced a laugh. “At least I don’t have a lot to pack.”

  The door burst open. Leading the parade was Claire, followed by Spring then Megan. They were all talking at once with Megan being the loudest.

  Megan took off her heels and flung them across the room. “I’d like to know why Jake fired Dory.” She jabbed a finger at Emma. “I bet she knows.”

  Speechless, Emma merely gaped at her.

  “For cryin’ out loud, woman, will you knock it off already?” Claire peeled off her stockings and rolled them into a ball. “What’s the big deal anyway? I say good riddance. I went to her plenty of times complainin’ and she never did a damn thing. Finally, I took matters into my own hands and kicked the guy in the nuts.”

  “She never helped me either,” Trudy said.

  Megan fell into a chair and swung her legs over the side. “Yea, well, Papa Jake ain’t around either. Maybe he took off with Dory and they’re somewhere fucking their brains out.”

  Claire threw the rolled-up stockings at Megan. “How did you even come up with that ridiculous idea?”

  “Think about it,” Megan spat. “You all heard Hank say that he’ll be closing up for the night. Why else would Jake give him the key?” She studied her fingernails. “It all sounds way too coincidental to me.”

  While the girls bounced around ideas as to why Dory was gone, Emma’s thoughts were racing ahead with plans to leave once everyone was asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Dory sat at a corner table inside the Wild Mustang mumbling to no one in particular. “Lousy no-good son-of-a-bitch. I sweated my ass off working for his old man and he throws me out like trash.”

  “You lose your sense of direction?” Chad stood next to the table holding a bottle of whiskey. Along with sporting a black eye and bloodied lip, his shirt was covered with dust and ripped in several places.

  “Looks like you got trampled by an irate bull.”

  He cracked a smile and winced. “Mind if I sit down?”

  Dory nodded to an empty chair. “I heard Jake kicked you out of the Long Horn.”

  “Yup.” He tipped the bottle to his mouth and took a long swig.

  “He fired me.”

  Chad snorted. “For what?”

  Dory felt like hitting him over the head with the bottle. “For defending you, asshole. He found out about you smacking Trudy around and gave me the boot for not tellin’ him.”

  Chad burst into laughter. “That’s really funny. He must’ve thought I was there to fuck her, but I was hoping to bump into Emma.”

  “You no-good son-of-a-bitch.” Cheeks flushed with rage, Dory jumped to her feet. The table wobbled and her drink spilled onto the already soiled tablecloth. “I defended you and all the while you’ve been lusting after that bitch?” She dropped back into her chair. “I can’t figure it out. What does she got that I don’t?”

  “Innocence and class.” He held up the bottle. “Want some?”

  Dory grimaced. “No, thanks. Not after you had your lips on it.”

  “Fine. More for me. Hey, you see Ray around lately?”

  “Speak of the devil, here comes the old goat now and he’s already sloshed. Better hide that bottle,” she warned sarcastically.

  Ray stumbled over to their table. “Dory, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Not bothering for an invitation, he pulled a chair from another table and sat down.

  Dory regarded the man with both distaste and hate. “I’m here because Jake tossed me out on my ass and it’s your fault.”

  Ray turned to Chad and asked, “Is she drunk or what?”

  “Don’t talk about me as if I wasn’t even here,” Dory sputtered with indignation before Chad had a chance to open his mouth. “Ever since you dumped your daughter off at the saloon, Jake’s forgotten all about me. I swear he’s sweet on her because she sure is smitten with him.”

  Ray laughed in her face. “That’s impossible.”

  “And you know this how?”

  “Because I know my daughter,” he gloated proudly. “Dory, those two never got along when they was kids. They fought like two cats tied by the tails. See, I knew exactly what I was doin’ when I left her there. The stubborn bastard refuses to sell me the saloon. I figured he’d come by begging me to take her back and I’d make him a deal.” He expelled a loud belch. “I can’t believe he’s sniffing after her.”

  “Believe it, old man,” Chad groused. “You got any ideas on how to get her out of that blasted saloon without her guard dog?”

  Ray’s bleary-eyed focus was on the bottle of whiskey. Drool dripped down the side of his mouth. He licked his lips. “A drink first.”

  Chad pulled a hankie from his back pocket and threw it at him. “For fuck’s sake, wipe your mouth.” He pushed the bottle across the table. “Here, take it all, old man, but if you don’t come up with something before you finish that bottle you won’t have two good legs to stand on.”

  Pulling off the cap, Ray tipped the bottle to his mouth and drank thirstily. Dory snickered when Chad swore a blue streak.

  “Fuck, man, come up for air and answer my question.”

  Ray set the bottle down with a thump. “Emma’s mother is buried on a small hill behind the house. I could casually mention that she’s welcome to visit the grave any time she wants.”

  “Yeah, but she might take off running when she sees you,” Dory replied. “I sure as hell would.”

  “She’s got a point,” Chad remarked, rubbing his jaw thoughtfully. “First thing tomorrow I’ll head for the saloon and hang around for a while. Maybe I can get someone to tell her that I want to talk to her. Your job is to get the parson and take him to your place. We’ll meet you there.”

  “What if the parson refuses to go with you?” Dory asked.

  Ray patted the holster strapped at his waist. “I’ll let this do the persuading.”

  * * *

  “Well, well, well, look who decided to pay us a visit.”

  Jake openly ignored the mock sarcasm in Jess’s tone and handed the reins to one of the ranch hands. He thumbed back his hat and smiled at Jess’s very pregnant wife. “I figured I’d better stop by before you got the notion to come after me yourself.”

  Peg laughed. “You’re safe for now.” She laid a hand on her extended belly. “You’d be miles ahead of me before I even got up from this chair.” She pointed to the seat next to her. “Come and sit for a spell, Jake. I missed you.”

  “Obliged,” he mumbled wearily.

>   “Pardon me, Jake, but you look like hell.”

  “Peg, that wasn’t a nice thing to say,” Jess admonished sternly although his eyes were full of humor.

  “But it’s the truth,” Jake interjected followed by a forced laugh. “Thanks, Peg, I feel like hell too.”

  “I’m guessing it has a lot to do with Ray Foley and what he did.” Peg squeezed Jake’s hand. “The man is purely evil, Jake. He reminds me of my own father. How is Emma handling all of this?”

  “Actually, she’s handling it quite well.”

  “And you?”

  Jake heaved a long sigh. He sure as hell wasn’t handling the situation as well as Emmaline.

  “That bad?” Peg held out her hand. “Husband, I think it’s a good time for me to take a nap.”

  “Don’t be silly. I came over for a visit,” Jake protested.

  “Nonsense, I am tired. The little one has taken to kicking at night so I hardly get any rest. It was so good to see you, Jake. Hopefully, when you get rid of that darn saloon you’ll have more time to visit.”

  Jake stood up and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m counting on it. Get some rest now.”

  Jake waited until she was inside the house before he resumed his seat. His thoughts turned to Emmaline. To simply say that had shocked the hell out of him with her fantasy would be a gross understatement. The chit had floored him so bad he practically ran from the room.

  Sweet, bratty Emmaline with the sassy mouth had explained in explicit detail what this fantasy was all about. Where the hell did she learn of such a thing? From the girls or perhaps she had seen something she shouldn’t have.

  His thoughts went back to a few days ago when he caught her eavesdropping. Sweat beaded his forehead. “Holy shit.”

  Jess came out of the house carrying two bottles of beer. “That bad, huh?” He handed a bottle to Jake before sitting down and propping his feet on the porch railing.

  “You got no idea. Is Peg really feeling okay?”

  Jess nodded. “She’s just tired.” He stared at the bottle in his hands for a minute or two then looked at Jake. “Peg’s time is almost here.”


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