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Don't Call Me Kid

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by Popescu, Alina

  Copyright © 2018 by Alina Popescu

  Don’t Call Me Kid

  Just Don’t, Book One

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.






















  If you laughed at that title, then you’ve read some of my “brief” introductions before. This is where I normally thank everyone for everything in a shameless rip-off of a perfectly penned Oscar acceptance speech.

  This time I am going to complain a bit instead. Being sick sucks! Pneumonia sucks and a broken leg sucks even more! Yes, I repeated “sucks” three times. Well, four now… But those two things really suck, especially when they come one after the other and they screw up your summer and autumn in one sweet blow.

  Now that the whining is over, I am so beyond thrilled to be releasing a new book! This is the first story I completed and released after the prolonged sick leave. Four freakin’ months! No, I am not going to use the word “sucks” again.

  I would like to thank everyone who’s helped me get this book done. My mom who’s been a superhero through my recovery, my boyfriend who made fun of me until I stopped sulking and laughed with him, his mom who’s been my designated driver so many times, Alina, Magda, and my next door neighbors (and second family), for taking over Ares walking duty, and my amazing writer friends, Clare, Aimee, Sarah, CJ, and Teodora for all the rooting they did.

  Last but certainly not least, I’d like to thank all of you for picking up this book. If you have been with me for my previous releases, thank you for still remembering I exist after about half a year of absence.

  That’s it, hope you enjoy the story. See? I can keep these short!


  "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU thinking?" I said, the words too loud, despite having to fight my clenched teeth to get them out. My jaw hurt from all the grinding I'd done in the past ten minutes. My palms were sweaty and the sharp bite of nails piercing skin reminded me to loosen my fists a little.

  "I have no idea what you mean, little brother." Taylor gave a shrug, it didn't make him look innocent at all.

  "It's Mom's birthday. You know they made Parker come, right?"

  Taylor squinted, his grin turning cruel. "Not my problem."

  I glared at my brother, annoyed by everything he did. The way he sat, splayed out on our parents' new couch he'd insisted they should buy. "To improve the overall aesthetics of the living room." The casual hold he'd kept on his new boy toy. The perfectly coiffed do he'd asked me to assess earlier. The smug grin he'd plastered on his lips, mocking enough, while still tapping into the full potential of his megawatt smile. I hated how he breathed, all relaxed. Not about to snap like me.

  "Boys," the lady of the hour said, just as I was about to lunge and bash Taylor's face in. "I need help in the kitchen."

  "I have to entertain my guest," Taylor whined.

  "I'll go. The air is poisonous in here anyway." I turned to the guy plastered to Taylor's side. Small, sweet, and slender, the type Taylor seemed to go for since the divorce. "Do you know why you're here?"

  The guy glared at me and pushed himself closer to Taylor. "Umm, I was invited."

  "His ex-husband is going to be here. Taylor needs a new squeeze to parade in front of him. He's gorgeous. Sorry if you end up feeling insecure." I turned on my heel and marched to the kitchen.

  "Darling, I—"

  "What the hell were you thinking?" I asked, defeated.

  "I didn't know he'd bring someone," Mom said.

  I rolled my eyes at her. "That excuse worked last Christmas. I stopped buying it by Easter."

  Mom had the decency to hang her head. "I can't fathom not having Parker with me for family get-togethers. He's been part of this family since he was a teen."

  "So it's okay to torment him because you're selfish?"

  She gawked and looked at me, eyes wide. In a second, she recomposed herself and came to me, cupping my cheek. "Don't be like that, Van. I promise this won't happen again.”

  I wanted to believe she'd keep her promise. She wouldn't though. Mom was great, for the most part, but she had this selfish streak when it came to her family, and Parker had unfortunately become part of it when he'd started dating, then was stupid enough to marry my brother. They'd been divorced for a little over a year, and Taylor still put all his dark genius into tormenting Parker. He couldn't forgive the guy for leaving him. Taylor had cheated repeatedly, but he'd expected Parker to put up with it forever. No one ever left Taylor. He discarded those he no longer needed, not the other way around.

  "Okay. What do you need help with?"

  "Oh, you're the sweetest child." She chuckled and patted the side of my face. "There are some bottles of wine in my trunk. Be a dear and carry them inside."

  I went into the garage through the kitchen and popped open her trunk. By bottles she'd meant two cases. And some random bubbly. I sighed and hefted up the first case. At least this would keep my hands busy. If I couldn't use them, I couldn't wrap them around Taylor's neck and strangle him.

  When I was done carrying booze inside, Mom sent me out front to bring in the flowers she'd left on the porch. I froze mid-step, my breath hitching. Parker stood there, smiling that bright, warm smile of his that turned all my bones to dust. It didn't melt me, it completely obliterated me.

  "Hey, kid."

  And I was back! To Parker, I would always be his ex-husband's little brother. Technically his little brother. Fuck my life and fuck Taylor's luck to have met Parker before I had.

  "Parker, hey." I jumped over the stairs of our porch and crushed him in a hug. I'd grown taller than him by a couple of inches and I was wider too. Yet he seemed to have totally missed that. Still a squirt to him, despite my best efforts to convince him otherwise.

  He held me and patted my shoulder, a little sigh flying loose as we embraced. Once the total body and mind shock of hugging him subsided, I realized he'd lost some weight. Again. I stepped back and took a better look at him.

  "Nope, stay," I said, squeezing both his shoulders when he tried to walk past me. He shook his head but didn't fight me. By now, he knew I wouldn't let up.

  His clothes, a perfect fit only six months ago, seemed loose. "Parker, do I have to come to your place and force feed you?"

  He snorted and pushed me away. "Fuck off, kid." There was no bite to it, but his reaction still hurt. I knew I had no right, I wasn't even his brother-in-law anymore. I couldn't help worrying about him though.

  Parker ruffled my hair and pulled me into a side... something. Not even a half-hug, but some sort of friendly touch. "I'm fine, I promise. Too many long days at the office lately."

  That had always been Parker's excuse: too much work. He ran his father's car repair shop, he'd done that since the divorce. I still hated he'd quit the advertising job he loved. Somehow, Taylor had convinced him he'd cheated because of Parker's career. A blatant lie, but that's all it took for Parker to give up
his dream. Luckily, he had a good business head, no matter what he did, and the camaraderie at his father's shop was probably one of the few things keeping him afloat.

  "What am I looking at tonight?"

  "Pretty and cuddly," I said, noticing the shadow that descended on him. "I might have made it worse."

  Parker huffed and bumped his shoulder into mine. "I can handle Taylor, don't worry."

  Complete bullshit, of course. But Parker was like that, trying to reassure everyone, even as his world turned to shit. He'd be charming and funny throughout the evening, even to Taylor's date. He'd pretend not to notice his ex's cruelty and overt aggression, and he'd make sure my mom enjoyed her big day. He'd keep that up, until he said goodnight and walked to his car. With the engine running, sealed off from the world, everything would come crushing in. I knew it, I'd seen it before.

  "Let's get this party started," I said, wrapping my arm around Parker's shoulders and walking him inside.

  The moment I noticed Taylor's cold stare, I realized I'd made a mistake. Nothing set Taylor off like my closeness to Parker. We'd stayed friends after their divorce and Taylor despised me for succeeding when Parker didn't want to have anything to do with him outside these occasions Mom forced him to attend.

  Taylor always had to steal whatever I had. Toys, friends, accomplishments, he had to take them, crush them, or downplay them. Parker most of all. I remembered well how he'd decided not to dump Parker a few weeks after meeting him just because I was totally in love with the guy. How were we even related?


  ON MY FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY, I met the man of my dreams. Two hours after meeting him, I lost him to my brother. Now, seeing Taylor's predatory sneer, I couldn't help remembering that weird emotional rollercoaster of a day.

  I'd skipped school to get ready for my huge birthday party. Mom had organized it and it was going to be perfect. All my friends were coming, so were some older guys from school, my then-crush included. I wanted to look my best, so I'd gotten a trendy haircut, then planned on finding an outfit for the evening.

  As I stared at myself in the mirror, I noticed someone behind me. I locked eyes with the guy patiently waiting for me to inspect myself and forgot how to breathe. He was beautiful. Messy dark hair, slightly curled, flopping down on a flawless, naturally tanned face. He had the warmest brown eyes, full lips, and the sexiest scar—one shaped like lightning crossing his left eyebrow. He looked like a runner, lean and strong, his stylish clothes clinging to every muscle in his body.

  "Does this look good?" I asked, surprising myself with my sudden bout of boldness.

  He smiled and completely shattered me. One thing that had stuck over the years, no matter how I tried to gain immunity to it.

  "I'd try that in a warmer shade. It'll look better with your skin's undertone."

  I thanked him, or babbled something incoherent, and went to decode the racks to look for a color that would match his suggestion. Five minutes later, I was still staring at that stupid shirt model.

  "Can't decide?"

  I jumped at the sound of his voice. I opened my mouth to lie but hung my head instead. "What the hell is a warmer shade?"

  He laughed, the sound rich and warm, and picked out a few options for me. "Try these on and pick your favorite."

  "Thanks, you're a life saver."

  "What do you think of this?" He extended his arms then turned around, modeling a soft, faux leather jacket.

  "You're perfect." I blushed furiously when I realized what I'd said. "I mean it looks perfect on you."

  He smiled knowingly. It hadn't been the best of saves. He thanked me anyway and left the store.

  I stood there, trapped between my need to follow him and the more logical path of finding a shirt and getting on with my day.

  I spent the next few hours regretting my choice. Who needed logic anyway? I might never see that guy again. I should have at least found out his name.

  "I'm home," I announced lamely when I arrived at the house I’d grown up in. I was no longer excited about my party. Little did I know, things were only going to get worse.

  "In the kitchen," Mom yelled.

  I heard other voices coming from the same direction. My dad's deep voice, my brother's, and... another one. New, but familiar somehow. I pushed the door open and the world tilted on its axis, making me dizzy and nauseated. There Taylor was, arm slung around the shoulders of the guy I'd met earlier.

  "Hon, meet your brother's boyfriend," Mom said.

  "Yeah, this is Parker," Taylor added, sounding bored.

  "Hey." I nodded and swallowed hard. I slid my hands into my pockets, avoiding him extending his. It would have been awkward when I was shaking this badly.

  "Happy birthday. Nice choice of shirt." He winked, and a fresh wave of nausea hit me when Taylor narrowed his eyes and pulled Parker closer.

  "Thanks for your help earlier," I said.

  "Do you two know each other?" Taylor no longer sounded bored. And for the rest of my birthday party, he made a point in sticking close to Parker and hogging all his attention.

  "You okay?" current-day Parker asked and my memories of meeting him faded.

  "Incoming," I muttered, and tightened my grip on him.

  Taylor made a beeline for us, dragging his squeeze along. Hand in hand, they stopped inches from us.

  "Parker, would you like to meet—"

  "Nope, he wouldn't," I said, and moved around them, taking Parker with me.

  "We'll both pay for that later, kid." Parker chuckled and put his arm around my waist.

  I took in every inch of his face, looking for a reaction, but I only found amusement there. The shadow of sadness from earlier hadn't made a comeback. Maybe Parker was building some resistance to Taylor's poison.

  Parker greeted my parents and other relatives, all of them sighing and throwing him pitiful looks. They were better served pitying Taylor. He'd lost something important, not Parker.

  I grabbed two bottles of Parker’s favorite beer—I'd made sure to stash it to make his evening more tolerable—and went to find him. Taylor had been faster than me, crowding Parker in a corner, cutting his exits. At least he was alone.

  "Got your beer," I said, wiggling the bottle between them.

  "Thanks, kid." Parker grabbed it and touched it to mine. "Cheers."

  "Come on, there's something I want to show you."

  "He's busy," Taylor said, turning his death glare on me.

  After twenty-five years of being his brother I was immune to it. "Parker? Do you need a minute?" I kept my eyes on Taylor, meeting him head on as I waited for Parker's reply.

  "Not even a second." His clipped words made me cringe. What had Taylor said to him now?

  Parker pushed past Taylor and followed me up the stairs. We hurried to the safety of my room, and once in, I shut the door behind us. Privacy didn't mean much to Taylor when he wanted something, so only a lock would keep him away.

  "Thanks for that," Parker said, collapsing on my bed.

  "I'm sorry. He's a dick."

  Parker chuckled and patted the spot next to him. I climbed in and he rested his head on my shoulder.

  "It's not your fault he's a dick. Or that I was stupid enough to marry him." He took a long swig from his beer and went quiet.

  I itched to ask what Taylor had said. I imagined it had been cruel, designed to rile Parker up. Probably a lie too.

  "He said they're moving in together."

  I scoffed. "Sure they are. That's what he tells you about everyone he bangs."

  "I said as much."

  I craned my neck to be able to see him better. "Really? I thought your strategy was to ignore him until he went away."

  "Rough day today, I didn't have the patience. I think he might be serious though."

  "No way!"

  "Yes way." He took another mouthful of beer. "I've seen them around. It's been about a month."

  That was indeed longer than normal for my brother. Quick, I had to think
of a silver lining. "Maybe he'll let you be now that he's serious about someone."

  "I hope he is. I hope he finds what he's looking for. I know he needed something I couldn't give him, I—"

  I snatched the beer from his hand and held it away. "Oh, don't you fucking dare! Don't you dare make excuses for his cheating. You might believe you weren't enough. The truth is my brother is a dick and couldn't keep his hands off other men to save his life."

  He smiled sadly and motioned for me to hand him the beer back. I did, even if I didn't think he deserved it just yet.

  "Whether it was enough or not, there wasn't anything more I wanted to give him."

  The choice of words caught me off guard, but I didn't dare ask.

  "You've stiffened and you're holding your breath. Just ask the damn question."

  Caught in the act, as always. I still wondered how Parker had managed not to figure out how in love I'd always been with him. Not when he seemed to read me like an open book about everything else.

  "What did he ask for? I know it wasn't forgiveness."

  Parker scratched his cheek and sighed. "He wanted an open relationship. He said it didn't make sense for us to fight every time he fucked someone. He wasn't going to stop, and I was always going to forgive him."

  I gasped, amazed by my brother's audacity. Parker had caught him cheating often. The first time, he'd ignored it, after all they'd just started dating. The second time, he’d left town for a month. The most recent affair... well, they'd ended up getting lawyers.

  "So you divorced him?"

  Parker shrugged. "I took my sweet time deciding, but yeah. I realized I couldn't live with knowing he would never stop hurting me."

  I bit my lip before blurting out something heartless. I didn’t think Taylor would stay faithful to anyone.

  "It's fine, kid. I know I was insane to hold out hope he'd be satisfied with only me. I caught him often enough, but I suspected it happened a lot more."

  I closed my eyes. I knew of at least four guys. I'd never said anything because I had no definitive proof. By guy number four, I'd taken pictures. Somehow, Parker had found out before I could show him. Would he have hated me, had I been the bearer of bad news? I didn't think I could have lived with that.


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