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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

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by Izzy Williams

  “So, Robyn, what brings you here on this exciting Saturday night?”

  She fiddles with the napkin on the table, “I was busy all day and needed a few supplies. I've just moved here; I had a lot of unpacking to do.”

  “I thought I hadn't seen you before, where did you move from?”

  “London, or just outside London. I just got here a few days ago, my parents live here, so they've been helping me.”

  “I see, so no man?”

  She shakes her head but looks at me dubiously. “No, no man.”

  I smile at her. “Oh, I'm single too, in case you were wondering.”

  She gives a little laugh. “I wasn't, but thanks for the info.”

  Yeah right, she was totally wondering.

  I watch her blow on her coffee before taking a sip . . . totally fucking hot.

  She speaks. “What about you? I take it this is not your normal Saturday night?”

  I shake my head. “No, definitely not. I went out last night and overindulged a little too much, even for me. Today has been hangover and recuperation only.”

  She laughs. “I can't remember the last time I overindulged. Was it worth it?”

  Hmmm “At the time I thought it was, but now I'm not so sure.”

  She laughs, she has a nice laugh. “I can't thank you enough for getting me out of that situation. I don't know where my heads at, I think I'm just exhausted.”

  I point at the coffee. “No problem, we’re quits now, no need to mention it again, and that coffee will wake you up.”

  “Oh no, it’s decaf, I don't want to be up all night, early morning.”

  “Why would you have to get up early in the morning, its Sunday?”

  Just imagining her waking up, stretching in her little sexy short pyjamas, I mean I have no idea what she would wear to bed, but a man can dream. I arrange my trousers under the table to try and curb the boner that is trying to appear.

  She looks flustered. “I'm just an early riser.”

  She doesn't lie well. Wonder what she's hiding?

  A message lights up her screen, she picks her phone up, reads it and sighs. “I'm sorry, I have to go, something has come up.” She stands to leave.

  Disappointment floods me, an escape text for sure. You win some you lose some. Normally I have a better reaction from women.

  This hurts my ego. “At least let me get you a takeaway cup.” I walk over to the guy who served her to get her a cup, pour her coffee into it and hand it to her. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you, I'm sorry I have to leave so quickly.”

  I wave my hand at her, dismissing her comment. “Ah it’s OK, I know a rescue text when I see one.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “You asked someone to message you to get you out of sitting here with me.”

  Her eyes widen in shock. “No I didn't, why would you think that? I really do have to go, I would never be that mean!”

  She looks like she's telling the truth. “OK OK, sorry, I just presumed that's what you were doing. Maybe I could have your number? We could maybe meet up again sometime?”

  She shakes her head. “I'm sorry, that's not a good idea, I'm not in a position right now to do that. Thank you so much for tonight, you've been really sweet.”

  Sweet? Sweet! I'm never fucking sweet, what the hell?

  “Bye, Robyn.”

  “Bye, Jack.” My cock twitches hearing her say my name. I watch her walk away . . . what a view.

  Now I'm just going to go home sexually frustrated.

  Chapter Three


  “Mummy, can I watch your phone while we wait?”

  “No sweetie, you can have it later.” The last thing I want is the headmistress to think that I let him use technology all the time. I mean, I do let him have it quite a bit, but I have my limits, and it’s not an impression I want to make right now.

  I like this school. I like the feel of it. My Eli, he’ll be going into reception - he’s had to move away from all his friends - so I’m hoping with everything in me, that he settles into this school and makes new friends.

  I know I’ve done the right thing. It's just . . . when it affects Elijah like this, I have my doubts. But he's the reason I'm doing it, I need to remember that.

  “Ms Masters?”

  A lady pops her head around the door. I nod and make my way in there with Elijah.

  “Please take a seat. I’m Mrs Newton, the headmistress here.”

  I give her my best smile and sit down, I indicate to Eli where to sit, he's four, he doesn't get the magnitude of starting a new school, luckily, he just thinks it's exciting. Which is why I've done it now, the older he got the harder it was going to get to uproot him.

  “Thank you for seeing us, I was so excited to hear that you might have a place for Elijah.” I say, keeping my fingers crossed that I’m creating a good impression.

  “Not a problem.” She looks at Eli, “What about you Elijah, do you think you would like it here at our school? Did you have a look around?”

  He nods. “I like the room with all the balls and climbing equipment, it looks so cool and you have a basketball hoop!”

  She laughs. “We do - I take it you like sport?”

  He nods enthusiastically “I love it, I love football!”

  I nod to Mrs Newton “You’re lucky he hasn’t brought a ball with him today.”

  She smiles at me, “So what brings you to our area, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  I shake my head. “No not at all. I grew up around here, my parents live here. I’ve lived away since Eli was born, but I decided to come home so that he can be near his grandparents.”

  She gives me a soft smile. “That's great, well I'm sure if Elijah would like to come to our school, we would be very lucky to have him.”

  Elijah bounces up and down in his seat. “Yes!”

  I'm going to have to break it to him that he will actually have to do some work, it won't just be about the PE. My little man is on the go all the time, any sport and he’s in.

  “Oh, that's so great, thank you so much. When can he start?”

  “He can start on Monday, its Thursday now, so it’ll give you time to fill in all the forms and return them to us.” She looks at him, “Are you going to join us on Monday?”

  He nods. “Yes please!”

  Thank you bud, for using your manners – making me look like a decent mum!

  I stand up and motion for him to stand up and take my hand. “Thank you again, I'm so grateful - I'm sure he’ll love it here.”

  “Welcome back to Badger’s Mount. I'm sure you'll be happy - it's such a lovely place to live. If you go to Anne-Marie in the office she will give you all the paperwork and tell you what you need to do.”

  I walk out of the school holding Eli’s hand - happy that I've got another major thing organised.

  I feel like I'm getting sorted, dad already had a property that he rents out, it became vacant three months ago and he hadn't got around to renting it. I’m insisting to pay rent on it though, I’m going to pay my own way. Dad has hired me as a consultant for his company, not quite sure what I’m doing yet but I’m on payroll and I’ll be getting a wage, and now I've got Elijah in school – bonus - it's close by to our new place, just a short car drive.

  We arrive back at mums and dads house. Elijah is still over the moon at now having grandparents that he can see every day. Every time he sees them his face lights up and I feel guilty all over again. Guilty that I've deprived him of this for four years. What would those years have been like though if I’d stayed around here? I probably wouldn't have a relationship at all with my parents - we would have fallen out long ago - at least this way we stayed in touch. At least now Elijah has a family.

  We walk in the front door and go through to the kitchen where I can hear mum.

  “Hey mum.”

  She spins around, her face lighting up. None of this was her fault, I feel nothing but love for mum, but I wish she
could have talked to dad more, had a little more pull with him. He's the boss of the house for sure.

  “Sweetie . . . Elijah. Guess what? I thought you might want to bake cookies with me?”

  Ha, silly question, what kid doesn't love to bake?

  Eli jumps up and down. “Yes, I want to! Can I break the eggs?” Eli is a seasoned baker back in London, it's one of my favourite fun activities for a rainy day - he's an expert egg breaker.

  I pat him on the back, “Go wash your hands and I’ll get a chair for you to help Grandma.”

  He goes off to wash his hands. “He got in school mum, thank goodness, that's something else I don't need to worry about. I need to get him some uniform now, but the lady in the office at school said he only needs a jumper and I can get that whenever - he already has everything else from his old school, trousers and PE kit - so at least there's no pressure.”

  “Oh, that's so good sweetie, I'm so glad you're getting settled here. I never thought I’d see the day. It makes me so happy.”

  “It makes me happy too mum. I'm sorry we have lost time to make up for but I'm sure we will.” I give her a sad smile.

  When dad found out I was pregnant at twenty, before I’d managed to finish Uni, he went berserk. It was the worst time of my life, without a doubt. I still can't believe that my rotten luck caused me to get pregnant on my first time, with someone I didn't really have any feelings for. I just wanted the whole virginity thing out of the way, I liked Bobby of course, but I knew he wasn’t the one. I couldn’t handle dad’s reaction - I needed to get away - dad was stifling me and I couldn't take the disappointed look on his face any longer.

  He wouldn't say it now, but I think he's secretly proud of me. I made it on my own. My brother, who is twenty-two, would happily sponge off dad for the rest of his life. He likes to live a rich lifestyle, whereas I will do anything I can to get away from it. It's not real.

  “Where’s dad?”

  “He's just got home, he's in the shower I think, he’ll be down in a minute - especially as he's probably heard you come in with Elijah.”

  Just as she finishes speaking my dad walks in. “My ears are burning.”

  I smile. “Hi dad, I was just asking where you were. I need details about my new job.”

  He waves his hand, “I’ll give you the brief Monday after you've dropped Elijah off at school . . . I'm taking it he got in OK?”

  I nod. “He starts Monday - but I want to know more Dad, I don't want to wait until Monday. What will I be doing?”

  “Robyn, all you need to know is that you are checking out an investment of mine on-site, making sure everything is running like clockwork. Just dress smart casual and turn up after school, I’ll give you the details then.”

  I sigh, he's so stubborn, why can't he just tell me?

  “Fine, dad.” Is it too much to ask to know what my job will be on Monday?

  “Now, where’s that grandson of mine.”

  I'm not going to get much out of him now, Elijah is a huge distraction. I guess I’ll find out what investment I’ll be checking out on Monday then.

  Chapter Four


  I groan when my alarm goes off. Normally I can’t wait to get to the track, today I'm dreading it. I don't want to be watched like a little puppy being toilet trained. I fucking know what I'm doing. I need a stupid little rich bitch following me around like I need a hole in the head. I don't do well with authority - being told what to do. I'm going to end up telling her to fuck off, then she’ll run and tell her daddy, then I’ll get my investment pulled - all because I can't keep my mouth shut.

  No Jack, you're gonna have to put your big boy pants on today and shut the fuck up.

  I take a shower; I hear my mobile ringing and ringing until finally whoever it is gives up. Once out I check who called. My heart sinks. Brinley - Star. Fuck. Greg Brinley, owner of star enterprises, and the person I have to suck up most to in the world. He's probably telling me about his darling daughter.

  I hit the call button and as soon as it connects, he picks up. “Jack?”

  “Hi sir, sorry I missed your call, I was in the shower.”

  “No problem. I just wanted to let you know that my daughter will be joining you today, I presume you've been told?”

  “Yeah I have, I believe she's coming to run over things and report back to you on your investment.”

  “That's right. I know you will be nice to her.”

  In other words, be nice to her you prick.

  “Of course, we’ll show her around and help her settle in. Is there any particular information you want her to have?”

  “All of it, I want her to know everything. I don't usually take a risk on my investments; I've seen you race and you’re good. I just want to know that you and your team are working at optimal performance.”

  What an arsehole.

  “Yes, that's fine.”

  “Also Jack, I'm going to have to mention it, I hear that you are a ladies man. I don't want you going near my daughter.”

  Is this guy for real? He thinks I would go near his daughter. I do have some standards. She probably looks like a librarian in Mrs Doubfire’s clothes. What business is it of his where I put my dick? It won't be going anywhere near his family.

  “No, I won't go near her.” I have to ground out the words through gritted teeth. I want to tell him where to go, but I can't. It's not just me depending on him, it’s all our team. We've all worked our arses off; I can’t blow it now.

  “Good . . . pleased to hear it. Have a good day Jack - I’ll look forward to getting a report from my daughter.” The click on the other end of the line indicates that the conversation is over.

  Goodbye to you too, you big bag of dicks.

  I arrive at the track and park my 4x4 up next to all the expensive fast sports cars.

  One day.

  Right now, all my spare money goes to my sister and my parents to help them out - one day I’ll have enough for fancy cars and more.

  I go in straight away to find Harry. I look around for him and then at the clock it's ten thirty. I don't normally get here until eleven - he won't be expecting me yet. I take a guess that he's in the cafe bar so make my way there. I spot him reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee, I'm about to interrupt his lovely quiet break.


  He looks startled. “Jack,” he checks his phone and frowns. “What are you doing here at this time?”

  “I've just had a phone call from Captain Dick.”

  He gives me a reproachful look. “Jack . . .”

  “Seriously, the guy is a total dick.”

  “That may be son, but he holds all our dicks in his hand, so you'd better be nice to him. What did he want?”

  I hear the door go behind me but don't pay it any more attention than that. I really should have.

  “He warned me to be nice to his precious daughter - but not too nice - I've not to go waving my dick anywhere near her. The girl probably looks like one of those monster dudes in End Game. Like I’d fucking want to go near a privileged rich bitch, with nothing else better to do with her time than follow me around. It’s going to take me all my time to talk to her.”

  Harry is silent. Actually, now I look at him properly he looks like he's been dropped in the middle of the M6 at rush hour. “What's up with you?”

  I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I close my eyes slowly. Well, isn't this just the best day I could possibly have. I know she’s stood behind me and heard everything I’ve just said. Christ, when did she come in? Doesn’t matter . . . all of it was bad. I take a deep breath and turn around slowly.

  No fucking way. My eyes widen as I recognise her. She most definitely did not look like the monsters in End Game. It's her. What was her name now? Robyn. The girl from the shop on Saturday. And she looks like she's about to burst into tears. Even Dwayne Johnson would cry hearing that said about himself. I feel like a total dick.

  “Excuse me.” She barely cro
aks out and turns on her heels and leaves.

  I turn around to look at Harry, he's looking at me gobsmacked. What a hash up I've just made of that. And it was Robyn. She didn't seem like a stuck-up rich bitch on Saturday, she seemed down to earth. Nice. She said she’d just moved here and was nervous about starting a job on Monday. If the ground could open up and swallow me God that would be great. I deserve to go to hell for that.

  I start into action and go after her. I see her at the other end of the corridor, going towards the ladies.


  She falters in her step but keeps going.

  “Hey . . . wait.” I catch her up and grab her elbow.

  She shrugs my arm off and turns to me, she has tears in her eyes. “You seemed so much nicer on Saturday.”

  God, that punches me in the gut. “Hey, I'm sorry - you weren't supposed to hear that. I didn't know it was going to be you.”

  “That makes it OK does it?”

  “No, of course it doesn't, but those things I said . . . they were awful . . . I shouldn't have said them, I'm sorry.”

  She shakes her head. “I don't care about the things you said. They say more about you than they do about me.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “You know nothing about me. You didn't even know it was going to be me, you thought it was someone you'd never met. What you just said to that guy tells me that you have an issue with money, with authority and being told you can't shag someone. Nice.”

  What the fuck does she know about anything? One sentence and she thinks she knows me? She knows nothing.

  “Fine, whatever - I'm sorry OK? Come back in and I’ll introduce you to Harry. We’ll start over.”

  She nods, but the light - the kindness in her eyes that was there on Saturday - has gone. “Give me a minute, I just want to go to the bathroom.”

  “OK.” I turn and walk back to Harry. Well, can today get any fucking worse?


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