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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

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by Izzy Williams

  Chapter Five


  I look in the bathroom mirror trying to compose myself. What just happened? This has to be the worst start to a job ever. I'm mad at Dad for a start. The things I know about this job I can count on one hand. Wait a minute, one finger. Turn up after school he said, and that was it. I know nothing about Superbike racing. I could have been researching it . . . researching him, Jack Cutler, Superbike racer and Dad’s new investment.

  Dad runs a successful investment company. He has his finger in a few pies. He has people running different branches, but this particular one has a lot of money invested in it. A risk. Dad doesn't like risks; this is really unlike him. Jack must be good; he must have seen something in him. Well, all I've seen so far is what an arsehole he is. Is that guy out there really the guy I met on Saturday night that helped me out? It's like they're two different guys. Christ Robyn, your radar for arseholes is still attracting them. I'm so naive, I thought he was a nice guy, was even hoping I might run into him again. He was so good looking and charming. Well . . . look how that turned out.

  I take a deep breath, sort myself out. I smooth down my white shirt and make sure it’s tucked into my black fitted trousers. My hair is up with minimal makeup. I'm going to have to go back out there and its quite apparent that I’m going to have to grow a thicker skin. This job isn't going to be much fun. I don't know what Dad was thinking sending me here - he's either thinking he's doing me a favour because he's glad I'm back - or punishing me for leaving them for four years with my grandchild. I'm leaning towards the latter at the moment.

  I want to be at home playing with Elijah. He was so good going into school this morning. I wish I found things as easy as he does. He was so excited. Right . . . I just have to get through the next few hours of being explained everything to me like a schoolgirl, I can research my butt off tonight when Elijah goes to bed. Know more tomorrow. Just survive today.

  I turn around and head back out. I just can't wait to know all about Jack Cutler . . . not.

  I walk back to the cafe where I went originally, he and the other guy are sat down talking. It looks like Jack has gotten a drink and there’s a spare one on the table.

  I walk over to them and smile at the older guy.

  Jack looks up. “Hey, sit down, I’ll introduce you.” He points to the coffee, “Decaf Cappuccino, right?”

  I hate that he knows my coffee. “Yes, thanks.” I sit down.

  The older guy holds his hand out for me to shake. “I'm Harry, I'm Jacks manager, unfortunately for me.” He smiles at me kindly. He looks like a nice guy. “Sorry about earlier. Our Jack can let his mouth run away with him.”

  Jack frowns at him and looks down at his drink. It's blatantly obvious it's killing him keeping his mouth shut.

  “It's OK, let’s hope that's the new girl humiliation over with.” I smile at him “I'm Robyn Brinley, nice to meet you.”

  “So, what brings you to us? What will you be wanting from us? Your Dad said that you're here to protect his investment - do you know what that will entail exactly?” he asks

  I glance at Jack. I don't want to say that I know absolutely nothing in front of him. They must hate me being here. They thought everything was hunky-dory and they can get on with their business and then I turn up. Shit. At least this Harry guy seems like he’s being nice.

  “I just need to follow you guys around today I think, see how you do things on a day to day basis. I’ll need to study a little at home. I'm afraid I don't know much about your sport at the moment, my dad has a way of throwing people in at the deep end which is what he’s done to me today. So just pretend I'm not here today, I’ll get a feel of the place. I’ll be here around nine thirty until around two thirty every day, but if you race on the weekends I’ll be there.”

  I see Jack study me out of the corner of my eye, but he doesn't say anything. I take a sip of my coffee.

  “Well, we're just going to get the team rounded up and have a meeting. Then, as it’s a clear day today with no frost, Jacks gonna get out on the course and give the new bike a go as we've made a few tweaks.”

  I nod and glance quickly at Jack, who is still just watching me. It's unnerving.

  “Brilliant, thank you.” Jesus, I'm so mad at dad right now, dropping me in this situation with no armour. It's definitely payback. And he wonders why I moved away for years.


  I sit in on the meeting. Harry introduces me and I get a few wary glances, but at least everyone is polite. They don't know me, for all they know I am a stuck-up rich bitch that’s just playing at having a job. That’s fine - if they want to pre-judge someone before they even know them that’s up to them. One of the girls on the team, that deals with the scheduling and finance, seems nice. Her name is Sophie. She is really tall and slender with brown hair but the ends are bright blue, a love a girl that dares to be different. She is attractive and has a beautiful smile.

  Once the meeting is over, she pulls me to one side. “Hi, I wanted to meet you one on one. Don't worry about these guys, their barks are worse than their bites.”

  “Thank you, Sophie is it?” she nods

  “Yes, I'm the one that gets to do all the boring stuff, while they’re out playing with the machinery to see who has the biggest dick.”

  Wow. I like her. I laugh “That sums it up, does it?”

  She shrugs “Pretty much. I hear your new in town?”

  I nod “Yeah I grew up around here but moved away.”

  “So you won't know anyone? My friends and I are willing to take in straddlers – the more the merrier - you'll have to hang out with us. Want to grab lunch together today? It’s nice to have another female around – definitely a testosterone zone around here.”

  I nod, I can have half an hour break to eat I'm sure. I guess I make my own rules anyway as long as I report back to dad the information he wants. She seems friendly.

  “That would be lovely, thank you. I’ve not had the best reception today, you have definitely been the nicest to me so far, and Harry has been lovely.”

  “He's professional and a really good guy. Have you had trouble from anyone?”

  I give a bitter laugh “Just Jack. Nothing important and nothing I can't handle.” I don't want to gossip; I don't know this girl after all.

  “Oh, Mr hotshot himself. Well, don't take any notice of him. He can be an egotistical arsehole, with a huge chip on his shoulder.”

  “Oh no, you don't like him then I take it?”

  She smiles “Actually I'm quite fond of the bastard. The only reason I still speak to him is because I haven't shagged him. He goes through women like he goes through underwear - if he wears any that is - no way I’d go there. It’s never been like that for us, we're friends . . . thankfully, or we would have fallen out a long time ago.” She looks at me for a while, “Actually you'd better watch yourself, you're gorgeous and he doesn't like to be told he can't do something. He’ll have been told your off-limits you know. He'll take that as a challenge.”

  “Oh no, absolutely no way in hell. We haven't got off to a great start and he’s already made it quite clear that he hates me being here. Not that I would look at him in that way anyway, but he sounds like he sleeps with pretty much all the female population with not so much as a backward glance, so think I would have given it a miss anyway.” He’s coming across as a total arsehole actually, not that I can say that out loud to Sophie. I may have noticed his blue eyes, being the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, but that was on Saturday when I thought he was a decent guy. Also, his height . . . anyway, I'm getting off-topic here - what attractive tributes he may have, get washed away by his shitty personality . . . that makes him unattractive. A different girl might find his confidence and swagger sexy, but not this one. That’s the last type of guy I would be looking for . . . if I was looking.

  “Are you not single?” she asks

  “I am, but I'm definitely not looking. What about you?”

  She shrugs, “Yeah
, I'm single. If Mr Right is out there, he's hiding from me right now. Come on I’ll show you around and then take you to the track where they're trying out the new bike.”

  She gives me a tour, it's so much bigger than I first thought. There isn't just Jack’s team here, a couple of teams have a base here. I’ll probably get lost but I'm sure I’ll get my bearings soon enough. I'm so grateful for Sophie right now, I feel like a big cloud has dissipated over me.

  When we arrive at the pit, I see Jack stood outside with the bike. He has his leathers on, but the top part is off and hangs around his waist with just a white t-shirt on underneath. He’s carrying his helmet. My mouth goes dry. It can't be denied that he’s a good-looking guy. Tall, lean but well defined with broad shoulders, and the way his leathers fit around his legs make his thighs look thick. Why are his thighs doing something to me right now? Come on, I'm a woman . . . just because he’s an arse doesn't mean I can't appreciate what a fine specimen he is. His physique is perfect, he must have to be in top physical condition for the sport and he looks it. Then there’s his brown hair, kept short but just long enough to look messed up - like he's just gotten out of bed. Those blue eyes though, they're the colour of those seas that you see in pictures of tropical places, such a light inviting blue – I've never seen anything like them. He has stubble, which I'm presuming he has all the time because he had it on Saturday when I met him. He is a really good-looking guy. Too bad there’s nothing but attitude going on on the inside. I know it wasn't personal what he said this morning, but it still hurt. How can he judge someone so quickly that he’s never even met?

  I go inside the pit and take an empty seat as I watch the exchange between him and his head engineer, Denny, who was in the meeting this morning. Harry is joining in the conversation. They're all looking at an iPad at some results. I just take a back seat and watch. The bike is there, ready for him and I don't know anything about bikes but it's nice. Really nice. It's a BMW, that I do know. It's yellow and black, so sleek, shiny and smooth. It is very impressive.

  A few teams are doing the same thing. The loud roar of the bikes is deafening - something I’ve never experienced before - so loud you can hardly hear yourself think. Excitement fizzes in the air. This is only a practice, but you can feel the air is buzzing - it's hard not to get caught up in it. Jack nods and slips into the rest of the suit. His eyes rest on me for a second and he turns away. Someone hands him his helmet and he secures it into place and mounts his bike. Bloody hell, I didn't prepare myself for what it would be like to see him ride. Someone pushes him off to start and he speeds off, keeping his eye out for other bikes that are practising, speeding past.

  He goes over a hundred miles per hour - it's crazy how fast he goes. I watch him on the screen in the pit as he twists and turns, there’s a screen following him and a screen which must be a camera on his bike. Harry has a headset on and can hear him. He tilts one way, so severe that you think he’s going to fall off, then straightens up and tilts the other. No wonder he has thick thighs. I can't help thinking about those thighs watching him right now. It's hot. There is no denying its hot. He must be so fit to do this. I move around in my seat. I don't like that it's having this reaction on me, that he’s having this reaction on me. He’s not a nice person - but watching him go around the track fast like he is, looking like he does, and listening to the roar of the engines – well, it's so hot.

  Eventually, he comes back into the pit. He straddles his bike, planting his feet on the floor and removes his helmet. He’s smiling broadly. He doesn't cast a glance in my direction. He’s on too much of a high from riding to think about anything else. What must it be like to love your job this much? To do a job you love to do. I wish I felt like that about a job. I wanted to teach, but life got in the way and I never got around to it.

  Wait, what if that’s something I could do now? I have help with childcare now and I only would have one year of Uni and I’d be qualified. It's worth some thought and I could look into it. I make a mental note to make enquiries.

  Chapter Six


  “I’ll be fine mummy, Grandma and I are going to watch Ice Age again, and maybe even Ice Age 2 if there’s time.” I'm thankful that Grandma gets to watch it and not me for the five hundredth time. “I'm so excited about this sleepover.”

  I look at my mum who looks in her element to be having Eli overnight.

  “Sweetheart go out with your new friends and have fun. I bet you don't remember the last time you had a proper night out.”

  She’s right I don't. I haven't had a night without Eli since he was born, which is probably why I'm having such a hard time leaving.

  I reluctantly agree. “OK mum, you've got my number and you'll ring me if there are any problems?”

  “You know I will . . . now go.”

  “I’ve put the Calpol in your first aid cupboard.”

  She frowns “Is he not well?”

  I shake my head “He’s fine, just in case . . . you can't be too careful.”

  She sighs “Look Robyn, I get it - I do honestly - but I have brought up two children, you know. I get that you've been his only caregiver all these years, but now you've got us, and you can use that to your advantage, he will be fine here - you need to relax a little.”

  I know she’s right, I'm way too overprotective of him. When it’s always been him and me against the world, how am I supposed to just change my way of thinking and let go a little? It's hard, but I need to try – it would be good for both of us.

  “You're right mum, I’ll try to relax. But you know what would help me relax?”


  “You'll text me when he’s in bed? To let me know he’s OK?”

  She laughs “I will . . . now go.”

  I turn to Eli “Come here, give me a big hug and I’ll see you in the morning, OK? After you've slept in that lovely new bedroom of yours.” Mum and dad had decked a room out all for him, he’s so excited to be sleeping there. It’s an experience for him too. At least I don't think he'll fret that I'm not there. It will be nice for him to spend time with my dad, he’s never had a man in his life. The one that created him, did just that and only that.

  I hug him and mum and leave so that I can go to my place and get ready.

  I agreed to go out with Sophie and her friends tonight. I don't know what to expect, but I do know that Sophie is lovely so I'm sure her friends will be too. I have to push myself. I’ve lived in solitude for too long, I need to start living again. Sure, I had friends in London - but not really close friends. I was lonely, apart from having Eli of course. I filled Sophie in on the fact that I have a son and the dad isn't in the picture, but that’s all she knows.

  We’re going for drinks at the local pub, then were going onto a nightclub in a larger village. I decide on jeans and a nice top. Isn't that what most women wear on a night out? I have some dark blue fitted skinny jeans and some tall black strappy shoes. I ordered a top online for tonight, as I don't have many going out clothes. It's white, with lace embroidery and sheer in places - it's gorgeous - I love it.

  I’m wearing my hair down and wavy, I'm aware how lucky I am that my blonde hair isn't too much trouble, although I could do with a trim, time to find a hairdresser around here.

  I get in the shower to start the preparations for tonight, excited but nervous that I'm doing something different and also a little proud of myself too - I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. Some of the anxiety tonight is down to Eli’s dad. I hope he doesn't still live around here. I get mad and sad in equal parts when I think about my beautiful boy and how Bobby didn't even want to know when he found out I was pregnant. Well, it's his loss, but I don't want to see him - I hope he’s moved away. What guy does that when a woman is pregnant with his child? We didn't know each other that well, I know, but knowing he has a son or daughter out in the world somewhere but doesn't want to know anything about them? Well, that’s pretty much as low as you can get. Fingers crossed I won't see him ever aga


  I walk into the pub and look around for Sophie, I see her waving to me from over in the corner with a bunch of other women, so I make my way over.

  “Hey, oh my God you look gorgeous!” she says leaning over and kissing me on the cheek.

  I smile at her “Thanks, so do you.”

  Sophie is pretty anyway, she can turn heads no problem - but tonight dressed up with makeup on she looks something else. She looks so sexy.

  She turns to her friends. “Everyone this is Robyn. Robyn this is everyone.”

  I laugh, she’s going to have to give me actual names.

  They all start to introduce themselves, there are three other girls and they seem nice and friendly. They introduce themselves as Evie, Grace and Carrie.

  A bucket sits on their table with a bottle of Prosecco in it - a spare glass sits beside it. “We got one of these to start us off, do you like Prosecco?”

  I nod “Oh yeah I do, thanks, who do I owe?”

  She waves her hand, “Just get me a drink back later if you like.”

  I nod and take the glass of Prosecco she’s just poured and take a sip, letting the bubbles work their magic.

  I look around the bar, it's busy, there’s only this pub and one more in the village that I know of, so I guess everyone makes here on a weekend. As I scan around my eyes land on an unfriendly pair of eyes looking back at me. You have got to be kidding me. The last person I want to see is Jack Cutler. My drink goes down the wrong way as I make eye contact with him and I cough and splutter. Classy, Robyn. I see him smirk and turn away. Arsehole. I hate that he judged me before he even got to know me, at least I’ve gotten to know him and decided he’s an arsehole.


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