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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

Page 16

by Izzy Williams

  “No way, you're binning me off already?” he teases

  “Your gonna kill me, I need my sleep.”

  “I promise if you let me in after Eli's gone to sleep that I won't keep you awake all night.”

  I know I'm gonna give in, hot sex with a seriously hot guy when I haven't had sex for six years? I’d have to be mad to turn him down.

  “Fine,” I sigh the word as though it’s a hardship to agree with him “but we need to sleep some, yeah?”

  “I promise, now come here and kiss me again.” I like this playful affectionate Jack. I want him to stay. I do as he asks.


  “Mummy, mummy, Jack is knocking at the door.”

  I go to the door and see Jack and smile. It's only a few hours since he left and still my stomach flutters. It's early on Saturday and I'm taking Eli to the aquarium. When I mentioned it to Jack last night he said he wanted to come and spend the day with us, so we agreed if he turned up for breakfast, knowing how much Eli would love it, he would probably ask if he could come with us. This way, if he does mention it to mum and dad then it sounds like Eli asked him. Underhand I know, but if I get to spend the day with Eli and Jack it’s worth it.

  I open the door and give him a big smile. “Jack, what are you doing here?”

  He holds up a couple of paper bags. “MacDonald's breakfast, thought you guys might want feeding?”

  I step back and motion for him to come in while speaking to Eli. “Sweetie, Jack’s brought MacDonald's breakfast, you want some?”

  MacDonald's is Eli’s favourite, Jack said he would do this. so I held off on giving Eli breakfast and I told Jack what Eli likes.

  “Yum!” Eli shouts “Did you get hash browns?”

  Jack nods “Of course, they're my favourite, and I got sausage McMuffin.”

  “Wow, that’s my favourite too.”

  “Great minds think alike buddy. Come on let's eat.”

  Jack makes his way through into the living room.

  “Come into the kitchen and I’ll set you up with the plates.”

  Eli hesitates “But mummy if we have breakfast with Jack, will we miss the aquarium?”

  I shake my head, “No, there’s plenty of time sweetie, don't worry about that.”

  We sit down and Jack dishes out the food. He looks at me “I got you a bagel with Philadelphia, was I right?”

  I rolled my eyes because I’d told him last night what I wanted.

  Eli looks at me and pulls me down to his level. “Do you think Jack could come with us to the aquarium?”

  I smile at my little man. “If he wants to, why don't you ask him?”

  Eli's face lights up - he can't believe I said yes. “Jack, mummy and me are going to the aquarium today, do you want to come with us?”

  Jack winks at him. “I’d love to dude, as long as it’s OK with your mummy.”

  “It's fine with me.” I smile and we sit down to eat.


  I don't know who enjoys the aquarium more, Jack or Eli. They both stare at the big tanks in wonder at all the tropical fish, when we go through the tunnel of water they're both so excited. We go to the creature corner where you get to hold things like starfish and crabs, and they're both in awe. I love seeing them both together - things couldn't be going better.

  I check my phone while they're busy and see that I have a text message from Bobby.

  Hey, just wondering if you'd thought about coming over to meet Zara yet and see where I live?

  I bite my lip - dad hasn't gotten back to me with any info yet, but I can't put it off any longer. I’ll phone dad tonight.

  I reply.

  Sure, when would be good for you?

  I get one back immediately

  What about tomorrow lunch?

  Sunday, I could do that - Eli could go to my parents for an hour or so. I don't want lunch though, I’ll go around eleven then I can come away for lunch. It will be an excuse to leave, I message him back.

  Can I come for around 11?

  I get one back immediately.

  Sure! That would be great! See you then my address is 552 sycamore avenue, sw8 3wh.

  I don't know how this is going to pan out, I really don't, the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but if I get to know him and he seems OK then maybe I’ll introduce them. I can't help but think that after four years of just me and him that the more people that he has in his life the better. Surrounded by people who love him . . . who care about him. But I won't let him in Eli's life if I think for a second that he would let him down. No way.

  Jack and Eli make their way over both grinning, it makes me smile. We walk over to a little play area that Eli has been asking to go on and Jack and I take a seat.

  I turn to him “You enjoying yourself?”

  He nods “I am, I’ve never been to an aquarium before, it's cool. I got to stroke a fucking flatfish, it was awesome!”

  Wait, he’s never been to an aquarium?

  “You've never been to an aquarium before, are you serious?”

  He shakes his head. “I haven't been to a lot of places, growing up, after mum and dad adopted us all we didn't have much money to visit places like this. We usually had days out at parks and things that were free but never been to here, or the zoo, we did go on camping holidays sometimes which was fun.”

  I love his mum and dad already - they fostered three children, that they will have been getting quite a lot of money for, then fell for them and adopted them so they'd be theirs permanently, but it meant that their income would stop. They must love them so much.

  I grab Jacks hand “Well, you'll have to come with Eli and me.”

  He nods and smiles. He glances over to see Jack is busy climbing up a ladder and leans in to give me a quick kiss. “How about you? How do you do it? I know your mum and dad aren't without money - obviously, but you don't seem to accept anything from them.”

  Why am I embarrassed to talk about my trust fund? It sounds so rich kid. I hate it. But it has given Eli things that he wouldn't have had otherwise. “I told you I have a trust fund, right? Well I don’t spend it on me, at least not up to now, but if Eli needed anything or wanted a day out and we couldn't afford it, then I spent some of the trust fund on him. Other than that I paid my own way, I just thought it's bad enough that he’s only got me and no one else, I didn't want to deprive him of other things just because I was too stubborn to dip into money from my parents.

  “You're an amazing mother, you know that right?”

  I sigh, “I do think I'm good at being a mum, but it’s a job that you constantly second guess yourself. I try and go with my gut but I'm always wondering if I'm doing the right thing. I mean, I deprived him of family for four years. Was that fair? I feel like I was selfish.”

  He shakes his head “You weren't Robyn. You did what was best for you and what you thought was best for your kid. It's the bravest thing I’ve ever heard - you going off on your own to start your own life. And you did it because your parents, well, I'm guessing your dad, would have taken control and who knows how Eli would have turned out. But look at him - he’s a happy good kid, you're doing an amazing job.”

  “Thanks Jack, that means a lot.”

  He nudges my shoulder “So I'm dating someone rich, am I?”

  I lean back and look at him. “Are we dating?”

  He frowns “What did you think we were doing?”

  I shrug, “I don't know, I didn't think you'd do that, or want to say that, with your track record.”

  “I think we can both agree that my track record is going out of the window with you.”

  “I guess. So, I guess I’m dating a Super-biker bad boy then.”

  “Yes you fucking are, and don’t you forget it.”

  I like that he’s possessive over me.

  “I just had a message from Bobby asking me to go to his place again, meet his fiancé. I’ve said I’ll go Sunday morning. I guess I’ll just see if I can get to know them a little bett
er. I’m nervous though.”

  “I'm coming with you.”

  My eyes widen. “No way, I can't ask you to do that. I’ll go on my own, I didn’t say I was nervous so you would offer.”

  “I'm coming with you, no arguments - you’ve got a second judge of character then, and one that has played every game in the book, so I know all the tricks.”

  God, this is weird, having backup - I’m not used to it. “Thank you.” I check where Eli is, he’s still playing and lean him to kiss him. It's supposed to be a quick one, but it lingers longer and when we break off we look at each other, I can feel his breath on me.

  It doesn’t seem so bad - falling for a bad boy.

  “What are you two doing tonight?”

  “Eli and I? Probably watching a film, why?”

  “Want to come to my place for dinner?”

  I smile at him. “We’d love to, can you cook?”

  He nods “I can hold my own. I do a mean chicken nuggets and chips.”

  I laugh “Well if you hadn’t already won Eli over, that would do it.”

  “So you’ll come?”

  I nod, “Yes definitely.”

  He puts his arm around me to draw me in and kisses my temple. So sweet and so tender.


  I look around Jack’s living room, it's not what I expected. He lives in a terraced house that he rents from a friend who’s emigrated apparently. It's a nice house, two bedrooms, basic but nice. It has a small living room and kitchen with a dining area at the side.

  I thought he would live in something bigger - not because I’m a snob, my house is small, but because I know how much money he makes, especially with advertising, so I thought he’d be flashier. But this is nice, homely, with lots of pictures around of people who I presume are his family. He did tell me that he helped pay his sisters University fees, so maybe that takes a large part of his income, or maybe he’s really good with money and actually saving some.

  Jack comes back in with drinks “Right, dinner is in the oven, twenty minutes and we’ll be ready.”

  “Do you have black sauce?” Eli asks

  Jack looks at me confused.

  “He means barbecue sauce.”

  Jack laughs “Yes little dude, I have barbecue sauce on practically everything.”

  “Me too.” Eli looks impressed.

  I reach over for my drink when there’s a knock at the door. Jack frowns and gets up to see who’s there. He comes walking back in with a look on his face I can't decipher.

  “Who is it?” I ask, worried about his answer.

  The next minute a gorgeous guy - that looks remarkably similar to Jack but larger built - is walking in, he has a beard and long hair tied back, tanned, Christ he’s good looking. No question he’s Jack’s brother, he’s ridiculously hot. Then behind him walks a young girl, beautiful. Long black hair, large brown eyes, she’s tall, again I can tell that its Jacks sister - they all look alike in their own way.

  Next, I hear a voice “Come on, make room for us.”

  They get pushed forward and an older man and woman walk in. The man has two carrier bags which look like they're full of takeaway containers.

  Jack looks at me. “Sorry about this.”

  I don't know what to say, I don't exactly know what is happening. Eli comes running and sits with me, obviously intimidated by all these people bundling into Jack’s living room.

  I stand up, and Eli hugs my hip. I smile at everyone, everyone that is Jacks family.

  The bearded guy turns to Jack. “Come on baby brother, introduce us.”

  Jack rolls his eyes. “I'm never telling you anything again.”

  Jack turns to me. “This is my family, my brother Declan, my sister Madison and my mum and dad, Jennifer and David. Guys, this is Robyn and her son Elijah.” All five pairs of eyes, including Jacks, flit between me and Eli.

  Madison steps forward first, crouching straight to Eli. “Hello little man, Jack has told us about you, that you’re his new friend, and your mummy too.” She stands up and gives me a friendly smile. “Pleased to meet you, Robyn.”

  Then Declan comes forward, Eli hugs my legs that bit tighter, no wonder, this guy is intimidating - both his size and his presence - I’d hug Eli back if I could. “Robyn.” He leans in to kiss my cheek, wow he smells delicious. I know he’s a firefighter from what Jack has told me and Jesus, this guy in his fireman uniform, I bet women start fires for this guy.

  “Hey, nice to meet you.” I tuck my hair behind my ear and smile at him shyly, Jack clears his throat and I look at him, he’s smirking at me, knowing I'm crushing on his brother. Oops. Hell, I bet he’s used to it.

  His mum and dad come towards me and both give me a peck on the cheek. “Nice to meet you, love.” His mum says in a gentle voice.

  What are they all doing here?

  His mum looks down to Eli, “How old are you, Eli?”

  Not usually shy he looks up and says quietly “I'm four.”

  Jack noticing his discomfort comes near me and scoops him up. “This is my best buddy aren't you Eli?” Eli looks so pleased at Jacks statement he nods. “Tell them what I'm cooking for you, for dinner.”

  He looks at Jack’s mum. “Jack is making me chicken nuggets and chips with black sauce.”

  They're all looking at Jack as though they can't believe what they're seeing.

  His mum smiles softly. “Well, that sounds yummy. Come on in the kitchen with me and we’ll see if they're nearly done.”

  Jack puts him down and Eli follows her into the kitchen.

  Jack turns to the rest of his family. “So, to what do I owe this honour?”

  Declan speaks “Well Maddie happened to mention that you were making dinner for Robyn, and then suddenly mum had a hankering for Chinese round at yours.”

  I try to hide a smile. So they wanted to see what I was like. Madison rolls her eyes at me to say sorry. I smile at her.

  His dad chuckles “I'm sorry, love. This has never happened before and I don't think Jen could control herself. It was like she was a woman possessed, she said she was coming over and we couldn't stop her so we thought if we came it would relax things a little.”

  I shake my head. “It's fine, isn't it Jack?”

  He looks over at me and slides his arm around my shoulder, drawing me into him. “You were gonna have to meet them sooner or later. I would have rather it been later so that you wouldn't run away screaming when you saw what a crazy family I had, but let's hope I’ve hooked you in enough already.”

  He’s joking, I hope! I love that he thinks I was going to meet them at some point anyway. Everything he says makes me think this isn't a flash in the pan for him, him trying something new.

  The evening goes so well. I love that Eli is surrounded by all these people and when he finds out that Declan is a fireman, he’s so impressed that he forgets to be scared.

  I chat a lot to Madison, she is so lovely, soon to qualify at Uni as a marine biologist and is looking to travel, she’s away a lot doing different projects for her degree, but is home now while she awaits her results. She’s sweet, funny, gorgeous, and clever - so she’s got everything then!

  Declan is quiet, he doesn’t say much. It’s strange though he has a dark scary look about him but when you talk to him you don’t feel intimidated, just that he’s holding himself back. I found out that he’s single, how the hell is he single? That’s all I find out about Declan - he has to leave early to start a shift at the fire station.

  All in all, I get on well with his family. It gets to eight and Eli starts yawning - normally at home he goes to bed around now. Jack is sat on a sofa opposite me, Eli gets up and goes to climb on his knee and rests his head on his chest, yawning away, looking so cute. Jack wraps an arm around him. My insides melt. Seeing them together like this, seeing how comfortable Eli is with him, I can’t deal - it’s the sweetest thing. And Jesus, it makes Jack more attractive to me if that’s even possible.

  “I need to get going. I thi
nk Eli’s gonna fall asleep at any time.”

  “I'm not tired.” He says through a yawn.

  “Come on little man, you may not be tired, but your mummy is, she can hardly keep her eyes open so you need to take her home and make sure she goes to bed. OK?” Jack whispers to him.

  There’s me melting again.

  He nods and stands up, stretching.

  I turn to his parents and Madison “It was so lovely meeting you.” I give each one of them a kiss.

  Madison says, “Would you like to meet up one day for lunch or shopping or something while I'm home?”

  I nod, I would love to spend more time with her. “That would be so nice, thanks. I’ll get Jack to give you my number.”

  Jack stands up. “I’ll see you out, sweetheart.”

  I hear his mum suck in a breath – I look over at her - she’s looking at her son as though she doesn't even know him, but she likes what she sees. That’s not the first time tonight that’s happened. It's weird, I don't think they've ever seen him with a girl before ever, she’s looking at him in wonder.

  He follows me to the car, I fasten Eli in his car seat and Jack says goodnight to him. I shut the door and turn my back to the car, leaning my weight against it.

  “Sorry about the gate-crash tonight.” He says

  I shake my head. “It's fine, I enjoyed it. After being in my own company for so long, besides Eli of course, it's so nice to be around people so much. Your family are lovely, I can't wait to meet up with Maddie.”

  He smirks “I saw you checking Declan out. You fancy my brother more than me?”

  My mouth drops open “I . . . I wasn't . . . it was just . . .”

  He stops me to put me out of my misery laughing “It's fine - he has that reaction on all women. I know you love me really.”

  He mentions the ‘l’ word as a joke but the truth is I'm getting there, very close to getting there, if not already.

  I flutter my eyelashes. “I only have eyes for you, bad boy.”


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