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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

Page 17

by Izzy Williams

  He presses his groin into me pressing me back into the car and a growl escapes him, “Hmmm, I like the sound of that. You gonna kiss me? Eli can't see.”

  I fist his t-shirt to pull him towards me and his mouth lands on mine. I part my lips and his tongue accepts the invitation, darting in to brush with mine. He moves into me as he kisses me and his hands make their way up to my neck as the kiss deepens. Why does he have to be such a good kisser? I feel it in my toes.

  “I’ll come around later.” He breaks off the kiss and speaks into my mouth.

  “No Jack, you spend time with your family, as much as I want you to come over, you're gonna kill me, I need my sleep. Tomorrow night OK?”

  He groans in protest. “OK, tomorrow. But don't forget I'm going to Bobby's with you.”

  “OK, I’ll pick you up when I’ve dropped Eli off at mums. Night Jack.” I whisper, staring into his eyes as though I'm not going to see him for a week, not wanting his hands to leave my face.

  “You're so beautiful Robyn. You're everything.”

  Jesus. I don't want to go home.

  I reach up and cup his cheek. “You're OK too I guess.”

  He chuckles, kisses the tip of my nose, which for some reason I love, then releases me to go home.

  I drive home with a huge smile on my face. I can't remember ever being this happy.

  Chapter 19


  I pull up to Jacks house and wonder if I should go in or wait in the car. I wait for a minute but nothing, so I get up and go to the door. It opens before I get a chance to knock and he pulls me in, shutting the front door before I can protest.

  “Jack! What are you doing?”

  “Are you kidding? We’re alone, no Eli, no family and I have you in my house.”

  “We don't have time for this, we’re due at Bobby's in twenty minutes.”

  He laughs dragging me into the living room, “What I have in mind will only take five. Fucking gorgeous dress baby, and so glad you wore a dress. Take off your underwear.”

  “What? We can't have sex now.”

  “Not gonna have sex, I'm gonna eat you till you come on my face.”

  Shit. Heat pools between my legs at his words. I can't believe I’ve been nervous as hell about this meeting all day and as soon as I get to Jack’s my nerves disappear and something else entirely replaces it.

  “You like that suggestion I can tell, now underwear off and get on the couch, spread 'em.”

  Who am I to argue? Gotta give the man what he wants.

  I don't say a word and reach under my dress to take my underwear off, then I sit on the couch and look up at him.

  “Move your bottom to the edge of the couch and put your feet over my shoulders.”

  He puts his middle finger in his mouth, drawing it out slowly as I open up to him.

  He looks down at me there, “Just as gorgeous down here baby.” He growls as he slides his finger inside me. My head rolls back at his touch. No kiss, just straight down to this. What a turn on.

  “Head up Danish, you’re watching.”

  I do as he says and watch him as his head lowers down, he parts my folds with his other fingers and swirls his tongue around my clit.

  “Oh god, Jack.”

  He looks up at me as he presses his tongue flat on me, and then takes my clit into his mouth and sucks hard. Shit. My hips buck up into his mouth. Watching him do this to me, his eyes hooded, looking gorgeous, I'm gonna come in around two seconds.

  “Jack . . . oh yes . . . more.” I grab his hair and rock my hips into his mouth.

  “Fuck you taste good, I could eat you all day and all night.”

  He carries on, lapping at me and slides another finger inside me. “Jesus you're so wet, what it would feel like to slide my cock in this wet greedy cunt right now . . .”

  “Do it.” I pant, I want him inside me.

  “Uh uh, I do that - we ain't leaving this house all day. Don't worry this will keep you going until tonight.”

  He removes his fingers and puts both his hands either side of my hips, lifting me to his mouth as his tongue delves inside me. I’ve died and gone to heaven. Every nerve in my body feels as though it’s on fire. “Faster Jack . . . please go faster.”

  He growls which vibrates through me and does as I ask, he is feasting on me as though he hasn't eaten for a week. He moves one hand to rub my clit as his tongue thrusts inside me, I lift my hips faster and higher, wanting, needing the release I know he can give me.

  “Oh Jack, please . . . please.”

  He goes deeper, faster and I explode. I moan so loudly I swear the neighbours must hear. I revel in the blissful state I'm in and just ride with the ecstasy. The feeling starts to ebb, I want it to carry on and on and last forever. I feel sated but at the same time want him inside me - he’s right though - we’d never get to Bobby's. As I come back to reality, I realise I'm clutching his hair so tightly and I’ve been pushing my hips into his mouth, I'm so embarrassed that I lost control like that. God what am I turning into? I'm like some sex-crazed lunatic.

  He lifts his head and smiles at me, his mouth glistening from my wetness. I put my legs on the floor and lean forward to kiss him, I don't care that I can taste me on him, I kiss him languidly. “That was . . . wow - but what about you? I bet you're hard now.”

  “If I wasn't hard after that scene there'd be something really wrong with me.”

  “What can I do?”

  He shakes his head, “I can wait - delayed gratification and all that, just make sure you have plenty energy for tonight.” Still on his knees, he looks around and locates my underwear and hands it to me. “Come on, let's get going.”

  I stand up and put my underwear back on, totally relaxed from my orgasm.

  “You know, I’ve been so nervous all morning about this.”

  “I know Danish, but bet you feel fine now?”

  I nod “I do . . . is that why you did it?”

  He shrugs “Always happy to get myself a taste of you but knew it would relax you too.”

  Wow, could he get any sweeter?

  He opens the front door, “Come on, let’s get this done.”


  We pull up in front of Bobby's house. I shut off the engine and give Jack a nervous smile. “Let's do this.”

  He grabs my hand. “Hey, it'll be OK. He'll either be a nice guy, which is good and eventually he might get to know Eli, or he’ll be an arsehole and we can tell him to fuck off.”

  “Well put so simply, I guess.” I laugh and get out of the car.

  I knock on the door,

  “Be nice.” I whisper to Jack.

  “Aw, where’s the fun in that?” He grins and winks at me.

  The door opens and bobby answers. “Robyn, come on in.”

  Thank god he’s gone back to Robyn, I told him at Costa that I hated ‘Bobby’ and asked him to use my real name - at least he’s listened to that.

  I turn to Jack “This is Jack, my friend.”

  He looks at me confused. “Your boyfriend?”

  I glance at Jack. “No, we're just friends.”

  Bobby shakes his head. “But you two, at the club that night . . .”

  Shit! I forgot about that. I forgot that he'd seen us kissing. Bollocks, I didn't want him to know that we're together, just in case he felt like causing trouble, I didn't want him to have anything on me.

  “Oh yeah that, it can happen sometimes but no, we're not together.” I look at Jack and see that he doesn't look happy, a muscle in his jaw twitches as though he’s clenching his teeth together really hard.

  “Oh right,” Bobby says but doesn't look convinced. He turns to a woman behind him, she’s pretty, quite petite, she looks shy. “This is my fiancé, Zara”

  She steps forward, she looks so nervous that I actually feel a little sorry for her, she just met a guy, fell in love and now she finds out he has a son and just has to accept it - this must be hard for her. Or maybe she’s known for a while that he has a so
n, maybe he’s painted me out to be a bad person. Who knows?

  “Hi, nice to meet you.” I smile at her and Jack leans forward to kiss her on the cheek.

  “Would you like a coffee or something?” she asks us.

  “I’d love a coffee thank you.” Yes, I have a coffee addiction.

  Jack answers “Same here, thanks.”

  We settle down with our drinks and Jack makes small talk, he talks about how long they've lived there, how long they've been together - gathering information for me. I'm quiet, no one is talking about the elephant in the room. Elijah.

  Bobby finally asks. “So . . . Elijah. Can you tell me what he’s like?”

  You'd know arsehole, if you'd tried to get in touch. I spoke to dad about anything he found out but he’s squeaky clean, no skeletons in his closet and being away in the army maybe explains why he never contacted Elijah, only a little - at the end of the day, he’s still missed all his fucking birthdays. Not to mention the sleepless nights, the fevers, the teething. I need to find a way to let go of this anger if I'm about to let Bobby into my Eli's life.

  “Before we talk about Elijah, I have to ask, I have to know. Fair enough, it was a shock finding out I was pregnant, but still it was a dick move, not wanting anything to do with me . . .”

  I see him wince, “but for four years you haven't even tried to get in touch with him, tried to know him, so how come it took you seeing me back here to suddenly want to make contact? I should have asked this when we first met but honestly, I didn't have the courage to be so forthright.” I know that Jack being here is giving me courage.

  He sighs “I'm sorry, there’s no excuse for it, being away, in the RAF, I was so busy, hardly at home, and it’s hard . . . tough. It's only since I came out, met Zara that I’ve thought about getting back in touch - thought about contacting your parents asking them to get in touch with you.”

  Zara puts her hand on his and squeezes. I watch the action. Has it been bothering him? He stands up to get a pile of things and hands them to me.

  “What’s these?”

  “Birthday cards, Christmas cards, letters I wrote to him while I was in the force. I never sent them, I always knew I had to square things with you first, but I still thought about him, every day.”

  Wow, this has floored me. All these years, I thought he didn't care about his son and he’s thought about him all these times. There are cards, but the letters . . . there are so many letters.

  “What do you want me to do with these?”

  He shrugs “I don't know, maybe keep them for when he’s older if you think that'd be OK?”

  I know right at this moment, if he cared enough to do that, then I have to let him back in Eli's life. I owe it to Eli to have someone else in his life who loves him.

  I hand him back the cards and letters. “You can give them him yourself when he’s older and you think he can deal with them.”

  Bobby looks at me hopefully. “Does this mean what I think it means?”

  I nod “You ever, ever let him down I will do everything I can to make your life a misery do you understand? He is the most important precious thing in this world. If you hurt him, I will hurt you. If I go ahead with this, let you get to know him, you can’t disappear out of his life once you are in it, do you understand?”

  Bobby nods “I promise Robbie . . . Robyn. Sorry. I promise I won't let him down or you, being in the RAF changed me, it makes you grow up, I know what’s important now.”

  I sigh “OK, we’ll arrange for you to come around, I’ll tell him who you are. A few visits and a few outings with me of course - Zara you are welcome, - you will be in his life too. I'm not ready for you to have him on your own yet, he has to get to know you and be comfortable with you before I’ll allow that to happen, yeah?”

  He nods “Anything, I’ll do whatever you say. Thank you so much.”

  I let out a deep breath and look over at Jack, he’s looking at me with such a tender look, he gives me a slow smile and a wink. My belly flutters. I relax after that, happy that I’ve got out what I wanted to say and everyone seems to take my lead and relax too. Bobby and Zara ask questions about Elijah, I tell them what he’s like, what he likes, his personality - my favourite subject . . . always will be.

  When we get back into the car to go home Jack puts his hand on my knee. “So proud of you, Danish. I know how hard that was for you, you were so classy, the way you handled it. It's for the best you know, you’ve done the right thing.”

  I sigh “I guess, thanks Jack, for some reason I felt you gave me the courage, it wouldn’t have gone as well if I’d have gone on my own - so thank you.

  He leans over and gives me a quick kiss and then says into my mouth. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  “Jack, they might see.” We were still parked up outside their house.

  “One; he didn’t believe for a second we were just friends and two; that guy will bend over backwards to kiss your arse so you let him see your son, so I don’t think we need to worry about him. Plus, I know it was a dick move, what he did to you when you got pregnant, I mean, that doesn’t even cover it, but right now, he seems like a solid enough guy, and you know I’d tell you the truth.”

  I nod. “I know, and you’re right, it sounded crazy when I said it that we were just friends. We're gonna have to get better at covering this up you know?”

  He rolls his eyes at me.

  “I mean it Jack, my dad can't find out.”

  He sighs “I know, but its fucking shit.”

  I don’t say anything, he’s right it is. I don’t know what to do about it.

  I drive away and drop Jack off at his place to go for Elijah, he wants me to go in, but I know better than that - I need to pick Elijah up now, not in two hours. As he leaves the car, he reminds me to have plenty of energy for tonight, which sends a tingle all through me.

  Chapter 20


  Shit, I'm tired, so fucking tired. I know I'm in my twenties and in my prime or whatever, but I really need to get some shut eye before going to the track. Robyn and I got very energetic last night, we were up for hours . . . fucking amazing. That girl's body, her curves - her fucking skin feels like velvet - what’s that about? She’s an addiction for me. Without a doubt, I'm addicted. I flashback to her sucking my cock last night like she was really enjoying it, getting off on it. God, I'm getting hard thinking about it and I must have come what? Four times last night. I can't keep this up, she’s gonna kill me - but what a way to go.

  Seriously though, I need to focus on the race. Sleep needs to happen right now, then I need to get my head in place for the win. This qualifier race is mine, everything is going right for me, for the team. I have the most powerful bike I’ve ever had, I have a bloody amazing team and now I have Robyn and her little man. Oh yeah, things are good.

  Sleep, time to sleep. I set my alarm for nine - which means I’ll be a little late to the track but gives me a good five hours of much-needed sleep.

  I wake up to someone banging loudly on my front door, my phone says 9.15, shit did I sleep through my alarm? Could be Denny or Harry trying to rouse me if they couldn't get hold of me by phone. I make my way downstairs in just my boxers expecting to see one of them.

  What I did not expect to see is Greg Brinley - fucking hell - what is Robyn's dad doing here? This isn't good, I know immediately that this can't be good - him coming to my home address. Shit, this is about Robyn. If it were about work - about his investment - he'd have talked to me at the track.

  His face isn't giving anything away. “Jack, can I come in?”

  I step back so he can come in. “I’ll just go and put some clothes on, back in a second.”

  He nods but doesn't say anything. Fuck. I quickly find some clothes and make my way back down.

  “Would you like a drink or anything?” I ask, no harm in being polite to the controlling arsehole that has me by the balls.

  “No, I’ll get straight to the point. I know about you and

  Shit. “What about me and Robyn?”

  “Let's not play that game, son. I know about you two, she’s your booty call or whatever. I warned you, didn't I? I seem to remember not too long ago, me warning you, that if you went near her that it would end very badly for you.”

  “It's not what you think,” I say in a quiet voice.

  He sneers “Oh it's not? So you weren't there last night after her son was asleep and left early hours of this morning?”

  I narrow my eyes. “Are you following me?”

  “No, but I paid someone to. I knew . . . I knew when I walked in on you both that day, so I had you watched. I didn't want it to be true, I had hoped Robyn had grown up by now, but obviously not - so I'm still going to have to look out for her and that includes keeping her away from the likes of you.”

  I know I should count to ten but fuck it. “Do you even know your daughter at all? Do you know anything about her? She’s the most mature person I know, you have no idea, do you?”

  “I'm not discussing my relationship with my daughter anyway, I'm here to tell you that it ends now - what you're doing with her.”

  “It’s more than what you think . . . I . . .”

  He sneers “What? Do you think you have feelings for her? Don't make me laugh, you're going to get bored of her just like you do with every woman, I really can't see you with the white picket fence and the wife and stepson, can you? Come on, you know that’s not you - I mean I don't blame you - with your upbringing you were never going to want the traditional life.”

  He did not fucking go there.

  “Get out, how fucking dare you talk about my family, you are the blindest man I have ever met. You know nothing about what’s important in life.”

  “What? And you do? Don't make me laugh.”

  “She finds out you've been here, threatening me, you wouldn't see her again.”


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