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Curse of a Dragon's Claim

Page 4

by Ciara Lake

  Frazzled, Arianna collapsed on the bed. “I’m losing my mind.” She put both her hands on the sides of her head. A knock sounded at her door. Arianna gasped.

  “Arianna, it’s Sarah.”

  Arianna stood and rushed to the door. She opened it, motioning for Sarah to enter. “Oh, Sarah, I’m so happy to see you.”

  “How are you feeling? I’ve been worried about you, but I wanted to let you rest. Alba told me you were better.”

  “Yes, I think so.” Arianna nodded. “I got overheated.”

  “I’ve missed you. I do want you to come down to dance with us. Perhaps you can play the pianoforte and sing? We’d all love that.” Sarah’s eyes were bright with excitement. “We have so much to talk about. I’ve so much to tell you.”

  “Yes, I want to hear about your naughty behavior,” Arianna teased.

  “Speaking of naughty...MacDagon’s a naughty one. At least he looks naughty to me. A good naughty, you know.” Sarah put her arm around Arianna. “Our fathers have been engaged in continual conversation with handsome Signor MacDagon. He’s very charming.” Sarah giggled. “He’s interested in you.”

  “He is? How would you know?”

  “You should’ve seen him watch you leave the table. He looked as if you were his dessert walking away,” Sarah teased. “I actually saw lust in his eyes. I’ve learned to recognize the look. It’s proven to be most helpful for me.” Sarah twirled her hair. “Your papa has been talking to him all this time.”

  “My papa has been speaking with Signor MacDagon?”

  Sarah nodded. “Ever since lunch concluded your papa has been having what appears to be a very serious, deep conversation with him. Obviously, they’re negotiating. I think your father has plans for you,” Sarah advised as she looked through Arianna’s gowns. “What are you going to change into? You’ll have to look stunning. The man’s an excellent catch. No old fart for my best friend. He’s in prime condition. His cock should work very well. He’ll be sure to keep you satisfied. If I didn’t love you so much, I’d be jealous.” Sarah kissed Arianna’s cheek.

  “I’m wearing my scarlet silk gown.” Arianna sat down on the dressing stool. “And I can’t believe you can be so blasé about such a topic.”

  “The scarlet gown’s perfect. Let your hair down. Wear these rubies.” Sarah set the earrings with the necklace on the dressing table. “So what, a man’s cock is great conversation.”

  “Never mind that.” Arianna waved her hand. “Are you sure he’s been with my father this whole time? Was he still with him when you came upstairs?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I saw them conversing as I came up the stairs.” Sarah sat down on the bed across from Arianna “What’s wrong? You look pale. I thought you were feeling better?”

  “I am.” Arianna stood up. “I want to go downstairs now. I’m hungry too. I’ll come down as soon as Alba helps me change.”

  Sarah clapped her hands together. “Bravo, we’ll dance all night.” Sarah twirled around. “I’m going to go change into another gorgeous gown. You’re going to love my golden dress.” Sarah was giddy from her excitement, and it made Arianna smile despite her inner worries. “I’ll see you downstairs in a bit. Now be sure to wear your hair down,” Sarah instructed.

  “My hair down is a bold statement.”

  “Do it, you’ll be lovely. You have an excellent suitor, we must keep him interested.” Sarah rushed out the door. She was gone before Arianna could answer.

  “I don’t want to keep him interested,” Arianna whispered to herself. Within minutes, another knock sounded on her door. Arianna jumped. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Alba. May I come in?”

  “Yes, come in.”

  “I’ve brought you some tea and biscuits.” Alba carried a tray inside, setting it on the dressing table.

  “Oh, thank you, I’m starving.” Arianna grabbed a biscuit off the tray. “It smells wonderful.” She lathered it with creamy butter, taking a bite and moaning in pleasure at the heavenly taste.

  “Have some hot tea. I see you didn’t eat what I left last time, nor did you have lunch.” She gathered the other tray, setting it outside the door for an upstairs maid. “Then we’ll get you dressed. I want you to have a grand time.” Alba busied herself getting Arianna’s clothes together. “You’re going to look beautiful. Signor MacDagon’s absolutely the most handsome, charming man I’ve ever seen.”

  “Not you too.” Arianna sighed.

  “What?” Alba shrugged.

  “Everyone seems infatuated with Signor MacDagon.” She shook her head.

  “Come on, just be yourself and enjoy the party.”

  Alba patted Arianna’s shoulder. Her birthmark was sensitive to the touch, and she flinched. Thankfully Alba didn’t notice. Arianna remained silent as the other woman started to work with her hair, letting it out of its braids.

  “I guess I want to wear my hair down. Sarah suggested I do so. I’ll wear my mama’s tiara. The ruby stones will match my dress, my necklace, and earrings.” Arianna sat in front of the mirror as she ate and drank her tea.

  MacDagon has me bewitched. If he’s not a witch, he’s a warlock I’m sure. Aren’t they even worse?

  “I’m not a warlock, my dearest.” His voice drifted through her mind, and she groaned a silent protest.

  “You’ll look exquisite.” Alba fussed over her until she looked perfect.

  After Arianna had dressed, she waited with an impatient Sarah for their fathers to escort them back to the party. A knock on the door sounded. Sarah opened the door to see Arianna’s father grinning from ear to ear.

  “Here we are to escort our beautiful daughters,” Ezio announced, bowing at his waist. Antonio stood just behind him smiling. Arianna’s stomach flipped at her papa’s expression. She could read him like a book. He was up to something.

  “Come, let’s go.” Sarah grabbed Arianna’s arm.

  Sarah and her father led the way. Sarah glided down the grand staircase like a princess. Her head held high, she looked regal. Arianna stood at the top of the staircase until Sarah and Ezio reached the bottom step. Nerves ate at her stomach. Typically, she was very confident. However, today she was unsure of herself, due to events with MacDagon causing her pause. Either he was insane, or worse, she was.

  Unlike Sarah who always got excited about grand entrances, Arianna prayed for a much more low-keyed entrance. Uneasy with how the crowd’s eyes were looking to her, Arianna gripped her papa’s arm. A wave of immense heat flowed through her body. The sun was still bright outside. It beat through the windows, making Arianna squint. It was well past six, but close to the year’s longest day. She knew the heat she felt did not come from the sun.

  “You look perfectly enchanting, daughter.” Her Papa interrupted her thoughts with his kind words. “You look lovely in your mama’s jewels. She’d be proud. You’ll make a beautiful bride.” He kissed her cheek.

  His words incited panic within her. Nevertheless, Arianna smiled at her papa. Just as she stepped to move down the stairs, a wave of strange warmth enveloped her further, now to a fever pitch. Avoiding a swoon, she placed her free hand on the banister. She looked down to the right, directly into Clayne’s unusually stunning eyes. Instinctively, she knew he had been waiting for her to look in his direction. His blue eyes burned into her soul as if he marked her. Her birthmark tingled like never before. Oddly, she had an urge to run to him, to throw her arms around him, rub against him. These shameful musings made her face even hotter.

  He watched her as if he owned her, as if he knew her inner desires.

  “I hate you, Signor MacDagon.”

  “No, you don’t, Arianna.” Smiling, his teeth gleamed in the light. “I’ve given you no reason to hate me, and I don’t intend to, as I rather fancy you.”

  “Get out of my head.”

  “You started this conversation.” He watched her descend the stairs. “Calm down. Enjoy yourself. You are stunning.”

  When she reached the bottom of the
stairs she moved in the opposite direction from where he was standing.

  “Daughter, come.” Her papa pulled on her arm. “Signor MacDagon has expressed a desire to dance with you. He’s a very wealthy man,” her papa whispered in her ear. “This is a wonderful opportunity. Come now, let’s mingle with him.”

  Obediently, Arianna followed her papa through the crowd to where MacDagon stood by the far patio door.

  “Signor MacDagon, I believe my daughter has fully recovered. She’s feeling better.”

  “Yes, she looks lovely and very healthy.”

  “She’s informed me she’d be honored to dance with you.” Her father handed her off to him.

  Clayne bowed low. “Good evening, Signorina.” He offered his hand. Taking hers in his, he placed a kiss on the back of her hand.

  She turned to seek her papa’s intervention, but he had already disappeared. A sinking sensation hit her stomach.

  “Don’t be distressed, Arianna. I’ve expressed my sincere desire to your papa to get to know you.” He squeezed her hand. “These customs are so quaint. Why, we’ve even adopted some of them. To appease your father, I’ve offered for your hand in marriage.”

  “Marriage.” She stumbled. “With me? You don’t even know me.”

  “Yes, with you. A long courtship isn’t necessary.” He grinned. “Let’s take a walk around the room and through the gardens to get to know each other. Then we’ll dance. Your papa has given me leave to dance with you more than once tonight. In fact, he’s expressed his permission for me to keep you occupied with my company all evening.”

  “It all seems rather bold, Signor. I can’t believe my papa would permit that.”

  “If you don’t believe me, we’ll ask him directly. He’s perfectly fine with me occupying your time. I’ve offered to wed you, for an outstanding bride’s price, I must say. You’re well worth every gold coin.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Walk with me, I’ll try to explain.” Gently, he tugged her in the direction of an open patio door. “I know what I want when I see it. I want you. Come, let’s walk out to the gazebo. I can tell you my plans for us.”

  “It’s too far for me to go without a chaperon,” Arianna protested, coming to a standstill. “Your plans for us? Were you going to ask me first?” She looked up into his face, giving him her best defiant glare. “I realize I’m a woman, but this is my life. I don’t like you much, Signor MacDagon.”

  “Yes, I see you struggle with your feelings regarding me. But you shall like me well enough.”

  Arianna fought an impulse to slap his face.

  “We’ll discuss our future at the gazebo. I feel it important to offer you an opportunity for your input. You want to contribute your input, right?” He paused, looking at her quizzically. “You’ll be fine at the gazebo with me. I promise I won’t dishonor you. I recognize you’re not like your friend, Allegretti’s daughter.” He rubbed his thumb along the side of her hand. His action was soothing, yet it caused butterflies in her stomach.

  “My friend Sarah? What about her?”

  Leaning closer, he whispered in her ear. “Well, Sarah seems to enjoy being dishonored, shall I say.”

  “Have you engaged in dishonoring her?” Arianna wanted to strike him at the thought, the anger and jealousy a furious beast within her heart.

  “No, Arianna, I have not. Though it pleases me you’re so impassioned at the thought.” He grinned. “Your friend doesn’t interest me. Especially since I’ve found you.” Taking her hand, he led her down a stone paved path to the gazebo near the pond. “I like this place. It’s soothing here. I have a place similar to this at my home. Tell me what you like.”

  “Do you care?” She yanked her hand away. “Were you in my room earlier today?” She looked him directly into his eyes.

  “Yes, of course I care. You’re not losing your mind. I was with you in your room. I kissed you, touched you. I think you liked it.” He brought her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to it. “I’m different. I’ll tell you of all my differences if you’ll just trust me.” He rubbed her hand. Arianna watched him. They stood in silence for several minutes with him holding her hand.

  “Tell me why I should trust you. I know nothing of you, except you’re new to Florence, you break into ladies’ bedrooms, and you’ve offered a great deal of money for my hand.”

  “Ah, yes, so typical. I forget you were not raised among our kind. Agree to wed me and I shall tell you everything I can.”

  “Why do you want me? You’ve just met me. I’m sure you encounter many pretty girls. I can’t just agree to marry you.”

  “Why not? Any other human girl would.” He shrugged. “Of course, it matters not. According to your custom, your father and I have an agreement.” He waited for her to answer. She did not. “I’ve been searching for you. You’re meant for me, fated to be mine. I’m offering a chance for you to accept your fate with minimal disruption. However, take caution, don’t seek to fool me. I’ll consider your promise a binding vow, one that will be honored by all of my kind. We consider vows sacred. If you promise to be my wife, you’re my wife. So don’t give your promise lightly.”

  “What do you mean? I couldn’t care less about your kind.” A rush of heat enveloped her. Her breasts became heavier, her nipples aching. She could feel her pussy throbbing with a painful need. Never had she been so affected by a man. Out of nowhere came an impulse to throw her arms around him, squeeze against him. The images in her head confused her more. “You can’t be…serious,” she stuttered.

  “A vow to be mine is all I need to secure you to me. I’ll become your mate and protector. I’ll care for you as no one can. However, I feel it’s only fair to warn you of the magnitude of your promise to me. But with your promise, I’ll always be honest with you. I admit I’m not always honest with every human. I can be deceptive when it serves me.”

  “How can you expect me to believe a word you say after such an admission? Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself? I’m not going to vow anything to you. You seek to make a fool of me.” She glared at him as he shrugged.

  “I didn’t have to tell you anything.”

  “You have told me nothing.”

  “I’ve demonstrated my honesty by admitting these things to you. Not many will admit such, but it’s always true. Show me one person this isn’t true of. Every being I’ve known, mortal or not, is deceptive when it serves them.”

  “You speak in riddles. I hate that.” Arianna yanked her hand away.

  “I’m sure you do. Arianna, accept my offer to be my bride. Make this easy for the both of us.” He leaned toward her. “Let’s share our news with your father. He’ll be pleased.”

  “I’m not easy. If you’ve a mind to dally, go seek your entertainment elsewhere.”

  “Oh, I can see that. But if you agree to be my wife, I’ll answer your questions. There’ll be no more riddles between us, as you call them.”

  “This is happening too fast.” Arianna pulled back from him. “I don’t even like you.”

  Leaning closer he kissed her lips. Her body exploded in pleasure. Despite herself, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. She pressed her breasts against him, moaning. For sure something had taken over her body to make her behave like this.

  Incredible sensations, combined with emotions, sailed through her body, causing her toes to curl, her birthmark to have a life of its own. The mark twitched, tingled with pleasant heat. She wanted to roar aloud, like a wild beast, with the intense emotions that overtook her. The need to merge, to become one, pounded into her head.

  Never had she felt like this. Desire built like a volcano within her until it was ready to explode. A physical need rose, directing her movements, her body clamoring for his touch, his caress. She rubbed herself against him, seeking completion. She fought a desire to strip off her clothes, to open herself to him, right on the ground below their feet.

  Answering her, Clayne pressed her against the gazebo�
�s railing. His hips rhythmically moved against hers. His hands were everywhere, touching her tender breasts and cupping her behind. The feel of his long, solid ridge in his trousers encouraged her to pull him closer. She wanted to feel his hardness, swathe his male organ inside of her. Closing her eyes to delight in the sensations, flames lit behind her lids. A cascade of color exploded in her mind. Delicious heat nearly consumed her.

  Like a dash of cold water, someone cleared their throat, announcing their presence. An urge to strike out rose like a wave of lava. She considered torching them where they stood. How dare they intrude?

  No, I can’t harm anyone. My mate would be displeased. It wouldn’t ease the frustration anyway.

  The unfamiliar violent thoughts were intense beyond recognition. Arianna was perplexed by them. Never had she felt anger or passion wrapped up tight like a fist. A harsh growl escaped her lips, a warning. This can’t be me. She clung to Clayne’s shoulders, her mind struggling to reach reality. Those aren’t my thoughts. Dizziness and confusion mingled with her overwhelming lust, silencing her.

  “Excuse me,” a familiar voice insisted on interrupting. “Signor MacDagon, you can unhand my daughter.”

  “Papa, I’m sorry.” Arianna stumbled away from Clayne. Holding her arm, he stabilized her. “It isn’t what it seems.”

  “I’m sure it is.” Her father looked down at his hands, shaking his head. He met her eyes, a wide smile on his face. “Tomorrow we’ll have a wedding. I can clearly see that the desire to wed is strong. There’s no need to have a courting period. I’m sure Ezio can accommodate this special request.”

  “You planned this.” Arianna swayed, feeling the need to scream. “You both planned this. How could you, Papa?”

  “Daughter, don’t speak to me in such a tone.” Antonio frowned at her. “We planned nothing of the sort. There was to be a courting period before a proper engagement. However, I do think Signor MacDagon will make an excellent husband. Any fool with eyes can see you and he are a match.” Her father paused, studying her. “You’ll be married tomorrow. Afterward, you may kiss him all you wish. Signor MacDagon has been very generous in his offer for you. Be appreciative. Accept without further argument. I love you, daughter, and in this, I am right.”


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