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Curse of a Dragon's Claim

Page 5

by Ciara Lake

  “You both treat me like I’m a piece of furniture, arranging things for me as if I can’t think for myself.” Arianna’s heart raced with panic.

  “You weren’t kissing him as if you were a piece of furniture.” Her papa’s frankness astonished her. “This is the way of it, daughter. It’s my obligation to see to your best interest. I won’t be around forever to protect you. You need a strong protector. I believe Signor MacDagon’s what’s required. The physical attraction you two have for each other is an added bonus. I’ve allowed you too much independence. I’ve encouraged your stubbornness.” Antonio shook his head. “Arianna, you’re very fortunate.”

  “Why must we marry so quickly?” Arianna twisted her hands together. “He…that is, we only kissed.”

  “I’d never treat you as furniture,” Clayne interjected with a grin. “I agree it’s wise for us to marry now. I need to return to my home. I’d prefer to take you as my wife, instead of leaving you here to wait for me.” He touched her arm. “You might get away.”

  His touch made her feel lightheaded, with butterflies in her stomach. She lost her train of thought.

  “I think it’s best to do as I suggest. Besides, as a daughter you’re to do as arranged. I’ve seen to your best interest,” her father insisted. “Arianna, I’m a man of a certain age. With age is wisdom. I know the heat between you is tangible. It will only lead to more. If I hadn’t stopped you… I shudder to think. What I witnessed was no simple kiss, my dear. You were both oblivious to the world around you.”

  Fury rose within Arianna, and she clenched her fists at her sides.

  “There’s no need to put off what’s required. I’ll talk with Ezio, all arrangements will be made.” Her father turned and headed back to the house.

  “How dare you do this to me?” Arianna whispered low, her teeth clenched.

  “Me?” Clayne motioned to himself, a look of innocence on his face. “I didn’t act alone.” He pushed a loose curl behind her ear and tenderly caressed her cheek. “I recall you kissing me with great enthusiasm.”

  Arianna jerked away from his hand. Engulfed in rage, she slapped him. The slap rang out, echoing under the gazebo’s roof. He looked surprised before a mask of rage settled across his face. Slow, methodical, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “How dare you speak to me like this? You put some sort of spell on me,” Arianna yelled.

  “Arianna, don’t slap me ever again.”

  “You deserved it.” She straightened her back, standing stiff. “Are you going to hit me back?” Arianna’s tone was defiant, yet her voice shook. “Do you hit…women? Or just enter their rooms uninvited, forcing them into marriage?” Her emotions swung wildly, anger all but drowned by humiliation and embarrassment.

  “I don’t hit women, which is a good thing for you. I’m much nicer than you’re giving me credit for.” The warmth returned to his eyes and they twinkled. “Although, I may make you pay for hitting me in other ways. Everything has a price.” He reached for her hand. “Enough of this. I’ve not forced you to marry me. You want to. Your father has given you to me, with fair consideration, I assure you. After all, this is your custom.” He held firm when she tried to pull from his grip.

  “You…you monster.”

  “Some would say.” He shook his head. “Now, let us return to the party and be merry. This night will be our celebration, I’m certain Ezio won’t mind. Be happy, Arianna, tomorrow you’ll be my wife. Then we’ll do more than kiss.” He swatted her behind.

  Arianna yanked her hand away. Turning, she rushed away in a fury.

  * * * *

  Clayne watched Arianna enter the main house, his face still stinging from her slap. When he’d first encountered her, he’d been stunned by her beauty. Very few things shocked him anymore, but she continued to. She was passionate, graceful, intelligent, and willful. He could barely control his physical reaction to her. He adjusted himself, willing his erection to subside before he rejoined the other guests.

  There was fervent fire in her, and it stirred him. She was lovely, full of heated spirit, a perfect dragon’s mate. Her vampire nature had not materialized, and for that small wonder, he was thankful. Still, his mate was mixed, so he’d have to at least make the attempt to tolerate the darker side of the lineage.

  Taking a deep breath, he inhaled the remnants of her alluring scent. Her scent was perfect. He followed her inside. He’d catch up with her and sooth her as best he could. I know you like me, mio amore.

  As he rounded the corner, Ezio greeted him. “Signor MacDagon, I hear congratulations are in order.” Ezio handed him a goblet of wine. “We’ve sent a messenger to request that the priest be here tomorrow at noon. Arianna’s a lovely girl. Although she’s headstrong, as is my Sarah.” Ezio grinned and took a sip of his wine. “Wait until you hear her sing. You’ll be entranced. She has the voice of an angel, as well as a head for numbers. In fact, she’s fairly intelligent for a woman. You’re a fortunate man.”

  “Thank you, Signor Allegretti. I appreciate all you’ve done.” Clayne nodded, draining his glass of wine quickly. He handed his empty glass to a passing servant. “I’m indeed fortunate. She is lovely. I’m anxious to make her mine. I thank you for making accommodations for us to wed, especially in such haste.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Arianna’s like a daughter to me. Enjoy the festivities. Perhaps she’ll sing for us, for tomorrow you’ll be celebrating as a married man. I do believe Arianna’s in a temper about all of this.” Ezio chuckled, making his belly jiggle, as he turned his head, looking around to where Arianna stood with some other young ladies. A frown creased her brow as she tapped her foot to the music. “Nevertheless, Signor, she’s well worth all the effort. See how the music moves her. A sign of a passionate woman. If you’re the man I think you are, you’ll be able to harness her spirit in a truly enjoyable way.” Ezio patted his arm. “Since her mama’s death, Antonio has allowed Arianna too much independence in making decisions. As a result, she sometimes struggles with authority. I’ve done the same with Sarah. Arianna would truly challenge a weaker man. But I’ve no doubt that you can handle her.”

  Clayne nodded as Ezio glided away, greeting more of his guests. His eyes focused on Arianna. Stubbornly, she refused to look at him.

  * * * *

  Next to her, a patio door banged against the wall. Arianna jumped. The wind blew hard, causing her and the other girls to grab their dresses and anything that might blow away.

  A rosy faced Sarah danced over to where Arianna stood. “My, there’s a storm blowing up. The wind came up suddenly.” Sarah separated from her partner to stand next to Arianna. “Arianna, dance, sing, have fun.” Sarah hooked her arm in Arianna’s, guiding her to stand closer to the butler’s pantry. “What’s wrong?” Sarah softly asked.

  “He’s listening and watching me.” Arianna looked in Clayne’s direction.

  “So? He’s to be your husband. He wants to see what’s going to belong to him.” Sarah leaned into her. “You must be excited about tomorrow. He’s so…sensual.”

  “Does everyone already know? What do you mean ‘belong to him’? I’m not property, you know.”

  “Yes, everyone knows. Your papa announced it. They’ve requested that the priest be here at noon. You’re so fortunate to belong to him, stop being fussy about it. You’ll have a handsome man to lie with. Poor Rafaela’s doomed to lie beneath a sweating pig, having to endure his fetid breath. Have you seen her intended? He’s oily, smelly, and as fat as a pig for market.” Sarah snickered into her fan. “Oh, it’s tragic and not for me.” Sarah shook her head. “I need a man like the one you’ve got. I’d enjoy spreading my legs regularly for the likes of that,” Sarah whispered, nodding toward Clayne.

  “Sarah, you shouldn’t say such things,” Arianna scolded. “Plus, I told you, he’s listening.”

  “He can’t hear us.”

  “I think he can. He has exceptional abilities.”

  “Oh, so what if he can? I�
�m not worried.” Sarah shrugged, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Arianna, much has changed with me since you’ve last visited. I’m a woman who knows how it feels to be with a man. It’s splendid. Trust me when I say, to be married to a man you long to copulate with is a blessing.” Sarah smiled sweetly. “Come dance, share a song with us. I miss your gaiety. Your singing is the height of every party. Bedazzle your man with your gorgeous voice. Bedazzle us all.” They walked next to a table loaded with fruits and pastries. “Have some food. It’s delicious.” She popped a berry in her mouth. Sarah had transformed into a sensual woman, gone was the girl Arianna grew up with. “Tomorrow night you’ll be otherwise occupied with your handsome husband’s cock. And from the size of him, I can only imagine his cock must be very nice too.”

  “Dance with me, princess. Your friend’s right. Tonight we should enjoy the party. Sing for us. And yes, she’s right about my cock too,” Clayne whispered in her mind as he watched her from across the room. “Let me hold you in my arms while we dance about. Tomorrow we’ll be enjoying our own party. Please sing for me,” he coaxed. “I’d love to hear your beautiful voice. I’ve heard so much about it.”

  “I don’t feel like singing at the moment, especially for you. Stop listening into my private conversations. I’m certainly not interested in having a party with you or the size of your…”

  “My cock?”

  “I’m going to retire for the night. Stay out of my room, as well as my head.”

  “Don’t run off, Arianna. Stay here, enjoy. I’ll stay out of your head and your room for now, if you insist.”

  “Good night, Sarah. I’m going to bed.” Arianna rushed out of the large hall, up the grand stairs.

  Closing her bedroom door, she leaned against it. “Thank goodness, I can be alone. What’s happening to me?” She walked over to the mirror, leaning in to examine her reflection.

  One of the veranda doors slammed open, banging against the wall. She jumped. A gust of wind blew the curtains wildly. Inhaling deeply, the air relaxed her. Lovely chamber music floated up to her room, and she hummed along as she swayed about, struggling to get out of her dress. Just as she stepped out of her dress, the wind blew tendrils of her hair back from her face. She changed into a nightgown then freed her hair. A warm breeze whipped her nightgown, tangling her hair.

  She moved closer to the doors, leaning against the doorjamb. She peered up into the sky at the full moon. The world was bathed in its silver glow. She moved out onto the veranda, and the wind grew stronger, really whipping her gown and hair all around. “Oh my.”

  She put her hands on the railing. Thousands of warm fingers touched her. Warm lips pressed against her face. Closing her eyes, she absorbed the unusual sensations.

  This night reminded her of the lullaby her mama used to sing to her before bed. The song played in her head. “The Song of the Wind. I miss you, Mama.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

  Relaxing, she closed her eyes. Clayne’s image appeared in her mind’s eye. She shook her head, trying to dislodge it. Despite herself, she desired him, yet he infuriated her.

  “I should not have enjoyed your kisses so much.” Angry with herself, she bowed her head. “What’s wrong with me?”

  Sarah was right. Clayne was handsome, young, and wealthy. To be his wife wouldn’t be bad at all. It could be much worse. Arianna thought of how sad Rafaela’s situation was. “I should be grateful.”

  The wind blew harder, hugging her. Warm lips kissed hers.

  “Clayne?” She looked around her. For sure, this man was capable of things, more than an ordinary man. She’d experienced his magic. The sudden realization alarmed her, yet it encouraged her curiosity. Again, the wind kissed her, running its fingers through her hair.

  “I’m imagining things.” She sighed. “Good night, sweet wind.”

  Arianna turned and walked to the bed. Magically, the wind’s thousands of invisible fingers turned back the comforter with the sheet. Pressing against her backside, it gently pushed as if beckoning her to crawl under.

  Arianna sharply sucked in air. “You’re magical. Are you evil? I know you’re here, I can feel it.” Chills simmered down her spine.

  Warm, invisible hands cupped her breasts, gently squeezing. Arianna moaned, leaning back as if the wind would support her. It did. Balmy, damp kisses trailed down her face to her shoulder.

  “Surely, this is Clayne’s magic at work.” Crawling beneath the sheet, she sighed. “Please, I don’t want to be insane. I know I’m not.”

  Chapter 4

  “Knock, knock.” Sarah rushed into her room, followed by Alba. “Wake up, bride. It’s Sunday, the luckiest day to wed. Fortune always shines on you.” Sarah smiled. “Come now, I’ve brought you one of my new dresses to wed in. I got it in Rome when Papa took me last month. It’s ivory satin with tiny pearl seeds and lace. It’s my gift to you.” Sarah laid the dress over the settee then sat on the bed. “We have to fashion a veil. I have Susanna working on it now. Arianna, come on, you’ve an anxious groom waiting. He’s up already, eating everything the kitchen has set out. You know what they say about a man with a healthy appetite?”

  “No, I don’t.” Arianna shook her head.

  “Oh, come now. Let’s do your hair. My maid’s bringing fresh cut flowers to put in your hair with your mama’s tiara. I’ll be wearing an ivory dress too. It’ll confuse the jealous spirits into thinking I’m the bride.” Sarah grinned.

  Arianna giggled. “I don’t believe in folklore.”

  Alba rushed around, gathering all she needed to work on Arianna’s hair.

  “You should,” Sarah insisted. “Many of these traditions are based in truth. There’s a world beyond what we know of.”


  “Yes, I believe there are things out there we don’t even begin to comprehend.”

  “Excuse me, Arianna, Signorina Sarah. I’m going to fetch some breakfast for you two.” Alba closed the door behind her as she left.

  “My papa has ordered doves too. They’ll arrive with the priest, and we’ll release them after you’ve said your vows. We’ll use flower petals for confetti. I’m so excited for you. This is going to be a grand affair. Leave it to the Allegrettis to make something splendid.” Sarah danced around to the other side of the room.

  “Thank you, Sarah.”

  “Oh, my Lord, Arianna, you didn’t tell me he gave you this glorious ring. It’s fabulous.” Sarah picked up the jewel from the dresser, twirling around while placing it on her finger. “It’s diamond with emerald. It’s absolutely magnificent. It’s so big. I’ve never seen an emerald so brilliant.” Sarah’s voice was shrill with excitement. “I told you he’s very rich.”

  “What ring?” Arianna sprang out of bed. “Let me see.”

  “How did it get in here if he didn’t already give it to you?” Sarah eyed her. “Have you been naughty? Has he already tasted your secrets?” Sarah teased, giggling. “Do tell.”

  “No.” Arianna shook her head. She stared at the elegant ring in shock. “I don’t know how the ring got in here. Maybe it’s not mine.”

  “Of course it’s your ring. It wouldn’t just be lying here if it weren’t yours. It’s a wedding ring for sure. Look at it.” Sarah reluctantly took it off her finger, handing it to Arianna. “It matches your mama’s ring and tiara too. The diamond has fire inside, and the emerald matches your eyes. You definitely should spread your legs wide as well as bend over for him.” Sarah winked. “Make him feel this ring was worth it,” Sarah advised. “Welcoming him inside your body will be no chore, I assure you. Just accommodate his needs. You’ll get lots of wonderful things.”

  “Sarah.” Arianna blushed. “You’re really…amazing. I’m not going to have sex to get stuff from my husband.”

  “I’m only telling you how to keep your husband satisfied. Satisfied husbands are happy husbands, and they make their wives happier. Be generous with your body and your attentions, and he’ll be generous with his money.”

>   “That makes a wife sound like a whore.”

  “Darling, there’s a fine line.”


  “You’ll have his name and bear his children legitimately. He’ll protect and defend you, but you’ll still need to serve his baser needs. So enjoy him too. What I’m telling you is what brides have needed to hear for centuries but didn’t have a good enough or wise enough friend to tell them, like me. You’re lucky.” Sarah grinned.

  * * * *

  The morning flew by. It was only an hour and a half to noon, and the priest had already met with him. Clayne was hot with excitement. He was having a hard time regulating his temperature due to his enthusiasm. He stayed clear of the flowers, not wanting to wilt them.

  He could hardly wait to see his bride. In spite of her parentage, he wanted her. Wanted to touch her, to sink himself deep between her thighs and lose his seed. The call to mate, to claim her, was so strong it had kept him at her bedside until the sun began to peek over the edge of the horizon.

  She’d dreamed of him, which pleased him. Innocent and eager, her mind was open to him. She had yet to learn to keep her mate from her thoughts—something he prayed she never learned. He would welcome the connection after he’d slaked his lust with her this night. Never had he experienced this kind of desire for any female. Even now, he had to fight an urge to blow into her room to see her.

  “No, I cannot.” He denied himself.

  “Excuse me, Signor, do you require something?” a servant asked, thinking he’d been speaking to her.

  “Nothing, thank you.” He waved her away.

  Last night he’d been encouraged by Arianna’s words she’d spoken to the wind. She’d known the wind was him. She’d expressed her acceptance and allowed him to touch her. It was true what they said about fated mates. It’s hard to fight what they share. The gods had ordained their mating. The signs were hard to deny.


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