Book Read Free

Stay With Me

Page 4

by Trejo, Erin

  “Let me go,” she says softly.

  “I wish I could.”

  “Please,” she cries as my eyes slowly flutter closed.

  “Stay with me.”



  I can smell him on my skin even after the third shower. Whisper has tried to get me to talk but I have nothing to say. I don’t know that I would tell her if I could. He knows and I don’t know how he knows but he does. The question is will he remember what happened last night when he’s sober?

  I pick at my bacon as I look around the room. Steele is hungover as hell and Knox just looks unfazed by any of it. Maybe this is their normal these days. It was never like this before. I remember staying over and their dad having the maid make breakfast. We would all sit in complete silence and eat. Then his dad would excuse himself.

  “We’re going to Intensity tonight. You’re coming,” Whisper says pointing her fork at me.

  “I can’t dance.”

  “Everyone can dance. You just have to let yourself feel,” Knox says.

  “Maybe I don’t want to feel.” His eyes slowly move up to meet mine before he nods his understanding. Maybe going wouldn’t be so bad. I do love music and Whisper has been teaching me some dance moves.

  “Fine. I’m in.”

  “Good. It’ll be fun,” Steele states. Callan strolls into the room looking like sex on a stick and I shift in my seat remembering him inside of me last night. He looks up, his eyes moving across everyone but skipping me. I don’t know why I expected anything else.

  “What’s for breakfast?” he asks, scratching at his stomach. I can’t help but look at the trail of dark hair that disappears into his jeans. Damn that makes my mouth go dry. I grab my juice and take a drink trying to recover when Callan sits next to me. I sigh knowing that he had no other choice.

  “You sleep well?” Whisper asks staring right at him. She’s a little pissed. She might have heard me crying in the shower and asked me what happened. I didn’t tell her everything, just the basics.

  “Yeah. Why?” God, he doesn’t even remember. Embarrassment hits me hard. My cheeks heat as I look anywhere but at him. Thank God someone knocks on the door breaking the weird tension in the room. Steele shoves out of his seat and heads for the door as Whisper stares Callan down.

  “Are you really going to sit there and act like that?” she snaps in his direction. My eyes move from her to him and back. Why is she doing this? I know we’re friends but damn.

  “It meant nothing,” he says through his clenched jaw. A gasp slips free and I’m on my feet ready to rush from the room when he’s behind me.

  “Shane.” He says my name with longing and anger mixed in one. His fingers intertwine with mine and my heart melts a little more.

  “Hey guys. You’re not going to believe this shit!” Steele’s voice is angry as he walks back into the room followed by a woman and a little girl.

  “Who the hell is she?” Knox asks, looking up from his spot at the table. Callan shifts, tugging me with him before moving away from the woman. It’s almost as if he can sense something is off about her.

  “What’s going on?” Whisper asks.

  “This lady claims to be our mom,” Steele says, snickering a little.

  “She’s dead. Our mom is dead,” Callan states, although the way he tightens his fingers around mine says otherwise.

  “I’m not, Callan. It’s true. I’m your mom,” the woman says. Risking a glance at Callan, I see the way his jaw tics.

  “This doesn’t make sense. Dad said our mom was dead,” Knox snaps shoving out of his chair. His eyes never leave hers as he takes her in. I knew this part of their lives. Their mom died when Callan was only one. I remember him telling me about how hard it was for him not knowing her or seeing her. Not having a woman around to help raise him. It hurt something deep inside of him.

  “There’s a lot that you boys don’t know. I’d like the chance to tell you,” she says. She’s beautiful. Tall with dark hair, much like the boys. They don’t look like her though, they look like their dad.

  “We don’t know who the hell you are. What makes you think we would believe you anyway?” Steele asks crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I’m your mother, Steele. My God, I can’t believe you are all grown up.”

  “If you are really our mom, where the hell have you been all our lives?” Callan snaps. His fingers loosen around mine before he slips them away completely. He mimics his brother’s stance, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “That’s a long story. One I’d love the chance to share with you.”

  “Why the hell should they let you in? Huh? You left them when they were kids!” Whisper yells. She stands and moves up next to Steele almost in a protective manner. It makes my heart happy for him, that he has that. They all grew up in such an unconventional way and they didn’t get the love and protection that a child deserves so to see at least one of them getting it now is amazing.

  “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Who’s the kid?” Knox asks looking down at her. Everyone’s gaze follows as the little girl slinks back to hide behind the woman.

  “This is Bella. I adopted her when she was a baby. Can you say hi, Bella?” The woman taps her shoulder and motions toward all of us. She looks to be maybe around three or four. Her big blue eyes move between all of us before she says hi. This is weird. It’s awkward and the tension in the air isn’t going anywhere.

  “What name were you living under? It sure as hell hasn’t been Carol Alder,” Steele snaps. Everyone turns their heads to look at him wondering what he’s talking about and how he’d know that.

  “You’re right.”

  “Wait. How the fuck would you know?” Knox asks him.

  “Things Dad would say wouldn’t add up. I thought, no, I prayed she was out there somewhere. That she didn’t die and just leave us to this shit but the more I searched, the less I came up with. Carol Alder was dead.”

  “So who the hell are you?” Callan asks this time. The room becomes even thicker with tension.

  “Whisper, take Bella to get something to eat. We need to talk,” Steele says. Whisper nods and moves toward the little girl, grabbing her hand in hers. Bella willingly goes as Carol watches with a slight smile on her face. That’s when all eyes shoot to me. I start to take a step away when Callan grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

  “Stay with me.” I don’t know why he wants me here and frankly I’m not comfortable staying but for some stupid reason I do. I nod my head and follow him back to the table and sit next to him. Everyone takes their seats as they look to Carol for answers.

  “Start talking,” Steele says holding so much authority in his tone. I’ve never heard him like that before.

  “You sound a lot like your father right now.”

  “We aren’t here to talk about him. Spit it out or get the hell out of our house!”



  We’re heading out for the night now that Carol is gone but the thoughts still linger. Her story could be true. Let’s be honest, my dad was a shady piece of shit that got what he wanted, no questions asked. Carol said that he ran her off, had her on so many drugs that she couldn’t think straight. She said he told her that she was weak and would only ruin us boys so he sent her away. She was a drug addict for most of the time she was gone. She said after she got clean, she adopted Bella and waited for the right opportunity to show up here which happened to be after Dad was dead. I couldn’t dispute that. If what she said was true, I wouldn’t want to come back either if he was still around.

  “We aren’t talking about this tonight,” Steele says once more after Knox keeps on. Walking into Intensity, we all need to let off some steam. I know for sure I do. My night was a mess. This morning was worse. I fucked her. Even through her tears I took what I shouldn’t have. I let her know that I knew her secrets and then this morning I ran from the house after Carol left. I couldn’t look at her knowing what I know.

  “Thank God. I’m pretty over this shit already,” I chime in. I don’t know what I feel. I don’t know how to respond to what she said. Is it possible? Of course it is. Growing up the way we have will tell you that. Nothing is impossible in our world.

  Music echoes off the walls as we make our way through the crowd. Leddy finds us easily and comes to say hi. She hugs Steele, flips off Knox and winks in my direction. That’s when I notice Whisper and Shane heading our way. Whisper smiles, at peace with being here but Shane doesn’t. Rage is something I’m becoming used to. Rage and anger at her. Why? I couldn’t tell you, but I feel it. I want to hurt her, I want to see her break, and then some sick part of me wants to put her back together but my life is a mess. Everything in it is a mess. I don’t need Shane around right now but as soon as I see her start to dance, I know I want to torture her. Grabbing the first girl I find, I drag her out into the middle of the room. All eyes are on us.

  “Who are you making jealous?” the girl hollers over the music. I shake my head and she smirks. She can feel it. The way the air thickens around us. Grabbing her by the back of the neck, I pull her body against mine and grind on her. Then I shove her forward, forcing her ass up and into my hands. I let them roam over the soft globes as my eyes find Shane’s. Her lips part and I can see the hurt in her eyes. Too bad for her. Pulling the girl back up, I spin her around, shoving her down in front of me. She grips my hips and rolls her head before popping back up and throwing her arms around my neck. We keep moving like this until the song changes and someone else wants the floor. The girl doesn’t stop though. Instead, she leans in, running her tongue up my neck as chills race through me. We’re close enough to Shane that I can see every reaction she has. Just when I think she’s about to run, I smirk. That smirk doesn’t stay in place long. She grabs Knox and pulls him into her, pressing her body against his. He moves to grab her hips, grinding against her. I know this is all for show but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t piss me off. I shouldn’t want her. She’s a liar.

  “You’re going to lose her forever,” Whisper yells over the music.

  “I never had her. She’s a liar,” I remind her. She rolls her eyes and goes back to dancing as I watch the two of them. I can’t believe she’s doing this with my brother of all people. Turning on my heel, I head toward the bathrooms when I feel hands wrap around my waist. I know that touch. Dragging Shane around in front of me, I slam her against the wall.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “You fucked me last night.”

  “Yeah, I did. So what? It meant nothing,” I remind her. I watch her swallow hard, but she keeps her head held high.

  “It meant nothing to me either,” she says. She’s lying again. I can see the look in her eyes. I step into her space, ready to play her game. Reaching up, I cup her cheek in my hand watching the way she slowly releases her breath.

  “Is that what you want? You want me to fuck you, no strings attached?” What the hell am I doing? This isn’t me. This isn’t what I want.

  “I want you anyway I can have you, Callan.” That… That is the most real thing she’s ever said to me. I lean in, pressing my lips to hers. The taste of her on my tongue has my body wound tightly. The way she lets my tongue sweep into her mouth has my cock hard and ready for her. Even with all the other bullshit going on in my life, this is something I remember. Her. I will always remember her.

  I growl when I grab her hips and lift her in my arms. We’re in the bathroom, I’m kicking the door closed and locking it in seconds. Setting her on her feet, I drop to my knees and push her skirt up. Trailing my fingers along her panties, she moans lightly. That’s what I wanted to hear. Hooking my finger in her panties, I slip them down and help her step out of them before shoving them in my pocket. Then I lean in, inhaling her. Her hands come to rest in my hair, tugging lightly. My tongue slowly sweeps over her and she gasps. It’s been years since I’ve tasted her. Years since she’s been this open to me. Spreading her lips wide, I dive in and take charge. I lick, suck, and tug on her clit before starting all over. Shane’s body trembles when I dip my tongue inside of her just to start over once more. She’s gasping, moaning and panting for more.

  “Cal. Shit!” she hisses when I toy with her clit. A little harder, a little faster. Shane explodes as I lap it all up. I knew she would taste good. I remember her taste. I used to make her come over and over with my tongue when all she wanted was my cock buried deep inside of her. I pull back and stand, adjusting myself as I move. When I’m standing in front of her, she reaches for me. Grabbing her wrists, I pin them above her head as I get into her space.

  “You want me, Shane?” I ask gruffly. She licks her lips and fuck; do I want them wrapped around my cock.

  “Yes,” she says huskily.

  “Too bad. You can’t have me. You took away something I wanted with you and only you. You ruined everything with your lies, Shane.” She starts to open her mouth but I don’t let her. I silence her with mine. A kiss that’s more punishing than anything I could say to her. When I stop, her lips are swollen and bruised. Just the way I like them.

  “I’m sorry, Callan. You don’t understand what happened.” Grabbing her face roughly in my hands, I force her to look at me.

  “What don’t I understand? That you lied? That you fucked your stepdad?” That must have stung. She pushes me back and slaps me across the face as I laugh.

  “You don’t know anything!” she screams before turning and rushing from the bathroom.



  I’m not sure what I feel as I sit here and watch Whisper dancing around the room. She has her drink in her hand, laughing and smiling. I know parts of her past but for the most part, she keeps it to herself. Just the way I planned to keep mine. Now Callan knows. I don’t know why he looked into me. I don’t know why he cared, yet here we are. I’m homeless, sitting in the Alder’s living room. I never pictured this but here I am.

  “Why are you being so pissy?” Knox asks as he drops on to the couch next to me.

  “I’m not. I feel like I’m imposing,” I say, honestly. Knox throws his arm around my shoulder, his hand resting on my breast like it belongs there.

  “You are imposing.” His words sting but his fingers move. Grabbing my nipple through my shirt, I gasp and try to move. Knox keeps me in place, tugging at my nipple.

  “Stop!” I scream catching everyone’s attention. Steele glances over and smirks at what his brother is doing when Callan looks up. Fire dances in those big blue eyes of his, flickering with every twist of his brother’s fingers.

  “Having a little fun, brother?” Callan asks while his eyes stay on mine.

  “I figured Whisper shouldn’t be the only one that got in on this,” Knox adds. My eyes flash to Whisper’s as she laughs. I try to brush Knox’s hand away once more, but he doesn’t stop. When I’m about to stand, Callan moves. He’s next to me in seconds, pressing me back into the couch.

  “Is that what you want? You want us all to touch you? Fuck you with our fingers, our mouths?” The way he says it sounds evil. I look up at him, directly into his eyes when he sees it. Then he moves. He pushes Knox’s hand away from me before standing and walking away, and I’m back to being alone. Knox chuckles but doesn’t move his arm. Instead he pulls me closer, running his lips down the side of my neck.

  “Stop, please,” I whisper as tears fill my eyes.

  “Why? You want it, Shane. You want him.” I turn my head to look at Knox. He knows I want his brother. Swallowing hard, maybe Knox is right. Maybe this is the only way to get Callan to really notice me. I nod my head and Knox moves. He lifts me onto his lap so that I’m facing him. His lips claim my neck as his own. I can’t say that it doesn’t feel good, it does but I know it’s not right. Even as his lips move to my shoulder. Even when he bites into my flesh. An audible gasp leaves my lips as I feel his cock harden beneath me. The couch shifts and Callan is there. Watching. Music pumps through the speakers as Knox keeps
going. He grabs my hips, holding me against his hard-on while grinding me against him. God, it feels so damn good but Callan’s eyes are punishing. I watch as he pulls his cock out of his jeans and strokes it in front of me. Whisper laughs, Steele growls but no one says a word as whatever this is, happens. Each breath I take is strangled. My body is humming with so much energy I can barely stand it. That’s when Callan growls. He reaches over and pulls me off Knox’s lap before ripping my shorts down my legs. I’m back in his lap, straddling him when he lowers me down on his cock.

  “Cal!” I cry out his name as he pumps into me.

  “Grab his cock!” he demands. I look over at Knox as he strokes his own cock. When I don’t move, Callan does. He thrusts his hips upward causing me to cry out. Then he reaches up and grabs my hand, placing it on Knox’s cock. Heat spirals inside of me as I ride Callan and rub Knox. I notice both of them groan and lean their heads back on the couch when someone comes up behind us. I don’t turn to look but when a hand reaches around and plucks my nipple roughly, I explode. As I come, Steele’s warm breath dances over my flesh.

  “Yeah, we knew you’d like it,” he whispers before pressing a soft kiss to my neck. When he moves, my head drops onto Callan’s shoulder. His cock pulses inside of me as he fills me. He grunts as he comes but his hands never move from my hips. In fact, they tighten.

  “How is it you always seem to end up on my cock?” he asks as he tries to catch his breath. Pain slices through me as his fingers dig into my flesh. A soft whimper escapes me as tears burn the back of my eyes.

  “If the sex fest is over, Carol is coming over,” Steele announces.


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