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The Celestial Rose BoxSet

Page 40

by Annalee Adams

  “Taylor, are you okay?” Lucian asked.

  “Yes, sorry, just lost in thought.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  “No, I’m good, but you can help by moving your ass out of the way, so I can putt the ball over there.”

  “Oh, touchy.” He grinned, stepping aside. “Do you want a hand?” he asked as he saw me mentally prepping myself.

  “No, I’m good.” I said as I raised the golf club high in the air.

  “Whoa, girl. Steady on,” he yelled as he rushed over and eased the club out of my hands. “Look, we are in this together. If something's bothering you, then it's bothering me. So please tell me about it. We can work through it together, you know?”

  “I know. I’m okay. Just memories of my family flooded back.”

  “That’s understandable, you’re bound to miss them.”

  “Talking about your mum earlier really shook me. How could my sister be that evil? How could I ever hope to save someone that dark?”

  “I don’t know if you can. But if you want to try, I’m right here by your side.”

  “That’s what worries me, Lucian. I can’t risk you too.”

  “And I can’t risk you. We’re in this together.”

  I smiled. “Together.”

  “Here, I’ll show you how to play. We can make new memories.” He smiled his dashing smile. How could I resist? Standing behind, he placed his arms around me, gripped the handle, aimed, and tapped the ball under the pirate’s legs and into the hole in the treasure chest.

  I clapped. First try and we get a hole in one. Dad would have been proud. Working together, we laughed and joked. Making new memories was something I needed to do. The past was in the past, it was time to move on, smile, and be happy, just as they would have wanted it.


  The day before had been fun. My body stirred with the memory of his touch. Shivers ran down my spine when I showered, remembering the way he moved, remembering his lips as they delicately kissed the base of my neck; memories so vivid they could be happening right then. My body ached for his touch again and as I felt down for a reminder, Lucian opened the shower door, with this naked, erect body sliding in behind me. The hot water massaged my shoulders as I leaned forward. His hands gripped my breasts. I wanted him. I needed him. My body tensed, ached in desire as his tongue slithered over my neck, kissing my earlobe. Fangs drawn, he scrapped across my skin, threatening ever so slightly the allure of the bite, the sensual nature of the blood. Palms sweated as the hot water cleansed them. Sprawled out against the wall, he teased me, thrusting between my thighs.

  “Do you want more?” he asked in a gruff tone.

  “Yes.” I gasped as he rammed himself into me. I exhaled, palms against the wall.

  Gripping my hips, he pushed in harder. Faster then slower. Teasing me with his fingers as he suckled at my neck.

  “Bite me,” I yelled. He stopped, slowed down, paused for a moment then forced me forward, pushing me down harder. Faster. Quicker. Pulling my hair back, my neck was on full display. Fangs protruded as he danced them across my artery, nipping the skin so slightly as a pinprick of blood dripped down the side. He groaned as he suckled it up. And as he did, I came, quickly. Body shook, back arched, nails scraped the wall as I screamed, wanting more.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he stated. He flipped me around and kissed me hard. The shower door shook as we leant against the glass. Opening it, we lay on the floor in a steamed bathroom. The rug soothed my back, soaking up the water as he knelt over me.

  Biting my lip, I was ready, eager for more and willing to do anything.

  Leaning forward, he braced my arms above my head with one hand and gripped my neck with the other. “You’re mine, Taylor Lane,” he said as he forced himself inside me. Gripping my neck harder, he pushed down, yanked my thighs up, and leant his weight on top of me. Up and down he pulsed. Harder and harder. Faster and faster. My neck was sore from his strength as he kissed me hard, feeling the inside of my mouth, his tongue tickled my own.

  Gripping his buttocks, I scratched down deep. There was no coming up for air. I pulled him in harder, yanked him back quickly as the rhythm of our dance took mere moments to explode. Lucian's body stiffened, back arched as he grunted, pushing himself in deep. My body ignited, fire blasted out of me as the rug I lay on turned to ash. Lucian leapt back, scorched in the process. But I couldn’t stop it. I writhed and wriggled in ecstasy. The fire dimmed as light protruded, caressing the bathroom as it healed Lucian's scorched skin. Yet still I writhed and wriggled. My body tensed, back continued to arch, and sweat poured over me. I eased down from the high as I opened my eyes and saw Lucian sat before me, grinning.

  “Damn, Taylor, you’re hot.”

  “Why, thank you, Lucian.”

  “No, really, you literally burst into flames.” He said, pointing at the rug beneath me.

  “Yeah. I may have got carried away.”

  “Oh, babe you can get carried away anytime you like with me.” He grinned as he lifted me up from the floor. “But I suggest you take a shower, you’re covered.”

  “Care to join me?” I grinned.

  “Oh, most definitely.” He smiled, jumping in beside me.

  Later that day we rose from beneath the sheets, both breathless; me red, him pale. My eyesight fogged, and my left lower eyelid twitched. I was motionless, statically at ease. I couldn’t count the times he’d pleasured me as I lay, contemplating never leaving the room again. But my stomach growled, and in my mortal body, food was a necessity. Standing up, I wobbled a little, balances gone haywire as I reached for my clothes. Lucian went into the bathroom to tidy up the result of my flaming mess as I pulled on my jeans and tee-shirt and headed in to help him.

  “Oh no, you stay just where you are, beautiful. I’ve got this.” He said as he sped around the room. It was true, there was no beating his speed. Within minutes the room was ship shape, minus a rug. “They’ll never notice.” He grinned. “Damn, you look exhausted. Too much foreplay makes Taylor a tired girl.” He smirked as I gave him a look. “Come on, lets grab a bite to eat. It must be dinner time soon.” He said looking at his watch. “Damn girl, its five in the afternoon, you’ll waste away.” He smiled, picked me up and carried me out of the room.

  “Lucian, shoes,” I said, yawning.

  “Oh yeah.” We whizzed back inside, collected shoes, and sped down the empty corridor, up two flights of stairs and to another restaurant called El Papa’s, right at the end of the ship. A waiter greeted us, showed us to a booth, and left the menus, smiling as he walked away.

  Sitting beside Lucian, I watched the waves go by. The view was mesmerising.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so quiet.” He said as he laughed.

  “Yes, but I’m happily quiet.” I smiled as I snuggled into his arms.

  I believe I was snoring by the time food arrived. I couldn't recall ordering, either. But the bang on the table as plates of delicious delicacies were distributed soon woke me up.

  “Ah, there you are. You must have been tired, you dosed right off.”


  “No, never apologise to me, Taylor.” He said, smiling. “I ordered a selection I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course, it looks wonderful.”

  “I thought you needed the carbs.” He grinned as he pointed out the pizza.

  “Definitely.” I smiled, tucking in.

  I don’t think either of us spoke for the next ten minutes. Lucian sat watching, smiling as I helped myself to lashings of every dish available. Pizza, chips, chicken wings; it was carb heaven! Dessert was even better with chocolate ice cream, profiteroles, and tiramisu. A strange concoction, but one that worked.

  “I’m surprised you can stand,” he said as I got up to visit the lady's.

  “Oh, I’m feeling much better.” I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek and then headed to the bathroom. I did feel better, much more awake, alert, and ready to
dance the night away.

  Sitting on the toilet, a wild rush of excitement filled me. This was my style of perfection. A gorgeous man, a spectacular cruise ship, carb heaven, and delicious delicacies. Wiping, I stood up, pulled up my pants, zipped, button fastened, and felt strangely at ease. As I went to unhook the latch, something crept up inside of me. A sudden need to vomit, there was no time as I turned quickly with my head over the toilet. I wretched, releasing the day's chocolate desert all into the toilet bowl. Burgh. I must have eaten way too much! Cleaning up, I unlatched the door and headed over to the mirror. My face looked pale. I splashed cool water over, rinsed my mouth, and helped myself to the free toothpaste samples by the sink. Minty fresh. That was better. I felt fine, really, my stomach just couldn’t take the amount I’d consumed. I was only mortal, after all.

  “Everything okay?” Lucian asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I think I ate way too much, though.” I laughed as he smiled and held my hand.

  “Well, where next, mademoiselle?”

  “Since when did you speak French?”

  “Since I lived there with Lawrence.” He said. I smiled.

  “There is so much I don’t know about you.”

  “Ah, but you will. We have immortality together, remember?”

  “Yes.” I gripped his hand tighter.

  “Would you care to go on a date with me?” Lucian asked.

  “Why yes, of course, where to?”

  “Oh, the cinema for sure. We haven’t been there yet.” He smiled.

  “There’s a cinema?”

  “Yes, this ship will surprise you.” He smirked.

  “Well, it sounds like a date.” I grinned. “But first, I could do with getting changed.”

  “Is that because you smell of sick?” he asked, laughing.

  “What?” I said, punching him in the arm. “I do not.”

  “Oh, you do.” He said holding his nose. “Super senses, remember?” He grinned.

  “Fine. Yes, that’s why. I ate too much chocolate.”

  “Err and the rest.” He laughed.


  As we headed back to the room to change, we stopped beside the balcony. Hordes of passengers fleeted past us, unaware we were even there. “Isn’t it beautiful?” I asked as we stood watching the sunset. The elegance of intertwined tones of light blessed the evening sky before us. We were in the middle of the ocean, in the middle of nowhere, and yet we were everywhere all at once. Red mirrored orange as its hues cast across yellow, embalming its tranquillity with peaceful shades of vibrancy. The wind swirled through my hair as the ship sailed forward and we stood at the back, watching the waves disappear.

  Lucian held me in his arms as we both faced the depths of the ocean. Tranquil hues of blue, grey, and green knotted themselves within one another as the white waves crashed behind the sailing ship on its journey.

  Lucian stepped to my side, bought his hand to my arm and caressed my skin, smiling, at ease. A tear welled in his eye and I stepped back. Was he okay? Smiling he stepped closer, lifted my chin, bought his lips to my own, and kissed me. It was a patient kiss, a long lasting one, delicate in nature. “I love you, Taylor Lane.” He said as the tear fell from his face.

  “I love you too, Lucian, are you okay?” I asked.

  Holding my hand, he fell down on one knee. “I’m more than okay. You’re the beat to my heart, the blood in my body, my voice when it speaks and my soul when it yearns. I am everything because of you. You saved me from more than you’ll ever know. Be mine, Taylor Lane. Marry me and be mine.”

  “I...” I paused “I, I love you, Lucian. Of course, I’ll be yours!” I exclaimed, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. He was mine and I was his. He placed the most beautiful ring on my finger; a white gold, luminescent moon-phased ring with princess-cut black diamonds. The diamonds were entwined around the phases of the moon as the white gold braided itself around my ring finger. Beside us, we had gathered quite the crowd. People applauded and patted Lucian on the back while a few of the ladies eagerly engaged in admiration of my ring. Smiling as they walked away, I turned to Lucian.

  “I love you,” I said.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  “Do you even need to ask?” I smiled. “It’s stunning, so unique!”

  “Just like you.”

  It was the happiest I had felt in such a long while. Could this really be happening? I was going to marry the man of my dreams, together forever. It was perfect. He was perfect. “You spoil me.” I said as I smiled.

  “Well, it was handmade, I’ve had it a while. The plan was to pull you out of Hell, then propose, so you’d be excessively grateful and couldn’t possibly say no to me.”

  “Oh, is that right?” I smirked

  “Oh, you know it is, baby.” He winked and kissed me.

  “So, does that make me Mrs. Darkwater-to-be?”

  “Yes, if you want it to be.”

  “Of course.”

  “But what about your parents' name?”

  “Well, you haven’t asked my dad's permission yet.” I grinned.


  I laughed. “You’ll get to ask him one day, I’m sure.” I smiled. "Plus, I want you to meet Adam and the rest of my people."

  “Oh, so they’re your people now?” He smirked.

  “Well, Eve’s.” I smiled.

  “I’m jesting. I’m not bothered whether you’re called Taylor or Eve, or whatever. It is you, this person, this soul, this you. This is who I want to spend eternity with.”

  “As do I with you, Lucian. Our happily ever after starts today.”

  “It starts when we hit the bedroom, come on.” He laughed, picking me up and speeding through the passengers, them being blissfully unaware.

  We didn’t make it to the cinema that night.


  The morning sun streamed through the open window, heating my body as I lay soaking in the rays, covered in only a bed sheet. Picking the feathers from my hair, I surveyed the mess around me. The bedside lamp was on its side and the duvet had literally been shredded; feathers were scattered everywhere. Housekeeping was going to have fun.

  It was really true, I thought as I sat starring at the rock on my finger. We would live an eternity together. Looking around, Lucian had nipped out for breakfast in bed. The perfect start to our newly engaged lives. But today I didn’t fancy rolling around under the sheets, I wanted to go out to celebrate. We were engaged! It called for champagne, a pretty summer dress, and fun to be had. Perhaps dancing and making love under the stars?

  I washed, dressed, and walked in to the sitting area as Lucian walked in. “Morning, beautiful, do croissants sound good?”


  “What would like to do today?”

  “Well, I was just thinking we need to celebrate our engagement.”

  “Most definitely. What do you have in mind?” he asked as he walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “Well, that can wait till later!” I said laughing taking a step back. He smirked. “How about we start with bubbly and that cinema date you promised me?”

  “Yes, I did, didn’t I?” he said, and I nodded. “Perhaps. Let's de-fluff you first.” He laughed, picking feathers from my hair. Handing me a croissant, he kissed my cheek, and went into the bedroom to get changed.

  Looking in the mirror, I applied a little tinted moisturiser and picked the remaining feathers from my chestnut brown hair. After applying my pink lip gloss, I was ready to go. I was never one for fancy make up, heels, or daring clothes and it felt wonderful to find someone that loved me for who I was, not what I looked like.

  “Lucian, are you ready?” I called into the bedroom.

  “Yes, I’ll be right out.” He took longer than I did most of the time.

  Sitting and waiting by the balcony, I watched the waves flash by. Every movement we made forward expelled the darkness in the past, just like t
he waves. We were a ship in the darkness, a light in the soulless eyes of nature’s obscure elementals. We were a force to be reckoned with, and when we came together, we brought balance to the universe; both dark and light working in cohesion.

  Lucian walked over and kissed me on the cheek. “Ready, beautiful?” he asked. I smiled, and he took my hand as we walked to the cinema.

  On the way, I took in the sights. So many people with so much love to give. It was sweet to see the bikini clad girl at the bar getting hit on by a guy in sunglasses. Or the parents with the squabbling siblings. That was the kind of family I wanted to have, something real, arguments and all. Caleb and I used to rage over the silliest of things, we knew each other inside and out. Well, he thought he knew me. Hell, I didn’t even know me. Jeez, I missed my kid brother.

  “Zombies from Outta Space!”

  “Huh?” I asked as we stopped.

  “That’s what’s showing.” Lucian said, pointing up at the sign.

  “Oh, right, that sounds like fun.” I smiled.

  “Indeed. I can say for certain that I have never seen a zombie from out of space. This will be enlightening.” He grinned as I laughed.

  We walked in to the vintage cinema. It had been decorated with a red velvet curtain at the base and rows of deep red seats with circular wooden tables in between each set of two.

  “This style should never have gone out.” Lucian said. “They had class back then. Now it's just neon signs and scantily clad women.”

  “Wow, Lucian, you’re showing your age.” I laughed.

  “Yes.” He laughed. “I am.”

  We sat towards the back with two sodas and a bucket of sweet popcorn between us. More couples entered and a few lonely solo artists as the curtain drew back and the lights dimmed. Eating popcorn, I lay against Lucian's arm as he placed it around me.

  Zombies from Outta Space boomed throughout the cinema. A couple giggled four rows down as the fake round spaceship blasted across the screen. It was clearly a spoof movie, as dead looking corpses trudged out of the ship and began to attack the world's population. It reminded me of the old black and white classics. Lucian groaned, complaining about their unrealistic nature. The deciding factor had to be when he said that brains don’t actually taste that nice so why would they bother. That was time for a sharp exit as the couple in front of us turned around with a horrified look. Giggling like two loved up teenagers, we ran out of the cinema.


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