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The Celestial Rose BoxSet

Page 41

by Annalee Adams

  Heading back to the room, we stopped off for a plate of sandwiches the buffet cart was serving for the next two hours. We could have stopped and socialised, but we were having too much fun. Lucian walked beside me making zombie noises, trudging along.

  As we reached our door, Lucian pulled out the card key, opened the door and yelled “Wait” as he sped in at full speed, leaving me standing there juggling plates of sandwiches. What was up with him?

  Inside the room, I could hear banging and the sound of glass breaking. I juggled the plates and opened the door with the spare card only to see a potted plant fly past and whip into the wall. There in front of me were two people: Lucian and Gabriel.

  “Gabriel!” I yelled, placing the plates on the table and running over to greet him. Lucian held back a punch as I ran in between them to hug Gabriel.

  “Eve!” he said as he picked me up and hugged me tight.

  Lucian stood motionless, wide eyed, mouth open.

  Gabriel placed me back on the floor as he held out his hand to Lucian. “Like I was saying, I’m Gabriel, Eve’s Angel.”

  “Shit.” Lucian said. “Err...”

  “It’s okay. I know you were protecting her, but damn, man, you can throw a punch. She sure built you well!”

  “Who?” Lucian asked.

  “Lilith, of course.” Gabriel said and smiled.

  “Err thanks, I think.” Lucian stumbled.

  “It is so good to see you, Gabriel! How’s Adam?”

  “Well, that’s what I’ve come to tell you. He’s nervous you’re too close to this.” He said, motioning towards Lucian. “You’ve changed, Eve.”

  “What? Wait, what does he mean I’m too close?”

  “There’s something different about you, what’s changed?” Gabriel asked.

  “Just hold on one minute. Taylor is old enough to make her own life choices.” Lucian said.

  “Oh, yes, we know that.” Gabriel said. “What I meant was, Adam found out you went to Enoch, into the hands of darkness itself. He’s scared for you, Eve. We all are.”

  “But I’m okay, look.” I said and smiled.

  “Yes, maybe so, but you seem different.”

  “I’m just happy, that’s all. You and Adam should try it sometime,” I grinned.

  He smiled. “I’m glad you’re happy. Perhaps it's best you speak to Adam yourself. We need to get you back up there. She can’t reach you there.”

  “But what about Lucian?”

  “I can’t take him to the temple, Eve. He doesn’t belong there.” He said, then looked at Lucian. “I’m sorry.”.

  “It’s up to you, Taylor.” Lucian said. “You know I’m not strong enough on my own to protect you.”

  “No, but with the Darkwaters and Gabriel here we might stand a chance.”

  “I can’t allow that.” Gabriel said.

  “You can if I order it.” I said.

  “Oh, you wouldn’t.”

  “I would.”

  “Damn you, Eve. You know I must follow orders. Adam's going to be so angry with me.”

  “True, but when you’re part of the war effort that saves not only his little sister, but his twin sister Lilith and all of humanity, he may just give you a promotion.” I smiled.

  “You have a way with words,” he said, nodding.

  “She certainly does.” Lucian said. “We are heading back home now if you would like to meet us there?”

  “There’s no time. Haven’t you see this?” he said, pulling out a rolled-up newspaper from London.

  “No,” I said, “What does it say?”

  “Don’t you recognise the girl?” he asked.

  “She looks familiar.”

  “She should. She’s the only other survivor from the subway disaster, besides you and the late Caleb.”

  The headline read Four-year-old Maisie Davis found in pieces. Alongside the headline lay a photograph of a crime scene investigations unit working in a taped off area, in what I read as Saint James Park. Shit. Lilith was cleaning up after herself, removing all known survivors, starting at the beginning.

  I gritted my teeth, swallowing back the tears. Jeez, she was only four. How could anyone be so evil? I must remain strong. Who could be next? Caleb wasn’t there anymore, Dad neither. I knew I was on the list, but who else? She’d rip everyone I’d cared about to shreds and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. Burgh, my stomach twisted as I held my mouth, dashing for the toilet. Out came the croissants as I couldn’t hold back anymore. Tears streamed down my red face, hands gripped the toilet bowl with force. How dare she do this to me? How dare she kill another innocent little girl? Why did she hate me that much? I hadn’t done anything to her, or had I? It wasn't like I could remember anything from my... from Eve’s past, anyway. For all I knew, I could be the reason her son lay in pieces, scattered around the globe. I wouldn’t put it past me, even Michael seemed afraid of me when he realised who I was.

  “Are you okay?” Lucian asked as he walked in and directed me to the sink, splashing cool water over my face.

  “Did you read it?”

  “Yes, I read it. We have to get home quickly.”

  “Do you think the Darkwaters are next?”

  “Yes. We were the next people that entered your life.” He said. I gulped.

  Gabriel entered the bathroom. “Ah good, you’ve finished vomiting. Now, shall we be off?”

  “No, Gabriel. I need to go home. To Elvington.”

  “What, why?”

  “They’re my family too. I will not run and hide from my sister, or my father, for that matter.”

  “You’ll lose, Eve.”

  “Win or lose, we fight together.” I said as I held Lucian's hand. “She’s underestimated how powerful we really are."

  “It looks like I have, too.” Gabriel frowned. Lucian glared at him. “Right, jump on then.”

  “Wait, we have to pack first.”

  “No time.”

  “What does he mean Taylor? Jump on what?”

  “You’ll see,” I said, smirking.

  Gabriel shook his feathered wings free and they filled the room. Bowing his head, he walked out to the balcony. “Come on, I don’t have all day.”

  I ran forward, dragging a reluctant Lucian behind me.

  “I’m not getting on that.” He said squeaking.

  Gabriel leant forward and picked me and Lucian up, one in each arm, and took flight into the afternoon sky.

  I cannot recall Lucian ever making the noises he made on the journey, or how tightly he held onto Gabriel’s arm for dear life. To say he squealed like a pig would be understating the fact of his fearful angst. If I didn’t love him so much, I’d laugh. Although I laughed anyway, but I still loved him just the same.


  “Enjoying the flight?” Gabriel asked as Lucian gripped his arm tightly.

  “No,” he replied.

  That was it, my stomach hurt from laughing so much. Gabriel found him hysterical as he glided over the clouds. The night sky was beautiful, even the darkness had a plus side, I thought, looking at Lucian. Lucian remained quite the rest of the journey, gripping Gabriel hard and closing his eyes tightly. I, on the other hand, loved to fly. Gabriel was hypnotic. His wings brightened even the darkest of places. He was an Angel in every term of the word; a true celestial being. My father had created something so pristine, so perfect, no wonder he didn’t create anything more. He couldn’t have developed a more positive light than the one holding us right now.

  “What are you staring at, Eve?”

  “Your wings, they’re mesmerising.”

  “They should be; they hold the light of the celestial rose inside, the rose your father created for you.” He said.

  “I wish I was such a beautiful creation, like you.”

  “You are, Eve. You’re just trapped in the confines of a mortal body. The Eve I knew was godly, her smile beamed across the room like a beacon of hope in the darkest of days. You were worshipp
ed by many.”

  Lucian smiled. “Her smile radiates just the same now as it did then,” he said.

  “I don’t feel very powerful, or worthy of the title Eve has. God's daughter. It just doesn’t seem real.” I smiled.

  “Well, it is. You had the light swirling around you, just as Adam does. You used the light to do as necessary. For example, if you wanted to fly, it gave you Angel wings just like mine.”


  “Yes. Like I said, you taught me how to fly.”

  “I did wonder how I managed that. If only I could remember.”

  “You will, one day.”

  “Err,” Lucian stumbled. “Did you say the confines of her mortal body?”


  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “She will outgrow the need for mortality, her light cannot last in such a confined space. Eventually, she will blossom into her true self.”

  “But will she still be, you know, Taylor?”

  “Yes, of course, she will carry every memory she has gained, every thought, emotion. Her personality has not changed over the last millennia.”

  Lucian breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good!”

  “It is,” I said, “I wouldn’t want to forget this version of me, like I forgot Eve.” I gulped.

  “You won’t. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Look around; everything you see lives because of you. You are the saviour, God's daughter, and the all-encompassing vitality that runs through every mortal’s blood. They live because you gave them part of your light. They get to laugh, love, and learn because of you. It’s time you started believing in yourself, Eve.”

  I inhaled a deep breath and then slowly let it out. “Thank you.” I said.

  Heading over the sea, we reached the white cliffs of Dover. It was time for a short break as Lucian sped off to find breakfast. The sun was rising while I sat beside Gabriel, who was back to his normal mortal size. “It’s strange. You look so human.”

  “I’ll say. You try fitting this much brawn inside this tiny morsel of a body. You should have made them bigger, Eve.” He laughed.

  I smirked. “I’ll remember that next time.”

  Lucian arrived with pastries and coffee. “What’s the joke?” he grinned.

  “Well, Gabriel was complaining that humans were too small to fit his brawn into.”

  “More like his big head,” Lucian said, laughing.

  “Hey, mate, fancy a flight?” Gabriel asked, unruffling his feathers and growing larger than life.

  Any colour that Lucian had fled from his face. “Err no. I’m good, thanks.” He said, sitting next to me and offering coffee. “Peace offering.” He said as he offered a cup to Gabriel.

  Gabriel smirked. “This one is too easy to wind up.” He laughed.

  I joined in the laughter as Lucian winced and then relented, breaking into a grin..

  Sitting on the clifftops, we could see the sunrise over the ocean. It was splendid and richly coloured for the summer sun. Autumn was usually better, full of fall time trees with leaves whisking themselves around the ground, dancing in swirls as they christened the landscape. But summer had its benefits. The hot, crisp weather meant summer dresses and sandals, swimming in the lake, and picnics by the ocean. The three of us sat in silence as we watched the colourful dance of artistry caress the marshmallow clouds. When the sun finally rose, Lucian kissed me on the cheek, stroked my hand, and cleared up, speeding off into the distance.

  “We can run from here, Taylor,” he said as he arrived back.

  “I’ll bet I’m quicker,” Gabriel said.

  “Boys, we need to get there as fast as we can. Lucian, I love you, but we really need to fly.”

  “Damn it.” He said “Fine.” He braced himself as Gabriel shook his wings free, grew, and then grabbed us both, soaring into the air. Lucian squealed gripping Gabriel tightly.

  “Mate, stop the squeezing. I won’t drop you.”

  “Not going to happen, Gabriel,” he said as he gripped tighter.

  “Fine.” He swooped through the clouds at a breakneck speed. “We’ll be back soon, if my arm lasts that long.”

  I laughed. I felt sorry for Lucian, the plane crash must have really affected him. Did I choose right by asking him to fly again? Did that make me a horrible person? But then, if we didn’t fly, we’d be looking at a day of running rather than a few hours of flying. We had to warn the Darkwaters before it was too late.

  Finally, we hit York. I recognised the cathedral and the cobblestone square the violinist played in. What happened to my abilities? Every so often I could smell the roses, every now and again I could feel my body heating up, but it seemed as if I have no control over them anymore. Perhaps it was because I was reborn, everything was reset. I would need to speak to Lawrence about that. I wasn't exactly a saviour right now, I was more of a liability. Who knew when my lava core would ignite and severe the hand that held us? Gabriel’s wings would be crispy, as well as the rest of him too. But then last time I blasted Lucian, my light had taken over and healed him. If it could heal him, perhaps it could heal others? Perhaps I could be the hero after all, make my mother proud. She always had such hopes for me.

  “It’s there,” Lucian exclaimed. Gabriel swooped down to the ground and shook his wings away, shrinking back to a mortal size. Lucian leapt off, releasing Gabriel’s grip on him. “Shit. I never want to do that again!” he said, gulping. His body was so tense it could snap at any moment.

  “Okay, we won’t.” I smiled. “We’re home now. You did well.” I said.

  “Hmm.” He grimaced, walking over and kissing my forehead. “I still hate you right now.” He smirked.

  “I hate you, too.” I said, grinning and planting a sloppy kiss on his lips.

  “Burgh, it’s like working with Michael,” Gabriel said.

  I laughed.

  “Who’s Michael?”

  “Oh, he’s another Angel. He was meant to protect me, but after the subway explosion, he presumed I was dead and went to Vegas, impregnating women.” I said.

  “He sounds like Harland.” Lucian said.

  I laughed. “Yes, I suppose he does!”

  “Let’s go home,” Lucian said.

  We had landed beside the Christmas tree plantation, right at the start of Elvington. I remembered Rowena showing me this way as we drove to York the year before. If only I knew what was in store for me then! It was quite a walk back home, but then again, where was home? It wasn't like my dad or Caleb were there.

  My eyebrows dropped, my smile tilted downwards. “Where is home?” I asked.

  “Oh, I’m sorry Taylor, I didn’t think. Your home is wherever you want it to be. If you would like to come to the mansion, you can. Or if you would prefer your own space for a while at your dad’s house, then that’s okay too.” Lucian said.

  “Okay, I... I don’t know.” I paused, my mind a mish-mash of thoughts. “Can we go to my dad’s to look around and fetch a few things? Then perhaps, go home with you?”

  “Of course.” He said smiling.

  “It’s just my mum's locket is there and a few of my dad and brother’s things. I don’t want to leave it all behind.”

  “No, and you don’t have to. We can do a little bit each day, if you want, or wait until you’re ready. We have all the time in the world. I’m right here by your side.” He said, taking my hand.

  My cheeks heated as my eyes welled up. Tears threatened to fall, but no, I needed to be strong. It wasn’t just about me. We had to go back to make sure my other family was okay. Wiping my eyes, I sniffled. Back straight, arms tense, I looked Lucian in the eye and said, “Come on then, I’ll race you.” And I laughed and ran ahead.

  Lucian sped past as Gabriel flew above. I was clearly last and had no chance at beating either of them. Lucian slowed to a stop to wait for me to catch up. Gabriel had flown miles ahead as I hopped on Lucian's back.

  We raced through the country roads and down by the river bed
. He knew all the shortcuts. We headed back to my street with my dilapidated country home standing high at the top of the road. It bought back so many memories. I missed my family so much.

  Gabriel swooped past, face fallen, wings singed with fire. He came to a stumbling landing as he mis-stepped and fell in a mess beside us. “They’re already here.”

  “Shit, what happened?” Lucian asked as I patted Gabriel’s smoking wings.

  “Eve, we have to leave, it’s not safe for you here.”

  “Why? Are you okay?” I said eyeing up the bloodstained leg.

  “I’ll heal. Lilith’s army are already rising. There isn’t much time. We have to go.”

  Standing before my home, I looked up. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I can’t wait,” Gabriel said. “Lilith’s taking the mortals, we have to go. You’re not safe.”

  “Damn it,” Lucian said, "Come on, he’s right. We’ve got to get back to the mansion."

  “No, jeez, I need two minutes.”

  “There’s no time!” Gabriel said, picking me up, wings drawn and ready to fly.

  “Put me down this instant!” I demanded. He wouldn’t listen. “Damn it, Gabriel! I order you!”

  “What? Eve, please, I need to get you to safety.”

  “No, you need to get Adam and bring the celestial guard, the people need our protection.” I said, he pulled back. “Now, Gabriel, now!” And off he swooped, high into the sky, heading right back up to Elysium to fetch my big brother and save the day. Hell, to save the world.

  “Taylor, we’ve got to move now!”

  “Two minutes, Lucian, please.”

  “Damn you, Taylor. Okay, make it quick. I’ll keep guard.”

  I ran inside, the house was a tip. Clearly someone had been here and had turned it upside down. The hell hole in the kitchen floor still gaped open. It was a wonder they didn’t do themselves an injury roaming around the place. Jeez, what if something rises out of there again? I shuddered. Grabbing my rucksack from the floor, I headed upstairs to my room. That was where it had happened. Shit, it was where I killed my dad. Reality hit hard. My body shook as I wept uncontrollably, falling to the floor. How the heck am I supposed to do anything to save anyone? All I ever do is hurt people. My family are testament to that.


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