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Wicked Gods: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 1)

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by Michelle Hercules

  I could try to explain to Felicity how naïve she’s acting now. Idols are crazy. Limitless power erased any morals they might have had.

  I settle for something my father used to say. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

  “What now?” She glances at me. “Don’t go spewing your brain-smarts nonsense at me, Daisy.”

  “Please just take me home, Felicity. I need to make sure Rosie is all right.”

  More than ever, I need the extra cash. Not to pay rent but to buy Rosie and me tickets out of town. I have no idea where to go now. When I left Hawk City, I traveled as far as I could get from the East Coast metropolis without leaving the country. Dad told me to look for Starlight Island, but the notes in his diary made no sense to me. Besides, I was too busy trying to survive. Now I think I might have to head south and cross the border, which makes my heart constrict so painfully in my chest that it becomes hard to breathe.

  I hear life for Norms is much harder across the border. Not only are the Idols there more ruthless, but Norms have to worry about unscrupulous Fringes as well. Maybe I should stay and deal with the wrath of Rufio and his friends.

  Rubbing my face, I look out the window, seeing nothing but a blur of dark shapes. It’s not the speed of the car that’s warping my vision but the tears in my eyes. I just wish that, for once, life was a little easier for me. I’m so tired of feeling wretched all the time.

  Felicity turns into my subdivision. The street is fairly illuminated, showing glimpses of a neighborhood that has seen better days. The houses are old and could use some fresh paint. Some front yards are in serious need of mowing, and others are littered with broken bikes and toys.

  The headlights of Felicity’s car shine on the faded pink flamingo mailbox. I’m home. The lights in the living room are lit, which means my landlord must be waiting for me and her rental check. Shit.

  Felicity parks the car, but I don’t make a move to exit the vehicle.

  “What is it, girlie?”

  “I-I can’t go in.”

  “Why not?”

  Dropping my gaze to my lap, I say, “I’m due rent, and I don’t have it.”

  “Son of a bitch. It was that fucking hospital bill, wasn’t it?”

  I lift my eyes to meet hers. “Yeah.”

  “Why didn’t you say something sooner? I could maybe help you out or collect donations at the diner.”

  “I thought I could make the money if I worked more hours.”

  Felicity looks ahead, running a nervous hand through her hair. “Man, life isn’t fucking fair. Sometimes I wonder what the point of living is being a Norm.”

  I’ve never heard Felicity talk darkly like that. She’s usually Miss Sunshine, always looking on the bright side of things.

  “You’re scaring me, Fefe,” I say, using the nickname only a few people are allowed to.

  She turns to me and smiles. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so tragic. You can crash on my sofa tonight, but what about Rosie?”

  I let out a loaded exhale. “My landlord has a soft spot for Rosie. She won’t kick her out in the middle of the night alone. But she will if I’m around.”

  I pull my cell phone from my apron pocket and send a quick text to my sister. She replies almost immediately with an okay.

  “So, is that a yes?” Felicity asks.

  “Yeah. If you don’t mind.”

  “Sweetie, you know I don’t.”

  She pulls away from the curb as I sink deeper into my seat, thinking about what I have to do tonight. Bile rises in my throat. I’ve been toying with the idea for days, but I was truly hoping it wouldn’t come down to that. But now it’s not only a matter of keeping the roof over our heads. It’s a matter of survival.



  It didn’t take long for Felicity to fall asleep in her grandpa-style chair, clutching the bottle of gin as if it were her lover. The TV is on, but the only thing showing is the scene at the diner. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it.

  The clock on the wall points at midnight. Felicity passed out an hour ago, and her snores are loud enough to pull a bear from hibernation. She’s not waking up until tomorrow morning.

  Walking on my tiptoes, I grab her car keys from the coffee table and head for the door. I never got around to getting my driver’s license, but I know how to drive.

  The road toward my destination is silent and dark, which leaves me alone with my pessimistic thoughts. To avoid losing my nerve, I turn on the radio and pick a station known to play lively tunes.

  The music helps drown out my self-destructive reflections. I’m not sure if Felicity was wrong when she questioned the point of living as a Norm. In truth, if it weren’t for Rosie, I’m not sure what I’d have done.

  Before I know it, I’m parking at the back of Unearthly Desires, an upscale strip joint that caters to Idols and well-connected Fringes. I regret not having had the chance to shower and improve my appearance. But I was told before that I was beautiful, plus I have a nice rack.

  Okay, Daisy. If you’re going to do this, you’d better do it now.

  I walk out of the car and pull my snug V-neck T-shirt down. Gotta highlight the girls. I stride with confidence toward the back door, which is manned by a bald and beefy Fringe. As soon as I step under the overhead light, he ogles me up and down, and then his gaze fixes on my breasts.

  “What do you want, girl?”

  “I’m here to apply for a job.”

  He sneers. “We’re not hiring at the moment.”

  “Bullshit. You’re always hiring.”

  He narrows his dark gaze, then licks his lower lip. “If you’re that keen on getting an interview, it’s going to cost you.”

  Shit. I know a leering expression when I see one.

  “Bob on my knob and I’ll let you through.” He cups his junk, and I swear I puked in my mouth. Maybe I can’t do this after all.

  No, Daisy. You have to see this through. It’s your only chance to get the cash you need. Think about Rosie.

  “Does Mr. X know you treat his future talent like that?” I ask.

  Baldie releases his balls and his eyes darken. “Watch your mouth, Norm girl, or you’ll have to do more than suck my dick.”

  “What the hell is going on here, Anthony?” a cold voice asks from behind me. I whirl on the spot and come face-to-face with Mr. X, the mysterious owner of Unearthly Desires.

  “Nothing, sir. Just a street rat trying to sneak in to audition.”

  Mr. X approaches, stepping into the light. Still, I can’t see his face, as he’s wearing a fedora. He’s also sporting a three-piece suit with tie and everything. Isn’t he melting in this heat?

  He finally lifts his face and stares straight into my eyes. With olive skin and whiskey-colored eyes, Mr. X is a roguishly handsome man. Also extremely dangerous, according to the rumors.

  But I’m not afraid of him. In fact, I’m quite relieved to bump into the man.

  “So you want to work for me, is that it?” he asks.


  He narrows his gaze slightly and clenches his jaw. Not a good sign. I know what he’s going to say. He’ll send me away. But I’m having none of that.

  “Please. Let me in and I’ll prove to you I’ll be the best talent you’ve ever had.”

  Behind me, Baldie makes a disgruntled noise. He’s probably pissed that I’m willing to give his boss head and not him. Oh well, he can think whatever he wants. All I need is a moment alone with Mr. X. I have no intention of exchanging sex favors tonight.

  Only taking your clothes off in front of a bunch of strangers.

  With a sigh, Mr. X says, “Fine. I’ll give you five minutes.”

  Baldie opens the door for Mr. X, but when I walk past him, he whispers, “I’ll be waiting for you when Mr. X sends you away, bitch.”

  There are so many things I want to say to the perv, but I swallow all angry retorts. I just need to work one night, and then it’s adios, Saturn’s Bay.
br />   The back door leads to a narrow and dark corridor. The smell of liquor and smoke is everywhere, an old and stale odor that seems to have been absorbed by the gaudy wallpaper. Upbeat music drifts from ahead, muffled by the door to what I guess is the strip club. Mr. X opens a door to his right and waits for me to catch up. He lets me in first, and I’m greeted by a small and meticulously organized office. A dark mahogany desk sits at the back, clear of anything besides a laptop and a notebook. A filing cabinet is pushed against the left wall, and a leather couch is on the right.

  Mr. X removes his hat and walks around me. Then he takes a seat behind his desk and leans back, lacing his fingers together and resting his linked hands on his flat stomach.

  “What can I do for you, Miss…?”

  “Daisy. My name is Daisy.”

  “Right. So what makes you think you can work at Unearthly Desires?”

  “I have a mirror. I know how I look. Plus, I have these.” I point at my breasts.

  Mr. X’s gaze flicks briefly to my chest before it returns to my face.

  “You’re gorgeous. No denying that. But you can’t work for me.”

  “Why not? I’m eighteen.” I take a step forward.

  “A pretty Norm girl like you? My customers would eat you alive and spit out the bones.”

  “I can handle myself.”

  “Listen, kid. I’ve seen your kind before. There isn’t an evening where a young and naïve Norm doesn’t come to my establishment, trying to work a few nights and make more money than they could possibly dream of. But the thing is, there isn’t a quick exit out of this life. Once you’re in the business, you’ll never quit. The money is too good.”

  “Why do you care?”

  He narrows his eyes and watches me intently. “I don’t, but tonight, I’m feeling benevolent.”

  “I don’t want your benevolence. I just want to work.”

  Mr. X leans forward and rests his elbows on the table. “Not here. My answer is final.”

  Seething, I clench my teeth. If Mr. X wants to play hardball, so be it.

  “I’d reconsider your decision if I were you, Mr. X. Or is it Poppy?”

  The look of astonishment on the man’s face should be captured by a camera. Too bad I don’t have one on me. His eyes are as round as saucers, and his mouth is hanging loose.

  “What did you say?”

  “You heard me.” I lift my chin higher.

  He stares at me without blinking for several beats before he asks, “How did you know?”

  “I caught you morphing once. Isn’t that what you people call it? Morphing?”

  Dad had an entire section in his diary devoted to Idols who could change forms. It’s not a common power, but it’s pretty scary. When I caught Poppy morphing into Mr. X for the first time, I almost ran away. But I was broke to the point of not having enough money to buy basic necessities, and Rosie had the flu, so I swallowed my fear and stayed. But I never let my guard down around Poppy again.

  “When?” His gaze narrows to slits.

  “A year ago.”

  “And you never said a word after all this time?” He rests against his chair, still looking like he’s having a hard time believing I knew about his secret all along.

  “I was saving the information to use at the right time.”

  He rubs his face. “Son of a bitch. They were right about you,” he mumbles.

  Wait a minute. They? What is he talking about?

  “Who?” I take an eager step forward, my heart suddenly beating at an increased pace.

  “Never mind.” He waves his hand impatiently. “What do you want from me, Daisy?”

  I want to press. It’s clear that he’s keeping information from me, but my priority right now is to get a job.

  “I already told you. I want to work here. Or you could just give me the cash I need.”

  He watches me in silence for a moment before he throws his head back and laughs. “Girl, you’re funny.”

  I curl my hands into fists. “If you don’t do it, I’ll tell everyone about your little secret. You can say goodbye to Poppy’s Joint. No Norm will eat at a place owned by an Idol.”

  All amusement is gone from his face now. “Are you blackmailing me, Daisy?” His tone is low and tight, and a ball of fear gets stuck in my throat.

  I lift my chin higher, trying to hide the tremors that are running through my body. “You bet your ass I am.”

  Flattening his palms on the table, Mr. X stands up. Shit. Maybe I’ve gone too far, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

  “I could just kill you,” he says with enough coldness in his voice that I almost believe him.


  My mouth becomes unbearably dry and my heartbeat is erratic, but I hold my ground. “If you wanted me dead, then why did you intervene when that Idol jerk came for me?”

  The wrath eases off his face. He circles around the desk and sits on the edge with his arms crossed. “Like I said, I’m feeling benevolent tonight.”

  I think of all the times Poppy helped me out. He gave me a job when I had no qualifications whatsoever. He helped me find a place to live. Mr. X, Poppy, whatever, doesn’t want to harm me. So what’s his deal?

  “Fine. Don’t give me a chance. But you don’t need to bother killing me either. I’ll be dead sooner rather than later when those boys find me. I doubt you were able to convince that jerk to forget his retaliation.”

  Worry flashes in his eyes. “You’re nothing but a blip in his memory. He’s not coming after you.”

  I might not possess any special powers, but I can read people pretty well. And I know without a shred of doubt that Mr. X doesn’t believe his own words.

  “But if you’re dead set on working here, I’ll give you a chance,” he continues. “Just don’t come crying later when things get rough. And make no mistake, Daisy. Things will get rough. That Rufio boy is tame compared to the clientele who frequent my establishment.”

  “You don’t know the things I’ve seen, Mr. X. The things I’ve endured. I’m a tough girl. I can handle your clientele.”

  Besides, I seriously doubt the Idols who come here are worse than the assholes who came into Poppy Joint’s tonight. I know powerful beings when I see them, and those jerks were ranking high on the godly gifts scale. Their line to the original demigods must be pretty strong.

  “You have one chance, Daisy. One screwup and you’re out of here.”

  Relief washes over me, but then anxiety takes its place. Now I have to actually do the job I begged for.

  Fuck me.



  I’ve never seen Rufio so pissed before—or filled with more thirst for revenge. I couldn’t let him go after that Norm girl. Not because I care about her fate but because I promised my mother I’d keep Rufio out of trouble. And killing a Norm right now would only draw the attention of the Knights, Idols who have turned their backs on their own kind to protect the weaklings.

  I used my gift on him, which he’s not going to let me forget any time soon. As a peace offering, I brought him to Unearthly Desires, the only place in Saturn’s Bay where Idols, Fringes, and Norms mingle without being at each other’s throats. Well, Idols and Fringes mingle; the Norms perform. They might be weak and pathetic, but Norm girls can dance and strip like it’s their divine purpose on Earth.

  We got our usual table, right in front of the main stage. At the moment, Satine is gyrating on the poll. She’s a Fringe, low on the power level, almost a Norm really. But she’s the best dancer in the house, among other things. Rufio always gets a private lap dance from her, but tonight he’s not even looking in her direction.

  “Are you still thinking about that Norm chick, dude?” Phoenix asks.

  Rufio grunts and then stands up. “I need another drink.”

  Stumbling forward, he staggers to the bar. Halfway there, he bumps into a new girl. I scan her quickly, finding no trace of power. She’s a Norm. I’m about to turn my attention back to
the stage when I’m hit by recognition.

  I sit straighter in my chair and look closely. No fucking way. It’s that damn waitress. She works here now? She’s wearing a blonde wig, but it’s her. I brace for Rufio to figure it out and strike the girl, but instead, he wraps his arms around her waist and sniffs her neck.

  “Holy shit. I can’t believe it.” Morpheus’s gaze is trained on the scene as well. Being extra sensitive to auras, all he needed was a quick glimpse to identify the waitress.

  “What is it?” Phoenix follows our line of vision. “Oh, new girl. She’s hot.”

  “It’s the waitress from Poppy’s Joint, you idiot. The one who threw pie on Rufio’s face,” Morpheus replies.

  “Well, actually, that wasn’t her.” Phoenix shrugs.

  I rub my face. “I don’t believe this. You were responsible for that?” I ask, annoyed at myself for not having figured it out sooner. But to be fair, I was more concerned by the waste of a perfectly good pie.

  Daisy was right, the pie was fucking delicious. Daisy. I shouldn’t even be thinking about her on a first-name basis. Norms usually don’t rank high enough on the scale of importance to be warranted names. They’re just Norms.

  “What’s Rufio doing?” Phoenix asks.

  My brother is presently trying to grope the girl, and she’s clearly not into it. Okay, now things are getting interesting, I’m curious to see what she’s going to do next. She must know the house rules: patrons can do whatever they want with the personnel.

  “Doesn’t he know who she is?” Morpheus asks, his tone almost disbelieving.

  “Rufio is drunk out of his mind. I don’t think he’d recognized himself in the mirror,” I say.

  “We have to stop him. He’ll be furious when he sobers up.” Morpheus starts to leave his chair, but I stop him.

  “No. I want to see how it’s going to play out.”

  “In bloodshed. That’s how it’s going to play out,” Phoenix replies.

  I promised my mother I’d keep Rufio out of trouble, but my interest has been piqued. Could there be a Norm who possesses a backbone? Is that Daisy?


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