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Wicked Gods: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 1)

Page 4

by Michelle Hercules

  I have to find out.


  They made me shower, for which I was glad, but the reason why I needed to rubbed me raw. Of course, I can’t smell of grease and sweat. I’m not sure why I kept thinking that the worst part of the job was to strip naked on a stage. Humiliating for sure, but not as sickening as parading in barely there clothing while serving drinks to leering men with grubby hands.

  For some reason, I thought that by wearing a blonde wig, I could pretend I was an actress in a play. If it wasn’t me, only a character, then it be more bearable. Wishful thinking. I’ve been serving for less than ten minutes and my ass has already been touched and pinched fifteen times. Only sheer determination to see this night through is keeping the tears at bay.

  I’m on my way back to the bar when a shadow appears in my path and engulfs me in a hug. I tense up on the spot. My instincts are telling me to stomp on the guy’s instep and break free from the unwanted contact, but I can’t do that. Mr. X was very clear about the house rules. His customers are kings, and I’m here for their entertainment.

  I take a deep breath while clenching my teeth so hard that my molars hurt. The man’s fingers curl around the fabric of my top as he brings his nose to my neck. Goose bumps break out down my arm. The scent of his citrus cologne fills my nose and makes my head spin. It’s heady, and paired with what he’s doing, it’s creating all kinds of contradicting sensations in my body. I’m terrified, disgusted, and also turned on.

  For fuck’s sake. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Finally he takes a step back and peers into my eyes. I suck in a breath. It’s the Idol from Poppy’s Joint. The one who wanted to kill me.

  My heart takes off in a mad race while my body freezes completely.

  “Hi there. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you before.” He smiles lazily, his eyes soft and at half-mast. Shit, I don’t think he knows who I am.

  “I-I started today,” I croak.

  He chuckles. “You’re shaking. Do I make you nervous?”

  What to say? I don’t want him to know I’m about to piss on my pants. “No, it’s the AC. I’m cold.”

  “I know a few ways I can make you warm.” Without releasing my waist, he brings his nose to my neck again, but instead of just taking a whiff, he runs his hot tongue over the sensitive skin. Without any self-control, my eyes flutter close and I let out a soft moan.

  A throat clearing from behind me breaks through the lusty haze that had suddenly taken over me. The heat from Rufio’s caress quickly vanishes, and I’m back to feeling one hundred percent afraid.

  He eases off and peers over my shoulder. “What?”

  “Patricia is due on stage,” Mr. X says. I’d recognize his baritone voice anywhere.

  Before I started my shift, he assigned me a stage name, a security precaution he takes with all his employees. My new persona is Patricia.

  The angry scowl disappears from Rufio’s face as he steps back and rewards me with a crooked grin. My heart does a backflip, and I’m not entirely sure if it was fear or something else that caused it.

  “Great. I’m looking forward to it.” Rufio grins.

  Mr. X places a hand on my lower back and veers me toward the backstage area. Once we’re out of sight, he whirls on me. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. He appeared out of nowhere and hugged me.”

  He leans in closer. “And he didn’t recognize you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Mr. X takes a step back and rubs his face. “He’s been drinking since he got here.” He scoffs. “Well, it’s not like I didn’t warn you about my clientele.”

  “You didn’t tell me those boys were your customers,” I say a little louder than I intended, earning a few curious glances from the other strippers. I think my nerves are getting the better of me.

  “I warned you, Daisy. This is your only chance, so you’d better get your shit together and hop on that stage.”

  My heart is beating so fast, I’m afraid it’ll leapfrog to my throat. Mr. X is right. He did warn me, and I said I was a tough girl. What difference does it make if Rufio is in the audience? He doesn’t know who I am.

  “I’m ready.”

  My coiling stomach says otherwise, but whatever. Fake it until you make it, right?

  I glance briefly at Satine, the seasoned dancer who suggested the blonde wig. She’s gorgeous with her flawless olive skin and dark, luscious hair. No wonder she’s a favorite here, a fact Mr. X was quick to point out. I think he’s sleeping with her.

  She smiles at me and says, “Remember, hon. Keep your gaze on the spotlight and pretend there’s no one out there.”

  I swallow the huge lump in my throat and nod.

  Mr. X’s smooth voice blasts through the speakers. I take my place just at the edge of the stage and wait for him to announce my name. The shakes have returned, and my legs feel like jelly.

  Damn it. Am I going to be able to dance at all like this? Or take off my clothes, for that matter?

  Ugh. Snap out of it, Daisy. You can do it.

  I hear the name Patricia called. That’s my cue. With a deep, shuddering breath, I step into the spotlight and try to remember why I’m doing this.



  Rufio is back, parked as close to the stage as he can get with a new drink in hand. The idiot still has no clue he was groping the Norm he vowed to kill a few hours ago. Bryce has the demented idea to see how things will go. I know exactly how. Rufio will remember tomorrow and will be in a foul mood for the rest of the month. I wouldn’t put it past him coming back here and razing the place to the ground.

  I still stand by my earlier impression of the Norm waitress. She’s bad news. I just don’t yet know how. I’m a level fifteen Idol, and my powers are pretty badass. I’m a fearmancer. But my second gift, the ability to see glimpses of the future, is something I can’t control yet. It comes and goes at will, which pisses me off.

  The Norm steps into the spotlight, nervous as fuck but trying to mask it by putting on a brave face. They announced her as Patricia, a stage name, I assume. Her real name is Daisy. I remember that much. It doesn’t suit her; it’s too soft, too tame. She’s fierce for a Norm. Dauntless.

  The music comes on and Daisy sways to the beat, awkwardly at first. She can’t find her rhythm and her legs are stiff. If she keeps up with this grotesque routine, she’ll be booed off the stage. I glance at Rufio. He’s watching the girl, completely enthralled, like she’s the most precious thing in the world. What a moron.

  “This is painful to watch,” Phoenix says loud enough for the girl can hear him over the music.

  I catch her wince, but then something changes in her demeanor. It’s almost like a flame lit up inside of her core. Her hips begin to sway as they should, in sync with the music. She reaches for the pole and makes it her own. Her blonde wig cascades down her back. It looks ridiculous on her, unnatural. I want to jump on stage and pull it off. The desire to see her real hair, to run my fingers through it, is odd. My cock twitches inside of my pants, a reaction I wasn’t expecting at all.

  Fuck me.

  When Daisy opens her top down the middle with a yank, an involuntary growl comes from deep in my throat. She’s wearing a red lacy bra that does little to hide her gorgeous tits. My mouth begins to water, and I’m rock hard now.

  Shit. When was the last time a Norm girl got me this turned on?

  “Okay, I take my earlier statement back. This isn’t painful to watch at all,” Phoenix says in a voice that’s filled with lust. “Or maybe it is.” He pulls his cell phone out and aims the camera at her.

  Rufio peels his eyes from the stage for a moment to glower at us. “Don’t get any fancy ideas. I’m getting a lap dance from her first.”

  “Says who?” Phoenix replies, but we all know Rufio always gets what he wants. It’s not because he’s stronger than us, which he isn’t. But he’s definitely the craziest.

  Daisy removes her skirt nex
t, and Phoenix moans out loud before biting his closed fist. “Who would’ve thought that under that waitr—”

  Bryce punches Phoenix’s arm hard.

  “Ouch!” He massages the spot, glowering at Bryce, before his eyebrows rise. “Oh, right. Oops.”

  Rufio missed the exchange between his brother and Phoenix. It’s like he’s in a trance or something. When Daisy reaches behind her back, Rufio sits straighter in his chair, leaning forward. I won’t deny that I’m as eager to see what’s under the lingerie as he is.

  And then the lights go out.


  Not only is Rufio in the audience, but his friends are as well. I tried to follow Satine’s advice and keep my gaze on the light, but I could still feel all the hungry stares on me. Then one of them had to go and criticize my performance. Yeah, I was sucking big-time in the beginning. But instead of making me lose my nerve completely, his harsh words served to give me the motivation I needed.

  I’m determined to give these cruel boys the best performance they’ve ever seen. Let them lust after the Norm girl. Should be punishment enough since they loathe my kind so much.

  The longer I dance, the easier it becomes, until I’m down to my underwear. Then I lose my nerve. Stripping naked in front of them feels like a violation. The Idols have taken so much from me already; am I really going to let them take my dignity as well?

  I make the rookie mistake of glancing in their direction. I can’t make out the faces of the ones sitting farther back, but Rufio is practically on the stage, staring at me like he wants to devour me whole. A shiver runs down my spine, a combination of apprehension and excitement. Completely at a loss as to why my body is reacting in that manner when I hate his kind, I switch my attention to Bryce, who is sitting next to Rufio. He’s also watching me intensely, but his expression is guarded. He doesn’t reveal anything.

  I only have so many minutes on stage. If I don’t remove the rest of my clothes, I’m sure I’ll get booed off if I’m lucky. So I reach for the back clasp of my bra. I’ve never unhooked a bra like that, using only one hand. Satine showed me the trick, but still, I hope I don’t fuck it up.

  I’ve barely touched the clasp when suddenly, the lights in Unearthly Desires go off and the music stops. Power outage? If it were a Norm establishment, I wouldn’t be alarmed. But shit like that doesn’t happen in places like this.

  A beefy hand wraps around my forearm and yanks me backstage.

  “Hey, let go of me!”

  “Relax, Daisy. It’s me,” Mr. X says.

  I stop struggling, but I’m far from relaxed. As soon as we’re away from the stage, the lights turn back on, and Mr. X releases my arm.

  “What happened?” Satine asks, wide-eyed.

  “A fuse tripped,” Mr. X replies.

  I hug myself, trying to cover up my almost naked body. My clothes are still on the stage.

  “Here, honey.” Satine offers me a robe, but he bats her hand away.

  “No need to cover up. Someone booked a lap dance from Patricia.” Mr. X glances at me, all smug. I liked him better as Poppy.

  “Who?” I ask, fearing Rufio did.

  “Not who you think. Come on.”

  He strides toward the back of the club, obviously expecting me to follow. Satine throws me a glance full of pity. I kind of wish she wasn’t so nice. I could do with some bitchiness. It seems I function better when I’m dealing with assholes.

  At the end of the dimly lit hallway, Mr. X is waiting for me in front of a closed door. “I trust you know what to do,” he says.

  Not really, but I don’t say that.

  “Sure. Pretend whoever is behind that door is the king of the world.”

  “I detect sarcasm. Your smart-mouthed personality works well for you at Poppy’s Joint, but here, it’ll get you killed and me in heap of trouble. So keep it to a zero.”

  “Duly noted, boss.” I mock salute him, but quickly my amusement wanes. I have no idea what awaits me behind this door. To distract me from my anxiety, I ask, “Did a fuse really trip?”

  Mr. X narrows his gaze. “Of course not. Enough procrastination. Get in and try to not die.”

  He pushes the door open and shoves me in. I almost trip on my platform heels. The room is dark, lit only by red light. It’s bare besides an expensive-looking leather chaise lounge. It has peculiar angles, almost as if it was made for one thing only—sex.

  Fuck. This isn’t a lap dance, and Mr. X doesn’t run a strip joint. Unearthly Desires is a high-class brothel.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  The door on the other side of the room opens, and in walks a woman with short blonde hair wearing a sharp dark suit. She’s an Idol, a powerful one.

  Okay, I didn’t expect my first customer to be a woman. I’m not sure if that’s better or worse.

  She stands behind the sex lounge chair, hands hidden behind her back. She doesn’t say a word as she regards me in a scrutinizing manner. Finally, after minutes have gone by in the smothering silence, I open my mouth.

  “So, what do you want me to do?”

  “Not what you think. I have to say, I pictured you quite differently, Daisy Rodale.”

  My stomach bottoms out. How did she know my real last name? I’ve been using Woods since I left Hawk City.

  I take a step back. “Who are you?”

  “Don’t worry, Daisy. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Answer my question, then.”

  “My name is Jodie Fallon. I’m a friend of Mr. X’s.”

  “What do you want from me?” I cross my arms, reminded that I’m almost naked in front of this stranger.

  “I want to help you.”

  I snort. “Since when do Idols help Norms?”

  “Mr. X is an Idol, isn’t he? And he’s been helping you since you arrived in Saturn’s Bay.”

  She has me there, but I won’t give in so easily. “Poppy helped me, not Mr. X.”

  The woman shakes her head and laughs softly. “Potato, potahto.”

  “You said you wanted to help me. How?” I raise an eyebrow. I’m still not buying this whole Good Samaritan charade. Everything in life has a price, and if it’s an Idol doling out the favor, you bet it has a high price tag.

  “I want to give you the chance so many Norms are denied. Mr. X tells me you’re a smart girl, Daisy. Truly gifted. I’m offering you a free ride at the best educational institution in the country. My institution.”

  “What?” I ask stupidly.

  “How would you like to attend Gifted Academy?”



  I blink several times without saying a word. My ears must have deceived me, or maybe I’m having some kind of psychotic hallucination.

  “You’re speechless,” the Idol says.

  “Is this some kind of sick joke?” I ask.

  “No joke.”

  “What’s the catch, then?” Suspicion has sneaked into my heart and taken up permanent residence there.

  “No catch.”

  “Bullshit. I’ve never met an Idol who cared about Norms.”

  “I understand your experience with my kind hasn’t be positive, but not all Idols are corrupted, Daisy. There are a great number of us who want to live in a world where there’s harmony between Norms, Fringes, and Idols.”

  I shake my head. “Who do you take me for? There isn’t such a thing as an Idol with a conscience.”

  “Really?” The woman raises an eyebrow. “So, you’ve never heard of the Knights?”

  “Of course I’ve heard of them. Just like I’ve heard of Santa Claus. That doesn’t make any of them real.”

  “You sure have a smart mouth, but do you have the backbone to back it up?”

  I massage my temples, feeling the telltale signs of a headache brewing. “Listen, lady. I’ve had a long day. If you’re not interested in a lap dance, I’m just going to collect my tips and go home.”

  “What home? Word on the street is you were about to skip town, s
omething about a few Idol boys scaring the crap out of you.”

  “One more reason to get the hell out of Saturn’s Bay.”

  “What about poor innocent Rosie? Do you truly want to risk taking such a sweet child across the border? What do you think the gang lords will do to you and your precious sister?”

  “I’ll protect Rosie. I’ve been doing it for the last seven years.”

  “But not alone, honey. Didn’t it ever occur to you to question the help you received along the way from mere strangers, even Fringes?”

  I open my mouth to reply, but I don’t have an answer for that.

  “No smartass remark?” Her lips twist into a smirk. “You have no idea how many lives your father touched. He gave people hope, Daisy.”

  “And that got him killed,” I say, trying to sound strong but failing miserably at it.

  “Yes. And if you refuse my help and head south, you’ll be turning your back on his legacy. All his good work will be for nothing.”

  I have to give it to this lady; she’s a master of manipulation. Her words are like small daggers perforating my chest.

  “What will happen to Rosie if I accept your offer? Would she be allowed to live on campus with me?” I ask.

  “No. Unfortunately, those rules I can’t break, even for you. But you’ll receive an allowance, more than you ever made at Poppy’s Joint. Rosie can keep living in the same room you were sharing.”

  I nibble on my lower lip. I can’t deny that what this woman is offering is an opportunity many would kill for. Gifted Academy is one of the best schools in the country. I could maybe even go to college if I keep my grades up and snag a scholarship. But it sounds too good to be true.

  “How many Norms attend Gifted Academy?”

  “One at the moment.”

  “One?” I raise my voice. “Why is that?”

  She leans forward, gripping the back of the sex chair harder. “The children of powerful Idols attend my school, and most Norms can’t afford the tuition. The board is extremely strict when it comes to scholarships, and those usually go to Fringes. I had to fight to get you this chance. Don’t let it be for nothing.”


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